Not to mention what everyone outside was thinking, Ye Lingling in the operating room also dissected Xiao Wu. No abnormalities were found in her body, but there were some sensations.

"Soul beast?"

Ye Lingling was thoughtful as she sensed the breath of a soul beast from the flesh and blood of the girl, but she had no soul bones on her body.

Even if the beast spirit soul master's spirit will merge with the body, the body will be contaminated with the spirit beast's aura of the spirit ring, but that is only when the spirit is possessed. It is really strange that it is like this now in a coma.

Although she didn't understand, Ye Lingling still stopped to dissect and study, healed the wound, and connected the broken ribs on the chest.

She knew that this girl had a big secret, but it was not something she could pry into at this stage. Continuing her research would not yield any results, not to mention that so much flesh had already been cut off.

After sealing the cut flesh and blood with a special medicine, Ye Lingling took off her gloves and walked out of the operating room.

Without even looking at Flanders and the others, he left indifferently, and Yufeng and Osro followed him.

Only after the three men left did they enter the operating room. They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Xiao Wu's breathing had stabilized.

"Flanders, take me out for a while."

Seeing that Xiao Wu was fine, Yu Xiaogang spoke.

Although this battle did not achieve the desired result, it also demonstrated Xiao San's training results, and he still had the confidence to convince Tian Heng.

After hesitating for a while, Flanders finally pushed the wheelchair away, came to a street, put Yu Xiaogang on the side of the road, and hid himself not far away.

Not long after, eight members of the Royal Fighting Team came over, including Dugu Bo.

Several people were silent. Even though they were tricked, they were beaten out of the fighting arena in the end and were the losers.

How can they be happy with this result?

He walked in silence, ignoring Yu Xiaogang who was standing on the side of the street.

Seeing several people walking past him without paying any attention to him, Yu Xiaogang's face darkened, but he finally spoke.


Yu Tianheng paused and turned his head to look, and found an old man sitting in a wheelchair. Although he was a stranger, he had some guesses about his identity, especially the wheelchair.

"You go back first!"

After saying something to Dugu Yan and the others, Yu Tianheng walked over slowly.


Dugu Bo glanced at Yu Xiaogang thoughtfully, said something to his granddaughter who wanted to say something, and continued walking forward.

That is someone else's family affair. Yanyan hasn't married yet, so you don't need to pay attention to it.

Several members of the Royal Fighting Team also glanced at the old man and continued to move forward.

"Just say whatever you want to say?"

After his teammates left, Yu Tianheng said indifferently.

"You don't even call me uncle? Is that what your father taught you?"

Yu Xiaogang was dissatisfied, but I am your uncle and your elder.

“When Grandfather learned about what you did in Notting College, he was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot. The elders unanimously decided to expel you from the sect and remove your name from the family tree.

If you continue to hide, I will call you uncle when we meet, but you will definitely bring trouble to the sect again when you come back this time, so how can I call you uncle?"

The voice was still indifferent, even a little cold.

The Notting Academy incident was terrible, and the evidence was solid. Haotian Douluo had indeed killed the Pope of Spirit Hall and was the Spirit Hall's highest-level wanted criminal. His own uncle was in cahoots with him and he also murdered a child who was less than seven years old. Afterwards, the Spirit Hall sent people to hold him accountable, and the entire Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex clan was brought to shame.

The most important thing is that this incident broke the sect's neutral stance, causing the Spirit Hall to believe that their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect and the Haotian Sect were secretly allying, and they were further targeted. The problem was very serious.

At that time, several elders joined forces to hold Great Grandfather accountable. If Second Grandfather had not continued to strongly support Great Grandfather, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Even so, there were still major disputes within the sect afterwards, and the conflict between him and his cousin was also related to it.

What can he say facing such an uncle?
These words made Yu Xiaogang's already pale face even paler. Blood flowed from the corners of his lips again, and he felt extremely remorseful and worried.

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Yu Xiaogang said, "Xiao San has great potential. He is not even thirteen years old this year, and his talent and potential have surpassed yours. When he cultivates to the Titled Douluo, he will be able to start cultivating his second martial soul, which will be an important force in the fight against the Spirit Hall.

The Spirit Hall has evil ambitions..."

Although she lost that battle, Xiao San lost because of her age. If she was the same age as Tianheng, she would never have lost.

Coupled with the talent of twin martial souls, he will definitely reach the pinnacle of the soul master world in the future, and may even become a god.

Once Xiao San grows up, it will be beneficial to the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan as it can share the pressure from the Spirit Hall and preserve the sect.

"Then your disciple led the Clear Sky Sect to destroy the Spirit Hall and take its place?
In my opinion, there is not much difference between the Spirit Hall and the Haotian Sect. In fact, the Spirit Hall is better than the Haotian Sect.

The Haotian Sect is too tough and overbearing. Letting them replace the Spirit Hall may not be a good thing for our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, Yu Tianheng followed up with a comment.

He is already the young master of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Clan, and he needs to think about things much more deeply. This is what his great-grandfather taught him.

Moreover, last year, he went to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect as the young sect leader to visit the sect leader Ning. They had some exchanges on the spirit master world's Wuhun Hall and the Haotian Sect. They all agreed that the Haotian Sect's seclusion was only for the purpose of accumulating better strength.

It is like a retracted fist that can have greater power when thrown out. At the same time, the retreat of the Haotian Sect also made the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Sect and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect enter the main sight of the Spirit Hall.

This means that the previous balance in the soul master world has been broken, which will further increase the ambition of the Spirit Hall. If they really want to take action, the two sects will definitely bear the brunt, and the Spirit Hall will also be severely damaged by their counterattack.

While the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. This strategy is very well played, very good!
Yu Xiaogang was stunned when he heard his nephew's vigilance and even malice towards the Haotian Sect. How could this be?
"My great grandfather taught me that balance is the most important thing in everything. Only in this way can there be long-term peace and stability. There needs to be a balance within the sect, there is also a balance in the Tiandou Empire, and there was also a balance in the soul master world in the past, especially in the Liangyue era.

Although there are constant frictions among the major forces, the situation is generally peaceful.

But the Haotian Sect was the first to break this balance. First, the previous generation of Haotian Douluo disappeared, and then the Haotian Douluo of this generation killed the Pope of the Spirit Hall, and then took advantage of the situation to hide from the world, which led to the current situation. "

Having said that, Yu Tianheng looked at his uncle who was still stunned.

"Can you tell me that the Haotian Sect has created the current situation and what their purpose is?"

This made Yu Xiaogang even more shocked. Why would Tian Heng say these words?

"You got involved without knowing anything. Don't use the name Yu Xiaogang anymore. Just use your title of master!"

Yu Tianheng lost interest in talking further. This guy was just a fool. He knew nothing but dared to force his way in. The sect would definitely be implicated by him again.

"Tian Heng, it's not what you think..."

Yu Xiaogang opened his mouth hurriedly, trying to keep him and explain.

The Spirit Hall is the biggest enemy at present. If the sect and the Haotian Sect become hostile to each other, the future will be unimaginable.

"Uncle, I will call you uncle today. As your nephew, I want to ask you a question: Is what happened at Notting College true? I am asking this on behalf of my father and great grandfather. They have always had a hope in their hearts, hoping that all that was false."

Pausing, Yu Tianheng asked in a deep voice. He needed this uncle to tell the story in person.

Although the results of their investigation were indeed true, there were still some doubts and he needed to make further confirmation. His great-grandfather and father were also keeping an eye on this.

Only this uncle can answer this question now.

Faced with his nephew's questioning, Yu Xiaogang was speechless. He couldn't lie or deceive, but he couldn't admit it either. He fell into silence for a while.

"From now on, you can call me Master!"

After waiting for a full ten minutes, Yu Tianheng left in disappointment.

He had already gotten the answer, and silence was the most powerful answer.

Watching his nephew walking away, Yu Xiaogang wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know what to say.

In the eyes of my father, the sect, and my nephew, am I that kind of person?
"Let's go back!"

After a while, Flanders came over and pushed the wheelchair towards the Soto Fighting Arena.

"Were we all deceived by the Haotian Sect back then?"

After the two left, a figure emerged from the shadows. It was Ghost Douluo Guimei.

At this moment, Gui Mei was confused. After hearing Yu Tianheng's words, he suddenly realized that the source of everything seemed to be the Haotian Sect, not their Wuhun Hall.

Thinking about it carefully, it is indeed as Yu Tianheng said, it was the Haotian Sect that first broke the balance.

What does the Haotian Sect want to do by breaking the balance?

Could it be that, as Yu Tianheng said, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to replace their Spirit Hall and become the new master of the continent? After thinking for a while, the ghostly figure disappeared into the shadows and left, rushing straight to the Pope's place and telling him what he had seen and heard before.

Bibi Dong remained silent, feeling very uncomfortable.

Does Xiaogang hate himself and the Spirit Hall so much that he wants to destroy them?

"What do you think of the Haotian Sect?"

It took Bibi Dong a while to calm down, and she looked at Yue Guan and Gui Mei.

To be honest, she had not had much contact with the Haotian Sect. In comparison, Yue Guan and the others had had many contacts with them. They had even hunted down Tang Hao in the past and later went to the Haotian Sect to hold them accountable.

Yue Guan thought for a moment and said, “What Haotian Sect did may not be that simple. According to the method of becoming a god that Your Majesty mentioned before, one of the methods requires the power of faith. Twenty thousand years ago, the Angel God established faith throughout the continent and used the power of faith to condense the Angel God position and become a god. The same is true for the Sea God.

If someone in the Haotian Sect wants to become a god, they will definitely consider this path."

"Tang Chen?"

Bibi Dong knew who Yue Guan was talking about. It was the Haotian Douluo of the previous generation, a person that Qian Daoliu had lost to and admired.

And according to her guess, Tang Chen is likely to have become the King of Killing in the City of Killing, which means that he carries the legacy of the Shura God.

However, judging from the state of the King of Slaughter and the killing domain he possessed at the time, he should have been eroded by the backup plan left by Rakshasa's divine consciousness in the City of Slaughter.

But even so, Tang Chen is still powerful. Perhaps he has already become a demigod, only half a step away from the realm of god.

But Asura God is a stronger and higher-level god than Rakshasa God. The inheritance of the throne is definitely not that simple. It either requires the support of killing or the power of faith.

So a chaotic world is what they need, which can satisfy both at the same time.

"After returning to Wuhun City, tell the Great Priest about this. He is his old rival. Let him solve it himself."

Bibi Dong decided to find an opportunity to force Tang Chen out of the City of Slaughter so that she could go over and make plans.

Otherwise, if Tang Chen continues to stay in the City of Slaughter, once the power merges with the power left by the Shura God inside, it will be difficult to take over the City of Slaughter.

It must be lured away, and I can't deal with this matter alone, Qian Daoliu also has to contribute.

"My subordinate understands!"

Yue Guan accepted the order, saying that he was not qualified to interfere in such matters and could only act as a messenger.

"This Soul Master Competition will be an opportunity, and Tang San is also a perfect bait, don't let anyone ruin it."

After giving the order, Bibi Dong closed her eyes and continued to practice her fighting spirit.

This kind of fighting spirit power is very special. It can make better use of life energy and blood, and is also beneficial for refining and integrating the soul bone power in the body to form divine equipment.

There are even methods in the Dou Qi system that allow you to transform Dou Qi into armor and Dou Qi into wings, which are somewhat similar to the Soul Armor Secret Technique and Soul Wing Secret Technique obtained from that little fat man. Perhaps they can be integrated.

There is also the martial arts system obtained from Tang San’s memory, especially the internal strength that can be well integrated with soul power.

When all these systems are finally integrated, your own foundation will definitely be stronger, and you will be even stronger after becoming a god.

"Your Holiness, that Zhang Chulan seems to have some relationship with Tang San. How should we deal with it?"

Yue Guan mentioned something. Judging from Zhang Chulan’s behavior that night and in the following few days, there was something very problematic.

"Don't worry about it. He should be more inclined to our Spirit Hall. The truth behind it will eventually come to light, perhaps in the Spirit Master Competition."

Bibi Dong said calmly that although she was curious about the affairs of that cheap disciple, she also knew that she couldn't interfere too much, otherwise it would only make the relationship awkward.

The last transaction was actually a test. The other party agreed to the transaction and gave them a new cultivation system, Dou Qi, which proved that they had no ill feelings towards their Spirit Hall.

This is enough!

"Subordinates resign!"

Yue Guan understood, and then left the room with the ghost.

"I'm afraid this Soul Master Competition will be much more exciting than the last one."

The ghost laughed sinisterly. The focus of the last Soul Master Competition was only on the Fire Cloud Evil God, but this time there were a lot more and they were much bigger.

"Don't be careless. Yu Xiaogang brought Tang San back and planned to participate in the Spirit Master Competition. It seems that Tang Hao, who is hiding in the dark, should have acquiesced.

We are targeting them now, and they are probably also targeting our Spirit Hall. By then, there will inevitably be an earth-shattering war.

Perhaps we should propose to the High Priest and His Holiness the Pope to move the venue of the finals outside of Wuhun City, otherwise if a fight breaks out inside Wuhun City, our losses will be huge."

Yue Guan was very cautious. Now, His Holiness the Pope and the High Priest had resolved their previous conflicts, and the High Priest had even delegated all his power. Coupled with the young lady's side, the Spirit Hall had become an ironclad entity, so they had to consider the overall situation when considering issues.

"Tang Hao, we won't let him escape again this time!"

Guimei agreed deeply and thought of his old rival at the same time.

They were badly tricked by Tang Hao back then, and it seems they were even more tricked now. With their help, Tang Hao let the Blue Silver Emperor sacrifice to Tang Hao, allowing him to obtain a 100,000-year spirit ring and possess the same foundation as the previous generation of Haotian Douluo, thus qualifying to aspire for the peerless realm.

That time, His Holiness the Pope was severely injured. Although the death of His Holiness the Pope was a bit strange, the source of it was all Tang Hao.

After being fooled once, I must get it back.

"Be careful, don't let Tang Hao detect your murderous intent. According to several priests, Tang Hao can use the Killing God Domain to sense the enemy from a very long distance.

When the two priests Jiang Mo Qianjun went to Notting City to kill Tang Hao, he sensed it in advance and came to the outside of the city to fight, giving his son a chance to escape. "

Yue Guan’s solemn reminder is something I have discussed with all of you worshippers.

Although Tang Hao was hiding here and did not dare to expose himself, and he did not have high-intensity burst combat power, his perception was definitely not bad, especially his perception of murderous intent.

Now is not the time to confront Tang Hao. We need to wait patiently and wait until Tang Hao appears in the finals to compete with him.

"I'll be careful!"

Nodding solemnly, Guimei naturally understood this and had been very careful during this period.

Even Yue Guan had never taken the initiative to go out, because he had more advantages in hiding. For example, this time when he went out to monitor the meeting between Yu Xiaogang and Yu Tianheng, he did it personally, but he did not expect to get unexpected news.

"The future battle with Tang Hao will not be easy. According to what the Pope said, the level of the God-killing Domain is extremely high and is derived from the power of God. Our bipolar static domain may not be able to freeze him. When the time comes, we will have to fight with hard power, at least to level ninety-eight. Only then can we use our martial soul fusion skills to merge into one to compete with him.

The Pope also needs to hurry up and practice the martial arts and fighting spirit systems he has obtained. It won’t be easy in the future.”

Yue Guan was filled with excitement when he thought of the fighting spirit system and martial arts system passed down by His Holiness the Pope.

If they could really cultivate the power of these two systems, they would definitely be qualified to challenge the realm of the Hundred-Level God.

"Just waiting for another battle with Tang Hao!"

Guimei was full of expectations. Only by defeating Tang Hao could they resolve their grievances. The battle that year had left them with too great a shadow.

"The Haotian Sect is worthy of being the number one sect in the world. We only saw their strength before and ignored their wisdom. It was not unfair for us to lose before."

Thinking of Tang Hao and the Haotian Sect behind him, Yue Guan couldn't help but sigh and accepted his defeat sincerely.

With such strength and wisdom, it is no wonder that they have become the number one sect in the world, and even now want to replace their Spirit Hall.

"Speaking of Haotian Sect, I remember that in the past two years, the Min clan and the Yu clan also seemed to have gathered on the side of the Tiandou Empire."

Thinking of something, the ghost's expression became more solemn.

As soon as these words were spoken, Yue Guan's expression changed slightly, and he realized that something was wrong.

"Old ghost, go and take a look at those three tribes."

After thinking for a while, Yue Guan felt that he had to go and investigate the three tribes as soon as possible.

Those three tribes used to be die-hard fans of Haotian Sect. Although they suffered heavy losses in that battle and were abandoned by Haotian Sect, they still had friendship after all.

Not to mention that the Min clan and the Haotian Sect are related by marriage, and Titan of the Power clan also had a close relationship with Tang Hao, and they were both master craftsmen of the Blacksmith Association.

Now that the three major families have come together, something always feels wrong.

"I'm going right now!"

The ghost nodded, his figure disappeared into the shadows and quickly left towards Tiandou City.

With his current level of cultivation, crossing thousands of miles is nothing, especially in the dark.

I hope that this exploration of the three tribes will yield some results. Besides, the Haotian Sect is so tolerant, there is no reason for them to really give up the power of the four tribes.

The Po Yi clan suffered too much loss that year and could not be recalled, but the Li Min Yu clan did not suffer much loss. (End of this chapter)

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