Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 55 Elephant Armored Team

Chapter 55 Elephant Armored Team
The next day, the Soul Master Competition continued.

The Tiandou team two faced off against the Xiangjia Academy team from one of the lower four sects, the Xiangjia Sect's affiliated academy.

The seven members all have the Diamond Mammoth spirit inherited from the Elephant Armor Sect, which combines both defense and strength. Relying on the Diamond Mammoth spirit, the Elephant Armor Sect is known as the sect with the strongest defense.

The seven people on the opposite side were all tall and strong, and the size difference alone brought a sense of oppression that scared the members of Team 2 so much that their faces turned pale. If they were beaten, it would be so painful!
As for the three Soul Masters in their forties on the opposite side, the people of Team 2 didn’t feel anything. If they could use up all the Soul Kings, what were Soul Masters!
Fujie swallowed and whispered, "Deputy Captain, how about we admit defeat in this battle?"

The others immediately looked at Qinghuan with approval.

Qing Huan said mysteriously: "Listen!"

The team members looked at each other in bewilderment. Fengqin asked in confusion, "What are you listening to?"

Qing Huan said: "The cheers from the next stadium! Today, the next stadium is the Shrek team's battle. Didn't you hear the cheers coming from that stadium? This time they sent out three Soul Kings!"

Several team members were shocked.

Qing Huan said seriously: "If we admit defeat in this battle, we might have to face the three soul kings of the Shrek team tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Did you get beaten badly by Xiao Wu yesterday?"

Everyone nodded with lingering fear. Although the Soul King's soul power was finally exhausted yesterday, the girl's kicks were so terrifying that several bones could be broken with one kick. Moreover, she could teleport and was invincible. There was no way to dodge or fight back, and they could only take the beating.

Qing Huan spread his hands and said, "But if we can win three games in a row, we won't be able to meet the Shrek team before we qualify! So whether we fight the Elephant Armor Sect or the three Soul Kings of Shrek, you decide for yourself!"

Everyone looked at each other, and could see the choice in each other's eyes. Fujie gritted his teeth and said, "Fight!"

The others shouted in unison: "Fight!"

Morale is pretty good.

As the host counted down, both teams activated their martial spirits. The oppressive feeling brought by the seven huge diamond mammoth martial spirit shadows on the opposite side made Team Two swallow their saliva involuntarily.

"Game start!"

All members of the Elephant Armor Team activated their first soul skill "Iron Wall", arranged themselves into a defensive formation, and approached here step by step.

From a distance, it looks like there is really a wall moving slowly.

The members of Team 2 hesitated to move forward. Fujie showed a fierce look on his face and said, "They want to force us off the stage. Brothers, just charge!"

The others rushed towards the other party without saying a word, intending to engage in close combat.

Feng Qin got on her seven-stringed harp martial spirit without hesitation and flew into the air. She would never get close to a group of muscular men!
Qing Huan followed slowly behind, holding the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit in his hand, adding leaf treatments to each team member in advance, and then trotted from the edge of the arena and went behind the Elephant Armor Team.

"Bang bang bang-"

It seemed that this was the first time that the Elephant Armor Team encountered such a direct tactic. They were unable to react for a moment and allowed the Second Team to attack their iron wall like an ant trying to shake a tree. They turned their attention to the captain in the middle of the formation.

Captain Huyanli was dumbfounded as he watched Qinghuan, riding on four white soul rings, bypass their defensive formation and come behind them.

How could a healing soul master rush to the enemy's rear alone?

If one is more rational, one can completely ignore Qing Huan, the healing soul master, and continue to advance, driving the others off the stage first, thus basically securing the victory.

But Hu Yanli has never been a rational person. He got excited and grinned, "Since there are still people who dare to confront our Elephant Armor Team head-on, let's satisfy them! Disband the formation, you guys deal with the others, and I'll deal with their healing spirit master!"

Having said that, Huyanli turned around and rushed towards Qinghuan.

As soon as he left, the formation of the Elephant Armor Team collapsed, and the others became excited and started swinging their huge fists.

The screams were endless.

Qinghuan treated the patient calmly, and with a vine, he pulled Fengqin, who was flying in the air, in front of him.

Feng Qin was caught off guard and was stunned. Facing the huge fist swung by the oncoming strong man, her face turned pale and she said tremblingly: "Deputy Captain..."

Qing Huan comforted her, "Don't worry, you are so beautiful, no man would dare to hit you! Anyone who hits such a beautiful girl is definitely not a real man!"

Hu Yanli paused his swinging fist, gently pushed Feng Qin away, and said, "Little girl, make way."

Qing Huan slipped and hid behind Feng Qin, saying, "Your name is Hu Yanli, right? Judging from your body shapes, does your Xiangjia Sect have any special methods for strengthening the body?"

Hu Yanli tried to bypass Feng Qin in a clumsy way and said, "I've watched your match. As long as we can deal with you, a healing spirit master, the others will be no match for us!"

Qing Huan dodged around Feng Qin and said, "I have also created a method to strengthen my body. Can I exchange it with you?"

Hu Yanli said disdainfully: "With your small body?"

Qing Huan said: "Overdeveloped muscles will only make the body clumsy, but my method can strengthen the tendons and bones. Although it is not as good as those of you who specialize in muscles, it is at least balanced."

Hu Yanli pushed Feng Qin away again in annoyance and said, "As long as the defense and strength are sufficient, speed is not important!"

Qing Huan moved, treated, and retorted: "Who said that? The only martial arts in the world that cannot be defeated is speed! Speed ​​is very important sometimes, just like now, you can't catch up with me!"

The petite Fengqin was tossed around by Huyan Li like a toy. Her pretty face turned pale, but she didn't dare to fight back, fearing that the other party would hit her with such a huge fist.

Qing Huan just trotted around Feng Qin, chattering non-stop: "Good things can't become better if they are hidden. Cherishing what you have will only hinder development. Only by learning from others' strengths and making up for your own weaknesses can we make continuous progress!
It will be good for you to exchange your skills with me. Even if you focus on defense, you may be able to find ways to improve your own secret skills from my skills?" Hu Yanli began to get irritated, and the force he used to push Feng Qin away became stronger and stronger. He said angrily: "Shut up! Don't run away if you have the ability!"

Qing Huan was surprised and said, "I am a healing spirit master, and you asked me not to run away and to confront you, a strength defense spirit master? What's the logic behind this?
Look, no matter how strong your strength is, if you can't hit anyone, what's the use? No matter how strong your defense is, if others don't hit you, it's useless.

On the contrary, speed is important at all times. If you are fast, you can hit others. If you are fast, you can prevent others from hitting you..."

"Shut up!" Hu Yanli was finally completely annoyed. He roared and slapped Fengqin hard.

"Ah——" Fengqin screamed and closed her eyes.

The breeze blows.

A slender blue silver grass vine wrapped around Hu Yanli's arm, stopping his slap from landing on Feng Qin.

Seeing this scene, Fengqin flew into the air with her lyre in her arms without saying a word and directly joined another battlefield, so that the deputy captain would not see her leisurely and pull her over.

Hu Yanli looked at the blue silver grass vine that bound him in surprise. How could such a thin grass vine hold his arm that was about to escape? He blurted out, "You are a control type? No, control and healing type?"

With a strong shake, the grass vines were intact. Hu Yanli continued to increase his strength.

The slender grass vines were stretched to the extreme and finally broke.

Qing Huan exclaimed: "What a strong physical strength! I am becoming more and more curious about your Xiangjia Sect's body refining method. You really don't want to consider exchanging with me?"

"Shut up!" Hu Yanli roared and punched down again.

Finally there is no one getting in the way!

Qing Huan raised his arm and pressed his palm against Hu Yanli's huge fist. Looking at his surprised expression, he said, "Look, my strength is not much worse than yours, but my speed is much faster than yours, and my body shape is not affected by muscles. This is the effect of the body-building method I created..."

As he spoke, Qing Huan grabbed Hu Yan Li's wrist, twisted his waist and moved closer to him, and threw Hu Yan Li to the ground with an over-the-shoulder throw. He said, "See? My body-building method is not bad either. We can exchange skills and make progress together, right?"

An over-the-shoulder throw did not hurt Hu Yanli at all, but it completely enraged him.

With a roar, Huyanli turned over and stood up, but was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Tiandou Team 2, except for the healing spirit master and the female spirit master, the other five members have surrounded him.

On the other side of the ring, his team member was lying on the ground, gasping for breath, but he didn't even have the strength to get up.

Qing Huan hid behind the team members and said, "Your body-building method is indeed extraordinary. The combination of soul power and body will exhaust your soul power and physical strength at the same time. I am becoming more and more interested.

Let’s talk after the game. I sincerely want to exchange with you!”

"Shut up!" Hu Yanli roared, and the five people rushed forward...


The fact that the Tiandou Team II was able to maintain its victory against the Xiangjia Sect team, which was one of the four lower sects, was beyond everyone's expectations.

But this time everyone could see clearly that the victory of Tiandou Team 2 was achieved entirely by hard work, and they had "consumed" all the soul power and physical strength of the seven members of the Xiangjia Team.

The one who allowed them to hold out till the end was the healing soul master of Team 2!

Now, everyone began to focus on Qinghuan.

But Qinghuan had a gloomy face at this time.

The Elephant Team left shortly after the game ended, causing Qing Huan to fail to find Hu Yanli.

He was really curious about the body-building method of the Xiangjia Sect.

How does soul power combine with the body? When soul power enters the body, it will only tear the flesh and blood and cause damage to the body.

How does the Elephant Armor Sect manage to allow soul power and physical body to coexist?

Just now in the ring match, Qinghuan could sense that Huyanli's weight was a little too heavy, so was it related to his body density?

Moreover, the members of the Elephant Armor Sect are all more muscular and strong than each other... In the previous life, bodybuilders who wanted to develop beautiful and exaggerated muscles needed to supplement with protein powder. Could this be related to it?
Moreover, supporting such a large and heavy body puts a lot of strain on the heart. During the game, the members of the Elephant Armor Team consumed their energy too quickly. Didn't their body-building method strengthen the internal organs?
It turns out that we should never underestimate anyone’s wisdom!
In the tens of thousands of years of soul master history in Douluo Continent, those who were able to establish a sect always had some secret techniques of their own that could be passed down.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's distraction control sounds simple, just like drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other hand, but in Jin Yong's novels, only the Old Boy and the Little Dragon Girl can do it.

However, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect transformed this ability that depends on innate talent into a method that can be passed down.

The same is true for the Xiangjia Sect.

Is the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex's unique skill "Dragon Transformation" considered to be tapping into the potential of its own bloodline to some extent? If we can get it, can we create a perfect body-building method?

There are still good things hidden in other sects, and we have to find a way to get them to take them out on their own initiative.

Well, if it is the temptation of "System Book" and "God-given Points"...

(End of this chapter)

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