Although Master Qishan accidentally made a mistake, Qinghuan still lost the game.

Qinghuan has never won since Master Qishan taught him how to play chess. If someone else had played chess, they would have collapsed long ago, but Qinghuan became more and more enthusiastic.

People who have a competitive spirit focus on the final outcome of the game.

Qinghuan let go of his desire to win, so he focused on the process of the game; winning or losing was not important.

If you lose too much, you can only win when Qinghuan picks up the "spirit of winning"!

Just like losing to Liu Bai, Qing Huan really has no grudges? Of course not, but even if he feels aggrieved, what can he do?
Would Liu Bai feel bad if I felt aggrieved?

It would be better to let go of the grudge and enjoy the process. When you are stronger in the future, you can beat Liu Bai up and get back at him.

Pick up, put down, pick up, put's a very simple truth!

It’s just that most people in the world can’t get over the hurdle in their hearts!

Master Qishan remained silent until the end of this game, when he put away the chess pieces and started the next game. Then he said, "This is the chessboard left by the Buddha."

Qing Huan took the lead and said, "I know."

Master Qishan said: "There is an end game on this chessboard. Only four people have played it before: Master, Mr. Ke, the master... and Liansheng!"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Since this is the end, I, this stinky... no, this chess basket of mine, should stop dreaming."

Master Qishan glanced at Qinghuan and said, "This game could not trap the Master, Mr. Ke, the Master, or you. It only trapped Liansheng. But he finally broke out. Do you know how he did it?"

Qing Huan shook her head and said, "I haven't even seen it, how can I guess it?"

Master Qishan said, "Do you want to play the next round? Let me see if your choice is the same as Liansheng's."

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment, and said, "You want me to take the initiative to join the game?"

Master Qishan showed anticipation and asked, "Let's try?"

Qing Huan lowered his eyelids, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I once told my senior brother in the academy that chess, after all, is played within the limited rules. If you can't break the rules and jump out of the chessboard, it's actually very boring."

Master Qishan said with a smile: "If you don't enter the chessboard, how can you jump out? If you don't understand the rules, how can you break them? If you don't pick it up, how can you put it down? If you don't understand sentient beings, how can you save sentient beings?"

Qing Huan laughed dryly and said, "You know, I have always believed that other monks' talk of 'saving all living beings' is all nonsense! What do you mean by saving all living beings? In the final analysis, it is all for the sake of saving oneself!"

Saving sentient beings is a means, saving oneself is the goal. When practicing Buddhism, in the final analysis, it is about cultivating oneself, so that the body and mind can be liberated...

Practicing Buddhism just to become a Buddha, I, a monk, am the most selfish person in the world!"

Master Qishan laughed heartily and said, "Just as Liu Bai said, no matter what you cultivate, you will eventually become an absolute self! Only the most self-centered people will not be trapped by this chessboard!
The Master is selfish, Mr. Ke is selfish, and the Master is selfish. They all have their own "self", so they will not enter the Buddha's chessboard.

But you are a Buddhist practitioner. If you can walk through the Buddha's "self" and still maintain your "self", your selfishness is the most selfish...more than the Buddha's selfishness!"

Qing Huan just thought about it, then nodded and said, "Then I'll go for a walk."

Master Qishan smiled, put down a piece, and opened the chessboard.

The chessboard did not seem to have any changes on the surface, but Qinghuan's telepathy could clearly "see" that a dark vortex had appeared on the chessboard mountain.

Qing Huan calmly twisted the chess pieces, raised his hand and dropped them directly from the air above the chessboard, saying: "Master, remember to pick me up!"

The chess pieces fell on the board, ticking and jumping.

Qinghuan fell into a deep sleep.


Playing chess means playing within a bunch of pre-defined rules!

Life is the same, living under various rules.

The same is true for spiritual practice, except that the rules have become the rules of heaven and earth.

Qinghuan was standing on a mountain. There was a small town at the foot of the mountain. She could faintly hear the sound of children playing and fighting inside. She could also see the waterwheel by the stream outside the town. Just at noon, she could even smell the fragrance of food.

He entered the chessboard on his own initiative, so Qinghuan was still able to maintain his "self" and knew that this was a chessboard world.

But this world is exactly the same as the real world outside, because the rules of the world are the same.

Except there is no vital energy of heaven and earth.

How can I jump out of the chessboard?
Qinghuan sat on the mountain for a whole day and night, thinking about it for a whole day and night. Finally, he couldn't stand the hunger anymore, so he got up and went down the mountain to beg for alms in the town.

The people living in the town were relatively wealthy, and Qinghuan easily got some leftovers.

Begging for alms means stretching out your hand to ask for food, letting go of your face and your ego. Qinghuan knew this truth very early on.

So even if it was leftovers, Qinghuan would enjoy it as long as it could fill her stomach.

Then I went back to the mountain and started thinking about how to escape from this world.

One day, two days...

One year, two years... until the third year, Qinghuan finally figured it out and knew how Liansheng broke the impasse!

Just destroy this world!

Once the world is destroyed, those rules will naturally no longer exist!

So, did Liansheng break out of the situation by destroying this world?

So should I do this myself?
There was a protruding rock on the mountain, with a tree growing on the rock, and under the tree sitting a dusty monk.

A shepherd boy was driving his flock of sheep up the mountain. He naturally put the bamboo basket he was carrying in front of the monk under the tree, then grinned and stood up to look after his own flock of sheep.

In the past, Qing Huan still had to go down the mountain to beg for alms, but since some time ago, the people in the small town at the foot of the mountain would bring Qing Huan some food every time they went up the mountain...

So since a year ago, Qinghuan no longer needs to go down the mountain to beg for alms.

Looking at the bamboo basket in front of her, Qinghuan lifted the cloth, took out a steamed bun and started eating.

This world might be fake, the town at the foot of the mountain might be fake, the people in the town might be fake, and the shepherd boy might be fake...

But Qinghuan's inner feelings are real!
Since my inner feelings are real, then the feelings I feel are naturally real, and the person who gives the feelings is naturally real, so the shepherd boy is real, the people in the town are real, the town is real, and the world is real...

True and false are only in your own heart!
Destroy the world? Only crazy people would do that!

Since Qinghuan doesn't want to destroy the world, he has to think of other ways.

If you want to jump out of the chessboard, you have to break the rules. If you want to break the rules, you have to understand the rules!
So, what are the rules of this world?
Qinghuan had innate wisdom, so he quickly discovered the rules.

The tree above his head bears fruit, and when it is ripe, it falls on his head. This is the rule.

When ants on the ground climb a tree, at the same speed, the one that climbs in a straight line will always climb the highest. This is also the rule.

Water flows to the lowest place, this is the rule. There are winds and clouds, days and nights, these are also rules.

When someone dies in the town, it is a rule. When a child is born, it is also a rule...

Qinghuan sat under the tree, not knowing how long he had been there. The sun set and rose again countless times, the rain, snow, frost and wind rotated countless times, and even the people who brought him food changed one after another.

He discovered many rules, and realized that there were more rules waiting to be discovered.

But Qinghuan is already very old. He no longer has the time to discover more rules, nor the energy to remember the old rules.

So Qinghuan began to reflect, do so many rules have anything to do with him?
Rules guide the world to rotate. He is sitting here. What influence does he have on the operation of the world? What role does he play in the operation of rules?

not at all!
Qing Huan did not influence the rules, but the rules were influencing him... a very limited influence!
The rules only made his body dirty and old. The rules made him feel hungry and cold...

But no matter how many rules there are, they can't affect Qinghuan's heart!

The rules can only affect his body, but his heart is not restricted by the rules!

So Qinghuan began to wonder, what is he?
What am I?
"I" am a body.

"I" is the feelings of cold, heat, hunger, thirst, etc.

"I" is the condensation of countless associations.

"I" is the action of countless thoughts.

"I" is the ultimate cognition.

Therefore, "I" is a physical body, countless feelings, endless associations, infinite actions, and final cognition!
Form, feeling, perception, volition and consciousness continue to accumulate and become the "Five Aggregates", which ultimately become "Me"!
After who knows how many years, Qinghuan had grown so old that he no longer looked like a human being, and he finally figured out what "I" was.

Then he opened his mouth, and his throat, which had not made a sound for many years, made a weak and unpleasant sound like a bellows.

Qing Huan said: "When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva practiced the profound Prajna Paramita, he saw that the five aggregates were empty and was able to overcome all suffering!
Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and awareness.

Shariputra, all dharmas are empty in nature, neither born nor destroyed, neither defiled nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing. Therefore, in the void there is no color, no feeling, no thought, no consciousness, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind, no color, sound, smell, taste, or touch.

Because of the Prajna Paramita, the mind is free from worries, and because there are no worries, there is no fear...

Then he recited the mantra: Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha! "

Then he died.

At the same time, Qinghuan opened his eyes in front of the chessboard. The chess piece he dropped was still jumping on the board.

So this is Lan Ke!
Master Qishan sat opposite with a tired look on his face, and asked curiously: "Did you come out after living your whole life and dying? Or did you break the rules and jump out?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "I don't know whether I should close my eyes first and then open them, or open my eyes first and then close them... or do both at the same time?
But none of this matters.”

Master Qishan asked, "What's important?"

Qing Huan stretched himself lazily, exhaled a long breath, and said: "All other monks in the Buddhist sect seek "Nirvana", but I, this evil monk, only seek "freedom", great freedom, this is very important!"

The Great Prayer Sutra of Lanke Temple says: All Buddhas have the power of great freedom and supernatural powers! (End of this chapter)

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