Chapter 172 Jade Rabbit Soul Orb
After communicating with the Blue Silver King and A Wu, especially gaining a deep understanding of the Invincible Golden Body Soul Skill, and realizing the mystery behind it, Tian Hao began to perfect the Blue Silver Martial Soul.

First, I used the method of condensing the Blue Silver Overlord Spear to condense a complete skeleton for the Blue Silver Martial Soul. It felt a little bit worse before, but after communicating with Awu this time, I finally perfected the idea in this regard and can start practical operation.

The Blue Silver Martial Spirit in the past was just an illusory form, but now he needs to transform it into a physical entity. It would be best if it could evolve into a state like Luo Sanpao so that he can manifest and fight.

After completing the shaping of the blue silver skeleton, Tian Hao used three-color silk threads to further shape the blue silver martial soul, making the illusory form more solid.

“It’s still a long way off!”

Looking at the translucent blue silver martial soul in front of him, Tian Hao realized that he still had to catch Luo Sanpao to study him. Only from Luo Sanpao could he further understand the mystery of the martial soul's materialization.

The Blue Silver Martial Soul is now considered as a beast martial soul. It is quite complicated to materialize it. The skeleton is only the simplest step. The next steps are muscles, tendons, internal organs, etc. which are much more difficult and complicated.

But now with the cooperation of this set of blue silver skeleton and three-color silk thread, the blue silver martial soul has become much more stable, proving that the direction of thinking is correct.

"One more weapon is missing!"

After continuing to sense the state of the Blue Silver Martial Soul, Tian Hao came to the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Furnace and took out a piece of dark golden metal from it.

This was what he had traded for from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's treasury. It was extremely heavy, and its hardness was no less than that of the Cold Heart Iron Essence.

He named it the Sunken Gold Mother. Although this piece is not large in size, it weighs ten thousand pounds and its density is several times greater than that of the Sunken Silver.

The weight of sinking silver itself is several times that of gold, and the weight of sinking silver mother is several times that of sinking silver. And this sinking gold mother is several times heavier than the sinking silver mother, so its density can be imagined.

After using the Heart of Poseidon to forge Ah Yin's Blue Silver Overlord Spear last time, he also had some ideas about this material and wanted to forge a Blue Silver Overlord Spear of his own.

"Hopefully it will happen."

Muttering something, Tian Hao poured the blood he had prepared long ago on it as a blood sacrifice. At the same time, he opened the Blue Silver Domain, injected the Blue Silver Soul Power into it, and slowly integrated the Blue Silver Martial Soul into it.

He had been using the Blue Silver Domain and Blue Silver Soul Power to nourish it, and with the high degree of compatibility with the blood sacrifice, the fusion process was relatively smooth.

After the Blue Silver Martial Soul was initially integrated, Tian Hao used the Blue Silver Martial Soul to control the transformation of the Shenjin Jinmu and created a three-pointed, double-edged sword.

He doesn't like fancy decorations on weapons; melee weapons must be simple and practical.

The reason why it was made into this three-pointed, two-edged sword is mainly because there is a little more material. The excess part is useless, so it is better to shape it into this three-pointed, two-edged sword.

Compared to a simple gun blade, a three-pointed double-edged sword is larger in size and is mainly used for chopping. Only chopping can better exert the advantages of its explosive power.

The shape of this three-pointed, double-edged sword is based on the one in Yueshan Erlang Shen's skin in Naraka: Bladepoint, the one before the transformation.

Although the three-pointed two-edged sword of Yueshan Erlang Shen after his transformation is larger, its structure is also somewhat unreasonable. For example, the side blade has become too thin. You must know that the three-pointed two-edged sword is a heavy weapon like the Daguandao, which is good at chopping. The side blade will bear a lot of force. Without sufficient support, the side blade will inevitably twist or even break.

So the three-pointed, two-edged sword before the transformation is more reasonable. That one also left a deep impression on him and is the coolest three-pointed, two-edged sword.

At the same time, he also left a gap at the connection between the blade and the handle, so that when he had studied the Heart of Poseidon in the future, he could put a Blue Silver Heart on it.

The overall size of the three-pointed, double-edged sword he copied was not small, at two and a half meters long, almost the same size as Poseidon's trident.

The long handle is also extremely thick, and even Tian Hao can barely hold it with his current palm, but it will be just right to use when he grows up.

"It's too heavy. I can't use it with the current state of Blue Silver Martial Spirit. I need Luo Sanpao to use it."

After trying to control it with the Blue Silver Martial Spirit, Tian Hao decisively gave up.

The current Blue Silver Martial Spirit is still in the form of an illusory energy body and cannot withstand such a weight.

"This soul core may be able to help you."

At this time, Awu came over, holding a soul core that looked like white jade in her hand.

"This soul core!"

Seeing the soul core, Tian Hao suddenly turned his head and looked towards the Lake of Life. Sure enough, the body of the Jade Rabbit King who had been soaking in it was gone.

"My body is completely dead, and my spiritual sea is destroyed. There is no way it can recover. Although this soul core is not as good as the one I had when I was alive, it contains all my bloodline talents. With your talent, you will definitely be able to comprehend something."

She started to explain that although Ah Wu also hoped to be resurrected so that she could rescue Xiao Wu, her body had been dead for too long. Everything else was fine, but her sea of ​​​​spirituality was completely destroyed.

Without the sea of ​​spirit, even if her body was restored, her soul would not be able to integrate into it.

So she extracted the blood power in her body and condensed this blood soul core to help the child become stronger.

This is the only thing she can do now. She also hopes to further befriend this child and let him spend more time on rescuing Xiao Wu in the future.

She knew this child well. She was a good kid who knew how to repay kindness. The Blue Silver Queen and the Blue Silver King had helped her grow, and this time she brought back a reward far exceeding her efforts. It even allowed the Blue Silver Queen to transform again and possess a magical artifact.

She didn't ask for anything for herself, she just wanted the child to help Xiao Wu.

"I will bring Xiao Wu back!"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Tian Hao finally took the bloodline soul core and made a promise.

He was thinking in his heart that this way he could bring Xiao Wu back with good reason. If he lost Xiao Wu's sacrifice, Xiao San's growth rate would inevitably slow down further.

It's so much!

"Just do your best, don't force it, your safety is more important."

After getting the promise, Awu breathed a sigh of relief, but she also made some instructions.

The person who has set his sights on Xiao Wu is too powerful. Not only is he a peak Douluo, but behind him stands a long-established Peerless Douluo, as well as a force that claims to be the number one sect in the world.

Even the Blue Silver Emperor and Empress were forced to sacrifice themselves back then, so it was very difficult to rescue Xiao Wu from under the noses of those people.

Although she hoped to rescue Xiao Wu, she didn't want the child to lose her life for it.

If that were to happen, he would surely become the sinner of the entire soul beast clan.

"Well, I'll try my best!"

He nodded solemnly, and then Tian Hao's gaze fell on the bloodline soul core in his hand again.

"Sister Wu, can you tell me about your bloodline talent?"

The soul core of a soul beast is condensed under the guidance of its own bloodline, so it is also called a bloodline soul core, which is more closely connected to itself.

The soul core contains all the talents of its bloodline, and some of them can even form skills.

Ah Wu did not hide this and explained, "Our Jade Rabbit bloodline has comprehensive talents. My first soul skill after transforming into a human is the waist bow, which increases the burst of waist strength.

The second soul skill is charm, a mental control skill that can confuse the opponent.

The third soul skill is teleportation, which allows you to move instantly within a certain range.

The fourth soul skill is the Invincible Golden Body, which is an absolute defense. It is impossible to break it unless it is a soul skill that can ignore defense. It can also double the strength.

The fifth soul skill is the Soft Bone Lock, which can restrict the opponent's movements and make it impossible for opponents of the same level to break free.

The sixth soul skill is nothingness, which allows the body to merge into the void to avoid physical attacks and also has strong defense against energy attacks.

The eighth soul skill is shock, which can disperse the opponent's soul power and cause a forced stun effect.

The ninth soul skill is Moon Meteorite and Clone. Moon Meteorite can shape a nine-day moon that falls and causes an explosion. On a moonlit night, it can attract moonlight and its power is doubled.

The clone soul skill creates three real clones, but they cannot use soul skills. "

He spoke completely about his bloodline talents in one breath, and the soul skills formed after the transformation were a direct reflection of his talents.

"It is indeed the top soul beast. Its talent is too strong."

After listening to Ah Wu's explanation of bloodline talent, Tian Hao was impressed by how powerful Jade Rabbit was. No wonder she could cultivate to the level of 100,000 years.

The soul skills that Ah Wu developed after her transformation were similar to Xiao Wu's, but the way they were expressed was different.

For example, the eight-section throw has a shock effect, and Xiao Wu’s martial soul avatar can also come with seven clones.

It is unclear what the eighth soul skill is, as it is not shown in the animation, but the ninth soul skill is called Nine-Sky Moon, which is similar to Awu's Moonfall.

Although Xiao Wu's later soul skills were obtained by hunting soul beasts, the formation of a soul master's soul skills is influenced by his own martial soul talent, especially for a transformed soul beast like Xiao Wu. If there is no matching talent, it is impossible to form that kind of soul skill.

After that, Tian Hao lived a fulfilling life in the demiplane. In addition to communicating with the Blue Silver King and A Wu, he was also refining black iron.

Although the ice and fire spring water is very effective in smelting metal, especially with the blessing of angelic power, the ultimate fire attribute of the fire spring water is further enhanced, and the quenching effect is better.

But some metals are still difficult to temper, such as sunken silver and black iron.

In other words, special methods are needed to guide the refinement of the essence and form the silver mother and black-veined iron essence.

Fortunately, under the guidance of Lou Gao, he successfully hammered out a small piece of black-veined iron essence. Although it was only the size of an egg, it made him understand the process of black-veined iron condensing into black-veined iron essence.

Nowadays, we need to use the method of refining instruments to imitate the refining process, and then use the ice, fire and spring water to refine the black-veined iron into black-veined iron essence in large quantities.

His war hammer requires a lot of black iron essence to support and shape it. Hammering alone is far from enough and the efficiency is too low.

You have to know that he spent a full month hammering to obtain such a small piece of black-veined iron essence. If he wants to obtain enough black-veined iron essence to shape the war hammer, he will probably have to hammer for more than ten years.

He obviously didn't have that much time to waste, so he needed to figure out a method of refining the weapon to produce enough black-veined iron essence.

In addition to these, Tian Hao is also using the angel martial soul to comprehend the attributes of light and darkness, and using Hunyuan Gong to integrate and carry it, just like he had practiced the Flame Iron Hand and Cold Iron Hand before, and acquired other attributes.

Combined with his understanding of Awu's soul core, Tian Hao created a completely new method of cultivation.

At night, Tian Hao came to the top of the pool, holding the bloodline soul core in his hand, and in front of him was a large wooden barrel with Star Spirit Pearls planted in it.

The Xingluo Spirit Pearl absorbs and refines the light of the stars and the moon to enhance its own foundation.

Tian Hao used his blood soul core to attract a ray of moonlight to absorb and refine it, and even integrated his own spiritual power into it to absorb the moonlight together. His spiritual power used to only absorb the purple energy of heaven and earth, which was a special power under the interaction of yin and yang.

This kind of power is highly compatible with mental power and can be integrated into mental power.

Since this purple energy from heaven and earth can be integrated, then the moonlight from its source can naturally also be integrated.

Moreover, the Star Spirit Pearl can serve as the soul core of humans, proving that the light of stars and moons can also be used by humans and help condense soul cores.

With the help of these two, he was able to develop this method of cultivation.

This is not over yet. Tian Hao used his mental power to slowly transform his bloodline soul core, changing it into the structural form of the inner core of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake.

The soul core of a soul beast can only be inside the body, but the inner core of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake can be separated out of the body and can even be a means of attack.

This made him think of the monsters in the novels about immortality and fantasy, whose way of cultivation was to spit out their inner elixir and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.

Afterwards, he combined the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake and Dugu Bo's poison bead, as well as the structure of the Star Spirit Bead and the Azure Dragon Bead, and after communicating with the Blue Silver King and Awu, he finally deduced a completely new soul core structure, or soul bead.

Ah Wu was also there to help guide the changes in the soul core structure, transforming it into the form of a soul bead.

The Blue Silver King stood by to protect the two of them. Even the one-horned fire snake poked its head out of the pool, curiously watching the human cub's training.

With the guidance and transformation of Tian Hao and A Wu, the bloodline soul core was finally transformed and formed into a soul bead.

The moment the soul bead was formed, an inexplicable wave emerged, and the essence of the stars and the moon that was originally attracted and gathered by the Star Spirit Bead was forcibly absorbed by the soul bead.

"It's done!"

Looking at the changes in the Jade Rabbit Soul Orb, although Tian Hao was very tired, he was also very excited.

This method is indeed feasible. Now that the soul bead can directly absorb the essence of the stars and the moon, the speed of accumulating power will inevitably be greatly enhanced.

The most important thing is this method of practice, or system.

It is entirely possible to further improve the soul core through this, and its effectiveness will certainly be greatly enhanced.

This is a completely new form besides the black hole soul core form. It also no longer absorbs the vital energy of heaven and earth, but instead absorbs the more vast essence of stars and moons, and should also be able to absorb the brilliance of the sun.

However, this Jade Rabbit Soul Core is obviously not good enough as it does not have that kind of talent.

"We can let the Angel Spirit give it a try."

Thinking of the angel martial spirit that absorbed and refined the inner elixir of the Ten-Headed Fiery Sun Snake, Tian Hao decided to give it a try later.

Compared to the essence of stars and the moon, the brilliance of the sun is much more vast and powerful.

After all, the sun is the closest luminous star to the Douluo planet, and the power it projects is naturally the strongest and most abundant, so it can be absorbed more efficiently.

This should also be possible. The Holy Book of Angels records the magical skills created by the Angel God in the past. Many of them are used to attract and absorb the sun's brilliance, and can even form the sun's true fire.

Now the soul bead form has been tested successfully. After that, we only need to further transform the angel soul bead that was transformed from the inner elixir of the ten-headed flaming sun snake, and we will surely succeed.

"Congratulations on creating a new practice method."

Ah Yin, who had arrived at some point, congratulated me and was shocked.

Although his own cultivation is stronger, his talent and ability are far inferior to this child.

Soul cores have existed in their soul beast tribe for countless years, but there have been no changes. Now that they are in the hands of this child, such a great innovation has been made.

How can the power of the vital energy of heaven and earth compare to the essence of the sun, moon and stars? There is a qualitative difference.

Obviously, absorbing the essence of the sun, moon and stars will make the cultivation speed faster, and much faster, at least increasing the cultivation speed tenfold.

This child created another miracle!
"Sister Yin, have you finished refining?"

When Tian Hao saw Ah Yin appear, his eyes lit up. Is the refining completed?

"The reserves have reached the limit of what I can currently carry. If this much Qi and blood power is not enough to condense a Qi and blood soul core, then that Qi and blood soul core cannot exist."

As Ah Yin spoke, she returned the remaining portion of Life Gold the size of a soybean to Tian Hao. She could only absorb this much as it had reached the limit of her own carrying capacity.

"How confident are you?"

After taking the gold of life, Tian Hao asked A Yin how she felt.

The Qi and Blood Soul Core is extraordinary and is the most difficult soul core to condense. It is much more difficult than the Spirit Soul Core and Soul Power Soul Core.

Now with the existence of the blue-silver soul core and the three-color silk thread, the coexistence and balance of the three soul cores is not a problem. The only uncertainty is the condensation of the qi-blood soul core.

"Originally it was only 50%, but with your soul bead's advanced form, it can be at least 70% sure."

His eyes fell on the Jade Rabbit Soul Orb, and Ah Yin was full of confidence.

Seventy percent is just a conservative estimate, the actual success rate is bound to be much higher.

"I will go back and transform the three soul cores in my body into soul beads, and then I will start to condense the blood soul beads."

After saying this simply, Ah Yin stepped into the pool and returned to the demiplane, where he began to change the three soul cores in his body.

She now has a spiritual soul core and a blue silver soul core, as well as a life soul core condensed with the power of the Blue Silver Overlord Spear martial soul, which can resonate with the heart of life on the Blue Silver Overlord Spear.

"It's time for me to make final preparations!"

Tian Hao did not stay outside, he jumped into the pool and entered the demiplane.

After taking a look at Ah Yin who had entered the main body to practice, Tian Hao came to the Black Jade Divine Bamboo.

After such a long period of nurturing, especially the nourishment of the golden power of living things, the Black Jade Divine Bamboo has grown and completed two bamboo nodes, plus the original one, there are three bamboo nodes in total, and there is space inside.

At the same time, the original power of the wooden stick martial soul was completely integrated with the Black Jade Divine Bamboo and became the soul of the Black Jade Divine Bamboo.

This black jade divine bamboo had fallen under a heavenly calamity a long time ago. Although a little bit of its body still remained, the soul within it had been obliterated by the calamity.

Although Tian Hao can use the power of the gold of life to make his body continue to grow and complete, he can't do anything about his soul, and in the end it will still be a dead thing.

But his wooden stick martial spirit can just make up for the missing soul of the Black Jade Divine Bamboo, making it complete.

Moreover, the degree of compatibility between the two is not low, and with the guidance and running-in of the gold of living beings and the gold and silver of chaos, they are finally perfectly integrated.

At this point, Tian Hao's martial soul is no longer the wooden stick martial soul, but the black jade bamboo martial soul.

The Black Jade Divine Bamboo is like a soul to the wooden stick martial spirit, and it drives the wooden stick martial spirit to evolve and change with its own strength.

Of course, this is not just like a soul, it also refers to the idea of ​​Ji Juechen's fusion of the Sword of Judgment in Douluo Dalu II. The current Black Jade Divine Bamboo Martial Soul is not a simple martial soul, but a physical entity that combines the real and the virtual.

With a leap to the top of the bamboo joint, Tian Hao sat cross-legged. He merged his soul power with the Black Jade Divine Bamboo. He converted the blue silver soul power and injected it into it. The Black Jade Divine Bamboo absorbed and refined it to form a special soul power as black as jade, which accumulated in the space inside the bamboo joint.

His Blue Silver Soul Core contains a spatial black hole that can directly absorb pure energy from the void with a very high conversion efficiency.

With the support of his own Blue Silver Domain and Ayin's Blue Silver Domain, the efficiency will be further improved.

This transformation continued without stopping. Tian Hao stopped only when the three bamboo-joint spaces were filled with soul power and compressed and liquefied.

And Ah Yin was already waiting for him. She had transformed the three soul cores in her body into soul beads. Although her strength did not increase, the soul beads became much more stable.

It even possesses the same ability as Dugu Bo's poison bead to gather and disperse at will, and its control is one level stronger.

"I will help you condense the black jade soul bead first, and then help you stimulate your qi and blood, and use the instantaneous burst of qi and blood to condense the qi and blood soul bead together."

Ah Yin spoke up and said that because of the characteristics of the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Soul, she herself and Tian Hao had a very high degree of compatibility, and when they practiced dual cultivation, the soul cores in their bodies could even resonate accordingly, especially the Blue Silver Soul Core.

This kind of resonance is very suitable for assisting cultivation. Even the condensation of soul core and soul pill can be assisted by it. The two complement each other and reduce the difficulty to a certain extent.

Just like she had used her own spiritual soul core to resonate with Xiao Hao's spiritual soul core to assist in condensation.

"It's finally starting!"

Tian Hao was very excited. After waiting for so long, he was finally able to stimulate his qi and blood.

Only when the qi and blood are stimulated can one truly embark on the path of body refining. Before that, it can only be regarded as the entry level foundation.

Even though he has used many external forces to temper his body to this level, there is still a limit and it is impossible to improve it indefinitely.

After all, they are just external forces and can only provide limited improvements.

If one wants to follow the path of body refining like Tang Wulin, one must stimulate one's own qi and blood power, allowing it to circulate in the body like soul power, in order to temper the body, and only then can one break the limit.

Moreover, he has some deeper ideas about soul cores and soul rings, which he can only try after the soul cores are fully condensed and the structure is stable.

Ah Yin fished out the dark gold terror claw bear soul bone and skeleton that had been nurtured from the lake of life, but when he saw the skeleton, Tian Hao was amazed.

“Is this the periosteum?”

When he walked forward and looked at the periosteum on the skeleton, Tian Hao was shocked.

Is it possible to rely on this skeleton and soul bone to regenerate a Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear?
"The branches of the Tree of Life and the Light of Life have allowed me to take a step further in my life. With time, I will surely be able to evolve into the body of a Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear."

Ah Yin replied that he had benefited a lot from the fusion with the dead branch during this period, and his cultivation of the blue silver domain and life force had been further improved, and he could even turn other people's flesh and bones into flesh.

Of course, the reason why it can be so fast is also due to the gold of life, which provides a lot of life force.

However, she can only regenerate her body, and is powerless over the meridian and acupoint system, especially the most special sea of ​​​​spiritual spirit and soul.

Her current understanding of life is still far from enough. Maybe she will be able to do it after becoming a god in the future, but not now.

(End of this chapter)

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