I just covet their strength

Chapter 324 Can You Eat This?

Chapter 324 Can You Eat This?
Westhead transformed into Super Chakravartin, the ultimate pile driver in the royal court. Although it was his serious activity to conquer the royal court by taking an unconventional approach, he would not conquer the royal court by relying solely on his lower body.

After all, the Qianlu Royal Court is a real force of order. Thanks to the suppression and attraction of the demonic bloodline by its high charm attribute, Westhead can rely on his own pile driver qualities to carve out a piece of heaven and earth in the Central Royal Court where yin is prevalent and yang is weak.

Could he still conquer the demons that occupied two-thirds of the Land of Rhythm with a pile driver? !
Wait, it seems that it is possible. No, the probability is too random, Westhead will not pin his hopes on it.

In short, this demon must be eliminated, no other way around it!

Therefore, after Elivitt raised the question, Westhead immediately gave a positive response.

Ilevit nodded and said:

"In that case, please ask Lord Qinghui to lead his troops to participate in the recovery battle in a few days. Although I have no authority to command and order your army, I still hope that you can listen to the advice of the commander of the royal court present on the general strategic direction. The running-in training these days should not be ineffective superficial work, right?"

As the Grand Tuner, he would not fight on the front line. It was not because he was a coward, but because he needed to stay in the Central Royal Court to protect the core nodes of the Thousand Laws Ceremony. Moreover, if the distorted nodes occupied by demons were not recovered, the profession of Tuner would not be of much use.

So he's timid against demons, but stronger against his own people, right?

However, this is actually good for Westhead. If Elivitt is on the battlefield with him, Westhead will inevitably compete with the Chief Tuner for the limelight. There is only one position of the protagonist on the stage, and when it comes to vanity, Westhead will never give in.

So in the next few days, the expeditionary forces of the Central Royal Court began to move. Ilevitt had been preparing for this battle for a long time, and many legions guarding the borders were also drawn to come.

All the professions in the Path of Resonance and all the extraordinary people who were not restricted by the nodes were incorporated into the expeditionary army.

Sound Wave Warlock, String Swordsman, Dancing Veil... These lower-level professions were pulled onto the battlefield in batches, but that was not all. In order to make up for the lack of tuners, the Royal Court Legion decided to use external objects as much as possible.

Precision-crafted weapons, ingenious structures, various vehicles and warships are shipped out on the assembly line. The focus of the Grand Tuner's work during this period is to coordinate the production of the workshop, and the final result is very impressive.

“It’s really a huge investment.”

Westhead stood on the bow of a floating wavebreaker, looking at the mighty fleets on both sides, and sighed.

Hundreds of warships loaded with soldiers were sailing on the clear and wide lake, and the sound of the strong winds and the raging waves could be heard.

Unlike the mass-produced airships of the Sky Kingdom, because the sky of the Land of Music is the domain where the great ensemble flows and there are always no-fly laws, the warships produced by the Thousand Laws Royal Court can only remain suspended.

In order to better adapt to the terrain of the Land of Sound, the spells covered by these warships are permanent buffs such as [Water Buff] and [Lake Blessing], which allow them to move at high speed in any river channel and never sink.

On the deck of the wave-breaking ship, there are even various types of structural golems parked. These heavy structures have completely abandoned mobility and are embedded with various types of long-range projection firepower equipment, which can unleash tons of artillery fire in an instant.

They are actually the turrets of the wave-breaking ship, responsible for long-range output and fire suppression.

"Compared to the thousands of years of accumulation of the Royal Court, this amount of stuff is nothing. If it weren't for the fact that so much of the Land of Luyin has already fallen, we should be able to build a larger fleet, and more than one."

Amitron stood beside Westhead, and the feeling she felt when she looked around was completely different from Westhead's. She even felt a little lonely.

"This is the heritage of the old Order Kingdom. Qinghui Territory still seems a bit upstart."

Westhead chuckled when he heard this. His power had expanded to an exaggerated degree now, but in terms of his hometown, Qinghui Territory, if it didn't have the technical support of the Sky Country, it might not be as good as the crippled Qianlu Royal Court.

"Isn't this as it should be? Brother, how long do you think it took us to recover from the state of being a lost dog?"

Yuerda was very dissatisfied with her lord's remarks that destroyed her prestige, and frowned and said:

"Our current prestige is basically due to Empire and Yonglan. You don't care about the management of our family at all, and you are still lamenting why Suyue's production capacity can't keep up!"

Westhead said leisurely: "After all, it's much faster to have something ready than to start from scratch."

Rather than honestly developing its base, Westhead would rather expand its territory aggressively and seize the territories that other countries have already built.

Only in this way can he form a swallowing momentum, which was the case with the imperial provinces, the Yonglan Kingdom, and now the Qianlu Royal Court.

Every time he would take advantage of the general situation and use a high-sounding excuse to seize territory.

In the Empire, he has the endorsement and support of the legitimate princess, Resia, and the appointment of the position of regent; in the Kingdom of Eternal Mist, he starts with Myvana's Dusk Lantern Territory and gains control of the resources of the Kingdom of Knights by ascending the throne of the Knight King.

As for the Qianlu Royal Court, it seems that the many elven noble ladies that he has had some casual interactions with during this period of time, are not capable of accomplishing anything. The most crucial one is indeed the Queen of Fenglu.

Westhead stroked his chin, thinking about how to take over the position through Airolus.

"Lord Qinghui!"

Just as the wavebreaker was hovering over the ground again and changing course, another wavebreaker approached Westhead's location.

An elven military attaché wearing a lyrebird-winged helmet and a light silver armor cape jumped over from the bow and quickly came to Westhead:
"Next, we will enter the lake city area where demons are entrenched. The Lord of Blight has defiled several lake cities. Our army will advance first and clear out the enemy forces along the way. Lord Qinghui's army can watch for now and get familiar with the environment."

"Especially you, please don't take action for the time being, and stay in good condition to fight the Lord of Withering. Our army is simply unable to contend with this demon."

Even though the cowardice and helplessness revealed in his words were obvious, the elf commander spoke without disguising it.

The Qianlu Royal Court asked Westhead for support, not because they coveted the combat power of the legions under his command. The Royal Court certainly did not mind having more troops, but these were not the point. The point was that it needed heavyweight warriors who could compete with the demons.

Because the enemy is the shadow of the God, all the extraordinary people in the system of [Emperor Qianlu] will be severely weakened when facing the devil.

It's not that you can't fight at all, it's just that if you want to fight, your life would be too good.

This is the inferiority complex that the devil brings to the orthodox path!

Only a powerful outsider like Westhead, who has nothing to do with [Emperor Qianlu], can ignore the terrifying restraint and fight against the devil himself.

Therefore, if the losses in this battle are to be reduced, Westhead's performance is crucial. The elf warriors of the royal court are already prepared to serve as pawns for Lord Qinghui.

Westhead nodded: "Of course. Don't worry, I will defeat the devil when the time comes."

The elf officer was about to turn around, but then he seemed to remember something and said to Amitron:

"By the way, Mr. Swordsman, the Grand Tuning Officer has issued permission to allow Duke Qinghui to use the musical notes. There is no limit to the resources that can be allocated."

The silver-haired elf lady widened her eyes when she heard this: "You actually allow the use of musical notes?" "Melody musical notes. What is this? I seem to have some impression of it."

Westhead raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Amitron: "Have you heard of it? This is a buff of the Thousand Laws Court. We took a section of the Grand Ensemble and made it into a substantial rune to provide buffs to the user."

"The production and engraving of musical notes is extremely difficult and expensive. Each fragment taken from the great ensemble is a masterpiece of the God Ancestor. Even for you now, it should be very effective."

Westhead became interested after hearing this:

"Oh? If that's the case, then I have to taste it. Bring it up quickly!"

Today, Westhead's self-circulation ability has reached its peak. Most of the enhancement spells are not as good as his innate ability, but if it involves the nature of the gods, it should be different.

"Please wait a moment. The specific preparation still needs some preparation."

A moment later, a group of warlocks surrounded Westhead, and what they brought were runes that were sealed intact in special boxes.

I saw these runes with beautiful outlines, emitting terrifying magical power, and the surrounding space seemed to be slightly distorted.

"The upper limit of the musical runes that each person can bear is different, and these runes have different effects. Which ones do you need to engrave?"

"What runes are there?"

The warlocks of the royal court listed them all: "Fatal Rhythm, War Lord, Voice of Triumph, Unyielding Perseverance, Ghostly Steps."

Westhead listened to the effects of these runes, his eyes lit up, and he said:


"I said all! Fill up all offensive runes until I say stop."

"Yes Yes!"

While Amitron and others were busy preparing to bless Westhead with the musical notes, the Royal Court's fleet had already set out first, cutting through the thorns and clearing the way ahead of the Qinghui Legion.

As he went deeper into the area occupied by demons, Westhead could clearly feel that the soft singing that had been lingering in his ears had disappeared, and was replaced by waves of extremely hellish mournful music.

The green grass and colorful trees on both sides of the river became twisted and withered. All colors were replaced by a dull gray. Even the air we breathed in seemed particularly turbid.

The branches of the jungle were bare, without a single fallen leaf, and the endless bushes looked like a huge thorn forest.

Yurda couldn't help but sigh: "It's just like the area eroded by the Corrupted Sacred Tree."

"No, they are completely different."

Westhead held his arm and asked the royal court sorcerers to carefully integrate the rune power, and then he said:

"The Corrupted Holy Tree is pure chaos pollution, completely rejecting any Order Holy Spirit. It is simply not a realm where humans can survive. However, demons are still orderly in nature, even a little too orderly. The realm of each demon depends entirely on its own attributes."

"The demons will infect the area with whatever they like. Generally speaking, it is not much different from the mortal world. This scene shows that the Lord of Withering likes it. He doesn't seem like a serious person."

"You are right. Each demon occupies a different territory."

The warlock leader who was in charge of engraving runes on Westhead said:

"The true form of the demon Lord of Withering is a very rare man-eating bone demon. This creature was active in the depths of the Thousand Lakes thousands of years ago. It especially loved to hunt flesh and blood creatures caught in the withered land. This monster had become extinct after the God Ancestor took action."

The Royal Court Warlock didn't say the rest of the words, but Westhead could deduce the implied meaning from the other party's hesitation.

Needless to say, why would the long-extinct cannibalistic bone demon reappear in the form of a demon?
I can only say that [Emperor Qianlu] really doesn't care about meat or vegetables, and can even eat such expensive food.

No wonder the warlock of the royal court who knew the inside story was so evasive in his words. No one would want to reveal the dark history of their own ancestor in front of outsiders. However, since he had to pin his hopes on Westhead's performance, he had to explain the racial characteristics of the Ogres.

"Enter the enemy!!"

Suddenly, a loud whistle sounded from the fleet in front, and the wave-breaking ships were on full alert. Countless black shadows emerged from the withered bushes on the shore. They raised their arms high and threw spears at the warships in the river.


Accompanied by a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the seemingly ordinary spear can cause the destructive power of a heavy artillery, causing exaggerated ripples on the shield of the wave-breaking ship.

As a result, Westhead saw what the so-called man-eating bone demon looked like. It had an extremely tall body with a long robe that was either pitch black or gray. There was no flesh and blood underneath, only dull bones that were so thick that they did not look like those of humans.

The huge horns, like those of a stag, are covered with thorns, and the skulls of various animals are strung together and hung together. A sense of barbarism and eating raw meat and drinking blood comes to the face.

Seeing this, the sorcerers of the royal court said angrily:

"The followers bred by the Lord of Blight are even more than those detected! The bone demons were clearly extinct, but are they going to revive because of a demon?"

"Wait, those following the bone demon, aren't they also elves?"

With his good eyesight, Westhead could tell at a glance that the demon army coming to fight included not only bone demons, but also a large number of elves and mortals who also participated in the ambush.

"Not anymore!"

Amitron gritted his teeth with a look of hatred and sorrow, and said:

"They are traitors seduced by the devil! Mentally ill-intentioned people who have strayed from the teachings and creeds of the God-Ancestor! They are more hateful than the devil's followers!"

What is the Holy Separator?! They are starting to cut it now, right?

(End of this chapter)

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