I just covet their strength

Chapter 47 I suspect there are enemy agents here

Chapter 47 I suspect there are enemy agents here
After receiving a complete infusion of the technique and being pushed beyond her means, Lesia was already transformed, and she suppressed the will of the dragons with just a few words.

Power and violence bring the purest power. The dragon executives no longer dared to say a word and completely recognized Lesia's dominant position. Status alone cannot tame the proud dragon. It was so embarrassing to see strength.

If nothing else happens, the dragons will become submissive in the future.

Westhead, Lesia and Urda each chose a dragon beast to ride on. There was no other way. Lesia was not a real dragon after all, nor was she a legend in the anti-gravity realm. She could only ride the dragon beast as a means of transportation. .

Fortunately, at this moment, it is impossible for any dragon to question Lesia's identity and lineage.

Controlling dragon beasts is new to the three of them, but it is not difficult. Holding the reins tightly, they can soar straight into the sky. The legions of giant dragons descend on the sky, casting terrifying shadows on the earth.

As leaders, Westhead and the others were farther than other dragons. The shrill cold wind tore at their bodies randomly. If they had not just experienced the ritual sublimation of rebirth, they would probably feel quite uncomfortable.

But now it's just a gentle breeze.

"Lesia, it seems that you have gradually mastered your abilities."

Westhead drove the flying dragon close to the silver-haired dragon girl's car and asked, "How do you feel?"

"I'm just following instinct, I can't call it a mastery."

Lesia shook her head and moved her fingers:

"I just wanted to do this. Even if I were asked to repeat it now, it would be difficult for me to do it."

"Instinct is enough. It is a talent that is unique to you. Just follow your feelings and you will master it quickly."

Westhead has obviously not yet shared the [Dragon Soul Furnace], but as if he is already an experienced senior, he gives the silver-haired dragon girl pointers:

"Go fight, go kill, practice your talents in actual combat, and don't worry about consumption. All the dragons in the Kaipal Plain are at our disposal. Once you have mastered this power, you will have the possibility to compete with the legendary dragon."

"Fight against a legend?"

Lesia held the reins tightly, lowered her eyes slightly, and looked ahead with great solemnity.

She had not fought a single battle in the past years, but even legend would not soften her resolve for a moment.

She will fight with all her might.

Not to mention a legend, even a god would be the same.

Nothing could stop her from embracing the future.

Westhead took the dragons soaring into the sky. The first place they passed was a city not far from Highgarden. Compared to the luxurious and exquisite Highgarden, this city that relies on mines is full of magnificent industrial buildings. The huge, dark blast furnace spits out thick black smoke, and hot molten slurry flows in the pipes.

Westhead: "Stop, I suspect there are spies from Sky Kingdom here."

"Spy? Isn't this right?"

Tudor clicked his tongue when he heard this and said:
"This is the place where most of Gewen Zhijin's loyal slaves gather, and many of them are dragonborn. They have been forging equipment for the legion. How could they be spies?"

Westhead said coldly:
"Hmph! Simple-minded idiot, can't Dragonborn be a spy? After all, these low-level Dragonborn are just humans mixed with some dragon blood. How can you guarantee their loyalty?!" "Besides, doesn't the enemy have a way to disguise themselves as Dragonborn? You are not unaware of the technological strength of the Sky Kingdom, are you? It is easy for them to forge identities, convert dragon blood, and become low-level Dragonborn. You are not unaware of the last battle, are you?"

"It seems to be the case."

The giant dragons remembered the miraculous technology of the Kingdom of Sky. During several border frictions, biochemical weapons made of imitation dragon beasts even appeared. It is not difficult to fake the blood of dragons.

The young man with black hair and purple eyes beat his chest in anger and said: "It is precisely because of this laziness and arrogance that the enemy has penetrated the Dragon Kingdom like a sieve!"

"Now, gather everyone together, I'm going to catch the spy!"

As soon as Westhead finished speaking, Lesia looked at the dragons: "Are you deaf?"

"As commanded."

The silver-haired dragon girl is in her prime. Besides, to true dragons, the difference between dragonborn and humans is not that big. The former are just products released at will by their own universe. At most, they are more comfortable to look at, but they are still slaves in essence. There is no need to contradict the superior dragons for this.

So the giant dragons roared down, and Ge Wenzhijin's dragon-born slaves were shocked by the arrival of their masters. The menacing real dragon drove all the dragon-born slaves to the central square.

Hundreds of thousands of people were quickly gathered together in a dark crowd. At this time, Westhead descended on the ground with a dragon beast, his eyes swept across the dense crowd, and he loudly said:

"There are enemy spies among you! Spies from the Sky Kingdom! They intend to subvert the great Dragon Kingdom! Everyone must be investigated, and all the spies hidden inside must be caught!"

There were bursts of commotion among the crowd. Apparently, the sudden search made the Dragonborn who had been in peace for a long time feel a little confused. However, with the endorsement of so many dragons, they could also sense that this was a very serious matter.

After Westhead made a wide inspection, the Dragon Executive came forward.

Tudor asked directly: "How do you identify spies? Do we need to do any screening work?"

"No need, these agents from the Kingdom of Sky have received special training. Your crude methods can't detect them at all. Or is it that you, a bunch of losers who can't even count the number of people, have come up with any good ideas?"

I was ashamed and angry when I was scolded, but I couldn't refute because their management of their subordinates was so rough and casual. I really couldn't tell who was who. Who knew how many people Ge Wenzhijin had? Anyway, it looked like there was no problem, so I let it go.

The dragon executive had no choice but to lower his head and said:

"Then what good ideas do you have?"

Westhead raised his index finger and said eloquently:
"So I have the simplest way to identify it. Since the agents of Sky Kingdom have been mixed in for so long, they probably don't want to resist with their meager strength, but want to secretly damage our war potential. At this time, we only need to arrange production mission, and see which part is inefficient so you can spy on the location of the enemy agents."

It seems to make sense, but something feels wrong.

The dragons looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Westhead didn't care so much, he waved his hand and said:

"The order is issued just to prepare for the subsequent war. A large number of alchemical bombs are needed. Stop all current tasks and go all out to create alchemical bombs!"

(End of this chapter)

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