Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 53 Top-level Mimicry Environment

Chapter 53 Top-level Mimicry Environment

The twenty-eight participating teams competed in pairs. Three competitions started simultaneously, with six teams in each game. Fourteen winning teams were decided on the first day.

The losing teams today will continue to compete with each other, and seven winning teams will be selected to compete with the seven losing teams decided by today's winning teams...

In this cycle, four teams will eventually be shortlisted. On average, each team will play three games, and as long as they win two games, they will be shortlisted.

Therefore, the outcome of just one game cannot determine the final results.

The victory in the first game made the other members of Tiandou Team 2 very excited. They were too lazy to watch the rest of the games and no one knew where they went.

Qing Huan went to the stands and found Dugu Yan and Ye Lingling. As soon as they met, Dugu Yan pulled him aside and said excitedly: "Qing Huan, your healing ability is too strong. Even Lingling's Nine-Star Begonia pales in comparison."

He said this without any regard for Ye Lingling who was standing beside him. Ye Lingling nodded in agreement, looked at Qinghuan, and said, "Amazing! How did you do that?"

Qing Huan understood what she was asking, and said with a smile: "This is distraction control from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. It is their sect's secret method. I can't teach you for the time being. But you can go back and ask your elders what the top-level mimicry environment that a level 70 Soul Saint can do is. You should be able to understand it."

Ye Lingling nodded.

Dugu Yan said dissatisfiedly: "Can't you just tell us directly?"

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Many things cannot be described in words... The martial soul is composed of blood, soul power, and spirit. The general mimicry environment is to create an external environment similar to the three elements of the martial soul, and let the environment affect the martial soul.

It’s like, if everyone around you is crying, can you laugh? If everyone around you is laughing happily, you will feel inexplicably good too.”

Duguyan seemed to be thinking about something, and said, "It seems to be like this... Then what is the top-level mimicry environment like?"

Qing Huan shook his head and said, "This is something that can only be done by a soul master who has reached level 70. It turns passivity into activity. It is no longer the environment that affects the martial soul, but the soul itself actively integrates into the environment and becomes one with the outside world.

Similarly, if you cry loudly, you can influence others to cry with you; if you laugh loudly, you can influence others to laugh with you.

But this analogy is not very accurate, it can only express the general idea, and it cannot be described clearly with words..."

Dugu Yan clapped his hands suddenly and said, "Qing Huan, your Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul can communicate with the Blue Silver Grass in the outside world from the very beginning, right? So you were able to create the top-level mimicry environment that only Soul Saints can do from the very beginning?"

It was the first time that Ye Lingling heard of such a thing, and she looked at Qinghuan in surprise.

Dugu Yan then realized that she had let the cat out of the bag and smiled embarrassedly.

Qing Huan said indifferently: "My soul is naturally stronger, which makes my martial soul's "spirit" stronger than others, so I can do this."

Dugu Yan nodded suddenly. She had seen this theory in "Heaven's Gift".

Ye Lingling asked curiously: "What is the God of Martial Soul?"

Qing Huan explained: "The human body has three treasures, 'essence, energy, and spirit', which correspond to the three elements of the martial soul. You can simply understand it as spirit! If you are interested in this aspect, let Dugu Yan explain it to you.

In short, as long as you can achieve a top-level mimicry environment, you can grasp all the information around you and use it. Combined with distraction control, you can be like me, using part of your mind to control your healing ability and the other part to pay attention to the outside world. "

Ye Lingling seemed to understand a little bit, and said: "So, it requires a strong mental strength?"

Qing Huan scratched his head, thought for a while, and said: "With strong mental power and some coincidences, it is indeed possible to do this, but a person's "spirit" cannot be simply understood as "mental power"...

It’s like you have a certain idea or thought at this moment, and then it disappears. This is the reaction of your "spirit" and has nothing to do with mental strength.

A person will have countless "thoughts" in his life, and will also have countless "thoughts" dissipated. The unimportant ones are called "miscellaneous thoughts". If these "miscellaneous thoughts" are eliminated and only one most important "thought" is left, then this "thought" will be extremely clear!

Grasp this most important "thought", and intentionally change the "miscellaneous thoughts" little by little to integrate with it. Over time, this main "thought" will become stronger and stronger. To a certain extent, it can be called "divine thought", the most important and powerful thought generated by your "divine"..."

Ye Lingling was completely confused.

Dugu Yan gradually opened his eyes wide, and tried to ask in disbelief: "Visualization... visualization method?" Qing Huan laughed and said: "Well, if you give the "divine thought" a "form", then it is the visualization method!"

Dugu Yan asked anxiously: "Can I practice?"

Qinghuan smiled and didn't answer.

Duguyan reacted and said with a wry smile: "Okay, I am being presumptuous."

Qing Huan explained: “Everyone’s ‘thoughts’ are different. If you try rashly and fail to understand your true heart and find your most important ‘thought’, you will accidentally form ‘obsessions’ or even ‘demons in your heart’.

So if you really want to learn, wait until you reach level 70! Telling you now will only hurt you."

Dugu Yan exhaled and said, "I understand... Then can I tell my grandfather about what I just said?"

Qing Huan shrugged and said, "It doesn't matter, Ling Ling, you can try it in your simulated environment, the sea of ​​crabapples. You don't have to rush to practice, nor do you have to deliberately sense it. You just need to be calm.

The same is true for Duguyan, which can lay the foundation for future "visualization."

Ye Lingling nodded: "I understand."

Dugu Yan stood up, pulled Ye Lingling and said, "I can't wait any longer, Lingling, let's go back to the academy first."

Ye Lingling looked at Qinghuan.

Qing Huan waved his hand and said, "I still have to participate in the next game, so I need to see more of the other teams. You guys go back first."

Who knows if there are other "God-given owners" in these teams. Qing Huan doesn't want to follow in Shrek's footsteps.

Dugu Yan directly pulled the reluctant Ye Lingling and said, "Qinghuan, let's go back first."

Having said that, he couldn't wait to leave with Ye Lingling.

Qing Huan waited until all fourteen games were finished before leaving the Fighting Spirit Arena.

On the way back to the academy, I met Ning Fengzhi and members of the Shrek team by chance. Ning Rongrong was holding Ning Fengzhi's arm and introducing her teammates to him.

Seeing Qinghuan coming towards her with the Blue Silver Grass in her hand, she immediately snorted and deliberately turned her head away from him.

The expressions of the other members of the Shrek team were not looking good either.

“Rongrong!” Ning Fengzhi called out lovingly, and said to Qinghuan with a smile: “Mr. Qinghuan’s healing ability is really eye-opening!”

Qing Huan bowed his head slightly and said, "Master Ning, you are too kind."

After saying hello, he looked at Xiao Wu.

Although Xiao Wu looked aggrieved, she still nodded slightly.

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said: "It just so happens that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to meet Tang San, and I am just about to take him there. Mr. Qinghuan, why don't you come along?"

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment and said, "Prince? I don't have to go, right?"

What's so good about seeing a fake prince? Didn't Ning Fengzhi know that he was a fake prince?

Ning Fengzhi said meaningfully, "Prince... His Highness has always wanted to see you!"

Qing Huan raised his eyebrows slightly, thought for a moment, and said, "Well, thank you for troubling Sect Master Ning."

(End of this chapter)

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