I just covet their strength

Chapter 225 Gods, Demons

Chapter 225 Gods, Demons (V)

[After that, I became a container of civilization and created a kingdom at the tip of my heart]

An unprecedented transformation of souls began. Countless mortals were like raw materials waiting to be processed. They were stripped of their consciousness and memories, leaving only the most essential and pure souls to be squeezed out.

And these souls are guided by the soul bone metal and sealed in the soul bone metal of Evening Prayer.

To be precise, it is within the spinal cord and the arms. The former provides protection for evening prayers, while the latter draws souls for fuel.

"We have made the final transformation. The souls we entrust to you will become your shield. You will never fail until all our souls dissipate."

"If you need it, our souls are always available for you to use. Don't be stingy. Our souls exist as consumables."

The last group of Xuli researchers who performed soul transformation said this to Wanchan.

Evening Prayer was speechless, but he stretched out his arms covered with scarlet cracks and absorbed their tempered soul particles.

Then, the gray-haired and white-clothed warrior took a deep breath, walked to the steps in front of the Crimson Throne Hall, sat down gently, and looked out at the floating city that once had hundreds of millions of people.

Looking around, I saw devastation everywhere.

She was the only one left in the entire mortal world, and only one warrior was left to continue this war that seemed to be endless.

In the silence of the end of the world, Evening Prayer buried his head in his diary:

"The 660th year of the Xuli calendar, the first month."

"My love, all soul transformations have been completed. Seven hundred and eighty-three million, this is the number of fellow souls that reside in my bones and blood, and I will take them to heaven."

"The feeling of having souls stored in my bones and blood is not as uncomfortable and noisy as I imagined. On the contrary, I feel incomparably fulfilled and powerful. With just a thought, I can burn these souls and gain unimaginably powerful strength."

"I want every soul to survive. But that's impossible. All I can do is make the sacrifices of my compatriots worthwhile."

"My love, is it right to follow all the expectations? I have no way of knowing, but at least, no one will bleed in front of my eyes anymore. This is good."

"It will be a difficult time, but I firmly believe in the final victory because you have promised me such a future!"

"Ha, I am worried about how to enjoy a peaceful and happy banquet with you in the future. I think it would be best to snuggle up by the fire and drink a cup of steaming hot tea first."

"As for what happens next, you can think about it slowly. I have plenty of time."


"Boom boom boom——"

The evening prayer took a long time to write. The delicate and sad face had a gentle smile, and seemed to be immersed in his own fantasy.

Until the loud noise in her ears brought her back to the cold reality.

Looking up, he saw that the sky around the Crimson Throne was already covered by a thick fog of chaos. Amid the roar of the rolling fog, countless chaotic creatures were heading towards the floating fortress - to be more precise, towards the last person left in the mortal world.

Evening Prayer stood up, put the mask on his face, and gripped the hilt of the sword tightly, looking up at the monsters in the sky.

This chaotic offensive has been brewing for a long time and is far greater than any previous wave.

Both the quality and quantity have reached the extreme. Even the evening prayer is not sure of victory, but even so, there is no confusion or hesitation.

This was a battle without any skills, only the most thorough fighting and destruction.

Without support or comrades, she is alone in fighting against the tide of chaos, including the Source of Chaos.

There was a bright red light emanating from the corners of Wanchan's eyes, and he killed the monsters in front of him with one blow after another.

Regardless of their rank or appearance, they are all treated equally and eliminated with extreme cruelty.

However, fighting alone and leading by example are two completely different concepts. Evening Prayer is not strong enough to ignore all the chaotic creatures, and her killing speed cannot catch up with the speed of the chaotic creatures' siege.

Just as Evening Prayer was concentrating on dealing with the monsters surrounding him, a dark hammer came down from the clouds in the sky as fast as lightning.


A heavy blow hit Evening Prayer's body, and the gray-haired girl's body immediately flew backwards, piercing through dozens of tall buildings of the Crimson Throne.

The powerful attack of the supreme chaotic creature was undoubtedly fatal, but Evening Prayer was not injured. It was the collapsing golden particles that took the blow instead of her.

Evening Prayer clearly felt that countless souls were shattered from her metal bones. The gray-haired warrior's eyes widened and his lips twitched a few times.

But then, Evening Prayer realized that it was impossible for him to face the chaos that spread throughout the mortal world alone.

"This is for tomorrow, this is for the future, it is a necessary sacrifice."

As if whispering to comfort himself, Evening Prayer gently raised the silver blade and ignited the stored soul. The blade was immediately stained with a bright red color.

"One thousand. Ten thousand. One hundred thousand"

Silently reciting the burning soul, Evening Prayer's eyes gradually became misty, but even so, she poured the fuel into the blade without hesitation.

Only when the number she silently recited reached 300,000 did she take a step forward and slash out with a sword that tore the sky apart.


The thunder was loud and the air was filled with blood.

The whole world lost its color in an instant, and time seemed to stop at this moment.

Red fell from the sky, and the true red embers instantly purified everything in its path, plunging the sky into a momentary broken polar day.

Countless chaotic creatures were evaporated in the light and heat, torn apart by the sword wind, and pierced by the thunder.

The Crimson Throne, the most solid floating city, was also destroyed in this shocking blow. All the cold and hard steel turned into stone pillars flowing with lava and began to collapse and fall.

In the destruction of the floating city, Evening Prayer did not stay afloat, but let himself fall until he hit a huge rock standing in the Sea of ​​Chaos.

After a long time, Evening Prayer stood up and stared at the ground in front of him.

Ever since the mortal world was polluted hundreds of years ago, almost no living creature has set foot on this earth.

The chaotic water that could instantly distort and corrupt mortals covered the surface of the earth. It wasn't very deep, just above the neck. The actual manifestation of chaos and corruption seemed to have taken on the properties of sea water, causing waves and ripples.



The remaining monsters that had not been destroyed fell into the water of chaos one after another, and then stood up one after another, along with more corrupted ones that had sunk into the water of chaos, and continued to attack Evening Prayer.

Looking at the zombies that continued to surround him, Evening Prayer's eyes were more resolute than ever before, and he transferred more souls to the weapons through the soul bone metal of his arms.


The sparks from the tip of the knife ignited the water of chaos. In the spreading sea of ​​fire, she slowly walked forward, accurately killing one corrupted creature that was once mortal after another.

[I am the last warrior in the mortal world, and the last proof that Chaos will destroy the mortal world. Because of this, I will be the target of all Chaos demon armies.]

[So I faced one encirclement and battle after another]

[This alone is not enough. In order to cut off the endless flow of monsters in the Chaos Realm, I must take the initiative to attack and burn every piece of filthy land with flames.]

[Kill, burn, kill, burn, kill, burn. Never stop]

"About the 697th year of the Xuli calendar."

"My love, the chaos on the earth is getting more intense. Even I feel dazed from time to time. In order to resist the erosion, the souls in my bones and blood are being annihilated every moment. I am able to survive because of their sacrifice."

"Sometimes I hear voices, little sounds coming from my bones, my blood. They are not hallucinations."

"I know that my compatriots are singing hymns, even if they have no mind or body, they are singing hymns that I cannot hear."

"I heard this voice when I used my soul as fuel to resist erosion for the first time. I wanted to take all my compatriots with me, but now every battle will inevitably consume my soul."

"Therefore, I have become accustomed to using the souls of my compatriots as fuel. I dare not count how many souls are still alive. I feel sick at my own meanness and selfishness."

“Sometimes, I even thought about giving up, but it was just a fleeting thought.”

"It doesn't matter because I can still hold the hilt of the sword with both hands."

"I'm still full of expectations, so... it doesn't matter." "The 733rd year of the Xuli calendar should be about right from my physical sense. I've been counting the time silently."

"I can't remember. I have lost my sense of time and I can't find anything around me to measure time."

"I have come all the way from the Crimson Throne to the border of Xuli, and will continue to head towards other kingdoms. The frequency of encounters is getting lower and lower. The battles so far have been effective. As long as I continue to kill all the Chaos, will that be enough?"

"My love, I will dream. I will dream about the past, the future, my compatriots who were killed by me, and even more so, you."

"I'm so tired. I don't want to fight, I don't like killing, and I don't want to light my compatriots' souls on fire with my own hands. But I can't accept breaking my promise. I made a promise with you, how can I break it? Even if it's just to meet you again, I'm willing to commit all the crimes!"

"Xu Li Li, Xu Li, Xu Li, has long been extinct. It has been so long that I cannot remember the time. It is meaningless."

Overcast rain fell from the gray and broken sky, and between the clouds there seemed to be a sea of ​​blood with raging waves, rising and falling in tide.

Even the stars seemed small and dying in the dim sky.

Vast, desolate and dead silent.

Evening Prayer was lying on a piece of ruins that had just been burned and purified, with his withered gray hair casually spread out. After staring at the broken weather for a long time, he sat up and wrote in his diary.

As she could not find paper or pen, she used the blade of the sword to carve words on the palm of her hand. Often, the previous sentence would heal as she finished carving the next one.

But it doesn’t matter, evening prayer is not for recording anything.

"My love, I don't know where I've been, but I almost never encounter any monsters. Most of the time, I don't even fight anymore. I just use fire to purify the chaotic realm."

"I'm like the messenger of doom. I'm going to wipe out every piece of land. Haha."

"But this way I also have more time to reminisce, think and look forward to it."

"My love, have I ever told you about my dream? I want to be a bard, or a singer who performs at my own will. After we meet again, I will do that."

I carved the evening prayer on the palm of my hand for a long time before I finished this diary entry.

Then, the last warriors of the mortal world rose up and walked in the cleansed ruins of the surface, surrounded by deathly silence.

Evening Prayer didn't know where she was going, she just kept moving in one direction.

It was unknown how long this wandering lasted, as if it was as long as a century. She cleared out all the chaotic creations along the way and burned all the corruption and erosion.

Until a touch of warmth was reflected on Evening Prayer's gray bangs, and then, there was light.

Light? Why is there light?

Evening Prayer, who was walking with her head down and eyes slightly lowered, suddenly raised her head and saw a shocking scene she had never seen before:
The broken and dark sky was torn apart by the dazzling light, and the chaotic black fog that covered the entire sky began to dissipate, as if the light pillars of Genesis were gradually spreading to the earth.

All the haze seemed to be swept away by the warm sun.

Evening Prayer reaches out and touches the light path in front of him.

Then, I felt the power.

A kind of power that is so overwhelming and vast came from her body. No, it was not a power that was sensed or transmitted by the body at all.

Evening Prayer's perspective was transcendent and ascended. She could see herself, the earth, the sky, and even places farther and higher. It was as if her soul had completed a sublimation and was able to take in everything with a complete vision.

Standing on tiptoe, my body felt lighter and more detached than ever before, and my evening prayer actually floated towards the sky.

More and more soft light fell on her, and it seemed as if a hymn was being sung in her ears.

The pure soul particles were expelled from her bones and her blood, but these souls could also exist in the light path. They gathered together like elves, and surrounded the gray-haired, red-eyed lord upwards.

"The Holy Place of Heaven"

Westhead, who had been watching in the mental space, opened his eyes wide and stared at everything.

He watched in silence everything Vesper had gone through, all the fighting, all the confessions, all the pain, and all the unstoppable determination.

But only at this moment, Westhead couldn't help but speak.

Because this is the moment when the Ascendant awakens his unique divine talent! Evening Prayer's current posture is the last step of the Ascendance Ceremony - building the sanctuary.

【Sacred Places of Heaven and God】

[All things in the world are built by disordered souls, and they will also stop with orderly sanctuaries]

[I will build my kingdom, on the top of my heart, all things are spiritual, and all are my subjects. In the sanctuary, I define, I allow, I create and destroy, the highest heaven, embrace me! ]

[The Way of the World is My Way]

This means that Westhead knew the content of the talent at the final level by heart.

Constructing a sanctuary in the highest heaven and then ascending into it is the final step in becoming a god.

The evening prayers in her memory were incomprehensible to her. She was completely intoxicated by the sublimation of her rebirth.

Yet there was no transcendent joy in the evening prayers; she simply felt relaxed.

She felt more relaxed than ever before, as if her mission was accomplished and she could embrace the bright future she had been looking forward to for countless years.

Finally, finally I can meet my love.

But then Evening Prayer saw the souls escaping from her fingertips. Before that, she didn't dare to count how many souls were left, but at this moment, she knew the answer in an instant.

Of the souls of 783 million compatriots, only 360,000 remain.


Evening Prayer stared at his own arm in a daze. It no longer looked human, but blood red and covered with cracks.

In an instant, a flood of memories of past soul-burning battles overwhelmed her, along with a deep sadness and disgust.

"How can I be worthy of heaven after slaughtering so many of my compatriots and breaking so many vows?"

All the hymns and sublimations stopped in an instant, and the light and ethereal sublimation also ended at the same time.

Instead, there was incomparable heaviness and pain. Her soul was torn apart and filled with mercury. Then she was swept away by the storm. The glow beside her abandoned her and fell from the sky.


Evening Prayer fell into the ashes and black mud, slowly got up, looked up at the sky, and widened his eyes:

The holy light still enveloped the great ascender upwards, and the endless vortex stirred the sky, opening the way to the highest heaven for her.

A path of light divides the sky and the earth, one side is light, the other side is shadow, the two are clearly distinguished.

Evening Prayer stared blankly at this great ascension until the path of light that tore through the barrier between the mortal world and the highest heaven closed, and darkness enveloped the earth again.

"Ding ding ding da da"

A thick, rich, bright red liquid fell from the sky and landed on Evening Prayer's face.

One drop, two drops, three drops. It gets bigger and bigger.


Soon, a bloody rainstorm poured down.

The bloody rain washed over the ruins and the earth, and also dyed the white garments of the evening prayers into bright red.

The demon's red eyes were filled with sadness, and he stretched out his arms in the rain of blood.

The trembling voice fell in the rain:

"Why do you want to leave me alone?"

That day, Evening Prayer ascended to become the [Lord of Heaven].

That day, Evening Prayer fell into the state of [Lord of Extinction].

(End of this chapter)

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