I just covet their strength

Chapter 76 Use your head to exchange for my new life

Chapter 76 Use your head to exchange for my new life

The legendary dragon raised its head arrogantly, and walked calmly step by step in front of Lesia, who was trembling and having difficulty even getting up. He looked down at the tiny silver-haired girl with his scarlet vertical pupils and said:

"You really deceived me miserably. My dignity, wealth, and clan were all lost under your shameful deception. Hahahahaha. What a great job. Do I want to praise your audacity? You can actually use it." It’s your skill to tell outright lies to subvert my territory.”

Although he was deceived by the other party, suffered great humiliation, and had his thousand years of savings wiped out, Anxious Wings still suppressed his anger and did not tear the other party apart immediately.

As a true dragon, he issued his final question:

".I will only ask once, who are you, the dragon with the blood of the God Ancestor flowing in your veins?"

"who am I?"

Lesia tightened her grip on the sword and gun entangled with blue thunder in her hand. The dragon's breath of the Scorched Wings surged over the ruins, turning into a true red fluid and beating on the body.


Even with the extremely pure dragon blood and the dragon thunder barrier that opened in an instant, making her almost immune to the damage of [Dragon Break], the dragon breath of the Scorched Wings still caused Lesia's fair skin to crack. Blood is everywhere, bones are white, and the pain that burns the soul is everywhere.

However, this burning, which for ordinary people is enough to burn out all reason, only made Lesia frown slightly, but she was able to concentrate more.

She looked at the desolation around her, trying to find Westhead's figure.

Naturally, nothing was gained. Within the scope of [Dragon Break], apart from a bastard like myself, I am afraid that no non-dragon life could exist.


The silver-haired dragon girl lowered her eyes, unable to see Westhead in her field of vision, and a tearing pain and loneliness almost overwhelmed her.

The current situation is that everyone is wiped out, and she is the only one left to face the legendary dragon. The ending is basically self-evident.

The secret realm trial will also end with this. Even though enough civilians have been evacuated and rescued before, the trial mission has been rewarding, but this is still far from what she wants.

A merely "good" test result cannot lead to personal commendation from the Holy Tree of Glory. Lesia must achieve undeniable achievements!
only if! Only then could she make a wish to the Divine Ancestor and receive a miracle that would bring her life back from negative to zero!

Lesia must consider whether this is her once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and she doesn't have another three years to wait.

The silver-haired dragon girl breathed out softly and rested her forehead on the edge of the sword and gun. The flames around her were still hot, but at this time Lesia only felt cold.

Because the embers of Scorched Wings were nothing compared to the heat inside her.

"Wes has done everything he promised, now it's my turn."

"It's no problem. Weiss said I can win. No, not can, but must, absolutely!"

"I will win, I will succeed, I will hold on to what I have"

Seeing Lesia trembling all over and muttering something to herself in a low voice, Anxious Wings scolded:
"What are you muttering about? Don't even think about deceiving me again!"

Under the gaze of the Scorched Wings, Lesia raised her head, her beautiful and awe-inspiring expression revealing a coldness and determination that even made the legendary dragon stunned.

In the only remaining magnificent blue pupil, the beautiful mixture of cyan purple and pale blue has no highlight or focus, but there is overflowing thunder light.

That look was neither fear nor anger, and it didn't look like he was looking at a legendary dragon that was destroying the world.

On the contrary, it is like looking at a dead object. Although it is looking up, it is actually looking down.


Anxious Wing subconsciously took half a step back, and then realized his instinctive reaction, and he suddenly felt great shame.

Even if he is an enemy who has mastered the dragon thunder, such a weak power should not scare him!

"I'll tell you who I am." Leshia said calmly, completely different from the madness and haste in her whisper just now.

She raised her head, and pure blue thunder appeared out of thin air around the girl, jumping with joy.

"I am a dragon-blooded hybrid abandoned and cursed by the world!"

Lesia's long silver hair was flying under the sweep of thunder and storm, and the dragon thunder was flooding. The dragon thunder that had swallowed up enough food was no longer satisfied with the pure energy form.

It is gathering and solidifying, relying on the will of the owner to gather on the white back of the dragon girl.

The thunderbolts criss-crossed like tree branches, giving Lesia a pair of shining wings.

"I am the owner of nothing who has been mutilated and punished a thousand times!"

Lesia moved forward step by step, squeezing her own potential almost like suicide.

Dragon thunder is not something that is created out of thin air. It is ultimately a concrete manifestation of the essence of the dragon. In fact, it is the substantial true soul energy.

Forcibly inducing dragon thunder and roughly shaping it is no different than stabbing oneself in the brain with a knife.

Lesia only felt that her body had exceeded her load. The [Dragon Soul Furnace] had devoured flesh and blood souls that far exceeded its own capacity. Even the [Withered Glory Sun] could not digest them.

But if it was just pain, it would have no effect on Leshia.

Pain is nothing compared to determination.

"I am a greedy person who desires future and happiness!"

Raising an impassioned voice, Lesia surrounded the sword and gun in her hand with more thunder, and the pure green thunder even burst into golden light spots.

"Boom bang bang-"

The sword and gun were completely reshaped by the filled dragon thunder, and the original energy storage device exploded. The precious alloy materials were dissociated and polymerized, turning into a container that wrapped the golden thunder.

Fire in the light, thunder in the fire.

The clear and pure light thunder gathered the violent energy together, surrounded by free metal, and was grasped by the dragon girl in the palm of her hand.

Lesia raised her arms, pointing the tip of her sword and spear directly at the Scorched Wings. Her louder declarations seemed incomparably dull at this moment.

It is no longer a declaration, but a cold judgment and narrative.

"I will use your head to buy my new life."


Originally still shocked that Lesia could use Dragon Thunder to such an extent, Anxious Wings, who was fearful and hesitant, heard this and was filled with contempt and anger.

Even though killing Sauerlan and using [Dragon Break] consumed too much of his magic power and physical strength, the legendary dragon's condition was not good, it could even be said to be very poor.

But the dragon's pride is more important than life! If he ran away because of the slim chance of defeat, then Scorched Wings might as well commit suicide!

"Ha, hahahaha!! OK, OK! If this is your answer, then no matter who you are! Go to hell!!"

The broad and vast dragon wings vibrated, rolling up scarlet ashes.

The war is back!

(End of this chapter)

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