I just covet their strength

Chapter 94 The Spirit of Chivalry

Chapter 94 The Spirit of Chivalry

"I learned something from Lafati before, and I'm a little concerned. It seems that you were expelled from the Kingdom of Yonglan. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to know the reason for the expulsion. I just want to ask what your plans are for the future."

Westhead went on to say that although he was very curious about the reason for the expulsion, he had only met Myvana a few times and did not want to violate the taboo of talking too much with a stranger.

"Me? Me? After leaving the Kingdom of Yonglan, I have been taking the trials of chivalry. Wherever I go, it's fine as long as I can practice chivalry. Some time ago, I heard that the Empire's Holy Tree Festival would start a trial event. I think this is also an aspect of chivalry, so I signed up to participate."

Mivana said calmly, with a trace of distress between her brows:
"But after the Holy Tree Festival, I can't stay in the Imperial Capital for too long. The cost of the Sacred Roots is really too high. Even if I stay in a hotel in the outer city, my savings have been used up during this period. I am considering whether to accept the Imperial University's admission invitation."

Westhead: "What admissions invitation?"

"A university in the east of the imperial capital invited me to join the academy. I can receive a scholarship of 50,000 silver leaves and various subsidies in just one semester. They also said that I don't have to worry about the inconvenience of life, and I will be equipped with a life assistant and study partner."

Miwana frowned and said, "The treatment is really too generous, but I don't have to fulfill any obligations. Is this some kind of scam that is prevalent in the empire?"

"Oh, that's right, this is not a scam, it's all real."

Westhead smiled knowingly, picked up the teacup and blew a sip, saying:
"The Empire likes to recruit people of different races to act as a front. You are not only a foreigner, but also a different race, and even a member of a different race. I'm sorry that I offended you, but the reputation of the orcs..."

Mivana nodded and sighed, "Don't worry about it. I know the reputation of my people. In the mortal world, they are crude and barbaric, acting on instinct, and are not fully evolved beasts. This is not even a prejudice."

Westhead: "In short, you may be excluded in other orderly countries in the mortal world, but the Empire is open-minded and tolerant, especially treating orcs with special preferential treatment. They simply know that you are a Yonglan person and plan to give you generous treatment as an international student. If you are an orc, it will be even more incredible."

Although in Westhead's opinion, the beast-eared girl is very, very cute with furry ears and tails, but in the eyes of ordinary people, the "orcs" whose birth is a dirty experiment are really not worthy of being in the upper class.

However, due to the orcs' strong "instincts", they are still favored in many places. As far as Westhead knows, the noble ladies in the empire are quite fond of strong orc men.

Mivana suddenly realized: "I see. Ever since I came to the Empire, I have felt that the people around me are quite friendly. The Empire is indeed a great country in the mortal world. It is really civilized and tolerant."

After sighing, the Wolf-Eared Knight said seriously: "But even if it is not a scam, rewarding without merit is rejected by the chivalry I uphold. How can I use my own race as a means of profit?"

"The Trial of Chivalry involves asceticism. It's just right that I should learn how to travel in extreme poverty."

The knight girl sat upright with the animal ears on her head standing straight up.

Westhead shook his head and said, "The spirit is commendable, but blindly enduring and restraining is not what the [Eternal Storm Knight] advocates. The spirit of chivalry cannot be equated with asceticism. By the way, your chivalry seems to be different from that of other Eternal Storm Knights."

Chivalry is an interpretation and imitation of the experiences of [Yonglan Knight God]. By practicing chivalry, Yonglan Knight is convinced that he can get closer to the God-Ancestor.

To put it bluntly, the true core of chivalry is just one thing.

Fighting is fun!

The life of [Yonglan Qishen] is a life of fighting. He is either in Tatakai or on the way to Tatakai. He steps on the corpses of countless demons, monsters, and chaotic monsters, and finally ascends to the epic of godhood. The blessings [Yonglan Qishen] gives to his mortal descendants also revolve around "fighting".

All other creeds were artificially added by later generations, such as chivalric rituals, the law of the jungle, asceticism, and the emphasis on oaths.

Everyone has his own reasoning, and there is a sense of justification by faith.

Anyway, [Yonglan Qishen] didn't care, so that was his default.

Mivana's golden eyes shone, and she held the hilt of the sword and said, "Always remembering to practice justice and chivalry is my chivalry. This is the inheritance of my master. How can I fail her expectations?"

My teacher?

Mivana does have a great knight teacher, but I don’t know who he is.

Since both Mivana and Lafati seem to be very secretive, it means that we can't find out the truth just by asking around, and we can only wait and find out slowly later.

However, Westhead had completely understood Myvana's personality by now, and knew how to stroke the wolf-eared girl's fur.

"Chivalry that emphasizes chivalry? That's really rare."

The handsome young man who looked like a god smiled softly and said with his fingers crossed:

"Among the Yonglan Knights who are increasingly pursuing achievements and fame, few have picked up the chivalrous spirit of the past. Once upon a time, the Yonglan Knights were also regarded as the embodiment of virtue, but those knights who were praised by the world eventually only had a reputation for bloodthirsty and warmongering."

Westhead sighed and said, "It's really a pity. Obviously, the chivalrous knights are the ones who best represent the spirit of Yonglan."

As soon as the words fell, Mivana's calm yet silly expression suddenly changed, her golden eyes flashed, and she leaned forward and said:
"That's right! The Knight of Yonglan should be a noble and righteous messenger, punishing evil and protecting the weak. Although it is difficult now, one day the world will understand that only justice will last forever!"

The knight girl's furry wolf ears trembled, and she pounded her extremely plump chest with one hand and said seriously:
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As the inheritor of the Way of Chivalry, whether in the Kingdom of Yonglan or not, I will spread and practice this Way through my actions!"

What this practice means is that in the future the myopia rate in the entire mortal world will be reduced by 60 percentage points?

The way to achieve justice is to kill all the unjust people in the world?
Westhead looked at the knight girl in front of him with a face full of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, and when he associated her with the actions of [Sky-Devouring Wave], he almost couldn't hold it back.

Swallowing his laughter, Westhead clapped his hands:
"Well said! You are worthy of being the noble Knight Yonglan. Since I know that you have such a sincere heart of chivalry, I have a commission that I must ask of you."

Lord Qinghui revealed his true intentions and said:

"I wonder if you can join our team to retake Qinghui Territory?"

(End of this chapter)

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