Chapter 24: Fighting Tiger King
"Six and a half years old is indeed not young. In three months he will be seven years old. His schooling cannot be delayed.

Xiaohui, take this child to register and have the bedding and school uniforms prepared."

Director Liu looked at Tian Hao with a kind look, and finally said something to the female secretary.


Xiao Hui replied, then glanced at the ferocious-looking big yellow dog outside, then looked at the big jar of honey on the table, and whispered to Director Liu: "Director, our proposal last year was rejected because the soul beast was uncontrollable. Do you think the dog outside is suitable?"

Although this kind of exception is not a big problem, it does have some issues after all. It would be bad if someone really caught it and made trouble. But if it can be transformed into a special enrollment, then in order to better train the students of the academy, no one can say anything about making an exception.

At the same time, it can also be regarded as repaying the favor of the jar of honey. It can give the child some salary so that he doesn't have to work as a part-time student and delay his cultivation.

Upon hearing this, Director Liu looked at Da Huang outside. His figure and fierce appearance did meet the requirements. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "Is that dog yours?"

"We brought it here and raised it from a young age. It looks fierce, but it's actually very well behaved and obedient. It won't bite anyone."

Tian Meng hurriedly explained that Dahuang was a dog they had raised since he was a puppy, and that he was different from ordinary dogs and a bit weird.

"That's just right!"

Director Liu smiled and said, "Our academy had a plan before, and all students in the academy will have to hunt for spirit rings in the future, so they will have to face spirit beasts.

The ferocity of soul beasts is beyond the imagination of those children. In the past, many students were injured, disabled or even died when they hunted soul rings for the first time.

We thought of getting some soul beasts back so that the students in the academy can have more contact with them and get used to them, so that they won’t panic when facing soul beasts in the future.

However, soul beasts are wild and difficult to tame and control. Last year, they injured a student, causing the plan to be suspended.

Your dog looks good, and has the aura of a soul beast. I wonder if it can control itself and accept this heavy responsibility?"

He could see that they were two intelligent people, and there was no need to beat around the bush when talking to intelligent people.

Moreover, if this matter is successful, it will also be an achievement for me. Maybe after the old principal retires, I will be able to take over.

Tian Meng was stunned and turned to look at his nephew.

He couldn't say anything about this matter. He had to see what his nephew thought.

When it comes to intelligence, my nephew is smarter.

"Uncle Liu, you have found the right one. Da Huang has half the blood of a soul beast, and his personality is a bit strange, but it just meets your requirements. Let me demonstrate it to you."

Tian Hao smiled, then went out to bring Dahuang in, hugged Dahuang's front legs and shouted.

"Da Huang, bite them!"

The very human-like Da Huang looked at his little master, then obeyed the order and barked at Director Liu.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Dahuang looks really fierce, especially the dog's head with several black lines, which looks like a ghost face. It is creepy at first glance, as if it will rush up and eat people at any time.

When it barks like this, it looks even more ferocious.

This ferocious look stunned both Director Liu and Xiao Hui. They felt as if they were facing a hundred-year-old soul beast, and then they were speechless the next moment.

Tian Hao let go of the front legs he was holding and walked away. Dahuang then stopped barking and looked at the retreating little master in confusion. Then he slowly backed away, whimpering, as if he was very afraid of people.

Then Tian Hao held up the front legs again, and Dahuang immediately resumed his previous ferocious barking.

Tian Hao let go again, and Dahuang got scared again. After several turns, Director Liu and Xiaohui were speechless. It was the first time they saw such a strange big dog, which took the advantage of its master to a whole new level.

But the next moment they were delighted, as this was simply born to assist their plan.

"It's settled. Our academy will waive your tuition, room and board fees, and give you one gold soul coin every month. You only need to help train the courage of the students in the academy."

Director Liu immediately made the decision and decided to keep the dog.

"Thank you Uncle Liu, thank you Big Sister."

Tian Hao hurriedly thanked him, and Tian Meng followed suit.

After that, Tian Meng returned, and Tian Hao followed Xiao Hui to register and create a file. Everything was settled, and even Da Huang was given a position with free food and accommodation.

In this way, Tian Hao became a student of Notting College, and also had the identity of an assistant teacher with a salary.

Although one gold soul coin is not much, it is enough for a child.

Not to mention that food and accommodation are free in the college, so there is no place to spend money.

However, when it comes to dormitory arrangements, Tian Hao took the initiative to ask to live with the working students, saying that he didn't want to cause trouble for Uncle Liu and Sister Xiaohui. After all, he entered the college through the back door, so it's better to keep a low profile before the official enrollment, which also made Xiaohui more satisfied and liked it.

"You are such a clever kid. Come to me if you have any problems in the academy."

Pinching Tian Hao's cheek, Xiaohui took Tian Hao to Dormitory 7.

Tian Hao followed behind with bedding and two sets of school uniforms, and Da Huang followed beside him dragging Blue Silver Grass.

When they arrived at Dormitory 7, Xiaohui first communicated with the teacher in charge of Dormitory 7, and soon let Tian Hao move in. At the same time, Dahuang also lived here to make it easier for Tian Hao to manage the dormitory.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Tian Hao must let Dahuang know where the toilet is and not let him urinate or defecate anywhere.

"Why is there a dog? Who are you?"

After class, everyone returned and saw someone arranging blue silver grass and Dahuang lying beside him. Dahuang's ferocious look scared everyone.

Everyone was confused about this strange child, as it was not the time for new students to enroll.

"Hello, my name is Tian Hao, and I will be your roommate from now on. Please take care of me."

Tian Hao stood up politely, introduced himself, and bowed.

"So you're new here, what is a martial spirit?"

Upon hearing that the person was new, Wang Sheng, the dormitory boss, immediately asked him with the authority of a boss.

"Blue Silver Grass!"

Tian Hao replied, still smiling, and he understood that this person was trying to show his power.

"Can Blue Silver Grass become a soul master?"

Wang Sheng was a little curious, but he didn't care. He thought it must be that the other person was lucky and awakened his soul power.

"Xiao Haozi, I'm the boss of Dormitory 7. From now on, you have to call me boss and listen to me. Do you understand?"

It is the tradition of the Seventh Dormitory to state one's status and the rules of the Seventh Dormitory.


Tian Hao walked forward with a smile and slapped Wang Sheng on the shoulder, causing Wang Sheng's body to tremble and his face to turn pale.

"Possessed by a war tiger!"

He quickly activated his martial spirit, the War Tiger Possession. A shadow of a tiger appeared behind Wang Sheng, and its body expanded greatly.

However, Tian Hao ignored it and slapped him again.


"Hello, boss!"


"Is the boss okay?"


"Boss, please make a sound!"


"Boss, why don't you say anything?"

Tian Hao slapped Wang Sheng in the face for every word he said. Wang Sheng's face turned paler and he fell to his knees on the ground with a thud. Half of his body was paralyzed, especially his shoulders.

Wang Sheng’s face was filled with fear. Is this really a new student?
"Boss, if you have any instructions in the future, just tell me. I may not listen."

After saying this, Tian Hao looked up at the others, scaring them so much that they all took a step back, looking frightened.

They are not fools, so they can naturally see what just happened.

Apart from anything else, the fact that he was able to knock their boss to his knees, and that he couldn't resist even with his martial spirit activated, shows how powerful the opponent is.

The boss is not his match, let alone them.

This is a ruthless guy who is not easy to mess with and should not be messed with.

(End of this chapter)

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