I just covet their strength

Chapter 49 I am simply wise and powerful

Chapter 49 I am simply wise and powerful
Ge Wenzhijin's dragon-born servants were so slighted by Westhead. If they were a real dragon, they might have endured it. However, being bullied like this by an "inferior" human was really hard to suppress the meager dragon blood in the body. .

I don't know who was the first to throw the hammer, grazing Westhead's cheek.

Westhead, who was attacked, did not panic at all. He just turned his head calmly and said:
"It seems that the situation has become obvious. There are more enemy agents than we imagined. We would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. Come on."

The dragons were enraged by the attack without even needing Lecia's order.

No matter how dissatisfied they are with Westhead in their hearts, the latter is also the Starfury who is favored by His Majesty. At least now he is the superior who commands them. How dare they take action?
It's against you!

With a deep roar, several giant dragons rushed into the crowd and started killing. The sharp claws tore the body apart, and the steel-like dragon tail swept past. The fragile body of the mortal turned into random paint and scattered parts. .

The bloody massacre started without any warning. Under the suppression of the real dragon, the dragon-born servants fell in pieces like wheat, and burst like bubbles, scattering into a ball of paste.

"Kneel down! You bastards! Slaves!"

It was too easy for the powerful dragon to suppress the rioting crowd. After killing thousands of people, the panicked dragon servants realized that their masters were serious. The more they screamed and fled, the more they would be beaten. Tutu.

So I didn't dare to make any unnecessary movements anymore, I knelt down on the ground and trembled with my head in my hands.

It looked very miserable, but strictly speaking, the dragons didn't show any real intentions at all, otherwise hundreds of thousands of people could have been slaughtered easily.

Westhead walked past in a majestic manner, looking at the messy square, waving his hand and saying:
"We don't have much time to waste. We don't have time to carefully identify spies, but it doesn't matter. I have amazing wisdom in identifying spies."

"You! You were too late on your knees for a second just now! Why did you hesitate? He must be a spy! Get him!"

"And you, why are you kneeling so decisively? You must be an enemy spy! Luckily I found out and captured you!"

"And you guys, why do you kneel down when you see others kneeling down? Are you just following the wind, right? You are so cunning and slick, you must be a well-trained spy!"


Next, Westhead performed a live performance of what it means to be a little expert in catching spies. The efficiency and speed of the arrest were really jaw-dropping.

No matter how the dragonborn servants cried out for injustice or tried to prove their innocence, Westhead ignored them all, covered their mouths, slapped their hats, and sentenced them to death in one go.

Isn’t it easy to find excuses to punish people?

The dragons carried out Westhead's orders, killing batches of dragonborn servants and executing them. Anyone who showed the slightest dissatisfaction would be torn into pieces.

The brutal and arrogant dragons didn't care how loyal these slaves with their own blood were. Even though they knew that most of them were killed by mistake, so what?
Kill it, kill it. Anyway, except for the real dragons, all other beings are toys for the dragons to do whatever they want, not to mention that they are still obeying orders and they don't have to take responsibility at all.

Under such cruel and unreasonable ravages, the rare industrial base of Ge Wenzhijin was almost razed to the ground. Any dragonborn who still had some blood became the dead souls under the claws of the real dragons, and the remaining slaves also completely lost their souls. Frightened.

Seeing that it was almost done, Westhead was worried that if he continued, he would not really get the whole picture. He turned to the dragon executive and ordered:

"All the spies who are still alive should be escorted to the High Court. The alchemy bombs can't be wasted. Let's send them there on the way. They will be used in the subsequent war."

"I understand, but these alchemy bombs have not been sealed yet. Such a large quantity and their power cannot be underestimated. Is there something wrong with direct transportation?"

Tudor lowered his head and said, the dragon executive who had a great time killing was still unsatisfied, and even looked at Westhead with a lot of pleasure.

"What are you afraid of? Even if the alchemical bombs are not sealed, their internal structure is very stable. These bombs are all remotely controlled, and the main switch is in the hands of Her Highness Rexia. Unless the enemy takes the switch away from Her Highness, there is no need to worry about the bombs getting out of control. Or do you not have the confidence to protect Her Highness?"

Westhead sat on the dragon beast, looked sideways and said coldly.

Tudor was excited and replied: "Of course not! As long as we are alive for a moment, we will never let His Highness make the slightest mistake!"

"Isn't that no problem? Relax, it's the young people who should be afraid, not us."

Westhead shrugged and handed the cleanup to the dragon executive, then continued his patrol with Resia and Yurta. However, after taking off, Westhead noticed that the white-blonde girl next to him looked a little unhappy.

This is strange, since her brother has obviously achieved such great achievements.

"Yurda, why don't you speak?"

Urda said expressionlessly: "Brother, this forging city has a population of about 200,000, but you have captured 180,000 spies."

"Doesn't that mean it's efficient and the results are good?"

Westhead was not without pride, he held his head high and said: "I am really wise and powerful."

Yuerda sighed, "Although I really want to regard this as your performance, I always feel that my brother's true feelings are revealed."

The white-haired girl was very worried. If Westhead's ruling and management level was really so terrible, then she had to worry about the revival of Qinghui Territory. With such a lord, it would be useless to recover the homeland, right?

I just hope it's just her illusion. Westhead won't be so arbitrary when governing his own territory.

Next, Westhead and others continued to patrol around, and Duke Qinghui completely let himself go and began his own perverse behavior.

Specific measures and behaviors include but are not limited to:
Send the dragon beast in advance to destroy the local warehouse, and then immediately lead a team to kill it and ask for the inventory to be transferred.

"What? Why are there no stocks? The fire dragon burned down the warehouse? You mean some real dragon passed by and ate it? Damn it, framed the real dragon, right? A bunch of bastards without a king and a father! Tutu! "

"There are still those who are resisting. We can no longer hesitate. We must strike hard! Immediately! Immediately! Quickly annihilate them!"

"Anyone who dares to complain must be the enemy's spy!"


And if you want to eat and drink locally, you can directly activate the war tax mode and levy excessive amounts of money:

“There is a tax on breathing out, there is a tax on breathing in, and there is a tax on what you don’t eat or drink.”

"This is all to fight the enemy. All the people have to make sacrifices. If you suffer for the people, you should be loyal to the Dragon Clan."

"What? It can't be done? How could it not be done?"

"Think more about your own problems. Why don't you just eat less than two or three meals a day? Use your determination and perseverance to overcome it! If you starve to death, it's because you are not loyal enough to the Dragon Clan and you don't have enough willpower! You are not a national!"


The easiest thing is to discover the town where the trialists are hiding. You don’t even need to make excuses. You can directly eliminate the trialists and then use the opponent’s dropped items to make a fuss:

"What the hell! The spies of Sky Kingdom have already started their activities so blatantly, and can they be rampant right under their noses?"

"I have good reason to suspect that this town has been corrupted by enemy agents. We must hunt for spies and, if necessary, raze it to the ground. We must eliminate the enemy's corruption and ensure the purity of our dragon kingdom."

"Nothing! There is no doubt that the Sky Citizen spy has been searched out from the city, but none of you know where he came from. Could it be that you are treating us as fools? Grandma, he must have been instigated by the spy, and The other settlements along the way are all under serious suspicion and must be dealt with severely!"

"If you lose everything, take action!"


(End of this chapter)

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