I just covet their strength

Chapter 347 You have a way to die!

Chapter 347 You have a way to die!
To be honest, even if Ilevitt received the stern order from Queen Fenglu, he still remained indifferent and ignored it.

In his opinion, Eroleus should be like the previous Kings of Wind, living in the deep palace for a long time, becoming a Jinchūriki of [Ten Thousand Wind Sounds] and a mascot of the royal court. Especially in this catastrophic era when gods and mortals are separated, the current queen is so young and immature that she didn't expect Eroleus to be useful from the beginning.

The current King of Wind Law only has to do one thing, and that is to protect himself and grow slowly.

Hold on, I'll take C!

The Chief Tuner has such a sense of mission and responsibility that he takes charge of all matters regardless of other people's opinions. Regardless of any rumors, Elivitt thinks he is a loyal and righteous person.

Loyalty, so loyal, I have dedicated my whole life to the Qianlu Royal Court! Dedicated to the God Ancestor and His Majesty!

So all of Eloleus's willful orders were thrown aside by Ilevitt.

This is a chaotic order, I will not obey it!
However, as the counterattack of the demons on the front line gradually subsided, the demons seemed to have forgotten the pain and humiliation brought by Westhead, or perhaps their brains and temperaments simply did not support such persistent cooperation.

So as the fight went on, they returned to the mode of chaos. After all, compared to the Thousand Laws Royal Court, demons of the same kind were easier to kill. As shadows of gods from the same clan, the life-and-death battle between them could be swallowed up directly without any side effects.

Compared to fighting the thankless task of fighting elves and mortals, demons are still more popular.

Although the war is still going on and its intensity is not low, the Shadow of the God will no longer go to the battlefield in person. The vassal army of the Demon Kingdom and the regular army of the Thousand Laws Royal Court have started a tug-of-war on the long border line, relying on the City in the Lake as a stronghold and fortress.

It's essentially garbage time.

The Grand Tutor, who had been relieved from the constant patrolling and firefighting defense work, was finally able to turn his attention back to the Central Royal Court.

Ever since Westhead and other reinforcements arrived at the Qianlu Royal Court and officially started the battle to recover the lost territory, Ilevitt has basically not had a moment of rest. He is either preparing supplies and correcting nodes in the rear, or resisting attacks and strengthening defenses on the front line.

Westhead, who was supposed to be the main force, disappeared. Of course, according to Ilevitt, he was definitely accumulating strength to prepare for another expedition, but Westhead had not led his troops to support him, which made the Grand Tutor very confused.

What's going on? With the hatred and fighting spirit that Lord Qinghui showed towards the devil, he should have rested for a while and then come to help immediately.

Or did you guys rush to get engaged and married right after you decided to get married? Are you preparing for it in full swing?

This. This is not in accordance with Zhou Li!

The wedding of the elven royal family is quite complicated. It is normal to take thirty to forty years from the decision to get engaged, to the engagement, and then to the formal marriage. During this period, countless complicated ceremonies and procedures must be carried out.

Traditionalist Elevit thinks that it is understandable to shorten the process in an emergency, but it is not right to have a flash marriage? How shameful!

So after there was no more pressure on the front line, Ilevitt decisively returned to the Central Royal Court.

The ancient and beautiful white towers and palaces are built on the mountains and beside the water. Beautiful chants are accompanied by flying birds and lotus flowers.

No matter how many times you watch it, it is refreshing. Elivitt, dressed in a white robe, took a deep breath of the fragrance of his hometown, and then stepped onto the spotless streets of the royal court. He was greeted by several tuners.

"Your Excellency the Grand Tutor!"

"Good day, everyone. Where is His Majesty?"

Elivitt looked left and right and found that the welcoming team was very deserted. Although he came here in a simple boat and did not care how many people flattered him, he at least wanted to see the important figures of the royal court first.

Several adjusters looked at each other and replied:

"Your Majesty is currently practicing his tuning abilities at the Eternal Spring Well in the Wind Palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, the chief tuner frowned:

"That node, I remember it wasn't open, who took His Majesty there?"

"No one led it. Your Majesty broke it by force."

"Ridiculous! Forcibly tuning the key points of the grand ensemble, this is simply... Wait, so Your Majesty has almost mastered the [Temperament of Ten Thousand Winds]?"

Elevit's eyes widened instinctively, and then he realized the meaning behind it. After looking at the tuner's subordinates, he slowly nodded.

"If that's the case, no, that's not right. It's too dangerous. I have to go to see His Majesty immediately, now, right away!"

The tall and stern elf shook his sleeves and headed towards the Fenglu Palace with great vigour and determination.

But when they approached the core area of ​​the Central Royal Court, the tuner following him stopped.

"I'm sorry, Lord Elevit, we can only go this far. According to the new rules set by His Majesty, those who do not hold a position in the court cannot enter the Fenglu Palace."

Elevit turned around and was stunned:

“When did this rule come about?”

"Just a while ago, you were leading the defense at the front line."

As the Grand Tuner of the Pure-Blood faction, Elevit is said to be extremely powerful, but he can only mobilize a few confidants, almost all of whom are tuners and some executive officers.

Of course, the tuners are already the most core group of people in the Qianlu Royal Court. They are the best on the path of the Gods, in charge of many important departments, and should be firmly in control of the power of the Royal Court.

But the beginning of the War of Liberation broke this point. Most of the tuners were taken by Ilevitt to the City in the Lake on the front line to serve as the backbone of the defense line. As a result, there were very few tuners stationed in the center, and the power vacuum was very serious. They were helpless in the face of the tough attitude of the Queen of Wind Law.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty has made so many personnel changes?"

After learning a little about the recent situation in the royal court, Elevit frowned.

"The core of the royal court is now all made up of female officials."

Under normal circumstances, the Chief Tuner would not think there was anything wrong. After all, the elven royal family is dominated by women and weak by men. If the little queen likes to be surrounded by considerate older sisters, then it is normal to replace everyone around her with older sisters.

girl help girl what happened to you?

But with the variable of Westhead, things are not right. At least as far as Elevit knows, these female officials are all the lovers of Lord Qinghui!
Damn, is Fenglu Palace the harem of Lord Qinghui?
"Since when did the royal court become a place where Duke Qinghui has the final say?"

Elivitt snorted and commented.

"Sir, that is indeed too much. Since you left, Duke Qinghui's power in the royal court has been growing day by day."

The tuners were obviously very dissatisfied with this phenomenon. They looked at Ilevitt and as long as the latter said a word, they would follow him immediately regardless of any regulations.

"No, now that the law has been established, it must be followed until it is abolished." Ilevitt, who attached great importance to rules, did not use his privileges to force people into the Fenglu Palace. No matter how much he opposed it, laws and traditions could not be broken.

So he walked into Fenglu Palace alone and headed straight for the node of Yongquan Well.

The moment he arrived at the node, Elivitt paused in his swift steps and looked into the distance in surprise.

On the high ground, the blonde elf Loli, surrounded by the crowd, was opening her arms in ecstasy, waving her arms continuously like the conductor of a symphony orchestra.

The invisible wind echoes between the garden and the valley, causing the complex and gorgeous sea of ​​flowers to bloom and wither, the gurgling stream sometimes speeds up and sometimes flows backwards, and hundreds of huge rocks slowly float into the air under the chaotic pull of gravity.

"The Sound of Winds"

Elivitt stared at the scene in front of him with his eyes wide open.

The Thousand Lakes in ancient times was a torn and disordered land. Emperor Qianlu created the ritual with one hand and danced with the wind with the other, filling the gullies in the windless land, drying up the swamps, moving the mountains away, and reversing time and space.
In essence, all melodies are extended from the Memories of All Winds. This is the true path of God, which mortals cannot create or interfere with. Only those who are most suitable will be given the title of King of Wind Memories by the Gods and will be able to make proper use of the Memories of All Winds.

Although the Grand Tuner himself could do something similar by manipulating the nodes, that was achieved with a high level of attainment, and what about Elorius? He wasn't even at the [Hero] level!
To be able to accomplish all of this, it must be due to the power of [Ten Thousand Winds Sound]!

With excitement, Elivitt took two steps out of five and climbed to the high ground. At that moment, Airoleus also finished his practice, stopped tuning the piano, and turned to look at the chief tuner.

Elevit's stern face was rarely flushed with excitement:

"Your Majesty! Your control over the rhythmic music is already quite impressive! It's almost reaching the level of a regular tuner."

Westhead put his hands behind his back and nodded, "To be precise, it has been achieved."

Compared to Elevit, he had a much clearer understanding of Eloris' progress.

If you ask why, it is because he has gotten it for free through [Granted by the Heart and Soul]!
The elf loli herself doesn't have many talents and expertise. Westhead has been working hard to gain favor with her, so she already has what she should have. Only [Ten Thousand Winds Music] has not been obtained for free. The reason is very simple - Elorlus himself can't get it.

Therefore, the moment the Queen of Wind Law took control, Westhead also received feedback.

[The web of love you weaved has paid off]

[You have shared the talent of "Eloris Emerald" [Ten Thousand Winds Music]]

【Ten Thousand Winds Music】

[The winds bring all things, and all things invite the winds]

[This is the prelude and finale played by Emperor Qianlu in the windless land. The grand ensemble repeats itself endlessly, and the wind rhythm is the same, touring the land of a thousand lakes and harmoniously unifying all races.]

[When in the land of Thousand Lakes, the power of wind rhythm is unlocked. This is the manifestation of the emperor's divinity.]

Westhead was extremely satisfied with getting this talent for free, not because of how much his combat power had increased. On the contrary, if one only looked at [Ten Thousand Winds Music] from the perspective of combat power, it wouldn't even be considered T0.

Because its versatility is so poor, it is only effective within the range covered by [Thousand Laws Code]. It is like a blank slate when used elsewhere. What is the difference between it and [In the Brightness]?
People with talents that cannot be used generally are inherently inferior to others!

However, the real value of [Ten Thousand Winds Sound] lies in the fact that Westhead can study [Thousand Laws Ceremony] through the way of God. After that, whether it is transplanted or reproduced, he can create his own "Qinghui Ceremony". At that time, [Ten Thousand Winds Sound] will be transformed and perhaps become a new power.

This is the foundation for becoming a god, and its value is self-evident.

"Sir Ilevit, welcome back to the royal court. The stability of the front line is thanks to your activeness."

Eloleus folded her hands in front of her belly. Although she was a little girl, her posture was dignified and elegant, befitting of her status as a queen.

"It's just a matter of duty."

After briefly mentioning his own contribution, Ilevitt was most concerned about Eroleus's attainments in music.

"Your Majesty, when did you master the Ten Thousand Winds Music? It would take at least ten years for you to reach the level of a tuner with your qualifications."

Ilevitt had already explored Airoleus's understanding. Not every King of Wind Rhythm is gifted. Rather, geniuses are a minority. Being able to match the Rhythm of All Winds is already the greatest talent. It would be too greedy to ask for more from the God Ancestor.

The elf loli clapped her hands and said:
"It was Weiss's help! If it weren't for his debugging and summary, I wouldn't be able to handle such a complicated node."

"Wait, you shared the authority of the grand ensemble with Lord Qinghui?"

Elivitt no longer had time to wonder why Westhead knew the tuning method of the Resonance Path. He stared at Westhead and Elorius with wide eyes.

"Your Majesty, the Thousand Laws Code is a precious tool of the royal court. How can it be shared with outsiders?"

Airolius lowered his eyelids when he heard this and said, "But Weiss is my fiancé. Since we are husband and wife, how can he be an outsider? I heard that in the empire, even wealth can be shared between husband and wife."

"No, that's not what I mean by marriage, Your Majesty. You have completely misunderstood."

Ilevitt obeyed the little queen's request and agreed to the political marriage purely because he wanted to make more use of the power of Duke Qinghui, not because he really wanted to give the Qianlu Royal Court to the other party!

Seeing his queen being so devoted, the chief tuner's blood pressure rose a little and he gritted his teeth unconsciously.

At this moment, Elorius added fuel to the fire:
"Weiss took a lot of effort to crack this node. Lord Elevit, can you transfer the permissions of other nodes directly to me? This will make things easier for both of us."

If it was just Airolus tinkering with it, for the sake of Wanfeng Luyin, Elivitt might really open up the authority and hand over all the nodes in his hands to Airolus, but he couldn't let Westhead mess up the secret of the grand ensemble.

Elevit hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, I was thinking, Your Majesty, the marriage may be worth considering."

The reason for wanting to form a marriage alliance before was to establish a closer relationship with Lord Qinghui so as to seek more help from others. However, if there was a King of Wind Law who had mastered the [Ten Thousand Wind Laws], then the situation would be very different.

Qianlu Royal Court doesn't necessarily need external aid.

The elf loli's smile froze on her face, and she tilted her head and said:

"It seems I heard it wrongly, Lord Elevit, what did you say?"

"What I mean is that maybe there is no need for you to marry Lord Qinghui. It's better not to do so."

As soon as he finished speaking, regardless of how gloomy Eloris's face was, Westhead's joy was really beyond words.

You have a way to die!
(End of this chapter)

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