Chapter 13 Royal Gardens
"We have to go south to collect bamboo?"

Liu Ju couldn't help but frown when he heard this.

Given the traffic and transportation conditions of that era, bamboo could only be transported from the south.

It is unknown how long the preliminary preparations for flood control will take. Even if tens of thousands of people act together, it may still take several months, or even half a year or a year.

"Is there not even a place around here where bamboo grows?"

"There is only one bamboo forest that meets the requirements within a radius of 100 miles, but this bamboo forest cannot be cut down..."

Zhang Liang said truthfully.

But before he could finish his words, Chen Guo's expression changed slightly and he immediately stopped him:

"Zhang County Magistrate, we are currently discussing with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince about plugging the breach. Since this is irrelevant, please stop talking nonsense."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Zhang Liang seemed to have finally come to his senses, and quickly ended the topic, bowing to Liu Ju to apologize.

"Your Highness, the bamboo needed to plug the breach can only be transported from the south. I have already ordered people to check, and the nearest place should be Zhuyi and Guyang in Pei State, Yuzhou, which is about 900 miles away."

"Nine hundred miles is not possible. It's too far."

Liu Ju shook his head, looked into Zhang Liang's eyes and said, "Let's talk about the bamboo forest you mentioned just now. Where is that bamboo forest located and why can't it be cut down?"


Upon hearing this, Zhang Liang subconsciously looked at Chen Guo.

Liu Ju felt more and more that there was something fishy going on in this bamboo forest, so he immediately turned his gun around:

"Mr. Chen, since he doesn't dare to say it, how about you answer this question?"

"Your Highness..."

Chen Guo glared at Zhang Liang fiercely, and then acted as if he was embarrassed and refused to answer.

Liu Ju's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he did not continue to ask questions. Instead, he looked at Du Zhou who was not far away with a smile:
"Du Tingwei Shi, it seems that the water in Dongjun is very deep. My father ordered you to come with me to control the water. He must have expected that you would be useful here."

"I will not fail in my mission."

Upon hearing this, Du Zhou was no longer sleepy.

For a cruel official, any case was a way for him to seek credit from Emperor Wu of Han, and the opportunity would not come again.

Therefore, even though he knew that Liu Ju was using him as a gun, he was very willing to cooperate.

"Your Highness, please forgive me. I dare not hide anything!"

When Chen Guo heard the four words "Du Tingwei Shi", especially the two words "Tingwei", he was so scared that his face turned pale, his legs went soft, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

In this era, "Tingwei" was synonymous with cruel officials.

Anyone who was investigated by the Supreme Court was a commoner or an official.

Severe torture is just the appetizer. The person would be charged with "treason" at any time, and his family and friends would be implicated.

Even if Chen Guo had concerns, he did not dare to hide it at this moment and said immediately:

"The bamboo forest that Zhang Liang mentioned is located in Qiyuan, Qi County, Chaoge. There are two hectares of bamboo forest in the garden, and many of them are old bamboos that have grown for many years. They do meet the conditions for blocking the breach."

"Then what's the reason why we can't cut down trees?"

Liu Ju continued to ask.

"This is because... because..."

Chen Guo hesitated again, but seeing Liu Ju's impatience growing, he gritted his teeth and stamped his feet, "Because Qi Garden is a royal garden!"

“……”Liu Ju was stunned for a moment.


He originally thought that this bamboo forest was the private property of some local tyrant, but he didn't expect that it was the private property of the largest landlord in the entire Han Dynasty.

No wonder Chen Guo and Zhang Liang never dared to speak directly.

They dare to set their sights on the private property of the current emperor. At the very least, that is high treason, and at the worst, it may even be classified as treason. How many of them can bear the consequences?


Before Liu Ju could say anything, Du Zhou shouted:
"Since you know it is a royal garden, why do you set your sights on the bamboo forest in Qi Garden? Do you think your majesty's sword is not sharp?"

The cruel officials were Liu Che's sword.

Moreover, the sword was invincible. Wherever Liu Che needed them to chop, blood would be drawn.

Sometimes, even if Liu Che had no intention of using his sword, these swords would still take the initiative to attack for the sake of credit, and they might even be faster and sharper.

This loud shout instantly frightened Chen Guo and Zhang Liang so much that they fell to their knees and tried to explain:

"Du Tingwei Shi, please forgive me. How dare I cross the line? If His Royal Highness the Crown Prince hadn't asked, I wouldn't even dare to mention it."

However, Du Zhou's words once again inspired Liu Ju.

Isn't this opportunity coming again?
The royal garden belongs only to Emperor Wu of Han, and no one else in the world can interfere with it.

If he ordered the cutting down of Liu Che's bamboo forest without authorization, he could not only end the suffering of the people in the disaster area as soon as possible, but also avoid being accused of coveting power. Wouldn't that be a brilliant move that kills two birds with one stone?

Isn't it a double insurance for his ultimate goal to destroy the river bank and commit the crime of coveting it at the same time?
Now they are as stable as two mountains!
Thinking of this, Liu Ju said to Du Zhou with a smile: "Du Tingwei Shi Mo should not be excited. This matter really cannot be blamed on them."

"I can testify that they have always said that the bamboo used for flood control can only be transported from the south, and they have never thought of using the Qiyuan bamboo forest..."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for taking charge for us!"

Chen Guo and Zhang Liang felt as if they had been pardoned. They kept kowtowed to Liu Ju and were filled with tears of gratitude.


Seeing Liu Ju say this, Du Zhou could only snort coldly and said nothing more.

But Liu Ju continued, "...I was the only one who had the idea of ​​using the bamboo forest in Qiyuan. I decided not to go far away and use the bamboo in Qiyuan to control the water."

Upon hearing this, Du Zhou's expression suddenly changed:

"Your Highness, you must not do this. The royal gardens are your Majesty's private property. Even the Crown Prince has no right to use them. Your Highness, do you know what this crime is?"

As an envoy with imperial seal, if he sat idly by and watched the royal gardens being damaged, he would probably have to take responsibility. Naturally, he could not allow Liu Ju to do whatever he wanted.

"Du Tingwei Shi, I don't agree with your statement."

Liu Ju curled his lips and smiled, "The whole world belongs to the king. You said that the royal gardens are my father's private property. Does that mean the river and the people on the south bank of the river are not my father's property?"

"Or do you think my father would disregard the lives of the people of the sixteen counties on the south bank of the river for a piece of bamboo forest?"


Du Zhou was speechless and dared not refute this statement, so he could only say,
"Even so, if Your Highness wants to move the royal gardens, you should submit a petition to seek His Majesty's permission and not act on your own initiative."

"A general is not bound by orders from his emperor when he is away from home. Since my father has ordered me to control the flood, I have been given the right to act at his own discretion. Why should I say more?" Liu Ju insisted.

"If Your Highness insists on doing what he wants, I will have no choice but to exercise the authority granted to me by Your Majesty to stop Your Highness and report the matter to you in writing!"

While talking.

Du Zhou finally took out the staff that Liu Che had given him before his departure and slammed it heavily on the ground.

The scepter comes out, like a king arriving!
(End of this chapter)

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