Chapter 281 Haotian is gone
"The key to a soul master's training and fighting is to play to their strengths and avoid their weaknesses. Since the Blue Tyrant team has a low-level martial soul, they can only invest more in teamwork. However, your martial souls are all top-notch, so you should focus on the training and development of your own martial souls and soul skills."

Yu Xiaogang made a suggestion, but also disagreed with his disciple's suggestion.

It’s not because the training effect is bad, but it will make Xiao San further excluded by the team members.

The team members were already dissatisfied with the embarrassing results of the previous battle caused by Xiao San's illegal use of the Zhuge Divine Crossbow. If they used that method to train, once the team members were injured, their resentment would increase, which would be detrimental to the team's cooperation.

The teacher's persuasion made Tang San suppress that thought, and he immediately thought of another thing.

"Jing Ling had a spirit shadow behind him during the battle, but it turned black and became stronger. Do you know what happened?"

When asked about Jing Ling's changes, he still hasn't figured out what happened.

"A variation of black?"

Tailong and the other two were confused and didn't understand what was being said.

This expression disappointed Tang San and the others. It was obvious that these three people were not aware of the secret.

"At that time, I heard Ning Rongrong exclaim about the second awakening. She should know."

Flanders said this and looked at Ning Min, who also came from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect and was Ning Rongrong's cousin.

"I don't know either. Maybe Rongrong heard about it from Zhang Chulan."

Seeing Flanders looking at him, Ning Min shook his head. He really had no idea about this and was shocked and confused at the time.

She didn't think that anyone in the sect knew the secret of this mutation, and the most likely possibility was that her cousin learned it from Zhang Chulan.

"That should be it!"

Yu Xiaogang was slightly disappointed, but he also guessed so.

Since returning to the mainland, he found that the world of soul masters suddenly became very strange, very powerful and strange. There were more and more events and existences beyond his understanding, which made him feel very powerless.

At the same time, he also yearned to the place where Zhang Chulan and Huoyun were. There must be a higher-level knowledge system there. If he could go there, his own theory would definitely be further improved, and Xiao San would become stronger.

"We know something about Jing Ling."

At this time, Torres, who came with Tyrone, spoke up and actually knew something about this.


Everyone looked over and gestured for him to talk.

Tai Long looked over in astonishment, he didn't even know about this, so how did this henchman know?
Torres did not hide anything and began to explain: "The night before yesterday, Zhang Chulan used a soul bone to help the team...Crazy War deeply refined the third soul ring, and his martial soul evolved into a King Kong Lion Mastiff. His strength increased greatly, and he also gained a power called King Kong Power. Finally, he ignited his blood and transformed it into King Kong Dou Qi..."

Torres first talked about the changes of Berserker according to the order of that day, and when he mentioned the word fighting spirit, everyone in Shrek was shocked.

"Doubt Qi, is it the power of that blood-colored flame?"

They were unfamiliar with the word "fighting spirit", but were familiar with qi and blood, especially the man who had erupted with a kind of qi and blood power in the battle with Tang San in the Soto Fighting Spirit Arena. Could that be fighting spirit?

"It is a blood-colored flame. Both Kuang Zhan and Jing Ling have experienced it, but only Kuang Zhan has successfully comprehended the fighting spirit."

Tienan on the other side nodded. At that time, blood-red flames did appear on the two of them.

"So it's the power of fighting spirit. No wonder his outburst is so strong."

Dai Mubai suddenly realized why the crazy battle broke out so unreasonablely. Even the Netherworld White Tiger, which was comparable to the Soul King, was suppressed.

Then came jealousy and desire. If he could also obtain that kind of fighting spirit power, he would definitely be stronger and it would not be difficult to defeat Davis.

Tang San and Xiao Wu’s focus is on that soul bone. Is it theirs?

Tai Long was completely numb. If Kuang Zhan could evolve his martial soul and gain fighting spirit power like that, then he should be able to do it as well. His third soul skill, Demon Ape Golden Body, was similar to Kuang Zhan's third soul skill.

That is to say, I missed this great opportunity after my grandfather sent someone to call me away that night. Now that I have left the Blue Overlord team, I will definitely be hated by them, and there will be no way for me to go there and take advantage of the opportunity.

What the hell is going on!
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Looking at the two henchmen angrily, Tyrone really wanted to beat these two idiots to death.

You know, that is a great opportunity for the evolution of your martial soul!

The powerful gorilla spirit of their Power Clan is already a high-level spirit, and if it evolves, it will become a top-level spirit.

"We wanted to wait until you returned to the academy to tell us, but you had someone call us back home and asked us to stay at home. We just met at the academy and then came here, so we didn't have a chance to tell each other."

Torres and Tienan said aggrievedly that this was really none of their business.

This answer made Tyrone's face turn purple, he almost fainted, and his heart was bleeding.

That is a great opportunity to evolve into a top-level martial spirit!
However, Tang San felt unhappy seeing this reaction, and he no longer had much good feelings towards the Li Clan.

The Li clan probably came to our side for the sake of benefits and other plans. This kind of relationship is the most unstable. They may come to our side for benefits today, and switch to others for benefits tomorrow.

This is the kind of person you need to be most wary of, otherwise you never know when they might be stabbed in the back.

However, I can make use of it. I need to take advantage of the situation to protect myself at the moment. Moreover, the Li clan seems to be very good at forging, so they should have rare metals, which is exactly what I need.

"go on!"

Flanders spoke up and said that there was something else that he hadn’t mentioned, Jing Ling, and that was the key point.

"After the frenzied battle, Jing Ling was also strengthened by that person, and his skeleton martial spirit was transformed into the body skeleton martial spirit, which improved even more. The change you mentioned may be due to the body martial spirit."

Torres finished his previous words, and this was all he knew.

Although he really wanted to stay with the Blue Tyrant Team and continue to follow that person and listen to his lectures, unfortunately their lineage was dependent on the Power Clan and they could not go against the will of the Power Clan at all.

If he really dared to jump around, even without the help of his clan, his family would have to cripple him and take him to apologize.

Tienan's situation is similar to his. They can only follow Tailong as followers and do whatever others say.

"Is the real secret of the original martial spirit evolution? How can there be such a terrifying martial spirit in the world?"

Yu Xiaogang's face changed drastically. If his martial soul could really evolve, it would be too terrifying.

Whether it is the Clear Sky Hammer spirit or the Seraph spirit, they will pale in comparison to the spirit that can evolve.

Because even the Clear Sky Hammer, which is known as the most powerful weapon spirit in the world, has its limits, but the evolveable body spirit does not have a limit, or at least that limit will be much higher. Maybe in the end, it can achieve the legendary hundred-level god on its own.

But how could there be such a foul martial spirit in the world?
"Perhaps it can only evolve once, or that is the complete awakening, just like the complete awakening of the Ice Phoenix Martial Spirit of Tianshui Academy in the information here."

Flanders put his hand on his friend's shoulder to calm him down. Now he could only think positively.

It would be fine if the original martial soul was just fully awakened like a god-level martial soul, but if it could continue to evolve...

Thinking of this, Flanders didn't dare to think further. That kind of martial spirit was too unfair, but this possibility was quite high.

Otherwise, what Ning Rongrong exclaimed about was not the second awakening, but a complete awakening.

If there is a second awakening, will there be a third awakening, a fourth awakening, or even more?

"Flanders, there's a carriage from the palace outside, saying that His Majesty the Emperor is inviting Xiao San to a banquet."

Just then Li Yusong pushed the door open and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Flanders and the others were stunned. Why did Emperor Xue Ye invite the mistress?

Is it because of what happened before at Tiandou Royal Academy?

"Is it Tang Lian? Or Tang San?"

Yu Xiaogang asked, wanting to confirm some guesses.

"It's Xiao San, and the Poison Douluo is also in the carriage."

Li Yusong replied solemnly, also realizing the seriousness of the problem.

"You only invited Xiao San?"

Frowning, Flanders knew something big was going to happen.

"I only mentioned Xiao San."

Li Yusong nodded. He had confirmed that only Xiao San was included in Emperor Xue Ye's order.

"It shouldn't be a bad thing, but Xiaosan, don't say too much when you get there, and don't promise anything."

After some thought, Yu Xiaogang finally agreed to let his disciple go.

The fact that he can have Poison Douluo come to escort her shows how much Emperor Xue Ye values ​​her. This way, Xiao San’s safety is guaranteed.

The emperor's real target should be Xiao San's father and Haotian Sect. The issues involved are very complicated.

"I understand, teacher!"

Tang San nodded solemnly, then patted Xiao Wu who was holding his hand tightly, and followed Li Yusong to leave. Watching Tang San leave, Dai Mubai's face was a little ugly.

Tang San was the helper he chose himself, and he would be in trouble if he was lured away by the Tiandou Empire.

And according to the information brought by my second sister-in-law, the Haotian Sect seemed to have moved out of the Xingluo Empire long ago and secretly came to the Tiandou Empire.

Is it simply to avoid the three lower four sects that are integrated with the Spirit Hall in the Star Luo Empire, or is there some other idea?
Not to mention what Dai Mubai and others were thinking, on the other side, Tang San followed Li Yusong to the school gate. After taking a look at Dugu Bo in the carriage, Tang San got in and sat down, and the carriage then headed to the palace.

"Are you good at using poison?"

Dugu Bo was playing with a strangely shaped steel needle between his fingers. The color of the needle was very abnormal, and it was obviously coated with some kind of poison.

Tang San recognized that it was one of his own bone-piercing needles, which had been taken away by Dugu Bo at some point.

"Know a little bit."

Tang San lowered his attitude slightly, after all, this was a Titled Douluo.

"It takes more than just a passing knowledge to be able to mix this kind of poison with ordinary ingredients."

Dugu Bo smiled. After he got this hidden weapon, he became interested in the poison on it. It was a mixed toxin that he had never seen before. It took him a long time to study the ingredients inside, but he found that they were just some relatively common materials.

This young man has made some achievements in the use of poisons, as he can use ordinary materials to combine such a powerful mixed toxin.

There are many martial souls with poisonous attributes in the soul master world, but only a few can actually use poison, and even fewer can be outstanding.

Meeting such a person made him very happy.

"I have never seen you use the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. I want to see your Clear Sky Hammer."

Dugu Bo was very interested in this kind of twin martial souls. It was no exaggeration to say that it was a miracle in the world of soul masters.

"Please forgive me, senior, I am not able to show you my Clear Sky Hammer."

Tang San declined politely. He naturally would not reveal his true situation.

Unfortunately, he underestimated Dugu Bo's dominance. He was originally only a little interested, but Tang San's rejection made Dugu Bo unhappy, and he became more curious about the talents of the twin martial spirits.

"No one has ever been able to refuse me."

The terrifying soul pressure exploded, and only affected Tang San alone, without spreading out of the carriage.

Feeling this terrible soul pressure, Tang San's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly activated the Xuantian Gong to resist it.

But the soul pressure of a Titled Douluo was too terrifying. Even if it was only a small part of Dugu Bo's soul pressure, it was not something he could bear, and this soul pressure was still increasing.

When he reached the limit of Xuan Tian Gong, Tang San had to release his first martial soul, the Dark Blue Silver Grass.

However, the manifestation of the dark blue silver grass did not allow him to sustain for too long. At this time, obeying Dugu Bo's wishes and manifesting the Clear Sky Hammer spirit was the best option, but the problem was that he could not manifest it.

Seeing that Tang San could no longer bear it and even started to bleed from his nose, Dugu Bo could only helplessly and puzzledly withdraw his soul pressure.

He would naturally not cause any trouble for the young man, otherwise he would not be able to bear the wrath of his father.

At the same time, he was a little confused, because the soul pressure just now was not only oppression, but also invasive exploration, but Tang San only had one kind of soul power in his body, and there was no sign of a second martial soul.

"Are you really a twin spirit?"

Looking at the panting boy, Dugu Bo asked in confusion.

"Senior, why did you say this?"

Tang San was stunned. Why did you say that?

He just felt the other party's power invading his body. It was obviously a means of exploration. He should have found out his physical condition and even knew the soul bone in his leg.

With the other party's cultivation level, he should be able to sense it more delicately, but why do you say that?

"You only have one kind of soul power in your body, not a second kind, and there is no fluctuation of the origin power of other martial souls. Where is your second martial soul?"

After explaining the results of the exploration, Dugu Bo was very confused.

Isn't it said that this kid has twin martial spirits?
"Senior, you didn't sense my second martial spirit either?"

As if he thought of something, Tang San's face turned pale as paper.

Could it be that what the Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit originally devoured was not the soul power of the Clear Sky Hammer, but the origin of the Clear Sky Hammer?
Dugu Bo said nothing. He raised his hand and placed it on Tang San's shoulder, injecting his own soul power and mental strength into careful sensing. After several minutes, he withdrew his hand, and his expression became even weirder.

"I have not sensed the existence of other martial spirits, let alone a martial spirit as domineering as the Clear Sky Hammer. If there really is one, it will definitely not be hidden."

These words made Tang San's face even paler. Although he didn't have a good impression of Dugu Bo, he also understood that there was no need for him to deceive him on such a matter.

Could it be that his Clear Sky Hammer spirit was really lost?

Having lost the gift of twin martial spirits, can he still grow to the pinnacle?
Just at this moment, a blood-red light flashed in Dugu Bo's eyes, and a blood-red figure deep in Tang San's spiritual sea opposite him was triggered to wake up. It was the Shura divine consciousness that arranged Tang San to travel through time and be reborn.

The Shura consciousness in Dugu Bo's body sensed something was wrong, which stimulated the original consciousness in Tang San's body to awaken.

The power of his divine thought was too weak to do anything. The problem of this chess piece could only be solved by the bigger divine thought.

The revived Shura's divine consciousness immediately sensed the condition inside Tang San's body, and then was stunned.

Didn’t you get an Eight Spider Lance soul bone before?

What about that huge Eight Spider Lance soul bone?

Also, why can’t I sense the bloodline aura of the Clear Sky Hammer?

No, how come the blood aura of the Clear Sky Hammer appears on the Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul?

Is this the swallowing of the bloodline of the Clear Sky Hammer spirit?

This series of events made Shura's mind a little confused, and then he checked Tang San's memory and was suddenly numb.

Last time, because this chess piece absorbed and refined the soul ring of the human-faced demon spider, he was stimulated by the evil divine power within the soul ring of the human-faced demon spider and woke up once. At that time, he found that the Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit of this chess piece was gone. He didn't know whether it was lost or was really suppressed and collapsed.

In the end, he could only help to regenerate the bloodline and awaken a new Clear Sky Hammer.

He even separated a strand of divine consciousness into the Eight Spider Lance's soul bone to guide it, but who would have thought that the entire Eight Spider Lance's soul bone was gone, and the Clear Sky Hammer's bloodline was completely devoured by the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit and mutated.

It’s so difficult to get pregnant again now, what a pitfall!
"Go find Tang Hao and ask him to go to the Slaughter City to contact the main body."

Shura's divine consciousness decisively chose to lie down. There was nothing he could do about it, so he could only send a message to the original divine consciousness in Dugu Bo's body.

In this plane, the main body left two huge powers, and even brought down the origin of the Shura Sword to form two Shura sub-swords.

One was left at the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire in order to suppress the dragon soul of the Ice and Fire Dragon King and lure out the remnants of the dragon clan, and the second one was left at the City of Slaughter.

Now that something has happened to the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire, we can only contact the main body of the God Realm through the City of Slaughter.

There was such a big change in the plan, they had no choice but to let the main body make adjustments.

Naturally, Tang San and Dugu Bo could not detect the communication between the Shura gods. At this moment, Tang San's face was as pale as paper, and he was even a little panicked.

The twin martial souls have always been his greatest advantage and spiritual support, but now this talent has been destroyed.

This is how to do!
Now there is only one Blue Silver Grass Martial Soul left. Even if it has evolved and mutated, it is still Blue Silver Grass. It is not particularly powerful and will be suppressed by many opponents.

Not to mention Zhang Chulan, even if he faced Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng, neither of them could use Blue Silver Grass to fight against them.

How far can I reach with just a Blue Silver Grass Martial Spirit?
Looking at Tang San, whose face was pale and eyes were lifeless, Dugu Bo shook his head secretly.

Although he didn't know what was going on, there must be something seriously wrong with this kid.

But this has nothing to do with him. He is more concerned about this kid's ability to use poison. He can find an opportunity to communicate with him.

He has no other hobbies in his life except poison. Now that he meets someone like him, he is inevitably delighted.

As for Tang San’s own problems, what does that have to do with Dugu Bo?

At the same time, Tian Hao's mental power sensed Tang San's departure, Dugu Bo's soul power, and the direction they were heading.

"Xue Ye wants to summon Tang San. Was it me who flapped the butterfly wings?"

Tian Hao seemed to be thinking about something. This was very different from the original plot. It should be the change brought about by himself. After all, the whole world was now being rolled up by him and had changed a lot.

Even the Tiandou Empire is planning on those kingdoms and duchies, which has a significant impact.

I think Xue Ye has not been feeling well in the past two years. Too many things have happened, especially in the soul master world. He must be feeling very uneasy.

In addition, the Haotian Sect moved quietly outside Tiandou City, so it would be a lie to say that Xue Ye didn't have any ideas.

"They are just small matters. God Shura, how are you going to deal with Xiao San's misfortune?"

Manifesting a copycat version of dark blue silver grass in his hand, Tian Hao gained some understanding and guesses about the situation inside Tang San's body.

The Clear Sky Hammer bloodline was completely gone, and there was no response to any stimulation. Combined with the rigid changes in the dark blue silver grass, he guessed that the blue silver grass martial spirit must have swallowed up the Clear Sky Hammer bloodline, causing an acquired mutation, and it was at the bloodline level.

Without even his bloodline, it is impossible for Tang San to possess the Clear Sky Hammer spirit anymore. So how is the Asura God going to make use of this chess piece?
(End of this chapter)

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