During the three days of Tang Yuehua's preparation, Tian Hao was not idle. In addition to communicating with everyone, he also did not give up his own cultivation. Most of his energy was focused on the comprehension and further evolution of the realm of life and death.

Although he evolved the realm of life and death with the help of the divine power of the God of Life and the God of Destruction, he would not use it as the foundation for the future.

He attaches great importance to the purity of his foundation and will not tolerate any external forces or impurities. In the future, he will inevitably use his own power to evolve his own realm of life and death.

Now this is just a tool to comprehend the power of the two God Kings. He doesn't want to be suppressed or even controlled by his opponents in the future because of relying on external forces to practice.

This is not only true for the realm of life and death and the divine powers of the two great gods, but also for the Asura power, Titan power, Thor power, Angel power, Rakshasa power, and so on that have already been obtained.

These external forces help him move forward, but they are not the foundation. He is very clear about these two points.

Even the Seagod Trident and Shura Sword that were planned for the future were just materials.

Three days later, Tian Hao temporarily took Tang Yuehua and others into the Shenzhu Martial Soul Space, merged them with the Dongfang Mirror, and traveled through space directly to the Sun and Moon Continent.

At this stage, the Sun-Moon Continent is still very far away from the Douluo Continent, tens of thousands of miles away, and is almost on opposite sides of the planet from the Douluo Continent.

Tian Hao couldn't understand how such a large continent could move thousands of miles and collide with Douluo Continent in thousands of years. It didn't make sense.

However, this was not something he needed to consider. After traveling through space several times, he finally arrived at the Sun and Moon Continent.

"Aunt Yuehua, from now on you guys will operate openly, and I will investigate this continent in secret."

After transferring Tang Yuehua and the others out of the Divine Bamboo Martial Soul Space, Tian Hao said something and teleported away.

This time he did not merge with Dongfang Jing again, but left it beside Tang Yuehua to assist.

He has already mastered some aspects of space. Although he cannot apply it at a very deep level, it is not difficult for him to teleport over short distances like Xiao Wu did.

Tian Hao did not delay and went to the capital of the Sun Empire first, found a royal member with the sun martial spirit and drew some blood from him, and then went to the Haoyue Empire and used the same method to get the blood of a member of the Haoyue royal family who had the moon martial spirit.

The blood of these two people was used to copy the Sun Spirit and the Moon Spirit for research.

This is his primary goal in coming to the Sun-Moon Continent this time, and its priority is even higher than that of rare metals.

Because the Sun Martial Soul and the Moon Martial Soul not only involve the mysteries of the Yin and Yang of heaven and earth, but also are related to the deep evolution of one's own Divine Bamboo Martial Soul Space.

The ultimate goal of the evolution of spatial dimensions is to create a complete world, or even form a complete ecosystem.

In the ecosystem, the sun is indispensable, no less important than water.

In this way, Tian Hao traveled around the Sun and Moon Continent while comprehending and studying the two martial spirits.

With his spiritual power, he quickly learned the language and characters here. Through mental hypnosis, he consulted many high-level soul masters and finally found the information he wanted.

"Has the evil soul master already existed?"

Tian Hao became excited as he made the evil soul master who had contributed information under hypnosis fall into a deep sleep.

The evil soul masters on the Sun-Moon Continent are of the same nature as the Fallen Ones at this stage on the Douluo Continent, they are just called differently.

However, since there is no powerful organization like the Spirit Hall that specifically targets evil soul masters on the Sun and Moon Continent, they have to be more blatant and there are more of them, and they have even formed quite a few evil soul master sects.

"Is the Holy Religion the predecessor of the Holy Spirit Religion?"

This evil soul master is a Soul Douluo, and is considered a strong one among the evil soul masters, knowing a lot of secrets.

The forces of evil soul masters are either overt or covert. There is a very powerful force that acts extremely low-key and even mysteriously, and is revered as a holy religion.

Moreover, this holy religion is not simple. It is not a purely profit-oriented force, but a true religion, the kind that has faith.

This made him think of the Holy Spirit Church ten thousand years later. Could it be the predecessor of that?
"I hope it will be the Holy Spirit Church."

Muttering to himself, Tian Hao collected the evil soul master's body and headed for a place he had heard from him.

He needed more information on evil soul masters, especially those related to that holy church, whose characteristics were most similar to the Holy Spirit Church ten thousand years later.

The Holy Spirit Church is a very ancient and tenacious organization. It made its official debut in the Douluo Dalu II period. After being destroyed by Huo Yuhao, its remnants still remained. It reached its peak in the Douluo Dalu III period and even opened up a passage to the Abyss Plane, guiding the Abyss Saint Lord to descend.

There were still remnants of the force during the Battle of Four, but they were already destroyed, mainly because they had lost their faith. If his guess was correct, the Holy Emperor Holy Spirit in that faith was most likely related to the Abyss Saint Lord of the Abyss Plane.

This is a very powerful copy. If you can take down and swallow the Abyss Plane copy, you can completely create a divine realm based on the Douluo Plane.

With one divine realm, they can break away from the control of the other divine realm and become independent, or even contend with the other divine realm.

This was also one of the purposes of his coming to the Sun and Moon Continent. He didn't have much hope at first, but who would have thought that he would actually find a similar existence.

I hope it will be the Holy Spirit Church, especially the Abyss Plane.

In this way, Tian Hao hid in the dark and tracked down the various forces of the evil soul masters, focusing on that holy religion.

As powerful evil soul masters and their forces mysteriously disappeared one after another, many evil soul masters sensed something was wrong and became alert, but they were still unable to resist Tian Hao's various attacks.

First, the major evil soul master forces in the open were wiped out, and then those hiding in the dark.

Although there were quite a few that slipped through the net, most of them were captured by Tian Hao, knocked unconscious, and sealed in the Shenzhu Martial Soul Space, and kept alive with their life force.

These evil soul masters are good research materials and should not be wasted.

After a month of sweeping, Tian Hao finally found the Holy Church's lair.

"How cautious!"

Arriving at an island east of the Sun and Moon Continent, Tian Hao couldn't help but complain about the caution of the Holy Church.

He had previously thought that the Holy Church’s lair was in the Demonic Forest, and he had sneaked in, but was almost discovered by the Evil Emperor.

Who would have thought that there was no trace of the Holy Church there? It was not until yesterday that they captured an evil soul master of the Titled Douluo level, who was also an elder of the Holy Church, that they learned that the headquarters of the Holy Church was not on the Sun and Moon Continent, but on an island in the east.

At the same time, he also learned from the elder of the Holy Church the core doctrine of the Holy Church, which is the one of the Holy Spirit Church in the Second World War that allowed the holy light to shine on the earth and the Holy Spirit to descend on the earth.

Moreover, the martial spirits of the leader's lineage are very good at plundering and controlling souls. It can be basically confirmed that they are the predecessors of the Holy Spirit Sect during the Douluo Dalu II period, but the name is slightly different.

It is indeed an organization, or sect, with a long history.

"Did you find me?"

Suddenly, he had a vague feeling of being watched and realized that he had been discovered.

Although it is unclear how the other party discovered it, it doesn't matter.

After some thought, Tian Hao added the power of the Rakshasa Ghost King's martial spirit to himself, making himself look eerie and scary. It was obvious at first glance that he was a powerful evil soul master.

He floated down and landed on the island. Without any deliberate search, he just wandered around the island.

The island is not big, with only one bare hill. From the outside, there is no trace of human survival and it is not suitable for human survival. It is a deserted island among deserted islands.

But it is precisely such a deserted island that will not arouse the interest of others. Although the shipping industry in the Douluo World has not been able to develop and go too far due to the existence of sea soul beasts, this island is less than a thousand miles away from the coastline, and someone can still discover it.

It’s just that this island is not suitable for survival, and there don’t seem to be any mineral resources, so it naturally goes unnoticed, and hiding here will not be discovered by others.

It's a great place to hide!

Tian Hao wandered around like this for a long time, and finally someone showed up. He was a strange old man with a pale face but black eyes.

"Respected strong man, I wonder what advice you have for me in my retreat?"

The old man seemed very respectful. He could sense how powerful this man was. That kind of mental pressure was so terrifying that he was probably infinitely close to the legendary realm.

"I have cultivated to the limit of humanity, but I still cannot transform into a god. Over the years, I have been secretly looking for the power of the gods. I happened to hear that your Holy Church seems to believe in a god, and I am very interested in this."

Tian Hao looked at the old man in front of him with great interest. As he spoke, he displayed his own spiritual realm, which raised the spiritual pressure to a higher level.

The sudden increase in mental pressure made the old man's face turn even paler. He felt as if he was being rejected and suppressed by the entire world, and even his martial spirit found it difficult to manifest.

A strong man, this is a super strong man who is far beyond his own imagination. When did such a powerful man appear on the continent, and he is also an evil soul master?

Fortunately, this person who wants to find the power of the gods may be able to lead it to the altar and offer it to the Holy Spirit, which will surely bring him a huge reward.

Thinking of this, a smile emerged on the old man's face, and he said respectfully: "You are right, what we believe in in the Holy Church..." He was about to fool someone, but he suddenly stopped halfway through his words, looking at the arm that was pinching his neck in shock.

"You are seeking death by harboring evil intentions in front of me!"

After making a complaint, Tian Hao's powerful spiritual power poured into the other party's spiritual sea. He forcibly read the other party's memory and soon knew all the secrets of the Holy Church at this stage.

"The Holy Church during this period is a bit miserable. There is not even a peak Douluo."

After exploring the other party's memory, Tian Hao couldn't help but complain.

The Holy Church is too weak at this stage. The strongest is only level 95, and that is the one in front of him. Then there are three elders who are Titled Douluo, and the one he captured yesterday is one of them.

"A holy spirit altar that can communicate with the location."

With a whisper, Tian Hao suppressed the old man's consciousness, found an extremely hidden cave passage according to his memory, went deep into the mountain, and saw the Holy Spirit altar made of countless bones.

"It's too simple, like the style of an ascetic monk."

Taking a look at the rough and simple architectural style around him, Tian Hao lamented the frugality of the Holy Church at its current stage. In comparison, the Holy Spirit Church ten thousand years later would have been decadent.

According to the memory of the old man just now, although this is the headquarters of the Holy Church, he is the only one guarding it. Except for the three elders who come back once every ten years to bring sacrifices to the Holy Spirit, they basically never come back.

Except for the three elders, other believers do not know the location of the headquarters. This is the main reason why the Holy Church has remained so mysterious. The confidentiality work has been done quite perfectly.

At the same time, there is only one person here, and he has to take care of himself in his daily life.

This is what a believer with faith is!

Walking forward to take a look at the Holy Spirit Altar, Tian Hao compared it with the old man's memory and gained some understanding of this thing.

After thinking for a while, he triggered the Emperor's Reverse Scale on his chest, and after connecting, he spoke directly: "Please ask Senior Silver Dragon King to come over. We have made a great discovery."

That's right, he planned to share this discovery with the Silver Dragon King. No matter whether the Holy Lord of the Abyss was behind this Holy Church, he could not accept it.

Even the plane channel cannot be opened on its own. Even if it is opened, the gods will probably notice it. Once the gods target them, there will be nothing for them to do. It may even attract the power of the gods from the gods, which will be even more troublesome.

Therefore, cooperating with Silver Dragon King is the best choice.

Not long after, the space beside him was torn open, and Di Tian walked out of it, then respectfully made way for a silver-haired figure to step out. It was the Silver Dragon King.

The Silver Dragon King took a liking to the Holy Spirit Altar at first sight. The more he looked at it, the more solemn his expression became, and it was obvious that he saw the problem inside.

Tian Hao explained at the side: "This is the headquarters of the Holy Church, the most mysterious force of evil soul masters on the Sun and Moon Continent. Their doctrine is to let the holy light shine on the earth and let the Holy Spirit descend on the world.

Every year, some powerful soul masters are brought back to this altar to kill and sacrifice. They should be related to gods, and they are evil gods. "

After observing for a while, the Silver Dragon King said, "This is a faith altar that can gather the power of faith and communicate with believers. However, the other party is not an existence from our world and will be repelled by the laws of the plane, making communication very difficult."

"Can we communicate?"

Tian Hao asked, if they could communicate, there would be a lot of room for maneuver.

"There is some power of faith inside that can serve as a medium. However, to activate this altar, a large amount of souls and vitality is needed. The more the better."

The Silver Dragon King instinctively disliked and rejected this, but he also understood that the evil god behind the altar must have bad intentions and had bad intentions towards their plane.

"I have captured some evil soul masters before. They are all evil people who use evil means to cultivate and improve themselves. They are just right to be used as sacrifices."

Tian Hao retrieved the evil soul masters that he had captured and studied before and killed them decisively. Then he walked up to the altar and hypnotized himself to develop his faith in the Holy Spirit.

This sacrifice was very powerful. The evil soul masters who were captured by Tian Hao had at least the cultivation level of Soul Saint, and those below Soul Saint were basically destroyed humanely.

The souls and martial spirits of Soul Sages are extremely strong, and their vitality is naturally not bad either.

All of these souls, martial spirits, and life forces were devoured by the altar and transformed into pure power, merging with the power of faith within, resonating and communicating with a powerful being in the dark.

Resonance was soon established, but it was still a long way from communication.

Tian Hao did not hesitate and injected his own life force into the altar to increase the intensity of the resonance.

His life force was extremely powerful and at a very high level, far beyond the reach of those evil soul masters. It instantly raised the intensity of his resonance to a higher level, reaching the standard for verbal communication.

Such an increase in strength surprised the existence over there, and then it became satisfied.

A chess piece that was dropped casually back then has actually developed to this point. Not bad, very good!

"Lord Holy Spirit, there are still forces left by other gods in this world. We need your help."

Knowing that time was limited, Tian Hao didn't waste any time and asked for help as soon as he opened his mouth.

Regardless of whether the opponent is the Saint Lord of the Abyss or not, we must find a way to get some benefits this time.

"Other gods?"

The existence on the opposite side was puzzled. He had not been close to this plane back then. He just sensed its existence and invested a little power, but he was not clear about the specific situation inside.

"We have discovered three divine forces. One is the Angel God's Spirit Hall, one is the Sea God's Sea God Hall, and the other is the Asura God's Slaughter City. They all have divine weapons to suppress them. Among them, the Sea God's Trident and Asura Sword are super divine weapons that are far beyond our ability to contend with.

Moreover, they have all found their successors and started the divine test. Once they become gods, our Holy Church will be destroyed, and we will no longer be able to serve you. Please give us the power to fight against those evil gods."

Tian Hao spoke very quickly, and his tone was earnest and anxious, as if the situation here had reached a desperate point, and if you didn't give us some support we would be doomed.

"Super divine weapon! Heir to the throne of God!"

The person on the opposite side was shocked, and then excited. This was a great opportunity.

As long as you grab the divine position and artifact, you can make a fortune, especially the divine position.

What he lacks is the divine position. With the divine position, he can further guide the evolution of the plane and maybe turn it into a divine realm.

Even if you can't seize the throne of god, killing a new god and devouring it can greatly improve yourself.

Although it is very risky, the super artifact, the throne, and the body of the new god are too tempting and worth a try.

Even if I fail, the worst that can happen is I can just run away.

After thinking for a while, he finally made a decision. He extracted a source of origin from the blue-purple halberd beside him, separated another source from himself and merged it with his divine consciousness, and then expended enormous power to transmit it along this channel of faith.

This opportunity is rare, you must give it a try. Even if you fail, you will only lose one origin, which will not have much impact.

But once you succeed, you will make a fortune and achieve a breakthrough yourself.

It's done!

This mixed origin quickly descended along the channel of faith to the Holy Spirit altar and sank into Tian Hao's brow. The divine consciousness within it wanted to take over Tian Hao's body.

But before he could take any action, he was suppressed by Tian Hao's golden finger and broken jade pieces, which wiped out his inner consciousness and left only the pure original power.

Tian Hao stopped injecting vitality to maintain it, stopped the Holy Spirit Altar, and then transferred out two original powers, which manifested themselves into a human-shaped phantom and a war spear phantom.

"The power of the main god, the origin of the super artifact."

After looking at the two shadows, the Silver Dragon King immediately made a judgment and his expression became more solemn.

"It should be enough to evolve into a martial spirit."

Tian Hao looked at the two shadows and was relatively satisfied with this harvest.

After all, this is the original power of a first-level main god and a super artifact. The opponent is definitely not worse than the sea god. As long as this set of martial souls is cultivated, his own Shenzhu martial soul plan can be greatly improved.

Di Tian, ​​who had been silent the whole time, was speechless when he saw how the young man in front of him had easily tricked two origins.

Are gods so easy to deceive these days?

"Can we use this to see what's happening in the other world? Can we counterattack them, or lure them to come and destroy them? I think the Tree of Life really needs this kind of external power."

Tian Hao looked at the Silver Dragon King. This aspect of the operation still had to be led by this man. Only this man could conceal all fluctuations and avoid being discovered by others, especially by the God Realm. (End of this chapter)

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