Chapter 184 Young Douluo
That’s right, the Barbarian Bull King and the Iron-Armed Ape King used the Chaos Cloak Method. Although they had only been practicing it for a short time, they were able to accumulate twice the strength.

Even though it's only doubled, the size of the car is huge, and a doubling of the size is already terrifying.

Not to mention Ning Lei's 60% all-round increase.

The force of the axe and iron rod was so strong that even a Soul Douluo-level warrior would have to temporarily avoid the edge. The human body is ultimately inferior to that of soul beasts.

However, this kind of force was nothing to Tian Hao. He had no intention of retreating and just went head-on.

He also used this opportunity to perform the technique of chaotic cloak, which, based on the superposition of dark power, became even more powerful.

Moreover, his practice of the Chaos Cloak is far superior to that of the Barbarian Bull King and the Iron-Armed Ape King, and he can accumulate many times more strength.

After fighting fiercely for a while, the weakest black tiger couple were knocked out first, their claws broken, their armor shattered, and they were eliminated!

Neither of them was discouraged by this and they were satisfied with being able to fight until now.

With the help of refining the armor, they pulled back the broken fragments and supported each other to come to the periphery to watch the battle.

The strong men of the Poyi clan looked at the black tiger couple in doubt and surprise. Although these two soul beasts were the first to be eliminated, it was not because they were not strong enough, but because their opponents were too strong.

The combat power that these two just demonstrated is no worse than that of Soul Saint-level Soul Masters. If it were converted into the cultivation level of soul beasts, it would be at least over 30,000 years.

But judging from his soul power, his cultivation has only been around for a thousand years.

This improvement is terrifying!

At this point, all the strong men of the Poyi Clan put away their contempt for the Dahun Village. The people of this village are not strong, but they have extremely terrifying potential, and they also have many powerful soul beast allies.

The most important thing is that young man. The strength and potential he displayed were far beyond their understanding. Even the two brothers Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, who were known as the Haotian Twin Stars back then, were far behind him and were not on the same level at all.

Thinking of this, everyone's ideas changed a little.

At this time, Yang Wudi felt a lot of pressure in the battle. He didn't feel it in the last fight, but this time when facing Tian Hao who was fighting with all his strength, he realized the huge gap between the two sides, even with the help of the Glazed Tower.

His Soul-Breaking Spear couldn't even shake the ice and fire armor, it couldn't move at all!
The opponent's system is different from the current soul master system. His soul power is average, but his body is terrifyingly strong, like a soul beast.

Facing such absolute power, all skills were illusory, and he didn't even dare to confront it head-on, otherwise he was worried that his martial soul, the Soul-Breaking Spear, would be blown up.

This kind of absolute power is even more extreme than that of the old gorilla, and even the people of the Haotian Sect cannot compare with it.

Although the offensive of the Haotian Sect was also powerful, it was a weapon spirit after all, and the increase in physical strength was not very strong, even inferior to the old gorilla's strength.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have used the method of using the force of the chaotic cloak hammer to fight.

Even though Tang Hao was very outstanding in his days and even suppressed the old gorilla Titan in terms of strength, that was because he had a complete set of power-type soul bones. If that set of soul bones were transferred to the old gorilla, the power that could be unleashed would definitely be stronger.

However, the current master has surpassed Tang Hao, who had soul bones back then, in terms of physical explosiveness, which is truly incredible.

After several minutes of fierce fighting, Yang Wudi, the weakest, consumed most of his soul power and his offensive power was greatly reduced, mainly because he was weakened by the ice and fire field.

This field of alternating ice and fire was too uncomfortable. If it was just pure cold or fire, he could still resist it specifically, but it was this kind of alternating cycle of cold and heat, there was no way to resist it, and he could only use his soul power to resist it.

Tian Hao seized the opportunity and stabbed out with the three-pointed, double-edged sword.

This sudden attack made it impossible for Yang Wudi to dodge. He could only block it with his spear horizontally and put all his soul power into the Soul-Breaking Spear.

Yang Wushuang immediately drew his gun and stabbed at Tian Hao's face, hoping to provide support, but Tian Hao slapped the gun away.

The Bull King and the Iron-Armed Ape King also wanted to attack and provide support, but unfortunately they were a little slow.


A deafening sound was heard, and a figure flew out and fell to the ground in a mess. It was Yang Wudi.

At this moment, Yang Wudi was in a particularly miserable state. His arms were twisted unnaturally, and it was obvious that his bones were broken. The Soul-Breaking Spear in his hand broke into two pieces, and then disintegrated into original power and returned to his body.

The backlash from the broken martial soul caused Yang Wudi to suffer even more injuries, and he couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of hot blood.

Seeing this scene, Yang Balang and others were stunned for a moment, and then rushed forward to provide treatment, and in their hearts they were even more impressed by the young master's strength.

The clan leader is the strongest of their Pozhi clan today. Although he has only the cultivation level of Soul Saint, because of the strong attack route he takes, his combat power is no worse than that of a Soul Douluo-level strongman.

But now he was defeated head-on by a young man, and even his martial spirit, the Soul-Breaking Spear, was cut off.

"You and Wushuang are right. The Lord is the future of our Pozhi clan."

At this moment, Yang Balang completely agreed with the previous ideas of Yang Wudi and Yang Wushuang, and was truly impressed.

It’s worth it to recognize such a genius as your master!

"It's too different!"

Yang Wudi, who had taken a breath, stared closely at the four figures who were still fighting fiercely. Especially when he looked at his younger brother who was still fighting, he became more and more interested in the systems created by the master.

In order to settle his clansmen during this period, he has not had time to practice the secret methods and systems created by his master. He has not even refined the black-veined iron essence to strengthen the Soul-Breaking Spear, and his strength is the same as the last time they fought.

In comparison, the younger brother who was not as good as himself before has reached another level, completely surpassing himself and his father at his peak, and the strength he has demonstrated is enough to be on par with Titled Douluo.

My younger brother has made such a huge improvement after he switched to practicing the secret method and system created by the master, so I will definitely not be far behind.

As for the spirit ring skills, I felt that my spirit ring skills were pretty good before, but now facing the master who is fighting with all his strength, they are really pitifully weak.

It's useless!

Compared to self-created soul skills that can be continuously improved and upgraded, soul ring skills have a fixed upper limit from the beginning, which is too passive.

"He will usher in a new era. This is our luck and opportunity. You and Wushuang should go for it boldly."

Yang Balang was completely convinced and was looking forward to the future.

The other members of the Po Yi clan were also shocked at this moment. As a famous clan in the world of soul masters, they had a sense of pride towards the villagers of Dahun Village. But now seeing the strength displayed by that person, the pride in their hearts was suddenly shattered.

Facing that person, they didn't even have the qualifications to take action.

Are they still qualified to look down on a village with such talented and powerful people?
"The name of the Po Yi clan is about to be lost, but it has gained a new life!"

Tang Yuehua, who had been observing the changes in the expressions of the Poyi clan members, knew that it was safe.

Although force cannot solve all problems, it can be very effective when dealing with certain problems and people.

The temperament of the Pozhi clan is similar to that of their Haotian Sect, and they all fall for this kind of thing.

"Where are your limits?"

Turning her beautiful eyes to the figure in the fierce battle, Tang Yuehua really wanted to know how far the young man had come now.

At the same time, he was thinking about that kind of body qi and blood system. That kind of system is undoubtedly very suitable for the Haotian Sect. If combined with the Haotian Hammer, the strength will definitely increase several times, or even dozens of times.

Unfortunately, because of the persecution of the child by the second brother in the past, the Haotian Sect has been completely isolated from this opportunity. It would be a blessing if the child does not become hostile to the Haotian Sect and the second brother in the future.


Just as he was feeling regretful, a huge figure suddenly fell to the ground. It was the Bull King who had been knocked flying.

His body was in a very miserable state. The heavy iron armor on his body was cut in many places, the battle axe in his hand was cut off, and even one of his horns was broken.

Not long after, the Iron-Armed Ape King was also knocked out, looking equally miserable, with the iron rod in his hand also cut off.

Although the two who were knocked flying were depressed, they had no intention of stepping forward to join the battle. Instead, they sat down cross-legged and watched the battle quietly.

At this moment, only Yang Wushuang continued to fight with Tian Hao. He was not Tian Hao's opponent, but his strength was greatly improved under the enhancement of Ning Lei's soul skills.

Although he still couldn't fight Tian Hao head-on, fighting him in a guerrilla battle was not a problem.

There was no way. Tian Hao’s explosive power was extremely terrifying. Coupled with the superposition of the four levels of dark power, there was no way to withstand that kind of explosive power head-on.

In particular, the method of leveraging and storing power of the chaotic cloak can be superimposed on this basis. Although it cannot be performed perfectly, it is enough to further enhance the explosive power.

Add to that the yin-yang field of ice and fire that covered an area of ​​ten meters, and it was extremely difficult to fight.

"My Lord, your strength is amazing. I admire you!"

When the soul power restored by the soul orb could not keep up with the consumption, Yang Wushuang decisively jumped out of the battle circle and admitted defeat.

This time we are just sparring, there is no need to fall to the ground and get beaten to a pulp like my elder brother.

At the same time, he felt that the master's strength had improved again, especially his spear intent, which was more than twice as condensed as last time, which made his offensive even more terrifying.

Tian Hao didn't say much. He turned his head to look at the Wind and Thunder Eagle King who had already manifested the Wind and Thunder Spear, his fighting spirit rising.

The battle just now was just a warm-up for him, and the next battle with the Queen would be the main course.

"You have finally grown to the point where I can take action."

The Wind and Thunder Eagle King was also eager to fight. After she saw the terrifying potential of this human cub, she had been looking forward to fighting him. Today was finally the time!

"Please enlighten me, Queen!"

Staring at the Wind and Thunder Eagle King that was slowly flying towards him, Tian Hao was very solemn.

This person is not comparable to Yang Wushuang and others before, especially after he has half transformed, his strength must have increased greatly.

Apart from anything else, just the armor and the double-headed spear surrounded by wind and thunder are not simple.

Glancing sideways at Lou Gao's smug expression, Tian Hao knew it must be the old man's work.

He did not dare to neglect this, and used his Hunyuan power as the foundation to merge the ice and fire yin and yang fields, transforming them into a flame that enveloped his entire body.

"There are new methods!"

Yang Wudi, who was receiving treatment, was stunned. This kind of method had not been used before, which meant that the master's full strength was not used just now.

What kind of monster is this!

The Wind and Thunder Eagle King didn't waste any time. He appeared in front of Tian Hao in a flash, and thrust the Wind and Thunder Spear in his hand straight forward. There was nothing fancy at all, just one word - fast!

At the same time, the Wind and Thunder Soul Orb caused the soul power vortex to rotate at a rapid speed. The emergence of a huge amount of soul power allowed it to enter the Wind and Thunder Mode, and its strength soared further.


Tian Hao still used the three-pointed, double-edged sword to block, but compared to Yang Wushuang's previous attack, his arms were not just shaking slightly, but his feet were sliding on the ground due to the impact, leaving two deep marks.

Tian Hao was not at all surprised by this. Although the queen had the body of a woman after her transformation, as a soul beast with 50,000 years of cultivation, her blood and energy power was incomparably huge.

Moreover, although the semi-transformation method cannot obtain the martial soul like the perfect transformation, it preserves the physical fitness of the soul beast to the greatest extent.

If we really talk about physical fitness, the Wind and Thunder Eagle King is much stronger than Tian Hao is now.

To put it bluntly, it is a real humanoid soul beast, which has compressed all the physical qualities of the soul beast form into that tiny human body. One can imagine how strong its body is.

Not to mention that this person also knows the method of stacking hidden energy.


The Wind and Thunder Eagle King increased its speed to the extreme, as if it had split into dozens of pieces and surrounded Tian Hao to launch an all-round attack.

Faced with this speed, Tian Hao could only defend passively, it was really too fast.

His body is now strong, but his advantage lies in the explosive power of the superimposed dark energy, and his speed is much worse.

Although the superposition of dark energy can also be used for speed bursts, it is not flexible enough and is too passive when used against a strong warrior like the Wind and Thunder Eagle King who specializes in speed.

Especially after the Wind and Thunder Eagle King half-transformed, not only did its speed increase, but its condensed body also greatly improved its flexibility.

This is quite unsolvable!

"We must win!"

Seeing Tian Hao falling into a passive situation, Ao Jiuer, who was standing outside, prayed nervously.

She was not stupid and knew very well that this was a battle for Ah Hao to establish his authority.

It is not only to establish prestige to the Pozhi clan, but also to establish prestige to the soul beast clan. If they are defeated, it will be very troublesome in the future.

"He will win!"

Tang Yuehua, who was standing next to him, comforted him and expressed her confidence in the young man.

He always creates miracles and he will definitely not let them down this time.

"Xiao Haozi's improvement is too fast. We have to work harder."

The old village chief was very pleased and moved.

The little kid back then has now become a strong man, and has also brought endless benefits and a brand new future to the village!
"The third brother and his friends can rest in peace down there. We all thought that little Haozi would not make it back then."

Tian Meng was also very emotional, and they could finally give an explanation to the third brother.

"What's the matter?"

Ao Jiuer is very sensitive about her boyfriend's affairs. Could it be that Ah Hao had experienced some dangerous misfortune in the past?
Tang Yuehua also looked over with curiosity.

"The third child passed away early, and my sister-in-law was so sad that she accidentally fell and gave birth prematurely. At that time, little Haozi was only five months pregnant. When he was born, he looked like a mouse, and my sister-in-law also had heavy bleeding.

So we called Xiao Haozi "Xiao Haozi" at first, because he was only the size of a mouse, and because it was a cheap name that would make him easier to raise.

Tian Meng did not hide anything and told his nephew what happened in the past.

Back then, they all thought that little Haozi would not survive, but they didn't expect that the child was so strong that he managed to survive and now has become a strong man that they never dared to imagine.

Ao Jiuer couldn't help crying after hearing this experience, and she stared at the figure in the battle.

Tang Yuehua also felt very distressed after hearing this. This child has such a hard life.

She had managed to survive with great difficulty, but who would have thought that she would be persecuted to death by her second brother again. Even she felt that God was too unfair to this child.

At this time, the spectators around were not only the people from the Big Soul Village and the Barbarian Bull King and the Iron-Armed Ape King, but there were also many figures of various forms coming over. They were all intelligent soul beasts in the Blue Silver Forest, and most of them were ten thousand year old.

Although the Blue Silver King had communicated with them long ago, he was a human after all, and they still had some concerns and unwillingness to accept it. If the performance of the human cub in this battle did not satisfy them, then humans would no longer have a share of the dominant position in the Blue Silver Forest Group.

"Teacher, it seems like we are doing more harm than good!"

Sensing that the atmosphere was different, Silong looked up at the soul beasts around him and felt that something bad was going to happen.

The armor and spear worn by the Wind and Thunder Eagle King are their masterpieces, a perfect fusion of several rare metals, perfectly matching the attributes and combat style of the Wind and Thunder Eagle King.

Originally, they thought that the Wind and Thunder Eagle King was also on their side, and was one of the strongest fighters here, so naturally he needed to be improved a lot.

But now it seems that they thought too early.

"We must trust the Lord. He is the founder of the weapon refining system. No one can surpass him in this respect."

Gently stroking the rough beard, Lou Gao had full confidence in the young master, and this was all he could say now.

He then looked at Ning Lei beside him and asked.

"Aren't you going to give the master a boost in his soul skills?"

Although he has not yet cultivated the Glazed Tower to its full potential, the improvement is still significant.

The most important thing is comprehensiveness, an all-round increase.

"The master has always emphasized that we are a big family and cannot be treated differently. It would not be good to give the master a separate soul skill at this time."

Ning Lei said helplessly that now the master was representing the Great Soul Village in the battle against the soul beasts, and it was a one-on-one fight. If he took action himself, the nature of the situation would change.

"Add it, add it to them all!"

Yang Wushuang spoke, looking at the two sides in fierce battle, with a gleam in his eyes.

"This is the first battle where the Lord will go all out. If you want to fight, you must fight to the top and become a true Young Douluo!"

Although the lord had fought many battles before, he had never fought with all his might. This battle was different.

Moreover, this battle is the Lord's struggle for the future of the Great Soul Village. It is of great significance. The more exciting the fight, the better. Even if they lose in the end, it will be enough to shock people and the soul beasts.

"You're right. If we want to fight this battle, we have to fight to the top. The young Douluo is a miracle!"

Ning Lei smiled. Without any worries in his heart, he gave the six soul skills of the Glazed Tower to Tian Hao and the Wind and Thunder Eagle King.

With the blessing of Ning Lei's soul skills, the combat power of Tian Hao and the Wind and Thunder Eagle King increased further. Fortunately, they had all received the blessing of Ning Lei's soul skills before and adapted to it instantly.

With such a powerful increase, the two sides fought more fiercely and no longer held back.

The Wind-Thunder Eagle King knew the significance of this battle. She represented not only herself but also all the soul beasts in the Blue Silver Forest.

Can't lose!

Tian Hao naturally understood the significance of this battle, although this was not the only opportunity for him. After all, he was only twelve years old and still had a lot of room for growth.

Even if I lose this time, I can fight again when I become stronger.

But it would be best if we could win.

(End of this chapter)

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