The Taoist founder has turned into a corpse, and even the purple robe can't stand it

Chapter 103: The Mother of Red Spider Lily, the Emperor of Fengdu, hunts down the one who was given

Chapter 103: The Mother of Red Spider Lily, the Emperor of Fengdu, hunts down the one who was given the title!
Although the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor didn't know,

Why is it that Zhang Jue, who is in the realm of ghost immortal, can be in charge of the imperial edicts of the underworld?

But obviously,

The background and strength behind Zhang Jiao were simply beyond his reach.

Being at the ghost fairy realm does not mean that Zhang Jiao is weak.

Quite the opposite.

Being able to be a ghost fairy means mastering the Nine Netherworld Edict, which further proves Zhang Jue's extraordinary status in the underworld.

"Go and bring back the Ice Queen."

Zhang Jiao turned to look at Bai Lu and said,

"As you command, Master!"

After all,

Bai Lu transformed into a white dragon, rushed into the clouds and chased after the Ice and Snow Empress.


Zhang Jue looked around at everyone on the deck and issued several imperial decrees in succession on the Jiuyou Fengwang Record.

Confer the title of Wushuang Hou on Lu Bu!
Jiu Luoxue was conferred the title of Lord of Wind and Snow!
The Blood Demon Ghost Emperor was appointed as the frontier envoy of Senrodar Grassland!
As the imperial decrees were issued one after another,
Three streams of Nine Netherworld luck fell from the sky again and gathered on Jiu Luoxue, Lu Bu, and the Bloody Ghost Emperor.

With the blessing of these nine nether lucks,
Jiu Luoxue, who was originally at the peak of the Ninth Heaven Ghost Emperor, directly broke through the barrier and stepped into the realm of Ghost Immortal.

The Sixth Heaven Ghost Emperor Lu Bu was promoted to the Eighth Heaven realm.

In comparison, the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor's improvement is the weakest.
This conferment was only to allow the Blood Evil Ghost Emperor to break through from his original Ninth Heaven Ghost Emperor realm to the peak of the Ninth Heaven Ghost Emperor.

She is even worse than the previous Ice and Snow Queen.

For this,

Zhang Jiao was not surprised.

Whether the blessing of Jiuyou's luck is significantly improved or not is definitely closely related to one's own potential.

Bai Lu was a thousand-year-old white snake in her previous life. Because of Xu Xian, she was also influenced by Buddhism for a thousand years.

His qualifications and potential have already reached the pinnacle.

If we follow the cultivation qualifications of the Immortal Cultivation World,

Bai Lu's cultivation qualifications,
He is absolutely one in a million, a favored child of heaven that everyone is fighting for.

As for Jiu Luoxue, she herself was from the Fugu Mingkun clan.
With several times of cultivation by himself, his bloodline evolved from the Rotten Bone Dark Kun to the Purple Moon Spirit Kun, and then to the current Yin-Yang Taoist Kun.

Jiu Luoxue's potential is no less than Bai Lu's.

Although Lü Bu is not as good as Bai Lu and Jiu Luo Xue, he was also an unparalleled god of war in his previous life.
There is blessing from the world of the living in the dark.

As for the Blood Demon Emperor.
Although he is the Ninth Heaven Ghost Emperor, he is not outstanding in the vast Nine Netherworlds.

No background, no context.

Even if the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor is now appointed as the Frontier Envoy and blessed by the Nine Netherworld's luck, his improvement will never be too significant.

For example,
If the carrier is a glass of water, no matter how it is improved, it will only make the water clearer.

This glass of water can never turn into delicious wine.

the other side,
The Blood Demon Ghost Emperor didn't know Zhang Jiao's thoughts.
However, he was able to be appointed as a frontier envoy and his strength broke through to the peak of the ninth level.

These achievements and benefits,
The Blood Demon Ghost Emperor was already very surprised.

The look he gave Zhang Jue was filled with more loyalty and awe.

"Slaughter the Cold Pond Spirit Snake!"

"As ordered!"

As Zhang Jiao's voice fell,
Jiu Luoxue, Lu Bu, and the Bloody Demon Ghost Emperor all took orders.

He stepped out of the deck and dived towards the cold pond below.

Behind the three of them,
The Blood Demon Alliance that once followed the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor is now the Third Army of the Taiping Legion with tens of thousands of evil spirits.

Like locusts passing through,

Following behind the three people, he rushed towards the cold pond.




As hundreds of thousands of evil spirits and Jiu Luoxue and others rushed into the cold pond,
A strong smell of blood filled my nose.

The originally clear and blue cold pond was dyed red by the rich blood.

On the cold pond,
Gray and white snake bodies can be seen floating everywhere.

There is an entire clan of ice snakes living in the cold pond.

The population reached 50 people.
Far exceeds the number of the Taiping Army’s Third Army.


The Ice and Snow Queen has escaped.

Among the spirit snakes in these cold ponds, the strongest is only the Ninth Heaven Ghost Emperor.

In the face of absolute strength.

No matter how many there are, they have no power to resist.

of course
If the population of ice snakes in the cold pond reaches millions or tens of millions.

Sufficient quantitative changes may lead to qualitative changes.

But unfortunately,

These ice snakes don’t have this opportunity.

at the same time!

Jiuyou, the underworld.

In a secluded forbidden area.

The front of the underworld is connected to the Naihe Bridge, and outside the Naihe Bridge is the Ghost Gate.

On the left and right sides of the underworld,
It is surrounded by the Reincarnation Department and the Ten Kings of Hell.

Right behind the underworld.

It is a sea of ​​bright red flowers.

This flower is called the Red Spider Lily.
Even the underworld has no jurisdiction over it.

According to legend, in the sea of ​​red spider lilies, there lives a terrifying being called the Red Spider Lily Mother.

No one has ever seen the true face of the mother of the red spider lily.
Once, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva from the Western Religion set foot on the sea of ​​red spider lilies, wanting to find the mother of red spider lilies and make her believe in Buddha.

Convert to Buddhism.

When Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva walked out of the sea of ​​red spider lilies, he was in a very miserable state.

All the Buddhist charm disappeared and his face turned pale.

There was not even a word about what happened in the sea of ​​red spider lilies.

Since then.

In the entire Nine Netherworld, whether it is the Underworld or the Western Religion, no one dares to set foot in the sea of ​​flowers on the other shore.

This sea of ​​red spider lilies has also become one of the most awe-inspiring forbidden areas in Jiuyou.

Under the underworld,
It is connected to the eighteen levels of hell purgatory in the underworld.

It is the core area of ​​the underworld.
It is also a place that makes countless evil spirits and zombies tremble in fear.

Speaking of Hades,
Those evil ghosts and zombies will think of the eighteen levels of hell.


The originally peaceful underworld was suddenly filled with the sound of long ringing ancient bells.

Yama of the ten directions.

The six officials in charge of the underworld, as well as the immortals, marquises, and ghost generals from all parties who guarded the underworld palace, and countless ghost soldiers all looked at the Three Lives Stone Tablet in front of the underworld palace in astonishment.

Three Lives Stone Tablet!

It is also the merit list of the underworld, and everyone whose name is on the Three Lives Stele will be included in the list.

They are all official personnel of the underworld.

The originally silent Sansheng Stone Monument,
Below the column of kings, a new layer of text appeared in the column of canonized immortals.

[Bai Lu, the White Dragon Fairy, was given the title of Bai Lu Zhenren, commanding all the snakes in the underworld! ]

“Another real person.”

"The bloodline of the White Dragon is considered a rare demon fairy. Why have I never heard of this person? Is he the immortal who was conferred by that Taoist friend?"


Near the Three Lives Stone Monument,
The Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of the Western Religion was also startled by the sudden imperial decree.

Looking at the list of titles on the San Sheng Stone Stele, he asked.

“I don’t know, I don’t know this person either.”

"I don't know, it wasn't conferred by us!"

“Never heard of it”

Hearing this,

The ten Yama Kings present looked at each other with puzzled eyes.
Seeing this scene,
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's brows suddenly frowned.

It's true that he belongs to the Western religion.
But he is also the rightful king of the underworld.

He knew that the Ten Kings of Hell in the underworld were hypocritical and treacherous to him, and most of them acted with reservations.

But at this moment,

The imperial inscription has already been registered on the San Sheng Stone Stele, yet he is still fooling himself.

This is no longer hypocrisy and snake-like, it is a provocation to oneself.

It is also a provocation to Western religion. "Haha, interesting, the Ten Kings of Hell have not been conferred yet, so how did this White-faced Immortal come about?"

"Could it be that the Emperor of Fengdu conferred the title personally?"

Ksitigarbha said in a profound tone,


"The Emperor of Fengdu himself bestowed the title. Who on earth is this Bai Xiang?!"

"Hiss—things are going to change in the underworld!"

I heard that the Ten Kings of Hell are still playing dumb.

Ksitigarbha snorted coldly.
"Whether it is true or not, please follow me to Fengdu Palace and ask for the answer."

After all,

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took a step forward and walked towards the Fengdu Palace first.

Seeing this, the Ten Kings of Hell followed him and entered the Fengdu Hall together.

The act of the underworld conferring the title of Immortal is of great significance.

If it was really conferred by the Emperor of Fengdu,

Then this Master Bai Xiang definitely has a bright future, and even those of them who have been crowned as kings would not dare to offend him easily.

Fengdu Palace!

The Emperor of Fengdu sat at the head of the palace.

Looking at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the Ten Kings of Hell who walked in.

Put down the record of the king in your hand,
There was also a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes.

"This Bai Lu is good. Who of you conferred the title on him? There has been a demon fairy causing trouble on Mangdang Mountain recently. If he can quell the rebellion, Mangdang Mountain will be his fiefdom!"

"Emperor Fengdu, wasn't it you who conferred the title of Bailu personally?"

Ksitigarbha looked at Fengdu Emperor in astonishment and asked,

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva belongs to the Western religion and is as powerful as the King of Fengdu.

Make the king!

Just because of his identity as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, it does not mean that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is less powerful than the King of Fengdu.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is not as cautious towards the King of Fengdu as the Ten Kings of Hell.

Hearing this,

The Emperor of Fengdu had a deep look in his eyes but did not respond.

Instead, he looked around at the Ten Yama Kings in the hall.

"Your Majesty, this Master Baixiang was not conferred by us!"


Prince Qin Guang of the First Palace stepped forward and said respectfully.

“It was not you who ordained it”

The Emperor of Fengdu frowned.

The whole underworld,
An existence that can hold the level of Jiuyou Fengwanglu,
These are the people present here,

If they didn't confer the title, then who did?
"Your Majesty, in addition to conferring the title of Immortal Bai Xiang, he also successively conferred titles on Wushuang Hou Lu Bu, Fengxue Hou Jiuluoxue, and Fengjiang Envoy Xuesha Ghost Emperor."

Emperor Song of the Third Palace said in a trembling voice,

prior to,

They only marveled at the titles bestowed upon the immortals, but did not discover the titles of nobility and fiefdoms recorded in the records of conferring titles upon kings.

Now I hear the words of Emperor Fengdu.

Only then did they realize that this act of crowning the king did not seem to come from the underworld!
For a time,

The expressions of all the kings in the hall and even the Emperor of Fengdu suddenly turned ugly.

The atmosphere also froze.

"Emperor Fengdu, the Nine Nether King Record is the most precious treasure in the underworld. Could it be that there are other records of kings that have been circulated?"

"This move can shake the foundation of the underworld and is related to the stability of the Nine Netherworld."

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva questioned,
The Record of the King of Nine Netherworlds!
It is the result of the luck of the Nine Netherworlds, and only the king can possess it.

There is no such thing as the King's Record being circulated.

The act of conferring the title was genuine, which meant that other people in Jiuyou had obtained the recognition of Jiuyou's will.

Obtained the Nine Nether King Record,

The Emperor of Fengdu could not help but take this matter seriously.

Just as Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva said, if this person conferred titles at random, it would be a fatal blow to the entire system of the underworld.

more importantly,
He still doesn't know what level the Nine Nether King Record in the other party's hand is.

Can one only be crowned as a true person, or can one be crowned as a king?
If I could be crowned king.
The consequences are self-evident.

"Go check, bring this Bai Xiang here, and find out who is using the Nine Nether King Conferring Record to confer titles!"

Emperor Fengdu said in a deep voice,

The Ten Kings of Hell responded,
The Jiuyou King Record was leaked and he was conferred the title of Immortal by outsiders.

This action also made everyone realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Emperor Fengdu, I will ask the Western followers to find this person and bring the evildoer who disturbed the underworld to justice as much as possible!"

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva smiled and said,

"Haha, thank you for your concern, Ksitigarbha. Some trivial matters have even alarmed the Western Church!"

The King of Fengdu looked at Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with a smile.
"Maintaining the stability of Jiuyou is never a trivial matter."

After all,

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva took his leave from the Emperor of Fengdu and left the Fengdu Palace.

As Ksitigarbha left,
There was also a hint of coldness in the eyes of Emperor Fengdu.

"Maintain the stability of Jiuyou."

"In the entire Jiuyou, everyone wants to maintain stability, but you, the Western Church, have ulterior motives!"

The cold pond of the spirit snake!

Only half an hour had passed.

The shrill shouts of killing disappeared.

The entire cold pond had turned into a blood-red color, with countless remains of ice snakes floating on the water.

There are also some evil ghost zombies who died at the hands of the Ice Snake clan.


Compared with the horrific corpses of the Ice Snake clan.

These evil spirits and zombies seem insignificant.


Jiu Luoxue, Lu Bu, and the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor led the Third Army of the Taiping Legion and had already entered the depths of the cold pond.

The destruction of the Ice Snake Clan is inevitable.

It's just a matter of time.

"Brother, what was that you just took?"

"How can it be like an imperial decree, that one can be conferred a title of marquis at will? A title of immortal?"

"It's even more awesome than an imperial edict. Cao Cao can probably command the princes with the emperor in his arms, right?"

"It's the imperial edict!"

"Why, you also want to be a marquis?"

Zhang Jue looked at the two curiously.

After noticing the excitement in their eyes,

Zhang Jiao shook his head and said,
"Only the Ghost Emperor can be granted the title of Marquis. If you want to be granted the title of Marquis, it is not impossible!"


"Being made a marquis, doesn't that mean he is on the same level as Lu Bu?"

"No, we are not in a hurry. Let's confer the title later!"

"That's right. Big brother has the imperial edict in hand. Why are we in such a hurry? It's only a matter of time before he is crowned king."

Hearing this, Zhang Jue nodded.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to confer titles on the two of them.

After being conferred the title of marquis, one can continue to upgrade his rank and become a true person or a king.

However, the blessing of the Nine Netherworld's luck is only effective when it is conferred for the first time.

Bai Lu just stepped into the ghost fairy,
Jiu Luoxue is at the peak of the Ghost Emperor level, and the imperial decree can help Jiu Luoxue break through the realm and become a Ghost Immortal.

But Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang can't do that.

They are only Ghost Emperors of the Fifth Heaven, and to confer a title upon them now would be tantamount to wasting an opportunity to break through the barrier of the realm.


The stronger your strength is, the more Nine Netherworld Luck you will gain when you are conferred the title.

The greater the improvement in your own strength.

And there is,

Zhang Jiao also had doubts in his heart after seeing the performance of the Blood Demon Ghost Emperor and the Ice and Snow Queen after seeing the Nine Nether King Record.

Lord of the Underworld!
The Ice and Snow Empress’s status as a frontier envoy was bestowed by the underworld.

He could indeed remove him with the help of the Nine Netherworlds King's Record.

Appoint new frontier envoys.
Although Zhang Jue didn't know what the relationship was between the Nine Netherworlds Record of the King's Conferment and the Underworld.

Especially when Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang talked about using the emperor to control the princes.
(End of this chapter)

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