I just covet their strength

Chapter 292: In Yonglan, he is the Knight King; in the Empire, he is Prince Qinghui

Chapter 292: In Yonglan, he is the Knight King; in the Empire, he is Prince Qinghui

The "lacknail dispute" between Mephis and Myvana intensified, even to the point of drawing swords.

It was not until Westhead talked to Leshia for a while that he stepped forward and separated the two women.

"Okay, let's end your dispute here, Miwana. Don't argue over this. Aren't we master and apprentice? If you want to be a dog, it will mess up the generations."

With the real person coming to mediate, Mivana quickly calmed down. She thought about it carefully and realized that there was no need to argue with the Great Knight Qinxin. She shook her head and hugged one of Westhead's arms.

Although Lord Qinghui showed his preference for Myvana without any concealment, Mephis stood with her head held high like a victorious general. If you ignore the collar around her neck, she would look like the winner.

Westhead left the palace where his bedroom was located. Standing on the high platform, facing the biting and cold snow and wind, the vast urban area of ​​[Heart of Mist] was in full view before him. And unlike the deserted scene when he came here, the capital of Yonglan now seemed extremely lively.

The coming and going of Yonglan Knights were running around in the streets and alleys. Even places that were originally deserted now had people joining in the fun. [Heart of the Storm] had suddenly changed from an eternal city standing on the edge of the world into some kind of tourist destination.

Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Not only the pilgrimage troops, but also knights from all over Yonglan participated in the event.

Mavis explained at the right time:
"All the knight lords from Yonglan Country who can come here have basically gathered here, and those who are unwilling to pledge allegiance have been cleared out."

Westhead: "What exactly are those blind things? I want a detailed report."

"Yes, from the time you officially started your pilgrimage from the Dusk Lantern Territory to the time you took over the Heart of Mist, to the knight lords who were killed and suppressed in duels these days, including Lyonette, Brolet, and Kramer."

As soon as the Knight King spoke, Great Knight Qinxin immediately reported everything in detail. As the Knight Lord in charge of the capital and the end point of the parade ceremony, it was her job to compile these data.

After listening to everyone's names and comparing them with the list of lords of the Kingdom of Yonglan, Westhead said in amazement:
"That's all? It seems my tour of enthronement is relatively harmonious and friendly."

Mephis clasped his fingers together, placed them in front of his chest, and smiled, "In fact, you have caused the iteration of one-tenth of the lords of the Kingdom of Yonglan. It is the most tragic among the pilgrimages of the Knight Kings of all generations."

"That's why I said friendly. My worst estimate was to kill one-third of them. Oh, I see. I understand."

Westhead was stunned for a moment before realizing why he hadn't killed enough.

His original plan was to push Mivana to be the Knight King, but halfway through, the wolf-eared girl lost her mind and was unwilling to do so, so she had to go into battle herself.

Originally, there was no need to fight so many people in the King's Tour. Demonstrating extraordinary strength could resolve most of the disputes, and there would be no need to force out the Steel Guardian.

But the reform to abolish serfdom was too great and shook the foundation of the country. In addition, due to Westhead's status as a foreigner, he naturally encountered much more obstacles and discrimination.

However, the debuff of the foreigners is simply not worth mentioning compared with the identity of "orc". No matter what, Lord Qinghui is a pure human being and a practitioner of the path of chivalry, but non-human species have completely touched the bottom line of Yonglan Knight.

If this is the case, then Tiangang will be defeated and he is not a member of Yonglan.

Mivana wants to be the Knight King, family members, don't be soft-hearted, you have to get 30 million!

Thinking about it this way, Westhead doing it himself is the only solution.

"My Lord, if you are still dissatisfied with a knight lord, you can challenge him to a duel in person during the loyalty ceremony. Although it is not possible to kill him at will, you can just make up a crime as an excuse and let me handle it. It should not be a big problem."

Seeing Westhead looking thoughtful, Mavis quickly suggested.

Just listening to her fawning manner, she was almost about to offer her compatriot's head to seek credit.

"Alas, you are a little too extreme. It is of course a good thing if fewer people die. Since they have not clearly opposed me so far, as a king, how can I not be tolerant of others?"

Westhead waved his hand, rejecting the blue-haired girl's cold proposal.

In the country of Yonglan, there is no such thing as half-hearted loyalty or absolute disloyalty. After all, the land of knights has its own national conditions.

As the Knight King, he has not yet received the official endorsement of [Yonglan Knight God]. Even though the procedure is correct, a Knight King without the blessing of God is still a little lacking.

To put it nicely, the Knight King is the Knight Leader, and to put it bluntly, he is the leader of the alliance.

Westhead can accept the fealty of all knight lords, who also have certain obligations to the monarch, but the vassal of my vassal is not my vassal.

The Knight King can at most carry out macro-control on major policies and guidelines, make decisions and give orders on expeditions, and act as an arbitrator when resolving disputes.

As for the finances and governance within each knight territory, that has nothing to do with the Knight King.

Perhaps he could increase his voice through prestige and charm, but no matter what, he could not achieve the absolute authority like in Qinghui Territory.

"Now that everyone is here, let's gather everyone together and hold a loyalty ceremony. Also, I have important matters to announce."

Westhead waved his hand.

"Yes, your will."

At the order of the Knight King, the tower of [Heart of Storm] rang melodiously, and several hours later, all the knight lords who had been waiting in the outer city for a long time entered the inner city.

The elite confidants of the Knight Lords crowded outside the hall, while hundreds of Knight Lords filed in.

In the audience hall surrounded by clear mirrors and cold armor, the Yonglan knights in full armor stood on the floor tiles that reflected the light like crystal. The arms under their shawls were either holding the hilts of swords or smoothing the corners of their clothes, quietly waiting to meet the new Knight King.

Being able to stand here means that one has acknowledged Westhead's identity as the Knight King, or in other words, he has been defeated and has to admit it.

Even a knight lord who was used to being free and undisciplined would remain solemn and quiet during an audience.

"Deng deng deng-"

The sound of crisp footsteps was heard, and Mavis appeared first on the second-floor platform of the audience hall. The blue-haired girl showed off her necklace generously, causing everyone's surprise.

"Is that Mr. Mephis from the Qinxin family?"

"Even the arrogant Knight Qinxin has completely surrendered to Lord Qinghui?"

"I have heard that Mr. Mephis is very compatible with the blessing of the God Ancestor, and can even be selected as the champion chosen by God."

Following behind Mavis were Westhead and others.

There is no need to say much about Mivana and Leshia. The two women have had countless duels in the past few days until they suppressed all doubts.

However, for many knight lords, it was the first time they saw the new Knight King, and they all looked at Westhead curiously.

They had been closely following the news of the pilgrimage, but the Kingdom of Yonglan did not have a highly efficient means of transmission such as a star gate, so outside the places along the pilgrimage route, the public opinion became quite funny. At first, it was "Monsters from Qinghui Territory landed in Mudeng Territory."

Then the expeditionary force received news that "the unspeakable demon usurped the throne of the Knight's Land."

In a few days, "the vile thief of the state approaches the Holy Grail Pool."

Then it was "Westhead Qinghui Conquered the Land of Plenty."

Then, "Lord Seiki approaches the spiral tower."

Finally it became "His Majesty the Supreme Knight King arrived at his loyal Storm Heart today."

The rumors were truly incredible. Now that I had officially met Westhead, I could not help but sigh in admiration.

Looking at him, he does have the appearance of a king.

Just by looking at the way he stands you can tell he is extremely strong!
Mavis came to the guardrail with a red face and raised his head and said:
"Everyone, be silent! Raise your swords and pay tribute to the Knight King of Yonglan!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the knight lords drew their swords almost at the same time. The shining blades even overshadowed the brilliance of the audience hall.

Faced with hundreds of swords capable of cutting through iron and steel, Lord Qinghui remained calm. He waved his hand gently, signaling everyone to put down their swords, then slowly walked down the steps and came to the platform right in front of the audience hall.

In such a formal occasion, Westhead maintained his aura of authority without getting angry, and Mavis acted as a mouthpiece:

"Those who have not yet sworn an oath to our Lord may step forward."

According to the procedure, the knight lords who did not join the parade team must swear allegiance to the new Knight King at this moment, so from left to right, the knight lords lined up one after another stepped forward.

They knelt on one knee in front of Westhead, raised their swords upright, and Westhead touched the blades, completing a simple and solemn ceremony.

"Lord Jingzhe, swear allegiance to His Majesty Westhead. If you hold the true meaning of the God Ancestor in your hands for one day, if you carry out the will of Yonglan for one moment, our swords will be wielded for you, and we will win infinite victory for you!"

"Blackstone Territory, we swear allegiance to His Majesty Westhead. If you hold the true will of the God Ancestor in your hands for one day, if you carry out the will of Yonglan for one moment, our swords will be wielded for you, and we will win infinite victory for you!"


As the knight lords took turns to swear allegiance, the idle knights were whispering and discussing topics related to Westhead:
"You are really young, but the Knight Kings in history were all young heroes with extraordinary talents."

"What is the chivalry of this majesty?"

"I heard that it is the inheritance of the will of the [Sword of Star Lake],"

"The way of chivalry?"

"I remember there was a knight king who followed the Way of Chivalry before."

"Including this Majesty, the Way of Chivalry has produced four Knight Kings, right? I thought it was a boring sect, could it be that adhering to the Way of Chivalry really makes you stronger?"

"If you say so, I'm going to give it a try!"


After all the knight lords had completed their oath of allegiance, Westhead looked at the people in the audience hall and said:

"Everyone present here is Yong Lan's loyal minister and the pillar of the country. It is rare that they can recognize a foreigner like me."

Westhead was just being modest for a moment, then he changed the subject and said:
"But this is as it should be, because I have gone further in the path of chivalry than you, much further than all of you! And I am stronger than any of you, and when I become king, there will be no doubt about who will take the position."

"Although it has been confirmed, I still want to ask one last time - do you have any dissatisfaction with my identity and status as the Knight King? Speak up, you can say anything, there is nothing you can't say. The Kingdom of Eternal Mist has always been a place of freedom of speech."

Under the amiable smile of the handsome young man with black hair and purple eyes, the knight lords looked at each other in bewilderment, and after a moment's silence, they spoke:

"Well, Your Majesty Westhead, we do not doubt your attainments in the way of knighthood. We have heard of this a long time ago. Your strength as a Knight of Yonglan is beyond doubt."

"But we still have some doubts. The Way of Chivalry is one thing, and Yonglan is another. After all, you are not from Yonglan. We want to know what your majesty thinks of the country of Yonglan."

Are you worried because the pilgrimage process is relatively brutal and violent? That is understandable.

Westhead nodded after hearing this, and after thinking for a while, he said the words of a saint:

"In the Kingdom of Yonglan, I am the Knight King, and in the Empire, I am Duke Qinghui. Both are equally important to me, and there is no distinction between who comes first and who comes later!"

This is a lie. In Westhead's mind, the Kingdom of Eternal Mist cannot be compared with the Bright Forest.

Apart from anything else, if he wants to achieve the great feat of ascending to heaven, his basic foundation lies in Qinghui Territory.

The Kingdom of Yonglan has its own God-Ancestor. Westhead can use his personal charm to win over a very small number of people, but the difficulty of converting an entire fanatical Kingdom of Order is no less than the fealty of becoming a God.

Not to mention that in Qinghui Territory, Westhead is the dictatorial patriarch who controls all power over life and death, while in Yonglan Country, the power of the Knight King seems to be a bit too small, so it is enough to borrow the power of the Yonglan Knights.

Someone else thought of this, frowned, and spoke again:
"Is that really the case? I wonder if Your Majesty will stay in the Heart of Mist permanently, or return to Qinghui Territory?"

Asking this is a bit over the line!

Westhead frowned, as if asking the Austrian emperor whether he was the Emperor of Austria or the King of Hungary. He was so evil!

His current identity is both the clan leader of Qinghui Territory and the Knight King of Yonglan Country, but Qinghui Territory and Yonglan Country are two entities that are absolutely incompatible. Westhead is a true dual monarch.

There is no need to explain the twists and turns of a dual monarchy. If the two entities under his command start to pull against each other, it will cause endless harm.

However, Westhead had a difficult time answering this question. At this moment, the chain in his hand moved, and the Knight Qinxin jumped out immediately:
"Enough! Is it fun to keep harping on this? Isn't it enough for my lord to understand and uphold the way of chivalry? Do you have to make my lord prove his innocence? Who is the king? Who is the subject?!"

Mavis completely fulfilled his duty as a loyal dog and came up and covered his mouth directly.

The blue-haired girl looked at him coldly, raised her finger and said:

"So, don't say anything that is not conducive to unity."

(End of this chapter)

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