I just covet their strength

Chapter 65 Gentleness in the Bone

Chapter 65 Gentleness in the Bone
Facing the legendary dragon is undoubtedly a crazy act, and there is no chance of winning at all. It is just a pure death.

Except for the Yonglan Knight, who was bent on seeking powerful monsters to challenge him, and was delighted and applauded, the rest of the trialists were not very satisfied.

Knight Yonglan can ignore the rewards from the [Holy Tree of Glory] and enjoy the excitement of grand scenes and challenging powerful enemies. However, the serious Imperial people participate in the trial just for the rewards from the ancestors. Do you think you should give them to the demon dragon? Can a human head please the sacred tree?

However, after scolding, Sauron has completely trusted the like-minded Westhead and others, and resolutely pursues the plan of strengthening the wall and clearing the country. No one can be convinced.

There are only two ways before the trial team, either to escape in despair with the large army, or to stay and face the battle with the legendary dragon with the resistance army.

There is no other choice. To evacuate with the large army is undoubtedly a cowardly act. If you dare to run away, you will be laughed at for the rest of your life.

The only choice left to the trialist is to stay and face the Scorched Wings.

Fighting bravely and dying on the battlefield with the evil dragon can be considered as meeting the requirements to please the God Ancestor.

At the edge of the forest outside the Resistance Army's fortress, groups of refugees were being escorted away. Since their positions had been exposed, and the Dragon Clan's legion was almost completely wiped out, the Resistance Army did not need to hide their figures and could just leave the right way openly.

Bullington also led a group of war knights to assist the Resistance Army in evacuating the refugees, sending hundreds of refugees he brought out of the forest. This seemingly useless behavior really made everyone uncomfortable.

But there was no way. Since they had already expressed their loyalty to Saueren, they must continue from beginning to end.

"These are not in our plan. Because of the chaos caused by Qinghui Gong and others, the current situation has become a complete mess."

While patrolling the refugee team, Bullington frowned and said:

"Lord Thorlun only trusts actual actions. I thought that with Andre's bloodline as proof, we must be the ones who can gain the Sword Master's trust the most, but..."

Other war knights followed Bullington's words and complained:

"Who would have thought that the team of Lord Qinghui and the dragon-blooded hybrids would dare to do this? And they succeeded!"

Deceiving the Scorching Wings, usurping the power of the dragons, wreaking havoc on dragon towns, destroying the dragon legions. Each of these deeds was against the will of heaven. If anyone had said that they could do it before, they would have been considered crazy.

But the fact is that the dragon clan forces in Kepar Plain were severely damaged so easily, and they will not be able to recover for a hundred years.

"They could have just activated the alchemical bomb and fled far away. With their performance in destroying the dragon army, this secret trial is basically their first achievement. But they insisted on joining the resistance army. I have every reason to suspect that they came here just to disgust us!"

A war knight said indignantly: "And the way that dragon-blooded bastard looked at us! Although it was only a simple glance, I am absolutely sure that she has murderous intent and wants to kill us."

"So you don't hesitate to drag us to be buried together? That's really disgusting."

Bullington nodded lightly: "But why don't we want to kill each other? Although our plan has been overturned, we also have the opportunity to complete the task assigned to us by His Highness."

The war knight next to him opened his eyes wide when he heard this, nodded and whispered:

"Captain, you want to be under the eyes of Lord Thorlon."

"Of course it's not that direct. We can't incur the hostility of the sword masters. It's best to eliminate them on the battlefield and take advantage of the chaos. Although this can't erase the other party's achievements, it can at least make up for some of our mistakes."

Bullington's eyes were gloomy and he said softly: "Backstabbing on the battlefield is a shameful act, but we have never regarded them as comrades-in-arms. This can only be regarded as a forbearing blow to the enemy."

Just as Bullington and Zuo Zuo were discussing in low voices how to carry out a righteous backstab on Westhead and others, the refugee team that was marching in front suddenly became crowded.

This strangeness made Bullington frown and asked:

"what happened?"

The war knight in front turned around and came back:
"A group of people collapsed. Their bodies were too weak to support long-distance walking."

Bullington: "These guys are really troublesome. There is no time to waste. As usual, let them stay aside and let those who can move go first." "Okay, I understand."

The other war knights immediately took the order and began to yell at the refugee crowd who had stopped to rest, and drove them away like a flock of sheep.

Their actions were very skillful, because this was not the first time. On the way to carry this group of refugees to the resistance base, many refugees could not keep up and were abandoned.

The war knights do not think this is a cruel and ruthless action. It is difficult for those weak, sick and disabled refugees to survive in this cruel era. Instead of spending resources to rescue people with extremely low survival rates, it is better to invest more resources to refugees with higher survival rates.

We call it efficient.jpg
"Coco is my father"

"Stop talking nonsense and let's go!"

Some refugees looked back reluctantly at the old man who was abandoned on the roadside, but when the war knight pressed the scabbard of his sword on his back, he immediately retracted his head and lowered his head tremblingly, not daring to say another word.

"Yes, sir."

War knights don't even have to commit bloody and violent acts of suppression. They can take out their swords from their scabbards and give orders loudly, and the vast majority of slave civilians will obey them obediently.

This is also an important reason why Bullington and others regard these slave civilians as NPCs - the servility of these refugees is too strong!
As long as violence is exerted on them, no matter who it is, no matter what order is given, they will blindly obey it unconditionally.

After being tamed and enslaved by dragons for thousands of years, he is gentle and submissive even to his core.

As a descendant of the Empire, I feel sincerely disgusted every time I see slaves and refugees submitting to the situation.

Fortunately, in the real timeline, the Kepar Plain was basically wiped out. The ancestors of the empire would not be these people, otherwise it would have declined.

Soon after the war knights drove away the large army of refugees, Sauron passed by with the next group of evacuees.

The sword master saw the refugees abandoned on the roadside at a glance and frowned.

"It must be those guys who did it. It was like this when they brought the crowd. The old, weak, sick and disabled who couldn't keep up with the team were all left to fend for themselves."

When the leader of the resistance army saw this, he immediately understood what was happening and snorted coldly:

"Leader, I always feel that those guys with bright clothes and angry horses look down on us at all!"

".Take these brothers and sisters with you."

Sauron didn't say anything, just sighed and said.

As a result, their team's speed suddenly slowed down, and the resistance soldiers helped the refugees who fell on the roadside.

The Sword Master himself also came to one of the rickety and skinny old men in person. The latter looked extremely old, so old that it was a miracle.

Human slaves born and raised in the Kingdom of Dragons rarely live to this age.

The old man who was wheezing and coughing noticed a tall shadow coming over him, and immediately tried to get up in a panic.

"Ahem, sir, we'll get up right away."

"I'm not an adult."

Sauerlan stopped the other party's movement, leaned down and picked up the old man, and said:
"Like you, I have been a slave since I was born, and I have always been a slave."

(End of this chapter)

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