I just covet their strength

Chapter 121 Because I Want to Be a Great Person

Chapter 121 Because I Want to Be a Great Person

Westhead's knees bent really quickly, and he knelt down almost as soon as he finished speaking.

Leaning on one knee on the dais, with one hand leaning on Shadow Life, if this was a scene of a knight swearing an oath to the monarch, the movements would be perfectly standard.

"Brother?! What are you doing, brother?!"

Yulda, who was standing next to him, was about to spit fire from her eyes. She rushed over and tried to pull up Westhead, but she couldn't move the latter.

"How can you kneel down before your subjects?!"

Not only was Yuerda confused by Westhead, but even the Qinghui people present were dumbfounded, staring in disbelief at the lord who fell to his knees on the podium.


Roy was so surprised when he saw this scene that he was stunned and kept pushing through the crowd to get closer.

Westhead waved his hand and sent Yulda aside, making the white-blond girl's fairy-like beauty almost twisted with anger.

But the fact had already happened, so she had no choice but to step aside angrily and watch how her brother was going to end it.

Westhead looked around and said slowly:
"I know that many of you have resentments against me, resentments that you dare not express, or even resentments that you are not aware of. I can understand all of this."

"Because I abandoned you, this is an indisputable fact. Admittedly, I can find all kinds of excuses to defend myself, such as strategic change, preserving the fire, or being confused for a moment, or being powerless, but none of these can cover up the facts. I really failed to be with you in the most difficult time, and I must face up to the mistakes I made."

"I am your lord, the head of your clan. In Qinghui Territory, my power is unlimited. Since I have the power to decide life and death for everyone, I also have the responsibility to bear the lives of all of you. The Qinghui people who died in the chaos wave and the Qinghui people who died of embarrassment in the past two years were all caused by my fault."

I am guilty of all crimes!
Westhead's attitude was very correct, and he directly issued an edict of repentance.

Even those who really had some grudges against Lord Qinghui would feel that this was too much.

Even if Master Westhead is 99 percent wrong, don't I have 1 percent? !

"Lord Qinghui, what are you planning to do when you say this?"

In the silence of the crowd, Roy squeezed from the back of the crowd to the front row, came to the bottom of the platform, looked at Westhead and said:
"Are you asking for the people's forgiveness?"

Westhead looked at the somewhat familiar Qinghui officer and smiled.
"No, I'm not asking for anyone's forgiveness, but expressing my attitude. Whether you love me or hate me is your freedom, but someone must be held responsible for the fall of Qinghui Territory."

"If this crime is not defined, the reconstruction of Qinghui Territory will be out of the question, so I must admit it and apologize. Because I am the leader of the Bright Forest. If the leader is unwilling to take responsibility, who else will take responsibility?"

"Do we really want ordinary people to bear the responsibility? Only animals can do such shameless things!"

The handsome young man with black hair and purple eyes stood up and said loudly to Roy and the people behind the tax officer:
"I must make up for the sin I committed, which destroyed my family! So I stayed in the imperial capital and accumulated strength. Today, two years later, I returned to my homeland to retake Qinghui Territory!"

Westhead drew out Shadow Life, and the deep red blade of the sword seemed to be imprinted on the retina of everyone who looked directly at its form. The deep red blade pointed to the sky, and Lord Qinghui's firm and resolute voice came:
"At this moment, at this place, I swear to all Qinghui people that I will recapture Qinghui Territory! Within one year! This time I will never retreat. I will either recover all the homeland and make Qinghui Territory prosperous again; or I will die on the battlefield, and the bloodline of the Bright Holy Spirit will be cut off, and Qinghui will become history forever!"

"This oath can be witnessed by the gods and witnessed by the Holy Spirit. In the name of Qinghui, there is no retreat!"

The lord's oath echoed in the square, striking the hearts of every listener.

No, you really don't leave yourself any way out. Even the time limit is so short. It's okay if you brag in private, but are you swearing like this in public?

Either you die physically or the society dies, this is truly a life-and-death situation.

The shocked Qinghui people began to whisper to each other, while Roy stepped forward and continued to ask:
"Lord Qinghui, do you want us to arm ourselves and take back our territory?"

Westhead gently sheathed Shadow Life and looked at Roy and said:
"Just as I don't ask for your forgiveness, I won't force you to die for me." "I just hope you can join the recovery team, because Qinghui Territory is the home of all of us, but this is not the order of the lord. Even without any help, I will cross the Ying River alone."

"That's what I want to say. I will stay here permanently from now on. If you have anything else to say to me, feel free to come to me. This is not atonement, but just fulfilling my duty as a lord."

After saying all this, Westhead whispered instructions to his left and right, ending the meeting, then turned and walked down the stage.

The crowd took the initiative to make room in the aisle for Westhead and watched Prince Qinghui leave the square with a smile on his face.

The Qinghui people had mixed feelings, but no matter what, many of them involuntarily knelt down and saluted Westhead, calling out softly:




Yulda noticed this scene, then caught up with Westhead and whispered softly:

"Brother, I really want you to give me an explanation, but forget it. At least you haven't lost the dignity of the Qinghui family. But this will affect your dignity."

Yulda, a staunch feudal fighter, was still considering the dignity of the lord and the hierarchy.

The layout is really too small.

Westhead, who had great ambitions to ascend, sneered:
"Majesty? Real majesty does not come from showing off or pretending to be powerful, but from keeping one's word and having the courage to take responsibility. Yurda, I told you to read less political scheming and stop using those shady tactics to control the people. That kind of behavior will never earn you true faith."

"Yes, what the teacher did is what a true king does."

The wolf-eared girl stared at Westhead's profile and said in a daze:

"Never. Never has a knight lord knelt before his subjects. Only the chivalrous knight king would bend his strong body to the weak. Teacher, you have gone further than the knight king at that time."

"No, I am not a wise king with boundless love. My kindness and generosity will only be reserved for my people for now."

Westhead noticed the almost sparkling look in Myvana's eyes and smiled.

Of course, doing this can greatly improve Myvana's favorability, but this is not Westhead's only purpose.

Westhead's real purpose is to establish a perfect image.

Because those who want to become gods must be great.

A timid little man who is unwilling to take responsibility for his own mistakes will never be able to set foot on the long steps to become a god.

One of the three major elements of becoming a god is [anchoring the fanatical kingdom in the mortal world], which also requires countless mortals to worship and love you from the bottom of their hearts.

What Westhead wants is not superficial majesty, but fanatics who are truly willing to die for him!

Therefore, kneeling down to apologize is not to humiliate oneself, but to become more majestic.

Compared with a high-handed master, a humble, responsible, sincere and self-reflective leader is obviously more likely to be supported by the people.

Westhead's goal is to become a great man!
(End of this chapter)

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