I just covet their strength

Chapter 136 Chaos Without Division

Chapter 136 Chaos Without Division
Westhead gave the Qinghui people several days of holiday, but just as the Bright People were enjoying their holiday with gratitude, Lord Qinghui himself led the team across the Ying River.

The entourage included Yulda, Mivana, Chamuel, as well as a number of Shadow Fire technicians and new members of the Qinghui Guard. They were basically either professional technicians or elite transcendents, so the quality of the exploration team was quite high.

It only takes one minute to cross the Ying River, but there is a reason why the refugees dare not take the step forward.

To some extent, the Ying River is the last barrier to block chaos, and if you cross this river, you will enter the realm of chaos.

The realm of chaos is a terrifying area that terrifies mortals. Once you are trapped in it, you may face a fate more terrifying than death.

However, that kind of encounter does not usually occur because people are basically dead before that.

Looking around, there was nothing unusual about the scenery on the other side of the river. The fields and forests were still covered with dense vegetation. But if you looked closely, you would notice something strange - there was no life at all.

There are no insects, no birds, no animals, and no flowers. Even if there is vegetation, these dry plants are just barely surviving by sharing the vitality of the bright forest.

A more personal feeling comes from personal experience. The moment Westhead and his party set foot on the land on the other side, they immediately felt uncomfortable.

The air seemed thick and turbid, a dull phantom pain was suppressed in the chest, and tinnitus was faintly heard in the ears. This feeling drove them to instinctively want to stay away.

Westhead's condition was the most serious. As soon as he stepped onto the land on the other side, his brows furrowed and he started coughing violently.

"cough cough"

"Brother, are you okay?"

Yulda looked at Westhead's constipated expression and couldn't help but express her concern.

Westhead waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I just feel...quite strange."

The Holy Spirit bloodline of absolute order suffered the most severe rejection in the chaotic realm, but because it was close to the Bright Forest, its inherent bloodline talent [In the Brightness] also began to take effect.

So Westhead was in a quantum superposition state of gain and debuff, which means that the panel would not reflect the small and subtle states, otherwise he would have already lost four or five lines of buff and debuff.

This feeling of repeated pulling was something Westhead had never experienced before, and all of his senses were dominated by a nauseating dizziness.

However, with the terrifying adaptability of [Withered Glory Sun], even the suppression and corruption of the Chaos Realm could be alleviated. After resting on the shore for a while, Westhead finally recovered.

"Order creatures can actually feel so uncomfortable in the Chaos Realm. This is just about existence, not to mention fighting. If an ordinary person faces any kind of [Chaos Phases], I'm afraid they will collapse on the spot."

Westhead sighed, "So the battle to retake Qinghui Territory is doomed to not involve a large-scale expansion of the army. Our warriors are more valuable in quality than quantity."

Yulda: "This is as it should be. We already have a mature Qinghui Guard system. With the addition of the Knight's Grimoire that my brother brought, the accumulation in this area should be sufficient."

Under the powerful debuff of the Chaos Realm, driving mortals to fight Chaos is simply murder. Therefore, the main force of the Order Kingdom to fight against Chaos has always been extraordinary people, especially those who are specialized in fighting Chaos.

For example, the Empire's Lightforged Army, Yonglan's Knight Master, and the Sky Mecha of the Sky Kingdom are all like this. They can not only strike hard internally, but also eliminate chaos externally. They are the pillars of strength of a country.

"Let's move forward. This is our first exploration to determine the extent of the Chaos Corruption. Gather as much information as we can."

Westhead ordered.

"Yes, brother."

"Lord Qinghui, just leave it to us without worry."

The team led by Yulda and Chamuel immediately began a carpet investigation and search around the area.

The exploration team left the banks of Yingzhi River and gradually moved deeper along the dilapidated path. Westhead tightly grasped the [Shadow Life] on his waist and led the guards to carefully patrol the surroundings.

However, his vigilance seemed unnecessary, as there was still an eerie silence along the way, without any sign of trouble.

"It's so quiet. There are no monsters wandering in the woods, and there is no sign of Chaos Hundreds."

Westhead looked around and sighed, "It seems that most of Chaos' energy has been attracted by the Holy Spirit of Purity, and the corruption of Qinghui Territory has not been done much."

Or, the main intention of Chaos was to corrupt the Holy Spirit of Purity, as for the Qinghui Territory?

When you have nothing to do, you can corrupt it a bit. After the fall of the Holy Spirit of Purity, the entire Forest of Purity will be irreversibly plunged into the realm of chaos.

But Westhead was not in a hurry. No matter how humorous and lame her Holy Spirit ancestor was, she was a genuine Holy Spirit. How could she be given away so easily?

Not to mention that you can calculate the corruption bar based on your erosion progress.

I just took a look and the erosion level is only 5%.

"But Chaos is indeed a powerful enemy."

Westhead stared at the blurred space at the edge of the horizon, pondering the information about chaos in "Poem of Destiny".

What is chaos?

In a nutshell, the origin is chaos, and disorder is chaos.

In this world, the so-called chaos is not some cheap villain. Its purpose of existence is to destroy the world.

On the contrary, the mortal world was originally born out of chaos.

The true face of this world is a chaotic spiritual world where all concepts of time and space, past and future, life and death, light and darkness are intertwined and indistinguishable from each other.

But in the original world, some matter and living things finally broke away from the chaotic state and settled.

They are today's "Order Creatures" and "Mortal World".

From the moment the mortal world emerged from chaos, this endless war began.

Order cannot return to chaos. That state of complete disorder and lack of wisdom is more terrifying than death. Death is a specific concept belonging to order, and there is no death in chaos.

There is only endless loneliness, spreading on an eternal scale.

Therefore, the mortal world regards chaos as the cancer of the world, resists it with great hatred, and purifies it at all costs, even giving birth to the ultimate order being such as [God] for this purpose.

But for chaos, isn’t the so-called “order” nothing but error and cancer?
The will of chaos also tries its best to eliminate the abnormality of "mortal world" and let the whole world return to its original integrity.

For this reason, [Chaos] was born and madly attacked the mortal world to correct this complete mistake.

In the struggle between order and chaos, there is no question of who is just and who is evil.

Some are simply different in stance.

Westhead undoubtedly belongs to the side of order. Chaos and chaos are a bit too extreme.

So to him, chaos is damned evil! He must strike hard!
(End of this chapter)

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