I just covet their strength

Chapter 67 My sword, slashing at the tyrant in the sky

Chapter 67 My sword, slashing at the tyrant in the sky

"The Kingdom of the Sky?"

Bullington and others were stunned, completely confused as to why Sauerlan suddenly mentioned the name of this unattainable country.

"Are you still pretending to be stupid? I'm not a fool who will let you fool me at will. This communicator and the armor you are wearing are all products of the Sky Kingdom, right? Don't underestimate my intelligence network! I have traveled to many places in the past few decades."

Sauerlan said coldly: "This incredibly advanced product is the product of the Kingdom of the Sky. I am very sure."

"Misunderstanding! You misunderstood! We are not from the Kingdom of Sky! Absolutely not!"

"Then explain it to me!"

The sword master took off his sword, inserted it into the ground, stood with the sword in his hand, and scanned everyone with his stern eyes:
"I am waiting for your explanation. Why do you have equipment from the Kingdom of Sky?"

Andre and Bullington widened their eyes and hesitated:

"Ah this. This."

The audience outside the secret realm suddenly became noisy when they saw Saueren's aggressive posture.

"Is there still such a practice?"

"Is Mr. Qinghui trying to make Sauron suspicious?"

"They actually falsely accused others of being spies of Sky Kingdom! How vicious!"

"But it seems like there's really no way to prove your innocence?"

"Why can't you prove yourself?"

Some people who don't know the inside story are confused: "The equipment used by the war knights is independently developed and manufactured by the empire. It has nothing to do with the Kingdom of the Sky, right?"

"Haha, independent research and development, my friend, you seem to be a little too humorous."

Anyone with good intentions should immediately popularize popular science knowledge:

"The Empire's construct armor, portable communicators and other technologies are indeed borrowed from the old products of the Sky Kingdom. In the Dragon Disaster Era, the Sky Kingdom already had the prototypes of these two."

"Learning from it? Pure plagiarism! What's wrong with admitting it?"

"That's almost it. Without the mass production of our empire, who knows what kind of armor is that?"


"I don't think it's plagiarism, right? It's just mutual success."


Listening to the sounds around him, the regent couldn't help but sigh, covered his forehead and said:
"It's a bit embarrassing. It seems that in the future, funds will be allocated to research and develop the empire's own armaments."

Aligon said expressionlessly: "Sister Huang said it quite easily. Of all the countries of order, which one is not picking on others? The Kingdom of Sky is too far ahead of us. Copying their equipment and weapons is the only way to get twice the result with half the effort."

His Highness the Prince is no longer angry. He has watched the trial in the secret realm up to now, with countless ups and downs, and it has become difficult to arouse his emotions.

No matter how manic I am, even if I am extremely angry for days and nights, I still can’t get angry anymore.

What's more, his reason told him that the situation he least wanted to see would most likely occur.

It was as if he knew the test results in advance, and there was no disturbance in his heart.

In other words, numb.

Now he just watched the trial with a fairly calm mind.

Facing Saueren's question, the war knights racked their brains but could not come up with a reason.

"Can't make it up, can you?"

Sauron sighed deeply when he saw this and said:
"It's obvious that you don't belong here at all, but come from the rich and prosperous Kingdom of the Sky. What you do is just to cultivate the humans on this land into abandoned children who consume the power of the Dragon Clan! For this reason! They even resorted to coercion to drive the refugees to find me, because you know I can’t refuse at all! Right?”

The Sword Master almost shouted out the second half of his words. Thorlun's face was more angry than ever before. He kicked up the long sword and held it with his backhand: "I trusted you, but this is how you repay my trust. You are a bunch of shameless people!!"

"Your Mightiness!"

Bullington said anxiously: "I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but never believe in the provocation of outsiders! Even if we are not trustworthy, what about Mr. Andre?"

Andre also said immediately: "Yes, ancestor! We are blood relatives! We are blood relatives! Don't you trust me?"

"I know."

Saueren looked at Andre, he had already determined this.

The sword master looked at Andre and said in a sad tone:

"But apart from blood, you and I are different. Your pampered and superior attitude is just like a dragon. You do respect me, but what about other people? I'm afraid they are as lowly as dust in your eyes. You have never regarded them as your compatriots."


Andre was speechless for a moment, his pupils shaking.

Sauron was right, he did not care about these refugees on the Kepar Plain.

Ignorant, numb, cowardly, submissive, even the beggars in the imperial capital are much better than them!
He is the heir of the noble Sauron family. Even the commoners of the empire are not of the same species as him, let alone these ancient slaves.

Sauron showed a self-deprecating wry smile and continued:

"Compared with the people of the Kingdom of Heaven, we are indeed extremely lowly. No matter how much we are despised and despised, it is natural for us to be despised and despised. However, no matter how weak or humble they are, they are still human beings struggling to survive, and we are also ours. brothers and sisters,"

"You have had your own lucky experience. You were accepted by the Kingdom of the Sky and became a celestial being. I wish you can escape from the sea of ​​suffering, but you should never treat the lives of your compatriots as consumables. You are my blood relative, but I am ashamed to have a blood relative like you!"

The last sentence was like a heavy hammer, hitting Andre's chest hard, causing the latter to stumble and fall to the ground.

For the heirs of the Sauerlan family, who have been proud of their ancestors' great deeds since childhood, this sentence is a bit too lethal.

It's the ultimate insult!
"We are struggling to survive. We are insignificant, but that does not mean that we can be trampled on and exploited. I walked step by step to where I am today, swinging my sword countless times."

Sauron almost cried as he pulled out the long sword from the scabbard little by little:

"And my sword will only slash at the tyrant in the sky! No matter if it's a dragon or a human!"

Andre was stunned: "Ancestor. You."

"Activate the armor!"

Bullington was the first to realize Saueren's murderous intention and immediately shouted.

The well-trained war knights also reacted and subconsciously grabbed their weapons.

However, in front of a legendary sword master, their movements were too slow, too slow.


Accompanied by the trembling sound of the sword being unsheathed, the sense of frustration of being pulled out of time and space appeared again.

Sauerron's figure transcended all the war knights and appeared at the other end of the camp in an instant.

Andre, all the war knights, and other testers present were all frozen.


Sauron let out a long breath, slowly put the long sword into the sheath, and closed his eyes the moment he put the sword into the sheath.


Countless blood flowers bloomed from the stagnant war knights.

(End of this chapter)

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