I just covet their strength

Chapter 205: First, the Sin of Pride

Chapter 205: First, the Sin of Pride
"How can we help you?"

After learning about Westhead's identity as a "God-favored One", the previously arrogant and indifferent Sky People immediately lost their otherworldly temperament and patted their chests and said:
"If it is to carry out the will of the God Ancestor, we have no choice but to do it!"

“It’s not a big deal actually.”

Westhead spread his hands and said, "As you can see, I plan to build my own territory and use it as the starting point for cleansing the world. However, the Qinghui Territory has just been cleared of the chaos pollution, and everything needs to be rebuilt. It is too difficult to rebuild. I don't mind doing my best, but if it affects the Lord's great cause of cleansing the world, I deserve to die."

"Indeed, if this is what the God Ancestor wishes, the people of the Sky will certainly do their best to help!"

Jingmu's eyes lit up, and he said, "We will report this to the kings. For the sake of the God Ancestor, the warriors of the Sky Kingdom will not hesitate to wipe out the entire mortal world!"

"No, please don't tell anyone else about this."

Westhead interrupted hastily, pretending to be ashamed:

"This is my unique mission, and it is also a test given to me by the Lord. Logically, I shouldn't have contact with you. But there is really no other way. I really need some technical support from the Kingdom of Sky."

"Well, I was abrupt."

Jingmu calmed down after hearing this and thought carefully. Since the God Ancestor blessed a human on earth, it was probably a test and trial for him. Otherwise, if he really wanted to do something big, why didn't he issue the oracle directly to the kings?
So, I actually have the opportunity to participate in the trial given to mortals by the God Ancestor?

What an honor!

A strong sense of honor and mission enveloped Jingmu, causing this Sky Citizen to straighten his back, clasped his hands tightly on his knees, and said in a deep voice:

"I am the official in charge of foreign trade for the Sky Kingdom. I have some authority. I wonder what kind of technical assistance you need."

The Sky Clan thought for a moment and said, "But if it is too important a technology or facility, I don't have the authority to make the final decision. I must report to the clan."

“Civilian technology is enough.”

Lord Qinghui counted all the treasures, counting on his fingers:
“For example, ecological self-circulating systems, material printers, and food synthesis factories.”

"There are also templated construction equipment, central administrative computers, and automatic smelting furnaces."

"By the way, if possible, we hope to supply as many floating battleships as possible. The Sky Kingdom will sell battleships to other countries anyway, so it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Jing Xiao, who had a cool and pretty face, slightly widened her eyes, obviously surprised by Westhead's understanding of the Kingdom of the Sky. Her lips twitched and she said:
"Some things are not actually for sale. But they are indeed considered civilian technology. Do you want to build this into a floating city on the ground?"

Westhead smiled and said, "I prefer to call this highly urbanized and automated settlement an ideal city. I wonder if you two can provide me with this kind of support?"

Jingmu and Jingxiao looked at each other, then remained silent for a moment before answering:
"The deployment of these technological products does not exceed our authority and can be done."

"It's just that you don't want to reveal your identity as a person favored by God. In this case, we have to disguise ourselves, for example, by listing Qinghui Territory as a key trading partner, so that we can transplant these devices to Qinghui Territory legally and compliantly."

"It's okay, just follow the normal transaction process."

Westhead said sincerely:
"It's already against your will that you can open the door to me. If you continue to ask for more help, I really won't be able to fulfill my oath."

In fact, he didn't have the courage to continue to get it for free. The more he wanted, the easier it would be to tear the tiger skin. The tiger skin of the [Lord of the Blue Sky] God's favored one was really easy to use. Even the people of the proud sky who looked down on others were incredibly friendly to Westhead.

Although all order kingdoms are fanatical kingdoms of their respective gods and ancestors, the Kingdom of the Sky is considered the most fanatical among them. The so-called race and nationality are worthless in the face of faith.

The matters concerning technical support and trade channels were settled in a few words without any disagreement at all. As long as it was within the scope of their authority, Jingmu and Jingxiao agreed to everything.

Next, the two people from the Jing clan pestered Westhead, hoping to discuss doctrine with the "God-favored One".

However, even in "Poem of Destiny", there is very little information about the background board of [Lord of the Sky], so Westhead cannot use his intelligence advantage to fool people.

So Qinghui Gong frankly admitted his shortcomings:
"I'm very sorry. Although I am the Lord's favored one, I find it difficult to understand the deeds of the gods. Instead, I would like to ask you about the great deeds of the Lord."

Jingmu leaned forward and said excitedly:

"Ah, we forgot this. In the Kingdom of the Sky, no, even in the floating city, only the clans would spread the stories about the God Ancestor."

Being able to preach to the God-favored! I can brag about this experience for the rest of my life! How can those guys from the Sound Clan compare to me? !

Can other clans do it? !
Jingmu shook his head and said seriously:
"The mortal world knows too little about my Lord [Lord of the Heavens]. People on earth do their best to flatter the gods of their own countries, but ignore the achievements of my Lord."

"The people of the Sky will naturally sneer at this kind of behavior of covering one's ears and stealing the bell, and will not take it seriously. But as a follower of the God Ancestor, you must not believe in those false propaganda!"

"Lord Qinghui, please let me explain to you why my Lord is the greatest Supreme Being compared to other gods!"

"First is the [Wings of the Abyss] who committed the sin of arrogance."

"A god who relies on his followers to conquer the mortal world and then smiles disdainfully is doomed to not last long. This is indeed the case. After he overpowered the God Ancestor with a sinister sneak attack, he has been on a downward spiral and eventually disappeared into the sky, not knowing whether he is alive or dead."

"Compared to them, the gods are very humble. They don't fight with the Dragon Gods, and only engage in border frictions of limited intensity. These are all the mercy that the God Ancestor left for the Dragon Clan. It's not that the gods can't do it, but they don't want to make their opponents despair through too perfect performance, so they deliberately don't do it. It's ridiculous that some people don't understand the good intentions of the God Ancestor, and even use these things to ridicule the God Ancestor. I advise them to learn their lesson."

"Then there is the [Eternal Storm Rider] who committed the sin of anger."

"Because the demon beast killed his entire family, he took up his sword for revenge. When someone questioned his strength, he angrily rushed into the Chaos Realm and killed two [Chaos Source Gods] to prove it. This violated what the God Ancestor said in "Prayer of Ascension": 'I think the gods should be able to control their emotions well.'"

“So the God Ancestor brought down His punishment, and the Kingdom of Yonglan was trapped in a cycle of barbarism and bloodthirstiness from then on.”

"Next is the [Holy Tree of Glory], which committed the sin of laziness."

"He thought he was great because he defeated the [Wings of the Abyss of Stars] with the help of the God Ancestor. He founded his own empire and occupied most of the territory on earth. What everyone doesn't know is that when the [Holy Tree of Glory] ascended to godhood, it was our supreme Lord of the Sky who performed the coronation ceremony for this younger generation."

"Then there was Emperor Qianlu who committed the sin of jealousy. He was just a rookie, but he won the miracle of ascension. This was naturally due to the consent of the God Ancestor."

"Then came the commission"

(End of this chapter)

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