"He actually comprehended the realm of the Sea God!"

The Seagod's divine consciousness in the golden trident was very surprised. Although the divine realm was the most basic ability for a god, it was not easy to master it.

Even though I gave you the inheritance last time, it was just an inheritance. It is still far from the real realm of the Sea God.

But this young man actually relied on that inheritance to comprehend the Realm of Poseidon. Although it seemed unstable, the ingredients were not right, it was not pure enough, and he even needed his own trident as a carrier, it was undoubtedly the Realm of Poseidon.

As expected, he can comprehend the existence of the Thunder God Realm by himself!

"I see!"

After comprehending like this for a few minutes, Tian Hao finally understood the mysteries of the Sea God's Realm and gained a lot from the mutual confirmation with the Sea God's inheritance.

At the same time, he had a certain understanding of the nature of the Trident of Poseidon, and he had to sense the origin of the artifact more. There was the thoughts of Poseidon, so naturally he could not detect it.

But these are enough. Comparing with the Silver Dragon Spear and the Angel Holy Sword that he had comprehended before, he has some understanding of the difference between the main artifact and the super artifact.

To put it bluntly, it is about the original power. The original power of a super artifact is at a higher level, just like the difference between a first-level main god and the Supreme God King. Other aspects are only secondary.

The god of the sea must have obtained an original power that matched the trident and integrated it into it, which allowed the trident to be upgraded to a super artifact.

This original power mainly exists in the main body of the Golden Trident. There should be a little bit in the Heart of Poseidon as well, but it is difficult to stimulate it.

"You guys better watch out for what's next!"

Tian Hao raised his eyes and looked at the few people. He first glared at the Sea Witch, Sea Madness Douluo and Sea Ghost Douluo, and used his powerful mental power to construct an illusion copy for the three of them. Then he loosened the hand holding the Sea God's Trident, raised his hand to condense a thunder spear and threw it at Sea Spear Douluo.

When this spear was thrown, the thunder power contained in it was secondary. The key was that it carried a spear intent, a spear intent with spirituality.

This was one of the results of his training in the Dragon Realm during those years. He used the will of the Dragon God to hone his own will and endow the spear will with spirituality, making the spear will seem to come alive.

This spear intent made Haimao's eyes red with excitement. He decisively merged man and spear into one to meet it, trying to get in touch with and comprehend that high-level spear intent to the greatest extent possible.

That is the path I have been pursuing!
"My fists and kicks are not bad either!"

Turning his gaze to Seahorse Douluo, Tian Hao swung his fist, drawing on the power of the Seagod Realm to form a blue-gold fist mark to suppress Seahorse Douluo.

This fist print also contains a will, which can be regarded as a kind of fist intention, which is extremely domineering and seems to be able to suppress everything.

After integrating the power of the Sea God Realm, it possessed an extremely terrifying squeezing force like the deep sea, causing Seahorse Douluo to suffer terribly, but his spirit was extremely excited.

This is what he wanted too!

"You are best at devouring. I don't know much about this, but the gravity involved in your ninth soul skill is quite good. Come and try my gravity ball."

After suppressing Seahorse Douluo, Tian Hao turned his attention to Starfish Douluo and used the power of the Black Tortoise Martial Soul to condense a gravity ball and threw it over.

At first he thought that Xuanwu was of earth attribute, but after taking advantage of the transformation of the dragon world, he discovered that the power controlled by the Xuanwu beast is essentially gravity, which can shape the gravity of the planet.

In this way, the powers possessed by the four divine beasts are complete. The Black Tortoise divine beast can use gravity to attract matter to shape the planet, the Phoenix divine beast's power of creation can bring vitality to the planet, the White Tiger divine beast's yin and yang chaotic power can differentiate yin and yang and assist biological reproduction; the elemental power controlled by the Azure Dragon can give the planet an energy circulation system, thus opening up the world.

This is the fundamental reason why the projections of the four divine beasts can assist in the evolution of the plane.

As the gravity ball was thrown out, the powerful gravity caused the space to distort, and also distorted the body of Starfish Douluo. The pain was beyond words, but Starfish was also very excited.

He was not unfamiliar with this kind of gravity, as it was included in the ninth soul skill. However, he did not expect that gravity could be used in this way, and even be able to distort space. If he could comprehend and learn this skill, he would be able to compete with the high priest even if he faced him.

After dealing with Sea Star Douluo, Tian Hao looked at Sea Dragon Douluo, the eldest brother among the Seven Sacred Pillar Douluos.

"The dragon horns of the Sea Dragon Martial Spirit have the ability to destroy everything. This method is somewhat similar to the destructive thunder that I cultivated, which can destroy everything. You can give it a try."

With his fingers like knives, Tian Hao raised his palm and chopped down, and a real thunder blade energy cut down.

Facing this sword, Hai Long was extremely solemn, his eyes fixed on it, his hands pointed like swords, his martial spirit burst out forcibly, and he pushed the magic-breaking field to the extreme, ready to resist.

"As for you, come and comprehend my methods of the Sea God Realm."

Finally looking at Poseidon and Xiaobai, Tian Hao smiled evilly and controlled the Poseidon's domain to form a large whirlpool that drew the two of them in and made them spin wildly.

Faced with this madly spinning vortex, Poseidon forcibly exploded his spirit power and wanted to use the Seagod Spirit to fight back and break free.

Unfortunately, the suppression of the Seagod Realm on the Seagod Martial Soul was much stronger than on other martial souls. Even its own soul power was quickly absorbed, which in turn assisted Tian Hao in further improving the Seagod Realm.

After holding on for a while, Poseidon was sucked in, his body spinning rapidly with the whirlpool, looking extremely miserable.

As for Xiaobai on the other side, he had already been tortured to recover his original form, and his head was spinning so much that he was almost dizzy.

"That's enough, little brat!"

After turning around awkwardly for dozens of times, Poseidon roared angrily, it was obviously directed at him.

"You still have the energy to speak, that's great!"

Tian Hao snapped his fingers with a look of satisfaction, and two rotating streams of water rushed into the mouths of the two to rinse the insides, and the water rushed in, expanding their stomachs.

It's not that he targeted the two of them, but this move was borrowed from the physical "Washing Dragon and Eliminating Trace" of Li Changshou next door. That's how he played it, and that method is very suitable for the Realm of the Sea God.

Moreover, Poseidon's martial soul is the martial soul of the Sea God, and he also possesses the Sea God domain. He also has the foundation to evolve and transform into the Sea God's realm. It is very beneficial for his cultivation to allow him to deeply comprehend the application of the Sea God's realm.

Xiaobai is similar. As a sea soul beast, he has some control over the sea.

"Brother Hao, this isn't a good idea."

Looking at the tortured Poseidon, Tang San said weakly that the high priest had already turned evil and was very terrifying before, and he would definitely become even more terrifying if he was tortured again.

He was not concerned about Poseidon, but that woman was in a bad mood, and his future days would definitely not be beautiful.

"I had forgotten about you. You will surely comprehend the realm of the Sea God in the future. Go in and experience it now."

Turning his head to look at his brothers, Tian Hao smiled evilly again and threw them into the whirlpool, making Tang San regret so much that he wanted to slap himself in the face.

Why do you talk so much?

Not to mention the three people who were being tortured by the washing machine, the seven people of Hailong on the other side were gradually getting results.

The first to complete the fight was Sea Spear, at the cost of his own martial spirit, the Golden Sea Spear, being shattered, but his spirit was still high, and he even felt a sense of satisfaction.

Because he had some understanding, which was not something that could be gained through hard work.

Next came the sea dragon, but at the cost of a broken horn and a deep scar on its chest that was so deep that the bone could be seen.

He also had a satisfied look on his face, having gained new insights into the realm of demon-breaking.

The next one was Seahorse Douluo, who broke the fist mark with his own strength, but the price was that all the bones in his arms were shattered.

There was no change in his expression because he had entered a special state.


Tian Hao was surprised. He didn't expect that Seahorse Douluo could have an epiphany through this. He even felt a sense of boxing.

This change also attracted the attention of Sea Dragon and Sea Spear, and they were envious of it.

What good luck!

Then, Sea Star Douluo fell down like a puddle of mud, with all his bones broken and countless wounds, but he still had a smile on his face.

It's just that the smile was a little weird, like a pervert, which made people feel cold down their spine.

Hailong and Haimao didn't pay much attention to Sea Star's injuries. Although it looked serious, Sea Star Douluo's martial soul and soul skills had strong recovery capabilities, even regeneration capabilities, and he would definitely recover faster than them.

The one who completed the fight was the Sea Witch. Although she had no physical injuries, her mental state seemed not right. She kept grinning foolishly and constantly looking at herself in a small mirror.

"Second Priest, is she okay?"

After watching for a while, Hailong couldn't help but ask worriedly.

Could it be that the sea witch has been driven stupid?

"I just set up an illusion for her to change her consciousness. As long as she believes that she is the most beautiful woman on Poseidon Island and suppresses Poseidon, she can pass the test.

But she was able to pass the test so quickly, so she must have had this idea herself."

Tian Hao casually said that this was also an attempt.

He has been studying the modification of consciousness and cognition, which is a deep-level application of mental power. You can refer to Kotoamatsukami and Izanami in the next door Naruto.

Both can change consciousness, but the methods are different. This time, I borrowed Izanami's setting. As long as you don't accept the cognition you set, you will continue to cycle in the illusion until the spiritual power you supply is exhausted.

In this regard, it cannot compare to the setting of Izanami, because once Izanami uses her mental power, it will be supplied and maintained by the recipient, at least most of it.

And the one that we copy now is the spiritual power that we provide ourselves. At the same time, we cannot set too outrageous cognition, otherwise it will not be recognized.

Hailong couldn't help but twitch his face, and his eyes changed when he looked at the sea witch.

This is a woman!

Not long after, Hai Wang came out of the magic mirror. Although his face was pale, his spirit was still high.

"Thank you for your guidance, Second Priest!"

Dragging his weak body over to express his gratitude, Hai Wang gained a lot this time and saw an alternative application in his own field.

In the past, he had always converted the damage in the illusion into real damage, but this time it was the opposite, and he could convert the real damage into an illusory illusion.

Although he only understood a little bit, it gave him a direction and he will definitely be able to do it in the future.


Tian Hao nodded, looking forward to Haiwang Douluo being able to develop this feature so that he could reap the benefits.

This concept is borrowed from Izan from the next door Naruto. He does not seek for that kind of high-level rewriting ability, but just wants to make a resurrection coin like the Nabekage.

I have only made a prototype in this regard, and it will need Haiwang Douluo to perfect it later. After all, that field belongs to him, so he will have a great advantage in this regard.

Immediately afterwards, Sea Ghost Douluo broke away, and changed his usual taciturn image. He stood there screaming wildly with a kind of arrogant attitude, similar to Uchiha's wild laughter.

"What's up with him?"

Hai Wang and his companions looked at Sea Ghost Douluo in astonishment, whose appearance had changed drastically. They didn't understand what he had experienced in the illusion that resulted in such a big transformation.

"I set him up in a fantasy dungeon where he punches a sea dragon, kicks a sea spear, and suppresses all of you. It looks like he has cleared it."

Stroking his chin, Tian Hao didn't expect that Sea Ghost Douluo could pass the level so quickly. It seems that under his taciturn personality, he also has a desire to win.

These words made Hailong and the others turn their attention to him, even Haimao who was closing his eyes to recover. They felt that it would be necessary to discuss with the sea ghost later to reverse his wrong perception.

"How long will this last?"

After taking a deep look at the wildly laughing sea ghost, the sea dragon raised his head and looked towards the huge whirlpool.

"They are very resilient until they can no longer hold on."

Tian Hao needed to knock the three of them unconscious. Tang San and Xiaobai had already fainted and lost consciousness, but Poseidon was still holding on.

He is worthy of being the high priest of Poseidon Island!

"The high priest is the strongest person on our Sea God Island!"

Hailong and his companions were all full of pride. The high priest was the strongest person on their Sea God Island, so naturally he would persist the longest.

But the consciousness of Poseidon in the Trident of Poseidon was speechless. He could naturally sense the current state of his descendants and what kind of suffering they had suffered.

If this goes on, the dark side will definitely break out. However, this is indeed a way of using the Seagod Domain and the Seagod Realm, and it is not easy for him to come forward to stop it.

At the same time, he also felt that his younger generation was too weak. They possessed the Sea God's Martial Spirit, had gone through the Sea God's Eight Tests, and faced the Sea God's Trident every day, but they were unable to transform the Sea God's Domain into the Sea God's Realm.

Now, an outsider has messed up the Sea God's Realm, which is embarrassing to tell anyone about it.

It's better to let that girl suffer a little, so that she will be more motivated to practice afterwards.

Even though the motivation is a bit crooked, it’s at least motivation, right?

"How powerful are the worshippers of the Spirit Hall?"

Hailong asked about the situation at the Spirit Hall. Although the Spirit Hall sent a legion of two thousand spirit masters over, there were no strong men at the worshiper level among them. That was why they were able to win easily.

But they never dare to underestimate the Spirit Hall, its strength is absolutely terrifying.

Tian Hao did not hide this, and changed his expression to a serious one, saying: "In the Spirit Hall, only those who have become peak Douluo are qualified to enter the Worship Hall, and they rely more on their own training, and the divine test that the Angel God can give is not strong.

The strength you have cultivated yourself can be better controlled, and the strength you exert will naturally be stronger and have more potential.

You all mainly rely on the power of the divine test to improve, and it has even infected your foundation, so your cultivation speed is very fast in the early and middle stages, but it will be difficult to make further progress after you become a Titled Douluo, especially to break through to the Peak Douluo.

Moreover, the Spirit Hall also has many powerful inheritances. In comparison, the Sea God Island, which has always been complacent, has fallen far behind.

You need to improve as quickly as possible and don't get involved in the Spirit Hall's affairs. The waters are deep over there and your level of strength won't be able to make even a splash.

We will discuss the details after Xiao San becomes the new Sea God."

Hai Long's face was solemn. If that was the case, then the Spirit Hall would be very terrifying.

Not to mention that Qian Daoliu was able to suppress Tang Chen, who had inherited the divine heritage. It is obvious that he has been making progress over the years.

In comparison, the high priest has not made much improvement and has been standing still. Their Poseidon Island as a whole is indeed lagging behind a lot.

Next, I have to practice harder, and manage my people well so that they don't mess around on the mainland, so as not to cause trouble and affect my practice.


After chatting for an unknown amount of time, Tian Hao stopped the washing machine mode only when he sensed that Poseidon could no longer bear it and lost consciousness. Both of them fell to the ground like dead pigs, with their bellies bulging.

Xiaobai was stretched like a ball, with his stomach full of water.

Poseidon's belly was also bulging, like a pregnant woman who was about to give birth to twins.

I have to say that Peerless Douluo has a very strong body and he is fine even though his stomach is so expanded.

He was sensing Poseidon's physical limits and naturally couldn't hurt him. Everything was within his body's endurance and at most he was a little embarrassed.

The same goes for Tang San, who was happy to get the pregnant woman's skin. Tian Hao was even unscrupulous enough to take out a soul guide for taking pictures and took photos continuously.

This kind of dark history must be recorded and shared with the mistress when she becomes a god in the future.

"Did you get Master Poseidon pregnant?"

The sea witch, who had just recovered her spirits, couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Poseidon's big belly. Her beautiful eyes widened with disbelief.


Tian Hao said unhappily as he punched the sea witch on the head.

"What terrible words you have!"

"Drag them all away, and you go back and reflect on what you have gained."

After saying this, Tian Hao left leisurely with his hands behind his back, ready to appreciate the scenery of Poseidon Island and study the holy pillars.

The Trident of Poseidon was also taken back to the Poseidon Realm and flew back to the Poseidon Temple. He was relatively satisfied with the guidance given by that person this time. Although the method was a bit overbearing and cruel, at least the other person put his heart into it and it also allowed him to gain something.

Of course, he also saw through the boy's little plan. He wanted to take this opportunity to further comprehend the mysteries of the Seagod's Realm and even the mysteries of the Seagod's Trident.

But it doesn’t matter, and that boy is very sensible. He didn’t try to sense the origin of Poseidon’s Trident. He just sensed the surface structure of Poseidon’s Trident and the characteristic level of its original power.

These were not a big problem, so he just let them be.

Not long after Tian Hao left, Poseidon, who had strong mental power, woke up first, and then found that her belly was made big by someone. Thinking back to the humiliating experience before, she suddenly went crazy.

"I'm not done with you!"

Roaring in anger, Poseidon no longer cared about his own image at all. If he didn't have a little bit of rationality left, he would have gone to fight that kid to the death.

She has never been bullied like this in her life. This is too much!

"I am indeed the most beautiful woman on Poseidon Island!"

Seeing Poseidon's shrew-like appearance, the Sea Witch took out a small mirror and looked at herself in it, with a look of complacency and confidence on her face. The Starfish Douluo lying beside her twitched his face and couldn't bear to look at it.

What Poseidon didn't know was that her transformation brought Tian Hao a force of destiny, which was the main reason why Tian Hao tormented Poseidon.

As long as Poseidon is changed, many things on Poseidon Island will be changed, especially the living conditions of the brothers here, and there will be a continuous flow of destiny power. (End of this chapter)

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