Chapter 60 Yuexuan
"Is there anything else?" Qinghuan stopped curiously.

Everyone at Shrek looked at each other. Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and said coldly, "I don't know what the deal between you and Xiao San's father is, but since you agreed to many conditions, I guess the secret method Xiao San's father paid must be very valuable, right?"

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said, "The value varies from person to person. The secret technique he gave me didn't actually help me improve my strength, but it was the knowledge hidden in the secret technique that made me feel it was worth it."

Yu Xiaogang choked for a moment and said, "Since you promised, you should fulfill it. Are you going to use these useless theories to get away with it?"

Qing Huan looked at him in surprise and said, "Do you think...what I just said is useless theory?"

Yu Xiaogang nodded vigorously and said, "In my opinion, this is the case!"

Qing Huan pursed her lips, somewhat helplessly, glanced at the other Shrek people, and finally looked at Zhu Zhuqing, and said: "Zhu Qing, if you awakened Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit, what would you do?"

Zhu Zhuqing thought for a moment and said, "The martial soul bloodline is too strong and has self-awareness, so we just need to supplement its attributes... We can no longer hunt dragon soul beasts to get soul rings, otherwise the power of the bloodline will increase.

So we only need to hunt for spirit rings that are not dragon-type and are mainly attributed. The attribute of Master's martial soul should be light-type, right? Those three spirit rings of light attribute are enough to balance the martial soul and turn it back into a holy dragon of light. "

Qing Huan smiled at her and then looked at Yu Xiao Gang.

Yu Xiaogang's face flushed red, and he said awkwardly: "But I can never break through level 30 in my life, and it is impossible for me to obtain three spirit rings."

Qinghuan was too lazy to talk.

Zhu Zhuqing explained: "In fact, after obtaining the first attribute spirit ring, the martial spirit has begun to replenish itself, and the so-called bottleneck has also begun to collapse..."

Yu Xiaogang was speechless. He didn't know what he was thinking. His expression changed from sudden realization to pain and regret...

Flanders said nervously: "Zhu Qing, are you telling the truth?"

Zhu Zhuqing glanced at Qing Huan, then looked at Dai Mubai, and said, "My martial soul was originally a Netherworld Spirit Cat. According to this theory, I supplemented my bloodline and attributes, and evolved into a Netherworld White Tiger after three spirit rings."

The other people in Shrek were speechless.

"Then...then..." Flanders rubbed his hands and said nervously: "Then Hongjun's evil fire can also..."

Ning Rongrong was surprised and said, "No, didn't you listen to what Qinghuan said just now? Fatty's martial soul obviously has excess attributes, so he naturally needs to replenish his blood and strengthen his spirit... But Fatty's first two soul rings seem to have been strengthening the fire attribute?"

Flanders opened his mouth and looked at Ma Hongjun guiltily.

Ma Hongjun also looked doubtful about his life.

Qing Huan shook her head speechlessly and said, "Is there anything else?"

Tang San's expression was complicated, and he said: "Qing Huan, do you know how to deal with the backlash of the twin martial spirits?"

Qinghuan rolled her eyes, turned around and left, not wanting to talk to this group of people with questionable IQ.

The rest of the Shrek people looked at each other.

After a while, Yu Xiaogang finally suppressed his complicated emotions and said softly to Tang San: "Xiao San, don't worry, I will definitely find a way for you to solve the backlash of the twin martial spirits!"

Xiao Wu and the other two girls looked at each other blankly. Xiao Wu couldn't help but said, "Xiao San, why are you so stupid? Didn't Qing Huan just say it? The three elements of martial soul are blood, soul power, and spirit. If you only focus on the accumulation of soul power and ignore the other two, the martial soul triangle will gradually deform and eventually lead to an imbalance of martial soul.

Just think about it and you will know. This is especially obvious for twin martial souls, as they have two martial souls. A level ninety soul master who only focuses on accumulating soul power can only accommodate level ninety soul power at his physical limit. At this time, when cultivating the second martial soul and the soul ring enters the body, the excess soul power will have nowhere to go.

At that time, the body will go "poof" -"

Xiao Wu made an exaggerated gesture and said, "Isn't this the backlash of the twin martial spirits? Isn't the solution to this the strengthening of blood and spirit... I understand. The way Qing Huan rolled his eyes just now made me want to roll my eyes too!"

Ning Rongrong was also speechless: "So what did you just hear?"

Zhu Zhuqing also continued: "Perhaps it's just as Qing Huan said, after the meal is ready, it has to be delivered to your mouths!"

Facing the ridicule of the three women, the other members of Shrek blushed and were speechless. But thinking carefully, the development of martial spirits, the training of spirit masters, and all the mysteries seemed to be hidden in Qing Huan's words just now.

Now it seems that what Qinghuan said has paved a smooth road for soul masters!

After leaving Lanba Academy, Qing Huan glanced at Tang Hao, who was standing in front of him and covered in a black robe, and said unhappily, "Don't tell me you also think my theory is useless, do you?"

Tang Hao shook his head silently and said, "In the practice of Clear Sky Hammer by the Clear Sky Sect, the first three spirit rings are either for physical enhancement or attribute enhancement, which are the three elements of balanced martial spirit in your theory, right?
The cultivation experience gained by countless generations of Haotian Sect is not as valuable as your few words."

"As long as you think it's worth it." Qing Huan sighed, and couldn't help complaining again: "How did you think of giving Tang San to a 29th-level spirit master as a disciple?

At level 29, he didn't even know the experience of absorbing a thousand-year spirit ring, let alone the development of his martial soul! His level meant that he only valued spirit skills and could not see the potential of his martial soul!

This has led to Tang San being like this now, only focusing on spirit skills and not caring about the spirit itself! I kindly reminded him back then, but what happened? He almost killed me..."

Tang Hao was silent for a while before he said, "Let's go."

Glancing at him, Qing Huan said unhappily, "I'm waiting for you to lead the way!"

Tang Hao walked with his head down, at very fast pace, as if he was venting something.

Qinghuan followed silently.

Not long after they walked, the two arrived in front of a luxurious building. A crescent-shaped decoration was located above the main entrance, and it wrapped around most of the building like plant branches. The color was mainly golden, and there was a red welcome mat with patterns on the steps at the entrance.

There was no guard at the door, only a woman with a noble temperament and extraordinary appearance, wearing a silver palace dress, standing there.

Especially those eyes, which seemed to see through everything in the world, like an ancient well, without any ripples.

But after seeing Tang Hao in black robe and Qing Huan who was following Tang Hao, the noble woman couldn't help revealing a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Fortunately, he quickly concealed it, stepped forward, and said, "Excuse me, second brother."

Then, she performed impeccable courtesy to Qing Huan and said, "Greetings, young master. Although we have known each other for a long time, I just realized that there are always some people in the world who are better to meet than to hear about them... I am Tang Yuehua, the owner of this Yuexuan."

Qing Huan looked at her without hiding anything and said with a smile, "The master is extremely handsome, Qing Huan has seen him before."

Tang Hao looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "Little sister, do you know each other?"

Tang Yuehua smiled mysteriously and said, "I've heard of you for a long time, but this is the first time we meet... Second brother, don't ask any more questions. Mr. Qinghuan, please come in and talk."

As he said this, he led the two of them inside.

The interior of Yuexuan is even more luxurious, but it does not bring any pressure to people. It only makes people feel comfortable and relaxed, which shows Tang Yuehua's kind and elegant mind.

But there is no one in Yuexuan now, not even the servants.

Arriving at a private room, Tang Yuehua was about to make tea when Qing Huan said directly, "No need to be so troublesome. Let me check on your condition first."

Tang Yuehua was slightly annoyed and said, "If you don't even have a cup of tea, it would be too neglectful!"

Qing Huan said casually: "If you focus your mind on one thing, you can accomplish anything. The magic of using it lies in your mind. Let's put aside these courtesies and etiquette for now. I think you can't wait any longer."

Tang Yuehua was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Then what should I do?"

Qing Huan looked at Tang Hao.

Tang Hao: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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