I just covet their strength

Chapter 335: Let the devil fight the devil, and the good man cure the good man

Chapter 335: Let the devil fight the devil, and the good man cure the good man
"Party? Is it possible that another elf royal from the royal court has invited you to a salon? Let me make it clear first, I will not attend your silver party."

Hearing this, Luyetan touched the edge of the cup with his fingertips and declared.

She said this not out of a desire to monopolize the thing, but simply because she didn't want others to see her ugly appearance.

In front of the monster Westhead, even if he absolutely could not maintain a proper demeanor, he should roll his eyes when he should, stick out his tongue when he should, and just follow the procedure.

In her dreams over the past period of time, Luyetan has fully realized this point, so much so that she lacks the confidence to look men in the eye.

Well, Yuan Xigong himself didn't really hate the feeling of being completely marked and conquered, instead, it would give him a great sense of peace of mind and satisfaction. But if others saw him like this, Luyetan couldn't stand it.

"What's on your mind? Is there something wrong with you or me? This isn't the party I'm talking about."

Luyetan sneered:
"Huh? Lord Qinghui, what are you talking about? Didn't I infer this from your daily words and deeds? Isn't this what you do all day in this Central Royal Court?"

This cannot be refuted, the evidence is irrefutable!

Westhead spread his hands and said, "That's right, but this time is different. I'm here to fulfill my promise to you. It's about the demon bloodline in your body. Don't you want to get rid of it?"

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xigong's expression immediately became much more serious:
"Didn't you say that it can only be done after mastering the Thousand Laws Code?"

"The Thousand Laws Code is just an operating table. Before using it to accomplish something, we must first have a corresponding understanding, so we need to consult someone who knows the true nature of the demon."

Luyetan nodded and took a sip of black tea:
"If that's the case, then you're going to look for a scholar who studies the history of demons? How strange! In the Qianlu Royal Court, this kind of research should be a taboo among taboos. Is there really someone who studies this thing?"

Westhead: "Of course it's impossible that the people of the Royal Court studied it. They wouldn't dare to touch it even if they had a hundred courages. After counting all the mortal worlds, there is only one existence who knows the most about the demon race - [Lord of the Feast]."

Luyetan licked his lips thoughtfully and said with a smile:

"[Lord of Greedy Feast]. It's the shadow of another [Emperor Qianlu]. I remember that he seems to have occupied the most prosperous area in the southern part of the royal court. Are you saying that a demon invited you to be his guest?"

"To be precise, it's to invite the Witch of the Clear Ring. But it doesn't matter. It's completely fine to bring more people with you. She won't mind. On the contrary, she will be happy."

Westhead shrugged.

"Lord Qinghui is really confident in trying to figure out the mind of a shadow of a god."

“This is the rare confidence I have.”

Westhead said he was not panicking at all, even though his advantage of foresight was constantly eroding as the Age of Strife continued to develop. How the future would develop was completely different from the direction of "Poem of Destiny".

But some basic settings will never change. She knew very little about the [Devil's Feast], but it happened that the [Lord of the Feast] was the demon he knew best. Even in Westhead's view, this powerful and friendly shadow of the god was a rare object with which he could communicate and even form an alliance.

"Well, since you are so confident, I will not ask any more questions. In other words, does the Lord of Greedy Feast know Yaohu very well? Or do other demons also know Yaohu very well, but they just picked the one who is easiest to talk to?"

Seeing Westhead's confident look, Luyetan actually trusted him at first instead of questioning this incredible thing. It can only be said that Lord Qinghui, who is always right, has already established his own prestige. Even if Luyetan is very harsh in her words, she is essentially convinced by the man.

"It's true that he's easy to talk to, but other demons don't understand demon temptation as well as the Lord of Greedy Feast. After all, this demon is probably the only demon temptation in the world."

Westhead said something remarkable in a casual way:

"She is also the purest-blooded enchantress, because she is the legitimate offspring of Emperor Qianlu, um, the biological one."

Luyetan subconsciously asked in surprise: "The offspring of the gods?!"

"Don't be surprised. This is also recorded in the Song of the Ensemble of Temperament."

Westhead said calmly:
"You and I both know that Emperor Qianlu was born into a clan of demons. This clan was extremely rare, and was brutally exterminated during the war of unification because he provoked many enemies. However, Emperor Qianlu was the only exception, as he had a biological offspring who survived the disaster."

"This is the Lord of Greedy Feast. Almost no one knows that Emperor Qianlu has such a mysterious offspring. As a demon, she has perfectly inherited her father's talent. However, she was later merged into the soul, so no one cares about her. The demon-magic hybrids in the royal court today may have inherited their bloodline from the Lord of Greedy Feast."

“How could such a thing happen?”

Luyetan no longer wanted to ask Westhead how he knew this. She raised her snow-white chin and said:
"Well, Lord Qinghui, you have successfully aroused my interest. If you think it is appropriate, we can go to the banquet together. However, as the shadow of the god, shouldn't the Lord of Greedy Banquet be the enemy of the royal court now? Is it really okay to communicate with the devil?"

Westhead: "Just don't make it public. I will be back at the front in a few days, and the Grand Tutor will be back at the Royal Court. I have already obtained the privilege of being the commander-in-chief of the front from Ilevitt, and the attack on the Demon Kingdom requires a long period of preparation. During this period, who dares to ask about my whereabouts? Asking is like confronting a powerful enemy!"

"You are so thoughtful. It would be tactless for me to refuse."

Seeing that Westhead had made preparations in all aspects, Luyetan had to say:
"The Yuanxi Legion I brought with me hasn't been on the battlefield much yet. During this period, it only assisted the Wangting Legion in repelling several waves of enemy invasions. If you ask me, I can help you share the burden."

Westhead said calmly: "It doesn't matter if you refuse. I'm helping you. If you're not in a hurry, then I'm definitely not in a hurry either."

Luyetan curled his lips and said, "Then I beg you for it."

The black-haired, purple-eyed man said in surprise: "It's rare to hear this from you, so I have to do my best."

A few days later, having recovered from all his injuries, Westhead was about to head to the frontier between the Royal Court and the Demon Kingdom in his prime.

Whether it is the establishment and training of the punishment camp or the vigilance and combat readiness against the demon kingdom, Westhead is required to coordinate.

At the leaving port, before Westhead officially boarded the ship, the friends he made in the royal court came to see him off. Although they were called friends, they were basically all gorgeous and charming elf beauties, and the array of them was quite spectacular.

Westhead didn't spend much time on the male elves in the royal court. Although he had many fans who admired him, they were definitely not as many as these beauties who had had in-depth exchanges with Lord Qinghui.

Some of them, military officers and sorcerers, even though they were of noble status and did not need to go to the front, almost all joined the expeditionary army in order to be with Westhead, and went to the most dangerous battlefield with Lord Qinghui. Some of them could not go with him, so they had to stay in the royal court. One by one, the delicate and charming royal girls hugged Westhead with tears in their eyes and said their final farewell.

The months of separation made it feel like a farewell of life and death. However, for these canaries who stayed in the palace courtyard and enjoyed all kinds of honor and wealth, Westhead was simply a poison they had never tasted before.

Once you get involved, you can never break free from it, and you will only sink deeper and deeper into the whirlpool of love and obsession. Damn it, it’s ice!

"Even the harem of the previous emperor of the empire was almost like this."

Yulda whispered in Westhead's ear.

Westhead smiled but said nothing.

Yes, that's right. Everyone gives me all their love and infatuation, and they are obsessed with me and can't sleep because of me!

During this period of time, Westhead has been happily serving as the master of the Central Royal Court. With the endorsement of Queen Fenglu, he is always the center of attention wherever he goes, dressed in fine clothes and riding a fine horse.

Unfortunately, his days of unbridled behavior came to an end, because the pure-blood trainers who truly controlled the core power of the royal court had a very subtle attitude towards Duke Qinghui. They neither interfered with Westhead nor kept a certain distance from the latter.

When Ilevitt reconstructs the recovered city in the lake into the grand ensemble and returns to the central royal court, the pure-blood tuner will once again gain the upper hand and become the absolute controller.

The last person to come forward and say goodbye to Westhead was the little Queen of Wind.

Eloreus, dressed in a dignified and elegant long dress, came in front of the man and raised her delicate and flawless face.

"Weiss, I wish you good luck in martial arts!"

Westhead knelt on one knee, and hugged Eloleus tightly with the elf loli who opened his arms to welcome him.

The latter closed her eyes slightly, her nose trembled, and she took a deep breath of the man's rich and mellow scent, muttering:
"I wanted to go to the front with you, but unfortunately I'm trapped in the royal court."

"There's no other way. The Grand Tutor will not allow us to get so close, let alone put you in danger."

"Lord Elevit, humph."

In the past, Eloleus did not think that the restriction of her freedom was a problem worth worrying about. She ignored Ilevit's domineering behavior and her behavior of not treating her as a subject at all, because she thought it was unnecessary.

But when her core interests were truly touched, the elf loli realized how embarrassing her position was. As the Lord of the Royal Court and the King of Wind Law, she couldn't even move freely!
Seeing that the Queen of Wind Law's tone had obviously changed, Westhead took advantage of the situation to sow discord and sighed:
"If you have the highest power, you don't have to do this. As a king, you have to do whatever you want. Otherwise, you are not worthy of the title."

As soon as the words fell, it was obvious that the Queen of Wind Temperament was dissatisfied with the Chief Tuner.

"Well, because I haven't fully mastered the [Ten Thousand Winds Music] yet, but it will be soon, just a little time left."

Okay, okay, please master it quickly so I can get it for free!

Westhead smiled and said, "When you have fully mastered the Sound of the Winds, I will help you regain your authority."


Eloleus nodded slightly, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Westhead lightly on the cheek.

This bold move surprised Westhead, but before he could respond, the elf loli in his arms jumped away, with her hands behind her back and a faint smile.

After the farewell, the fleet set sail and arrived at the front line between the Royal Court and the Demon Kingdom after a smooth voyage. The city in the lake previously occupied by the [Lord of Withering] had been transformed and had become a qualified military fortress.

A large number of Royal Court Legions and Yonglan Knights were deployed everywhere. Even with the barrier of the Thousand Laws Code, in order to confront the demon army, a large number of strongholds were still built to ensure that there would be no omissions.

After the army from Yuanxiling joins, the defense on the border can be described as impregnable.

But to be honest, these preparations were a bit too cautious, because the other party had no intention of attacking at all.

Westhead said bluntly: "The Lord of Feast is fighting with many neighboring demons, including the Lord of Blazing Flame we are facing now. This guy is still focusing on attacking other demons and doesn't take us seriously at all."

Mephis was very interested when he heard this: "So now the forces of the Demon Kingdom are scattered, can we just attack directly?"

Westhead shook his head and said, "No, the gains and losses of a city or a place are meaningless. Our raid can only capture a city in the lake at most. In our own country, the demons can transfer very quickly. As long as we don't defeat the Shadow of the God himself, the conventional battle is secondary."

"Rather than fighting the Lord of Blazing Flame directly, we can take a more clever approach."

As for what the method was, Westhead did not say it at the military meeting. After all, Amitron and other royal court elves were also present at the meeting, so it was really difficult to say it out loud.

Because Westhead's so-called trick, to put it bluntly, is to go deep into the demon kingdom, participate in the banquet of the Lord of Feast, and then provoke a big melee among the demons.

Let demons fight demons, and heroes cure heroes!

There is a saying for this. The melee between demons will inevitably determine a few final winners who are stronger than ordinary demons. As long as a cooperative relationship can be reached with one or two of the Shadows of the Gods, it will be enough to influence the situation of this [Demon Feast].

Faced with the growing pressure, even the Grand Tutor would probably have to agree to allow Resia, Myvana and others to enter the royal court.

I have people on both sides of the fence, what can you use to fight me? !
Westhead's plan may seem a bit whimsical, but it is actually very idealistic. However, it is definitely feasible to put it into practice. Whether it can be carried out depends on the situation of participating in the banquet of the Lord of the Feast.

(End of this chapter)

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