I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 133 Long live! Long live! Long live!

Chapter 133 Long live! Long live! Long live!
"Deceiving the king?"

Hearing these two words, Su Wen's brows immediately frowned slightly.

He was able to live with Emperor Wu of Han for his entire life and even played a crucial role in the Witchcraft and Poisoning Incident. Naturally, he had an extraordinary political sense and way of survival.

Just like now, he already had a rough guess in his mind just from these two words, so he lowered his voice and asked:

"Your Highness means that someone will play tricks on the mountain to deceive Your Majesty when Your Majesty ascends Mount Taishi?"

“I think this possibility is very high.”

Liu Ju grinned, but didn't say too much out of his own considerations.

"If so..."

Su Wen frowned again, but then relaxed his brows again. A grateful smile blossomed on his face, and he bowed to Liu Ju repeatedly to thank him.
"Thank you for your guidance, Your Highness. I will do my best in this matter. If I can achieve great success, I will never forget your kindness and will repay you one day!"

"Minister Su, you don't have to be so polite. I am just returning the favor."

Liu Ju blinked again and smiled meaningfully, then walked ahead on his own.

"Return a favor..."

As Su Wen looked at Liu Ju's departing back, he stood there in a daze, with a changeable look in his eyes.

If Liu Ju's initial "heartfelt confession" made him realize the cruelty and ruthlessness of the prince.

Now Liu Ju's words of "returning a favor" gave him a new understanding of the prince:
In addition to being cruel and ruthless, the prince also possessed cunning and viciousness that had never been revealed in front of him...

He had reason to believe that the four words "return a favor" were not as simple as they sounded on the surface, but must contain a strong sense of threat.

He even had reason to suspect that the secret letter he had sent to Liu Ju under the pseudonym "Su Liu" might not have been "burned after reading" by Liu Ju, but had been kept privately and used as a collar tied around his neck.

"What is going on? Who did I offend?"

Su Wen felt helpless and distressed.

He felt that he had been dragged into a huge whirlpool by Liu Ju without knowing it. The power of this whirlpool was extremely dangerous and heavy, which he could not resist because he was just a leaf.

All he can do now is to please both sides and go with the flow, otherwise if he is not careful he will fall into an irretrievable situation and end up being shattered to pieces.

This prince... is only in his teens, yet he is so scheming and cunning!

While thinking about it, in Su Wen's mind, Liu Ju had been placed on the same level as Liu Che. Both father and son were extremely dangerous.


I have been in the palace for so many years and have never been dirty before.

I didn't expect that after meeting this prince, I would never be able to clear myself from the blame again...

But Su Wen had no idea.

Liu Ju walked in front, but he was just thinking complacently in his heart:

"Now that you've said that, Su Wen should be able to do this with peace of mind, right?"

"Hehe, this trick is called killing with a borrowed knife. As long as Su Wen catches them, Gongsun Qing and these local officials will be dead. I am simply a genius!"


As for what Liu Che, Gongsun Qing, and those local officials and prominent families said next to the footprints of the gods,

These are not important, just look at the results.

In any case, Liu Che did not punish them in the end, and he accepted Gongsun Qing's invitation to go to Mount Taishi to worship the gods.

That is to say, regardless of whether the seed of doubt that Liu Ju planted in his father's heart sprouted or not, it did not affect him for the time being, nor did it affect those who deceived their superiors and the local officials and prominent families.

However, Gongsun Qing still invited Liu Che to go to Taishi Mountain as recorded in history books.

This was like walking into the noose that Liu Ju had put on them in advance. As long as Su Wen was still loyal to his duties, it would be difficult for these people to stand a chance of turning things around...

This went on for three days.

The imperial carriage finally set off again, heading towards Taishi Mountain, the eastern peak of Mount Song.

Mount Taishi is not far from Gaoshi City. Even though Liu Che's imperial chariot team was slow, it only took two days to successfully reach the palace that had been prepared in advance at the foot of the mountain.

According to the plan, Liu Che and his entourage will rest in the palace for one night.

This also gave the local officials and accompanying guards time to deploy defenses and impose martial law. The next morning, Liu Che would personally ascend to the imperial chamber to pay homage to the gods.

That night.

Liu Che had gone to bed early.

Liu Ju also returned to his room early to rest.

But for many people below, this is destined to be a sleepless night.

Gongsun Qing had already gathered in a room with several senior local officials. With the help of a very dim oil lamp, he half showed his face in the darkness and asked in a low voice:
"Everyone, are you all settled?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Gongsun. This matter was already settled half a month ago. The people used are all our most trusted servants. There will be no mistakes, and no news will leak out!"

"Mr. Gongsun, you are overly suspicious. Now we are all in this together. How can we be careless?"

"As long as Your Majesty ascends Mount Taishi tomorrow, our people will respond immediately. By then, Your Majesty will be very pleased and will definitely reward Mr. Gongsun. This is a great plan."

These local officials were also hiding in the darkness. They would only step forward and reveal half of their faces like Gongsun Qing when someone spoke.

The scene made them look like little ghosts walking out of the darkness.

It also looks like church members participating in some evil ritual in some later horror movies.

Gongsun Qing nodded slightly and reminded with a smile:
"Your Majesty will not just reward me then, you all will also benefit from it."

"Even if your positions remain the same, His Majesty will definitely order the repair of roads in the surrounding counties and the renovation of the palaces and temples here. I don't need to tell you how much benefit there is in this, right?" Several local officials immediately echoed with a smile:

"Mr. Gongsun, there is no need to talk about this matter. We all know the answer..."


at the same time.

Su Wen also called several subordinates to him and asked in a low voice:

"Have you arranged everything I told you to do a few days ago?"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Su. We have already made all the arrangements. As long as there is any movement in the mountains, even if not a single bird can fly out, no one will be able to escape!"

"That's good……"

Su Wen nodded and emphasized again,
"Remember, if you really catch someone, don't make it public, and quietly take him to a secret place for interrogation."

"Once you get the confession, no matter how serious the matter is, you must not report it to Your Majesty immediately. Bring it to me for review first and then make a decision."

"You must know that it's not that I don't want you to take credit for yourselves, but I'm afraid this matter is very serious. If it doesn't meet your majesty's wishes, even if you really have made a contribution, you and I will definitely not have a good ending afterwards!"

"Do you understand?"

Several subordinates hurriedly bowed:

"I understand. I have followed Master Su for many years and have been taught by him. How could I not understand this principle?"

"Everything is decided by Lord Su. How could Lord Su harm us?"



The next morning.

A group of officials and entourage were already prepared.

After Liu Che woke up, someone hurriedly woke up Liu Ju. After about half an hour of preparation, they finally started the ceremony of ascending the Taishi Palace.

I have to say, the emperor's travels are truly grand.

Coming out of the palace, there were ceremonial guards and flags set up along the way, extending all the way to the mountain pass.

The mountain path had already been cleared, some narrow places had been widened, and the trees and thorns on the roadside had been cut down. There was absolutely no shortcoming that might affect Liu Che's mood.

This is why Liu Che insisted on climbing the mountain himself, trying to express his sincerity and respect for the gods.

Otherwise, even if you walk, someone will definitely take your place.

This is not a difficult thing to do. Some scenic spots in later generations have charged fees for carrying bamboo poles or carrying people up the mountain.

However, Liu Ju has never experienced it. Although he is not a fat man weighing 200 or 300 pounds, he is afraid that some netizens with excessive saintly hearts will take pictures and post them online, condemning him for his low morals while destroying the jobs of the workers who are engaged in such tourism projects.

Liu Ju still remembers seeing related follow-up interviews.

After being tormented by those sanctimonious netizens, the laborers were in tears in front of the camera of the reporter.

Some of them have to earn the tuition for their children, some have to earn the medical expenses for their wives...and now they can only squat at the foot of the mountain, watching the tourists coming and going, shaking their heads and sighing sadly.

Liu Ju didn't know what those saints were thinking.

If you really want to help others, you can donate money, help carry the things, or just sit on them after you give them the money. You can do something truly good. Why would you destroy other people's jobs?
Oh yeah, that’s the final result.

It’s nothing more than tourists are afraid to ride, and workers have no money to earn, but these “virgin” videos have received clicks and views, and the video website has received dividends…

Liu Ju was aware of this, which was why Gongsun Jingsheng sent him slaves.

He did not give those slaves freedom directly like those saints did, but instead took them into Bowang Garden without hesitation.

We can lose the team battle, but the Virgin Mary must die!
Thinking about these in my mind.

Liu Ju still had to follow Liu Che to climb Mount Taishi.

From the records in history books, it can be seen that Liu Che was actually quite keen on mountaineering.

And now we can see that Liu Che's physical strength is actually quite good.

He didn't need any attendants to support him when he was walking in front. Even so, Liu Ju, who was following behind, had to jog from time to time, otherwise he would fall behind if he was not careful.

About another hour passed like this.

Liu Che finally sat down to rest in front of a stone bench on the mountainside that had been set up at some unknown time and had a mat specially laid on it.

Su Wen and others immediately came forward to serve tea and water, and served them attentively.

at this time.

"Long live--!"

"Long live--!"

“Long live——!”


"Years old—years old—"

Suddenly, a melodious shout was heard from the mountains.

The sound seemed far and near, and it was difficult to hear its source, at least in the area where Liu Che was. It just echoed among the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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