I just covet their strength

Chapter 209 Your Curiosity is Dangerous

Chapter 209 Your Curiosity is Dangerous
"Sure enough!"

Seeing that Hecas herself admitted it, the witches became more excited and started to sell the news they had heard from others.

Or it can't be called hearsay, many things are reasonable speculations of the outside world about Westhead.

After all, during the recovery of Qinghui Territory, he received so much help. Almost everyone rushed to send resources and combat power to Lord Qinghui. Even if Lord Qinghui showed a promising future, he wouldn't have made such a huge bet, right?
How can a penniless Westhead attract others to give willingly?

What's even more terrifying is that it's true. Whether it's Leshia, Luyetan or Hecas, it's hard not to lust for Westhead's body.

The red-haired witch wanted to defend herself in front of her companions and prove that Lord Qinghui was not a sellout, but her matter-of-fact explanation made things worse and confirmed Westhead's identity as a succubus.

"Hahaha, to be honest, I'm really interested in Lord Qinghui. If I can get so much help just by relying on charm, it would be so fascinating. Anyway, Sister Hecas, you have successfully aroused my interest."

Elul said, leaning back in her seat with an amused smile on her pretty face.

"Me too."

"Is Qinghui bloodline really that useful?"

"It seems I have to find a way to do some research, at least complete one project."

"It would be even better if I could meet Lord Qinghui in person. I'm a little curious about a man who is so handsome."

Seeing the teasing atmosphere getting stronger, Elaina sighed and interrupted:

"Let's stop joking. No matter what, Hekas has already made up her mind to serve Lord Qinghui. I think it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of the sisters. After all, Hekas will not make such a decision on impulse."

Elul shook his head and said:
"Elena, I have no ill will towards the Hecas sisters, but I don't think you have forgotten what kind of people the nobles of the empire are, have you?"

The beautiful witch looked at him unkindly: "In order to make their territory prosperous, they can do anything. After all, the Branch of Prosperity is a tyrannical prince in the imperial system and a descendant of the Holy Spirit. How can they really look down on us, a group of demon researchers?"

"They will pretend to be nice to us when they are useful, and then kill us all when we are no longer useful. Hecas, don't be fooled by a man's sweet words."

Hekas smiled slightly when she heard this: "You don't have to worry about this."

"Because Lord Qinghui is also a demon researcher."


Hecas: "And he is a very advanced demon researcher. Lord Qinghui's understanding of demons is no worse than anyone else here."

Not only Elul was stunned, all the witches were surprised by the news.

It was exactly the same as the red-haired witch's initial reaction. Studying demons was not an easy job. One would hardly be able to set foot on a civilized and orderly land for the rest of his life, and the power gained in return was extremely harsh. If one had a choice, he would not do this job.

How could the [Branch of Prosperity], which has a good foundation, become so depressed?
"Also, the demon that made the contract with Lord Qinghui, according to him, is a kind and benevolent great demon. Lord Qinghui promised me that once he signs a deeper contract with that great demon, he will lend us the demonic power without us having to pay directly."

Hecas continued to raise the stakes, immediately causing everyone at the round table to exclaim in small voices.

"Is this serious?"

"It is theoretically possible to bear the cost of the contract alone, but the burden would probably be staggeringly large."

"The price depends on the situation. Some demons ask for prices that are really insignificant."


If what had happened before was just a joke, then when it came to the fundamentals of the [Witch] profession, everyone couldn't laugh anymore.

Because the [Witch] profession is strong, but the disadvantages are too great! It must rely on the relationship with the devil. Although there is no rule that it must absorb the power of the devil, if there is not enough secondary divine power, the many powerful spells developed by [Sunny Ring] cannot be performed. Even the most critical [Sky Clear Circle] is driven by the power of the devil.

This is a fundamental matter concerning the life and death of Qingzhihuan.

Hecas continued:
"Lord Qinghui warned me that the Lord of Greedy Banquet cannot be relied upon. He seems to know something about the inside story."

Elena shook her head slowly: "There has never been a demon worthy of reliance and trust. We are only maintaining this state temporarily and seeking more ways out at any time."

"If Lord Qinghui can really provide us with demonic power, even full cooperation would be what we want. But the problem is that I find it hard to believe that there is such a big demon with good intentions. I don't mean to question you, but I just want to be cautious."

Hecas looked around and said, "In short, Qinghui Territory will continue to expand and will inevitably come into contact with the Chaos Realm. At least in this regard, we have the same goal. Sisters, Duke Qinghui has signed a decree. As long as we report it in advance, the witches of the Qing Ring will be able to operate in Qinghui Territory."

Elena was quite surprised. The witch speaker with raven black hair stretched out her slender fingers and knocked on the table. After a moment of silence, she said:
"If they are fellow demon students, then it is indeed very believable. How about this, everyone is free to act, and those who want to contact can contact, and then we can discuss what to do when the time comes."

"Everyone, what do you think?"



"I have no opinion."

"That's all."

[The Ring of Sunshine] is, after all, an equal secret society with no clear hierarchical relationship between its members, so naturally it needs to make democratic decisions.

It is best to let everyone make their own judgment.

Thus, this witch meeting ended in an atmosphere where everyone had their own thoughts, and the witches left one after another.


Hecas took a deep breath and turned away from her seat. She had tried her best to convince the parliament. It was so hard work that it made people wonder whether she was a lobbyist from Qinghui Territory or a witch from Qingzhihuan.

Even the Red-haired Witch herself didn't know why she worked so hard to make this happen.

Rational consideration? Or emotional admiration?

Just after walking out of the door, Hecas ran into Elul talking to someone else. The pretty girl in a short skirt holding an umbrella raised her head slightly and said:
"I still think that Lord Qinghui got his position by selling out. If that's the case, then I'm a little curious. He must have some extraordinary skills to get so much support by just using his charm."

"The rumors we heard may not be groundless."

Seeing the red-haired witch approaching, Elul smiled and waved her hand, saying:

"Sister Hecas, please take me with you next time you go to Qinghui Territory. I also want to see what kind of man can capture one of our sisters."

Hecas had a complicated look on her face: "Your curiosity is dangerous."

"Don't be so petty, or are you jealous? That's really not nice."

The red-haired witch recalled it carefully, her face flushed, and she smiled contemptuously:

"No, I just think you are overestimating yourself."

"Why shouldn't I agree to your request?"

(End of this chapter)

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