Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 74: The Living Soul

Chapter 74: The Living Soul

The divine mind is alive!

This means that it is no longer a tool, but a collection of Qinghuan's own thoughts and ideas.

When Qinghuan closed his eyes and covered his ears, his mind no longer relied on these senses and he could "see" the world independently!

So Lan Yin pointed at Qing Huan with a look of surprise, and Qing Huan understood what she was surprised about and touched her forehead.

Without looking in the mirror, Qinghuan could "see" that there was an extra mark between her eyebrows, a vertical mark in the middle and a dot on each side. It could be seen as the shape of a small grass, emitting a silver glow.

There is no bulge when you touch it, it's as if the skin between the eyebrows has always been like this.

Lan Yin was speechless and said, "Qing Huan, what is this? It suddenly appeared. I looked at it and I really wanted to see it... I saw it..."

She couldn't explain what she saw, but it gave her an extremely shocking feeling that could not be described in words.

Qing Huan thought about it, smiled, and said, "There is a saying that internal martial artists with strong Qi and blood will have high bulges in their temples. Correspondingly, those who specialize in spiritual training will also have a mark between their eyebrows.

This is the manifestation of my spiritual power. When you see it, it is like you are vaguely seeing my spiritual power... Wait for me to hide it for a while."

As he spoke, Qinghuan concentrated his mind, and the silver glow of the mark on his forehead gradually disappeared, leaving only an ordinary mark. After a moment, the mark also faded, and if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it clearly.

Lan Yin stared at Qing Huan's brows, frowned, and suddenly said: "Qing Huan, I suddenly understand how to grow into a Blue Silver Tree, how to obtain the ability to "bloom and bear fruit", and even absorb the power of Tai Yin."

Qing Huan smiled and said, "Didn't you already know this before?"

Lan Yin said anxiously: "But now it is clearer and more profound... It's as if I have experienced this process before..."

Seeing her trying to explain but not being able to explain clearly, Qing Huan couldn't help laughing, touching her head and said, "Okay, okay. Didn't I just say that this mark is my soul revealed to the outside world?

Seeing it is like seeing my soul. The evolution of the Blue Silver Grass to the Blue Silver Tree, as well as the abilities of the last four soul rings, are naturally also seen by you and engraved in your heart."

Lan Yin was stunned, and subconsciously rubbed Qing Huan's palm with his head. Then he stretched out his hand in shock and grabbed his hand directly, dumbfounded: "This...this..."

Qinghuan once researched a way to contact Lanyin with his spirit, and taught this method to Lanyin, so that Lanyin can now attack people with his spirit body.

But at this moment, Lan Yin could clearly feel that Qing Huan was touching her completely through his physical body.

And she could also clearly hold Qinghuan's hand and feel the warmth in his hand!
It was not a spiritual contact, but Qinghuan's physical body could actually touch Lanyin's spiritual body, and this kind of contact was mutual.

Qing Huan understood what Lan Yin was shocked about, and said with a smile: "To put it simply, my soul is alive! But more specifically, I can't describe it in words."

Lan Yin touched Qing Huan's forehead and said, "Is it because of this mark? I remember this mark also appeared when you fought with Tang Hao, but it didn't give me the same feeling as it did just now."

Qing Huan explained: "The so-called "Bankai" is actually the fusion of my spirit and martial soul, and the spirit controls the martial soul, so when "Bankai" is used, my spirit will be revealed.

But now, it is because my soul is strong enough that it has overwhelmed my body and is passively manifesting. "

"Won't something go wrong?"

“No! The soul represents the “god” that I can control. Since I can control it, it will naturally not cause any pressure on my body.

On the contrary, soul power is the energy that the spirit draws from the void through the martial soul. Now that my spirit and soul have greatly increased, the speed of soul power cultivation will also increase dramatically. As long as I am willing, I can cultivate to the Titled Douluo realm in a short time. "

"That's good!" Lan Yin blinked, and suddenly threw himself into Qing Huan's arms, hugged him tightly, rubbed his head against his chest, and murmured, "It's great that I can hug you!"

Qing Huan hugged her, patted her back with a chuckle.


The soul grew stronger and came alive. In addition to making Qing Huan's cultivation speed increase horribly, it also allowed Qing Huan to get rid of the physical senses and see the world directly through the soul. Within the range of the soul, no matter whether it can be seen by the eyes, heard by the ears, or felt by the body, it cannot escape the perception of the soul.

Even something as tiny as a speck of dust, hidden deep underground, can be clearly sensed by Qinghuan's soul.

In this state, the world is seen with exceptional clarity.

For several days, Qing Huan was immersed in this state until the end of the Soul Master Competition preliminaries.

Lu Dan gathered all the members of the second team at the training ground and announced the final list.

As expected, the five teams that received the quota were Tiandou Team 2, Tianshui Team, Shrek Team, Beast Team, and the Tiandou Team 1 which was admitted without recommendation.

These five teams, together with the five teams from the Star Luo Empire, will gather at the Spirit Hall to compete with the Spirit Hall team for the title of champion.

Lu Dan said: "The departure time is set for one and a half months later. Now I have a question, do you want to participate in the promotion match?"

The others looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

Qing Huan asked in confusion: "Old Lu, what the hell is the promotion match? Aren't the places already decided?"

Lu Dan explained: "The Soul Master Competition is a team competition that tests the Soul Master's teamwork ability, while the promotion competition is a competition that showcases individual abilities.

The original intention of the Soul Master Competition was to select elite soul masters. Team competitions cannot fully reflect the individual abilities of soul masters, so the Empire added a promotion competition between the preliminaries and the finals. "

Fujie also explained: "In fact, His Majesty Xue Ye wants to win over elite spirit masters, let them show their personal abilities, and see who is worthy of being won over.

So the promotion matches are not open to the public.”

Qing Huan suddenly realized and asked, "Will it affect the final result?"

Lu Dan shook his head and said, "The quota has been decided, and it will basically not be affected."

Qing Huan nodded: "Then I won't participate."

The others all had the same idea, so they shook their heads as soon as Lu Dan opened his mouth.

They knew their own situation. Tiandou Team 2 was able to advance to the finals thanks to Qinghuan. The qualifying round was an individual performance and they would only be embarrassed if they participated.

Lu Dan also understood this and did not force it. He said, "Then don't participate. There is still a month and a half before you leave for the Spirit Hall. You can't fall behind in training. I decide to continue training for a month, leaving you half a month to rest."

There was a sudden wailing from the second team.


The individual promotion competition is not open to the public, so it is not held in the Great Fighting Spirit Arena, but is held outside Tiandou City in the military training ground outside the city.

There are tens of thousands of Tiandou troops stationed there, and outsiders cannot enter at all, so no one knows which teams are participating.

But Qing Huan was sure of one thing: of the five teams that qualified for the finals, except for Shrek, the other four teams did not participate.

Because Shui Bing'er from the Tianshui team, Meng Yiran from the Mengshou team, Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan from the Tiandou team, all came to Qinghuan's Blue Silver Grassland on the same day without any prior arrangement.

The academies to which these teams belong are all vassals of their respective forces. Without the main players in the team, the team naturally will not participate in the individual promotion competition.

However...looking at these four beauties with different temperaments but outstanding looks, Qing Huan always feels like he has opened a harem, but it also seems like he hasn't.

(End of this chapter)

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