I just covet their strength

Chapter 55 Miraculous Tools

Chapter 55 Miraculous Tools
The joint forces of the trialists and the local resistance army immediately gathered at the defense line established on the edge of the mountain forest. The main force was the elite trialists of the army. In contrast, the local resistance army could only stand behind and act as auxiliary troops. .

The only exception was Saueren, who walked directly out of the guard tower wall and stayed away from everyone. This warrior who exuded a cold temperament was wrapping bandages around his hands, staring at the dragon flying from the sky. wing.

Andre whistled easily:
"Now I can admire the battle of our ancestors."

"With the strength of the Sword Master Sauerlan, as long as there is no legendary dragon, everything else will not matter. We only need to take care of ourselves and try our best to kill the enemy."

Bullington nodded and directed the war knights under his command to line up.

"Ha, can you actually see the performance of the legendary sword master? This trial is worth the price alone!"

Behind the war knights, another group of knights was also very excited. Different from the empire's bright uniforms, their image was more awe-inspiring and cold. They wore silver light armor and light blue cloaks. Even though they were all knights, their styles were completely different.

The number was very small compared to the war knights, only a dozen of them.

"Does Your Excellency Yonglan Knight Lafati have any advice?"

Bullington turned around and met the eyes of a knight with short pale silver hair.

"No, not at all. After all, we are visiting guests. This trial is a grand event for the [Glory Holy Tree]. We are the bloodline of the Riding God. We are not interested in the awards from the Holy Tree. We come to participate in the trial just to practice It’s just the way of chivalry.”

The Yonglan knight named Lafati hooked his scimitar with his fingers and spun it flexibly, saying: "Encountering a strong enemy and then fighting to the death is nothing more than this is what we want."

"The grace of the Divine Ancestor will not distinguish whether you are devout or not. Please don't be humble. We are just competing fairly."

Bullington said, it's not that he didn't believe what the other party said. Knight Yonglan was basically such a straightforward and reckless man, but he was also proud, but he couldn't stand the criticism of "we let you" from Rafati.

"Ha, I'm still a little unconvinced, Imperial people."

Lafati shrugged and smiled, silently mouthing towards Bullington, mockingly:

"Poor imitator."


The war knight looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and glared at Lafati hatefully.

But before he could react, waves of dragon roars coming from far away drew everyone's attention.


As the outline of the giant dragon gradually became clearer, the wings of the majestic and majestic creature that could even arouse admiration flapped into a storm. The hurricane uprooted the big trees, and the dragon group had already crossed a distance of thousands of meters in an instant. .

Finally, it came to a halt in front of the lonely Sword Master.

Sauron, who was pretending to be asleep and focused, held down the hilt of his sword and observed the group of dragons surrounding him.

Just like Bullington's reconnaissance, the dragon group composed of dozens of dragons and countless dragon beasts, according to Sauerlan's observation, there are actually many dragon executives among them.

The dragon executives who were supposed to lead their own teams actually got together? ! How many dragons did they bring? !
one thousand? two thousand? Or tens of thousands? Or even more?

Sauron secretly thought something was wrong. He was not afraid of any enemies, but he did not have the confidence to protect the civilians behind him from the minions of the dragons.

Can you trust those strangers? Or do we have to sacrifice some soldiers to delay?
Just as Sauron was making a difficult decision in his mind, a voice came from the group of dragons:
"Wait a minute, don't rush into action yet, we are not here to start a war today."

I saw three dragon beasts flying out from the ranks of the giant dragons, and on the backs of those dragon beasts, there were humans riding on them!

No. It’s not entirely true to say that they are all humans, because there is also a dragonborn with long silver hair.

The dragons also positioned themselves to surround the three of them, leaning back slightly, showing an obvious attitude of submission.

This made Sauron slightly confused. According to his understanding of the dragon clan, low-level slaves like humans would never be looked at seriously.

"I don't think there's any room for maneuver between us."

Sauerlan looked at the handsome young man with black hair and purple eyes who had just spoken, and said:

"Or are the dragons in the sky planning to be generous and let us poor people go?"

The sarcastic words made the dragons angry, and Tudor subconsciously stretched his neck, trying to retaliate against Saueren's rudeness.

"Forget it. Let's not bother with humans." After learning from Westhead that the human in front of them might be a legendary powerful man, they felt that protecting the noble prince was more important.

In short, I'm scared.

"It's too much to ask the arrogant and cruel dragon clan to turn a blind eye to the resisters. I don't think they will agree."

Westhead smiled: "But I think we can still talk."

Sauerlan snorted coldly: "I have nothing to talk about with the Dragon Clan and the Dragon Clan's lackeys."

"Don't worry, I'll give you a reason you can't refuse."

Westhead said lightly, driving the dragon beast down and coming to Sauron.

At this time, the war knights who were waiting in the rear saw Westhead's figure clearly and exclaimed.

"It's Lord Qinghui! So that dragon-blooded bastard is here too."

"Why are they on the dragon's side?"

"No, it's possible, it's completely possible!"

"No wonder we couldn't find this bastard even after searching the entire Kaipal Plains! And the dragon tribe hasn't even started cleaning the shark yet, is that the case?"

Bullington gritted his teeth and said: "We have preset so many scenarios, but this is the worst and most impossible assumption that has come true, damn it!"

"Fortunately, we chose the path of assisting Your Excellency Sauerlan, otherwise we would have really let that bastard succeed. It's okay now, let Your Excellency Sauerlan deal with them!"

The war knights were extremely grateful for their choice. If they hadn't hugged their thighs, they would have been pinned to death by the target they were hunting.

That would be a real shame and humiliation.

No matter how the trialists reacted, Westhead's attention was never on them, but on the legendary sword master who was close at hand.

Having seen the majesty of the legendary true dragon, Sauerlan's senses were not that amazing.

But the perseverance and determination in the other person's eyes are impressive.

Sauron lowered his eyes slightly and said, "What do you have to say?"

Westhead said calmly: "I'm here to give you a gift, a gift that can enable the vast majority of humans in the Kepar Plain to escape the enslavement of the dragons and survive."

The sword master raised his eyebrows: "What are you talking about?"

"Your Excellency Sauron, first of all, you have to make it clear that my friends and I are not on the side of the dragons. We seem to be able to command the dragons now, but in fact they are all based on deception. To be honest, there are some It’s difficult to ride a tiger, so I wanted to come to you to participate in this grand event.”

"After all, our enemies are the same."

There is no doubt that Saueren is a smart man. He can infer the general situation from Westhead's few words and immediately responded:

".Why should I believe you? This is ridiculous and unbelievable."

"So I prepared this."

Westhead took out a tightly bound scroll.

Also facing the legend, Westhead's words to convince Sauerlan were different from those used to convince the Scorched Wings. The latter was extremely suspicious, while the former was much simpler in comparison.

It didn't matter what he said. To Soren, facts spoke louder than words.

He only believed what he saw with his own eyes and what his heart testified.

Saueren frowned and said, "What is this?"

"Please take a good look at this magical tool that you will use now, Lord Sauerlan."

Westhead said, tearing open the scroll without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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