I just covet their strength

Chapter 211 I am also a Knight Lord

Chapter 211 I am also a Knight Lord
Seeking support from the people of the Sky was undoubtedly a brilliant move. Westhead himself had never thought that it would have such a good effect.

He initially had the sudden idea of ​​establishing a relationship with the Sky Kingdom only because of the relationship with the [Lord of Absolute Extinction]. Anyway, the Sky Kingdom would be unable to take care of itself in the future, so he would definitely try to get in touch with it if he could. What if it succeeded?
Thinking about it now, he made the absolutely right choice. Originally, Westhead was worried about whether he could complete the operation of recovering his homeland and rebuilding Qinghui Territory before the great changes came. Now it seems that there is more than enough time.

Even Westhead himself doesn't have to do it himself. Since the Sky Kingdom technicians sent by Jingmu are so professional and the officers under his command are so hardworking, just let them do it.

Westhead himself actually doesn't want to spend too much energy on politics, even if this can be considered a kind of "merit".

But how can trivial matters be compared with what is truly important?

Only when you are strong within yourself can you be truly strong, and all the great power belongs to yourself.


On the lawn of the manor, Westhead was engaging in a combat sparring with Myvana—without the quotation marks, the serious kind.

Although it was a sparring match, the two of them did not hold back. Westhead drew out Shadow Life and Myvana also used the Knight's Silver Sword. The moment the two sides clashed, countless sparks burst out from the sharp blades.

The fierce sword winds brushed past his cheeks, invisibly flattening the fir trees and earth slopes in the distance, demonstrating the magnitude of this battle.

Even the hand-to-hand combat without the use of magic power was like a sweeping storm.

Westhead concentrated on dealing with Myvana's attack. Every exchange, parry, block and dodge gave him a thrilling pleasure running down his spine.

The battle lasted for several hours, with both sides fighting hundreds of rounds, wasting the entire morning, until Yuerda arrived to report her work to the head of the family.

Westhead asked breathlessly, "Myvana, if I don't activate the curse, am I as strong as you?!"

"Well, Mr. Weiss has improved very quickly. Without the help of the curse, I can no longer suppress you stably."

Miss Knight admitted frankly.

"Ha ha ha ha."

This made Westhead smirk.

The value of [Taught by the Heart and Soul]! Mivana had acquired most of the combat skills that he had honed for many years for free, from [Knight's Hundred Arts] to [Heart of the Beast], all of which helped him.

Except for [Cursed Blood], Westhead basically has all the talents and expertise that can enhance Myvana's combat power.

In terms of numbers, Westhead and Myvana are both at the [Hero] level, and the former has gone even further - there is no other way, the [Dragon Soul Furnace] is really too good, and it only requires simple killing to absorb enough energy for sublimation.

What is sedimentation? There is no need for sedimentation at all. As long as you keep tapping, you can immediately achieve the great perfection of the current level.

The only bottleneck limiting Westhead's growth is the merit required for promotion.

However, the [Legend] rank after the [Hero] rank is not so easy to achieve. At least the merit of recovering Qinghui Territory is still a little short of it. I'm afraid I'll have to wait until later to have a chance.

"It's really refreshing. Next time, let's go to the front line and see who kills more Chaos Creatures."

Westhead said as he took off his coat and sat on the bench in the gazebo.

In fact, compared to simply seeing through everything, Westhead actually prefers fighting. It’s so cool!

The rumors from outside were not entirely groundless. Westhead did indeed regard seduction and intercourse as a way to win people's hearts. If not, his level of debauchery would at least have dropped several levels. Why would people make up dirty jokes about him?
"That's a good idea, brother. The soldiers on the front line are looking forward to your arrival. The blood you gave them flows in their bodies." Yuerda nodded and said, "Although you don't need to do many things yourself because of the technology of the Sky People, as a lord, it's good to boost everyone's morale."

"I'm going to organize the work of absorbing refugees this afternoon. Brother, do you want to come and inspect it?"

Westhead refused, "I didn't say I would go now. I plan to stay in the mansion today."

Then, Lord Qinghui looked at the wolf-eared girl nervously. According to his understanding, it was time for Mivana to look at him with burning eyes.

However, the knight lady, who stood with her legs straight, did not ask Westhead to "drain the stars".

After vacuuming the plastic of a large bottle of sports drink, Mivana looked at the white-blonde girl and said:

"Yuerda, can I go to work with you?"

Westhead: ".I thought you would stay with me. It's rare that I'm free."

"It's one thing to counsel Xingyu, and addiction is another."

Mivana was of course aware of Westhead's speculations about her. After all, she had indeed been a bit uninhibited in the past.

She said calmly, "Teacher Weiss's teachings to me are to help me get rid of the control of the instinctive bloodthirsty curse. If the bloodthirsty curse is replaced with the cosmic curse, the destructive power may be weakened, but if I keep using the excuse of channeling the cosmic curse, then wouldn't I be dependent on Teacher Weiss?"

The wolf-eared girl shook her head slowly and said, "This is not good, very bad. My self-control has become worse."

Are you saying this? You violent rap wolf!

Westhead looked at Myvana with a serious face and felt it was ridiculous. He knew that he had been exploited by the other party a lot. Once this terrifying demon got into the state, he could play in any way.

In order to improve Mivana's favorability, Westhead could only face it with a generous and tragic determination.

However, Mivana's strengths lie in her honesty and self-reflection. She never shy away from her mistakes and shortcomings, and it is normal for her to correct herself after realizing that she has gone too far.

After Leshia left, the frequency with which Mivana came to Westhead for counseling became less and less frequent. Westhead couldn't say whether there was a causal relationship between the two.

"But why are you following Yurda? She's not going to fight bandits, and there's no battle that needs your help."

It was a good thing that Myvana was able to exercise restraint, and Westhead turned his attention to another question of his own.

Unexpectedly, Miss Knight gave Westhead an answer that he had not expected:
"Because I just want to learn how to govern the territory. This is the only thing that Teacher Viona has never taught me."

"I am also a Knight Lord. I think so."


Westhead was stunned and said:
"I've never heard of that."

Mivana: "Because I don't think I am qualified to be a Knight Lord, and I haven't fulfilled any obligations, but I am legally considered a Knight Lord of the Kingdom of Eternal Mist."

All of you are talented, right?
(End of this chapter)

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