Self-struggle starting from Douluo

Chapter 97 The Origin of Wuhun

Chapter 97 The Origin of Wuhun

"No need!"

Tang Hao suddenly spoke, his voice filled with a certain decadence: "You treat Xiao San."

Previously, he had traded the secret of the "Ring Explosion", which had already violated the rules of the Haotian Sect. Now, he didn't need another "Haotian Nine Wonders".

Now it was Qing Huan's turn to be surprised. He said strangely, "Why don't you ask Jiu Xin Hai Tang to confirm? What if I deliberately exaggerated Tang San's injuries?"

Tang Hao glanced at him without saying anything, but his expression showed the certainty of "you won't".

Whether it was the battle outside Soto City or a transaction some time ago, Tang Hao naturally saw through Qinghuan's character. He was open and honest, clear about gratitude and grudges, and would keep his promises.

Feeling that the "explosive ring" was valuable enough, he did not hide anything and agreed to his four conditions at once.

If you want the "Nine Wonders of Haotian", say it clearly in front of him.

His thinking is totally unlike that of a soul master! But I have to say that communicating with such a person, every move is convincing.

Since Qing Huan said that Tang San was injured so seriously, Tang Hao chose to believe it without hesitation.

Qing Huan smiled, returned to the bedside, and said to Tang San: "You have a good father! Remember, he has paid a lot for you."

Tang San stared with his eyes full of rejection. Last time, his father exchanged with some secret method, so what did his father pay this time?
How much is a fruit that can revive the dead worth? What kind of things can be exchanged for it?
Tang San didn't dare to think about it.

After thinking for a while, Qing Huan explained: "Do you know? The activation of soul skills requires soul power, and the soul ring is a converter that converts soul power into the attributes required by soul skills!
Does Poison Douluo know? His martial soul is attached with a variety of poisonous spirit rings. The spirit power is transformed into poison through the spirit rings, but in essence this "poison" is still his spirit power and will eventually return to his body.

So Poison Douluo was poisoned by his own poison, and even passed it on to his descendants.

The same goes for your martial soul. The soul rings you hunt are either poisonous snakes or spiders. Although it is not obvious now, your body has actually been eroded by the soul power transformed from your soul rings.

In fact, most soul masters who hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings have this problem, but the closer the soul ring is to their own martial soul attributes, the less obvious the erosion is.

My fruit can not only heal your heart meridians, but also help you erase the erosion left by your previous use of spirit skills, allowing you to return to the Tang San with innate full spirit power qualifications!
So strictly speaking, your father got the better deal from me!"

Tang San's eyes flickered, and he looked at the silent Tang Hao. He wanted to say something, but couldn't, and his eyes were red.

Qing Huan shook his head. The Blue Silver Tree Martial Spirit appeared and disappeared behind him. An invisible aura swept over him, oppressing everyone in the room, making them feel heavy-hearted.

This is the suppression from the martial soul, the all-round suppression of "spirit, energy and spirit".

Tang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. Even he felt this suppression. You know, his injuries had already healed under the treatment of Qing Huan's fruit, and now he was about to reach level ninety-six. Even so, he would still be suppressed by Qing Huan's martial spirit.

Compared to the last time they fought, Qinghuan is now much stronger!

Qinghuan stretched out her hand, and a branch with a red fruit on it appeared. The fruit fell off automatically, and as it fell, it turned from virtual to real and landed in Qinghuan's hand.

The blue silver tree dispersed, and Qing Huan said, "Open your mouth!"

Tang San opened his mouth, and after Qing Huan stuffed the fruit into his mouth, he found that the fruit melted in his mouth, turning into a stream of pure energy that flowed into his body and spread to every part of his body.

A rich and clear light burst out from Tang San's body and lasted for a long time before slowly dissipating.

The next moment, Tang San simply turned over and stood up, looking at his hands in disbelief. He felt unprecedented relief!
"Dad!" Tang San knelt on the ground and cried out.

Qing Huan raised her eyebrows, turned around and left the room, not wanting to see their sentimental side.

Not long after he came out, everyone else also went out. Flanders looked at Qinghuan at the door, wanting to say something but stopping himself. He sighed, and finally said nothing and helped Yu Xiaogang leave.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun hesitated for a moment, but still followed.

Instead, Oscar hesitated and moved in front of Qinghuan, smiling shamelessly: "Um... Qinghuan, can you give me some advice on my sausage martial spirit?" "Oscar!" Liu Erlong opened his mouth and scolded in a low voice.

Ning Rongrong said directly: "You want Qinghuan to teach you, who do you think you are?"

Oscar's face turned red, but he lingered and refused to leave.

Qing Huan thought for a moment and said with a smile: "Everyone's martial spirit corresponds to something in reality. The beast martial spirit, needless to say, directly corresponds to the wild beasts or soul beasts that exist in reality. Some weapon martial spirits are also directly taken from nature, such as blue silver grass, nine-star begonia, etc.

But some weapon spirits are processed products, such as hoes, sickles, hammers, swords, and even food...Have you ever thought about the reason?"

Oscar shook his head. Not only him, but everyone else also looked at Qinghuan blankly.

Qing Huan pointed to his heart and said, "The three elements of martial soul are blood, soul power, and spirit. The spirit contains one's own will!
A farmer's child who deals with the land all day long, influenced by his parents, has an urgent desire to own a hoe. This desire even overwhelms his own weak blood... Do you think he will awaken the hoe?

For example, if a person’s martial soul is wheat, and he spends his entire life immersed in the process of making bread from wheat, his children will be subconsciously influenced for a long time. Will they awaken a food-related martial soul like “bread”?

So Oscar, instead of asking me about the "Sausage" spirit, you might as well ask your own heart, your own will... How did your Sausage spirit mutate?"

Oscar lowered his head, thinking about something.

Liu Erlong couldn't help but ask curiously: "Then how did the first human martial spirit come into being?"

Qing Huan looked at her, smiled, and said, "If I say that humans evolved from monkeys, would that be too scary?"

Liu Erlong's eyes widened, and everyone else also had a look of horror on their faces.

Sure enough, it is difficult for people in Douluo Continent to accept this view.

Qing Huan spread his hands and said, “Blood gives the martial soul its form, soul power gives it its quality, and spirit gives it its spirit, but sometimes, a strong enough will is enough to overwhelm the other two.

A long, long time ago, there was a monkey soul beast. He learned to walk upright, learned to use tools, learned to think, and began to recognize himself. He felt that he was different from other monkeys and believed that he was no longer a monkey. In order to distinguish himself from other monkeys, he recognized himself as a "human"!
But one day, it was bullied by a tiger, and it began to have a strong desire to become as strong as a tiger, and imagined itself as a tiger every day.

It is a soul beast itself. As I said before, a soul beast itself is a martial soul, with blood, soul power, and spirit. But now its spirit is affected by its own strong will, so its spirit begins to have the spirit of a "tiger".

"Spirit" overwhelmed "form" and "quality", so one day, he finally awakened the "tiger" martial soul! "

Everyone looked unacceptable. Xiao Wu even shouted, "Could it be that humans were a type of soul beast a long time ago?"

Qing Huan did not explain, but suddenly changed the subject, saying, "Isn't it a coincidence? The former Angel God's martial soul was a sword, but after she became a god, her descendant's martial soul was a six-winged angel?

Similarly, before the Sea God became a god, his martial soul was a harpoon, but after he became a god, the martial soul of his sacrificial representative was the Sea God... What is the decisive factor? Bloodline? Soul power? Or... spirit?"

Everyone was in deep thought and wanted to ask more questions. At this time, Tang Hao and his son Tang San also walked out. Tang San's eyes were red and he looked at Qinghuan with a complicated expression.

Tang Hao walked directly in front of Qing Huan and said, "I don't have your wisdom. I can only teach you how to use the hammer. In this way, I will teach you the "Haotian Jiujue"."

Qing Huan nodded to show his understanding, and spread out his hands. Wood emerged from his palms, gathered and transformed, and finally turned into a wooden hammer that looked exactly like the Clear Sky Hammer. He said, "Then teach me how to use the hammer!"

Tang Hao didn't look surprised, he just said: "If you want to learn how to use a hammer, you have to learn how to forge iron first. You have to understand the use of strength from countless hammering. This is the foundation for learning the 'Nine Wonders of Haotian'."

Qing Huan frowned.

Tang Hao explained: "I said, I don't have your wisdom, I can only use this stupid method to teach you."

Qing Huan sighed and said, "Okay, after the Soul Master Competition, I will learn blacksmithing from you."

(End of this chapter)

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