I just covet their strength

Chapter 238: Deposing Shi and enthroning Mu, how could I have the heart to be disloyal?

Chapter 238: Deposing Shi and enthroning Mu, how could I have the heart to be disloyal?
In fact, what Westhead said was a bit like the bad guy complaining first.

Yes, in the future, the countries of order will inevitably fall apart and fall into warlord chaos, but at this point in time, most people don’t know what is happening.

Only the core group of people in the Kingdom of Order noticed the closure of the Supreme Heaven. They immediately blocked the news to prevent the bad news from spreading.

Afterwards, the Kingdom Center will frantically look for ways to remedy the situation. After all attempts have failed, it will be forced to accept the cruel reality. At that time, all the ambitious people, conspirators, or unlucky people who cannot withstand the corruption of Chaos will emerge like mushrooms after rain.

But that is something that will happen in the future. Now the empire can still operate normally for a while by inertia, and this vacuum period is Qinghui's opportunity to take the initiative.

Westhead said seriously:
"In such a critical moment, as the [Branch of Prosperity] of the Empire, in order to ensure the safety of our rear territories, I think it is necessary to protect all the nearby pioneer territories."

How to prevent backstabs from the Order side? Of course, strike first!
"Are you going to annex these frontier territories?"

After a period of silence, an official asked weakly, which immediately caused Qinghui to glare at him angrily:

“It’s protection!”

Westhead slammed the table and said:
"This is out of a complete desire to help. It is precisely because at such a critical moment, Qinghui Territory, as the elders of the border area, needs to be full of support and compassion to care for the less capable pioneer territories. Especially when chaos rages next, the pioneer territories that lack the ability to protect themselves will inevitably fall into turmoil."

"How could I not prepare in advance to avoid such a tragedy?"

I don’t know whether others believe it or not, but that’s what Westhead said.

What he said was not without reason. The border lands adjacent to the Chaos Realm were the first to be hit in this disaster. Qinghui Territory had the [Circle of Clear Sky] throughout the territory, so it was not a big problem, but Kaituo Territory was not so lucky.

It is foreseeable that the pioneer territory will be shaken by the impact of the chaos tide.

Yulda's eyes lit up. Although Westhead had never spoken to her before, the white-haired girl still accurately grasped her brother's thoughts:

"That's right! We are here to save the people of the Frontier Territory. Moreover, before this, it was us who withstood the impact of Chaos, which allowed the Imperial Frontier Territory to develop steadily."

"In an emergency, we should take recourse. It is also our duty to help our friends and neighbors overcome difficulties. Who else can do this except Qinghui Ling?"

The two people from the Qinghui family sang the same tune and spoke very nicely, but the meaning they revealed made their subordinates and allies' eyelids twitch.

Fuck, there’s chaos in the border town!
As a border garrison state, Qinghui Territory's expansion is greatly restricted - it should be said that it is impossible to expand. The territory has always been as large as when the "Branch of Prosperity" was established.

Although Qinghui Territory is not small, the area of ​​a mere province is obviously not enough to satisfy Prince Qinghui's inflated appetite, so he set his sights early on on the Imperial Development Territory on the border - a size that can be swallowed by Qinghui Territory.

It's just that it's not a good idea to do so before now. Although the frontier territory is not a real province of the empire, it is also a colony established by the imperial people and will join the empire sooner or later.

How could you, as the Branch of Prosperity, directly intercept? One or two city-states would be fine, but annexing them all would shock the empire.

"Lord Qingqinghui, isn't this the same as establishing a territory?"

The eldest Lolita from the Shadow Flame Family was still too straightforward. She stared at Westhead with her flaming eyes wide open.

Xia Muer obviously couldn't accept this behavior. His face turned red and he stammered:

"This is simply dividing the empire. Alas! It's unwise! It's rude!" Tsk, too conservative.

The Shadow Flame Family is really old-fashioned. If Lord Shadow Flame were here, he would say the same thing. The Shadow Flame Family is the most supportive of the [Branch of Prosperity] system and is very satisfied with their status as a garrison state.

But Westhead scoffed at this.

An empire without gods has no dignity or sacredness, and also loses the legal basis to rule everyone.

You have to know that the empire's system is originally very loose. The reason why it looks so united is all because of the belief in the God Ancestor.

If the Imperial Center cannot communicate with the God-Ancestor, then it has no right to command the believers of the [Holy Tree of Glory]. The king's power is granted by God. This is not just a slogan.

The destiny of heaven changes, the magical weapons are replaced, and they belong to the virtuous people!

Upon seeing this, Westhead also looked around. Even though he had done psychological work in various aspects in advance, it was still not so easy to make people who had lived in peace under the laws of the empire for thousands of years develop the idea of ​​independence at the first moment.

The God Ancestor just lost contact, and you're already thinking about using force to seek independence? It seems a bit disloyal, unfilial, unkind, unjust, unceremonious, unwise, and untrustworthy.

So do we still have to put on a skin? At least before the era of the collapse of rituals and music officially arrives, try to eliminate resistance.

Besides, Westhead is also quite careful about his reputation and cannot act too insect-like.

Westhead pondered for a moment and said:

"Xamuel, you are right. I am anxious, but you misunderstood what I meant. Now that the God Ancestor has lost contact and Chaos is rampant, the Empire is in turmoil. The central government will definitely focus on the core provinces first."

"In the vast empire, there is really too little that can be taken care of. Many territories, such as border areas, will definitely not be taken into consideration. But this is also part of the empire. Are the people in the pioneering territories not human beings? Should the people of the marginal provinces of the empire be abandoned?"

"Obviously not!"

Westhead knocked on the table with his knuckles and said:

"So I'm going to send a letter to the imperial capital, asking His Royal Highness the Regent and the elders of the empire for a position that can oversee military and political affairs, to help stabilize the border situation and protect the people."

With this said, although the essence remains the same, going through legal procedures makes it much easier for everyone to accept.

"That's it. Let's prepare immediately, gather supplies, and prepare the army while the star gate is still usable."

Westhead waved his hand, ending the quick meeting, and after his subordinates had dispersed, only a few Sunny Ring allies who were watching remained in the meeting room.

Elul hugged Westhead's arm and said with a smile:

"Lord Qinghui, have you anticipated this day? No wonder you dare to study forbidden demonology. It seems that you really have no loyalty to the empire at all."

Westhead refuted seriously: "You can't say that. Qinghui has been guarding the garrison for thousands of years. The heads of the families have fulfilled their duties. How can they not be loyal to the empire?"

How could I have the heart to be disloyal if Shi was deposed and Mu was enthroned?
(End of this chapter)

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