I just covet their strength

Chapter 24 Shadow Flame Duke

Chapter 24 Shadow Flame Duke

In the evening, in the square in front of the Great Temple.

The Secret Realm Trial of each Holy Tree Festival is undoubtedly the most noteworthy event among all events. Although basically every major city in the empire has a live broadcast, the best audience seats are definitely in the Holy Tree Palace. Great Temple.

Because this is the place closest to the phantom of the holy tree, right under the eyes of the gods.

Audience seats have been set up around the square, and countless citizens, tourists, foreign guests and attendants shuttled among them, chatting quietly, looking forward to the grand event that only happens once every three years.

Above the square, there are dozens of open-air floating platforms, like banquets suspended in the air.

Only the dignitaries of the empire are eligible to enjoy the floating platform, and seats are allocated according to their status.

Although the [Branches of Prosperity] is incompatible with the empire system, it is still an important pillar of the empire, so there is also a special floating platform for its use.

"Mr. Qinghui! This way, this way!"

As soon as he boarded the floating platform, Westhead heard a voice full of vitality and followed the sound. It was none other than the elegant and charming Luetan.

Yuanxi Palace wore a moon-white lace skirt with gold trimming, and her knees were exposed. Her dangling calves were dazzlingly white. Behind her were Rosanna and other servants in black and white maid skirts.

"So my brother really has a relationship with Yuanxi Palace?"

When Yoda saw this, she was surprised and said: "I thought you were threatening me as a joke."

"In your mind, is my credit ruined to this extent?"

Westhead sighed: "It seems that I have to re-establish your image as a wise master with both civil and military powers."

Walking over with Urda, Westhead and Luetan sat down side by side. This floating platform was dedicated to the [Prosperity Branch], so it seemed quite empty. The people who were qualified to sit down were all [Prosperity Branches]. branches].

Sitting side by side with them was a tall and thin figure wearing a purple and black cloak.

The tightly wrapped cloak has the texture of flames, but blends with the shadows. It looks out of place in the bright and glamorous environment. Under the top hat is a dark veil that covers the entire face.

The eyes rising like flames under the veil looked at Westhead, first there was an explosion, and then an old and steady voice came:

"Mr. Hu Qinghui, I have heard of your great name for a long time and I am fortunate to meet you today."

Luetan was obviously familiar with the old man, and introduced: "Mr. Qinghui, this is also a member of the [Prosperity Branch]. Unlike young people like us, Gong Yingyan is a refined old man."

"Oh, Hello."

Westhead's reaction was quite flat. He frowned slightly, and couldn't remember that there was such a person in the Branch of Prosperity.

However, Duke Yingyan didn't care. He seemed to be a very well-educated old man and just nodded slightly.

Yuanxi Palace curled a strand of hair beside her ears with green-white fingers and said with a sweet smile:
"And Lord Yingyan also wants to help Qinghui Territory rebuild a [Branch of Prosperity], but Lord Qinghui doesn't seem to need it?"

As soon as Luetan finished speaking, Westhead could feel the needle-like gaze behind him, and the sound of Yolda sucking in cold air seemed to be blowing on the back of his neck.

Needless to say, a certain white-blond girl from the Qinghui family was very emotionally unstable and was already putting pressure on the family leader.

But Westhead has to stand firm even if he bites the bullet:

"Yuanxi Palace, don't test me anymore, I won't change my words."

"I once heard that you declined the support to restore your homeland. This is not a favor to you. It is not the right path for [Prosperity Branch]."

Shadow Flame's flaming eyes blinked, and he said sincerely:

"We are all sworn friends, and we should watch each other, and we should abide by our responsibilities. The bright forest was destroyed by the waves of chaos, and you are the [branch of prosperity]. It is your responsibility to rebuild the barriers of the sworn. Why should you let yourself go and suffer Words of ridicule and horror?”

"I intend to extend a helping hand to my sworn friends and fulfill the story of restoring Qinghui. The most unfavorable thing is to abandon the land of my ancestors."

Urda nodded desperately behind Westhead. Although she could not interrupt according to etiquette, she also used this behavior to express her approval of Shadow Flame Lord.

This is called a model of [Branches of Prosperity]!
However, Westhead chuckled:

"What the old man said is very good. Don't say it again next time. I know the consequences of losing Qinghui Territory better than anyone else, and I know what to do."

The Bright Holy Spirit is still being surrendered by Chaos to the Violent Hongru. Once the Holy Spirit falls, Westhead will also be corrupted on the spot. This will be a miserable end that is worse than death.

Westhead knows this and needs no one to remind him.

It’s just that the Qinghui Territory was the first territory to fall under the wave of chaos. Before that, no one knew the truth about the [Branches of Prosperity] nor the serious consequences that would follow its fall.

Therefore, when Shadow Flame saw Westhead's firm attitude, he shook his head silently and remained silent.

Luyetan stroked her cheek and changed the subject, "Lord Qinghui is as resolute as ever. Let's end this unpleasant topic. Tonight is the time to enjoy the grand stage built by the God Ancestor."

"Speaking of this, I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy it quietly with you two, because I also have to participate in the trial. It would be a pity to be absent from such a grand event. I also want to compete for God's grace."

Westhead said, looking at the other two [Branches of Prosperity]: "Aren't you going to participate?"

"Are you participating in the secret realm trial? It is indeed a very interesting sideshow. Unfortunately, I am good at control, management, large-scale spell layout and domain creation. If I don't bring an entire legion into it, I'm afraid I won't be able to show my strength. , I won’t show off my ugliness.”

Luetan's words were not so much humility as they were faintly revealing of a powerful and wealthy background.

Yingyan tapped his cane on the platform and said:

"The secret realm built by the Divine Ancestor is a beautiful and dreamy place. I also yearn for it, but I have reached the rank of [Hero] and am unable to make this trip."


what happened? This kind of atmosphere where I’m the only one who can’t do it?
Luetan looked at Westhead, blinked innocently, covered her mouth and frowned:

"Ah, I'm sorry, aren't we a little too hurtful to Mr. Qinghui by saying this?"

Westhead: "Everyone is quite fierce. When you come to my place, you pull your crotch, right?"

Without a solid family background or strong strength, Qinghui Gong had no choice but to recognize the fact that he was the weakest among the [Prosperity Branches].

"We didn't say that. This is what Mr. Qinghui said himself."

Luyetan smiled sweetly, but the joking in her eyes definitely showed that she was deliberately mentioning the current situation of the Qinghui family.

Yuerda: "Yuanxi Palace! That's wrong, Qinghui."

"Urda, please stay away from Hong Wen first."

Westhead calmed the trembling white-blond girl behind him skillfully, and then took out the card box.

"It seems we still have to wait for a while, why don't we play a few games?"

Lord Yuanxi was not a peaceful guy, and Westhead could tell that under the bright and shiny appearance of this [Prosperity Branch], there was a rather vicious and cynical heart.

Westhead was not afraid, but in order to prevent Urda from being stunned, he still interrupted it.

Luetan's golden eyes lit up: "Quick chess? Then I have to think about how to avenge my shame."

Rather than continuing to make fun of Qinghui Gong, Yuanxi Palace still found playing chess more interesting.

Although the last defeat seemed light and easy, it was indeed a rare defeat for Luetan. The suffocating feeling of being crushed in all directions made this [Prosperity Branch] unable to sleep well for several nights. .

The requirement for fast chess in [Endless Chess] is to determine the winner within twenty rounds, and the thinking time cannot exceed five seconds.

Luetan believed that although Westhead's overall view was superior to hers, quick thinking may not be that strong, and she might be able to save the defeat.

Then she was beaten to the point of despair by the great master in the field of war chess.

"Let's stop here. We still lose more than we win. Tsk, I'm really unwilling to accept it."

Luetan curled her lips and stretched.

Duke Ying Yan, who was watching the chess game, commented:
"Is this your entertainment? I don't know much about it, but Duke Qinghui's skills are still pleasing to the eye, as if he has been immersed in them for a long time and developed his own rules."

"Lao Deng is very discerning, but it's a pity that I can't teach you how to play this game."

Westhead put the cards back, stood up, patted his windbreaker, and prepared to go down with Urda to participate in the trial.

The dazzling shadow on the Holy Tree Palace has stretched out under the night sky. The god who resides in the sanctuary high above the sky will also rarely break through the loss of the world's barriers at this time and transmit his great power to the mortal world.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the shadow on the Great Temple to officially hang down, and then the secret trial will officially begin.

However, at this solemn moment, there was a sudden commotion in front of the Great Temple, and teams of royal guards rushed over.

Luetan frowned and said, "What happened there? Do you dare to cause trouble at this moment?"

Westhead also followed the sound, and then froze.


(End of this chapter)

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