I just covet their strength

Chapter 261 Aimin TV Ah Yeah

Chapter 261 Aimin TV Ah Yeah
bang bang dong!
Jinquanling. When Miwana heard this term, her smile froze.

"Why would Jinquan take her there?"

Among the many knight lords in the Kingdom of Yonglan, Jinquan Lord can be said to be quite heavyweight, especially the knight lord Lyonette who rules the local area, who is a well-known master of loving the people.

Although the Yonglan Knights basically didn't care about the serfs in the territory, they at least regarded the serfs as their own property. They would exploit the cattle, sheep, and fruit trees that produced resources, but they didn't harm them at will.

But during the decades that Lyonette was in charge of Jinquan Territory, he did some perverse things, causing four major changes in the territory.

Every time, eight out of ten serfs in Jinquan Territory would die, so they had to bring in refugees from other places to enrich the territory.

Milburn: "That's right. Jinquan Territory will even accept orcs. Anyone who goes there will be given land and become free people."

"Are they really free folk?"

Miwana lowered her eyes and said, "I don't think Jinquan Ling would have such a good thing. This is not the first time he has gone back on his word."

The wolf-eared girl looked at her compatriots, sadness hidden in her golden eyes.

"We have all heard from Teacher Viona about Jinquan Territory."

Mivana said calmly, "Just thirty years ago, in order to equip his griffin troops with a brand new set of mithril armor, Lyonette raised the taxes in the territory by half, and forced all the serfs and freemen in the territory to grow crops made from extraordinary materials, and promised that they would not have to worry about food."

"But in the end, when the cold winter came, Lyonette did not fulfill his promise and did not transfer enough reserve food. The hungry people used up their last reserves."

"They couldn't even flee the famine! Because they were worried that the famine-stricken people fleeing the famine would damage the image of Jinquan Territory and lose face, the knights of Jinquan Territory blocked the famine-stricken areas. Large areas of villages were not allowed to be entered or exited, and people could only starve to death in their homes."

"Hundreds of thousands of people died because of this. Even if some people managed to escape, they would be caught up and killed."

Myvana stretched out her hand and pointed at the frozen river.

"Right beside this river, the bodies of beheaded serfs blocked the river and dyed the entire upper reaches red."

Although she had never seen that scene, the calm tone of her voice already gave her a strong sense of the picture.

The other orcs of the same age as Mivana were also students of the Sword of Star Lake. Mivana's words undoubtedly awakened their memories of the past, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn and silent.

Mivana: "After that, Lyonette whitewashed the situation. His reports to the Heart of Mist and his propaganda to the outside world all portrayed Jinquan Territory as a place of peace and prosperity. The piles of corpses were either eaten by wild beasts or burned to ashes, leaving not even a trace."

Even though this experience of Jinquan Territory was repeatedly recorded in history books over the years, so that there is almost no written record of it now, Viona, as a great knight, must have known the inside story and told it to her students.

Even in the country of Yonglan, where knights generally treat people as non-human, loving the people to this extent is considered a relatively abstract thing.

After a while, Plana said:

"Of course Aschena knew all this, but she still went because she believed that it was in this environment that she should stand shoulder to shoulder with the serfs. Even if she could not achieve much, she should at least practice her own path."

"Resist together? She still chooses this path."

Myvana sighed and murmured.

The young beastmen in Dusklight Territory are a very special group. They are educated by the Sword of Star Lake, admire the chivalrous knights, and consider themselves Yonglan people. However, they are hostile to the unjust Yonglan knights as if they were class enemies. However, some people want to make peace, some want to fight, and some just want to protect their homes.

Aschena happens to be one of the most radical people. She is very dissatisfied with the current system of the Kingdom of Yonglan and wants to rebel against the Knight Lord by awakening the numb serfs.

Of course, we don't expect mortals to be able to compete with extraordinary people, but as long as we can make the knight class make concessions through struggle, it will be considered a victory.

"After Aschena and the others moved to Jinquan Territory, they lost contact with us. As you know, the news blockade in the Knight Territory is very serious. I'm afraid they have..."

"If it was her choice to die in pursuit of her ideals, it was a worthy death."

Mivana shook her head and said:
"But I will still go look for her later. If she is still alive, I will bring her back. If she has unfortunately died, I will also collect her remains."

Putting aside the matters of Aschena and other compatriots and friends for the time being, Myvana and others went to find the neighboring knight territory and requested a meeting.

As expected, she was turned down. She didn't even get a chance to talk properly, and all she got was bad reviews.

"Lord Knight? You... well, you can be one, but you don't deserve it. You don't deserve it. That's why you don't deserve it."

"You evil creature created by Hellunandi! Isn't it enough that you killed the [Sword of Star Lake]? You still dare to come back? Wait, I will send chariots to send you all to the sky one by one!"

"There is nothing to talk about with orcs, Viona's student? Haha, it is a shame for Yonglan to let orcs become knight lords. If you have anything to say, you should talk to the great knights."


After wandering around the border of Mudeng Territory for a long time, we found nothing.

"It seems that it is not possible."

Mivana smiled with a bit of spit in her face and said:
"I took it for granted. I have stayed in Qinghui Territory for too long."

When she was in Qinghui Territory, she never felt discriminated against. Because of Westhead's relationship, everyone treated her with respect. Moreover, Mivana witnessed with her own eyes how Westhead started his career.

It seems that anyone who has come into contact with Lord Qinghui will be conquered by his charm and bring their own food to become an ally of Lord Qinghui.

This almost gave the wolf-eared girl the illusion that everything could be settled as long as she talked properly.

But not everyone is a Qinghui Succubus.

"I didn't have high hopes in the first place, and that's normal."

The orcs from other clans were not very disappointed because they felt it was unreliable from the beginning.

"But it's not without benefits. At least we know that the neighboring knights have no intention of attacking us, and we can be safe during this period before the expeditionary force arrives."

Myvana shook her head and said:
"There is only one left. Jinquan Territory. I have no illusions about convincing Lyonette, so I won't visit it. I plan to sneak into Jinquan Territory alone to look for Aschena and the others."

(End of this chapter)

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