Chapter 158 God says: Yes!
At this moment, "burning books and burying scholars" became a trivial matter in the minds of Huo Guang and Sima Qian.

Even if Liu Ju really did such a thing, he would only be branded as someone who imitated the brutality of the First Emperor, and might also bring about a series of troubles in the future.

But now things have apparently entered another stage unknowingly.

——Challenge the imperial power!
It goes without saying that the local officials, alchemists, and common people who have begun to believe in Liu Ju, now even the emperor's Qimen warriors and Jianzhang cavalry only listen to Liu Ju's orders. This is a huge problem...

This is a challenge to imperial power!

A mortal emperor, a divine prince.

Even Huo Guang and Sima Qian didn't know which direction things would develop at this moment.

At that time, should the people of the Han Dynasty obey the emperor's edict or the prince's immortal order?
How can one mountain accommodate two tigers?
Even after careful consideration in their minds, Huo Guang and Sima Qian were more optimistic about Liu Ju.

Because he can easily take out grains, fruits, living things, and immortal wine from the immortal world; most importantly, he has an immortal body that can even be brought back to life if cut in half; Liu Ju will not die!
But Liu Che was still a mortal, a mortal who was entering the age of knowing the destiny.

If he is killed, he will die. Even if no one kills him, he will eventually die, and that day will only get closer.

They understand.

The other subjects will also understand, even if they don’t understand now, they will understand in the future.

Liu Che, I'm afraid he understands it better.

The moment Huo Guang and Sima Qian's eyes met, it felt as if a thousand years had passed in their hearts.

They might still be qualified to advise Liu Ju against "burning books and burying scholars" and persuade him to consider the consequences and not act on his own.

But the struggle between imperial power and immortal power.

They are absolutely not qualified to get involved, and no one else is qualified to get involved.

One is the Son of Heaven-granted Emperor, the other is the immortal-granted God.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is a fight between gods, and the rest of the mortals can only suffer.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs.

The emperor and the gods are unkind and treat the people as straw dogs...


Donglai County City, East Gate.

Two huge couplets made of cloth were hung on both sides of the city gate.

The couplet on the right reads: "If you have evil intentions, burning incense will do no good."

The couplet on the left reads: "Be upright and upright, it doesn't matter if you don't bow to me when you see me."

In fact, there were no couplets in this era. During the three dynasties every year, people would hang "peach charms" on their doors.

"Tao Fu" is the predecessor of couplets. The names of the two gods Shentu and Yulei were engraved on a peach wood board and hung on the door. Like the couplets that appeared in later generations, it was meant to express the wish of praying for blessings and eliminating disasters.

At this moment, Liu Ju was standing on the city gate with his hands behind his back, and against the backdrop of two huge couplets, he looked very impressive.

Under the city gate.

More people came to pay homage to the immortal body than in the previous event. Some people immediately began to kneel down and kowtow and make wishes as soon as they saw Liu Ju, as if they had already regarded Liu Ju as a living god.

And between the crowd was a small hill made of bamboo slips.

These bamboo slips have been poured with kerosene, and with just a small spark they would immediately turn into ashes in the raging fire.

For this move.

The people in the audience seemed even more excited than before when they witnessed the magic, especially those who had sincerely converted to Liu Ju.

This is due to the exclusive nature of faith.

This situation remained the same even in later generations. The West launched countless religious wars because of this, and various sects persecuted countless "pagans" in order to maintain their own orthodoxy.

However, those alchemists and wizards were worried.

Some people have already realized the fact that they were detained by Liu Ju in the city of Donglai County. Now Liu Ju is going to burn the bamboo slips they presented in public, which is obviously not a good sign.


Huo Guang and Sima Qian looked at the arrogant Liu Ju from afar, and their feelings were more complicated than before.

They failed to persuade Liu Ju to "burn books", or they simply had no intention of persuading him.

Because the two of them had a feeling that they were witnessing history, and not the kind of palace gossip, but the world of great contention that was about to begin.

Even in the quiet of the night, when they lay in bed unable to fall asleep, they unconsciously thought about the question of "taking sides".

Qin II died.

Is the Han Dynasty going to fall into chaos after only five generations?

This time.

There was one more person among the alchemists—Xu Shenxian.

At the last event, although Xu Shenxian received an invitation from the county magistrate Chen Tao, he declined the invitation on the grounds of Xu Fu's ancestral teachings and did not attend.

But this time he had to attend, because Liu Ju sent soldiers yesterday and forcibly brought him here, and arranged him among the group of alchemists and wizards to watch the ceremony.

Among the people watching the ceremony today, there are also some of his followers.

However, the number today is difficult to compare with that before Liu Ju became an immortal, when he had more than ten thousand believers.

Now, a considerable number of them have switched to Liu Ju, and only less than 30% of his most loyal or unable-to-extricate supporters still support him.


Fat Yuer and his family of three, who had had interactions with Liu Ju, also arrived at the scene.

But at this moment, the family of three were not standing together.

Fat Yuer and his sister Jiujiu were standing side by side in the crowd behind Huo Guang and others, surrounded by Qimen warriors and Jianzhang cavalry guards.

Their mother gathered with relatives in Huang County.

The brother and sister have almost broken off relations with their mother, because after they said goodbye to Liu Ju and went to Huang County to seek refuge with their relatives, they found out that their relatives had already become loyal believers of Xu Shenxian.

Later, under their constant lobbying and instigation, their mother also began to believe in the immortal Xu, and was filled with an almost obsessive yearning for the "Pingyuan Guangze" where the four seasons were like spring, where there was no worry about food and drink, and where evil spirits could not invade.

However, not everyone can follow Immortal Xu to the "Pingyuan Guangze" when the time is right.

Xu Shenxian has many followers. If one wants to make Xu Shenxian feel one's piety, one must show some sign by offering him money.

So their mother seemed to be possessed by a ghost and insisted on selling Jiujiu for money. She wanted to use the money to express her piety to the Immortal Xu and get a chance to take Fatty Yuer to "Pingyuan Guangze" to enjoy a good life.

Fatty of course refused.

Previously, in order to treat his mother's illness, he would rather sell himself into a slave and never thought of taking advantage of his sister. How could he agree to his mother selling Jiujiu now?

But parents' orders cannot be disobeyed, and Fatty Yuer really has no choice.

Just when Jiujiu was about to be taken away by the slave traders, he had no choice but to shamelessly run back to Donglai County City overnight to ask Liu Ju for help.

So Jiujiu was naturally brought back, but their mother and relatives began to resent the brother and sister, and even regarded them as pagans and cruelly drove them out of the house.

But even at this time.

The two of them were still worried about their mother, and at this moment, their eyes were anxiously looking for their mother's figure in the crowd.

It’s a pity that with tens of thousands of people gathered in the audience, how could it be easily found?
at last.

"His Royal Highness has ordered that the books be burned!"

Accompanied by a loud shout from Li Guangli who was beside Liu Ju.

Several torches were thrown onto the pile of bamboo slips at the same time, and the fire immediately began to spread. In just a blink of an eye, the flames had risen to a height of more than two meters, and billowing black smoke rose into the sky.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is wise!!!"

The believers' shouts were heard everywhere, and more people knelt down and petitioned Liu Ju when the flames rose.


The alchemists and wizards were filled with mixed emotions.

What Liu Ju burned at this moment was not only the bamboo slips they fabricated, but also a total denial of them, so that everyone was in danger and didn't know where to go in the future.

The same was true for Gongsun Qing, who came with Liu Ju to wait for the gods.

After Liu Ju became an immortal.

He completely lost his privileges and from then on was placed together with these alchemists and wizards, eating and sleeping together. He was not allowed to go out at will, let alone see Liu Ju.

"Your Highness, I am yours!"

"I am still looking for a suitable opportunity to become your disciple, why would you treat me like this?"

Gongsun Qing couldn't understand it. Liu Ju had clearly taken the initiative to help him exorcise the evil spirits in his ancestral home, and he also invited Liu Ju to eat dog meat. Wasn't their relationship close enough?
Half an hour later.

As the flames from the pile of bamboo slips subsided slightly, the noise from the people below also subsided slightly.


Li Guangli shouted again and continued,

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is grateful for the suffering of the people, listens to the will of heaven, and blesses the land of Qi!"

"Heaven's will says: We should use all the wizards and sorcerers to offer sacrifices to the sea, so that everyone can unite as one and all things can be unified. This will ensure that Qi will be like spring for a hundred years, that evil spirits will not invade, that the weather will be good, and that the people will be prosperous!"

"Heaven says: The auspicious time has been set, at the quarter past eight!"

"Heaven's will says: Alchemists and wizards carry the mandate of heaven and bless the people on behalf of heaven. Now returning their lives to heaven is also the will of heaven. It is a great merit in the world and the will of heaven cannot be violated!"

"God says: Yes!"


As soon as the words fell, the complexion of the nearly a thousand alchemists and wizards changed drastically and their heads were buzzing.

Sea Festival?!
The prince actually wants to use them for sea sacrifice? !
Qin Shi Huang burned books and buried scholars alive.

Today, the prince is burning books and drowning himself!

They had thought of countless possibilities in their minds before, but they had never imagined that Liu Ju would be so ruthless as to take their lives directly!

Is this prince crazy?
Once you become an immortal, can you do whatever you want and harm all living things?
Are they alchemists and wizards, not ordinary people?

Nonsense, no one knows what they are like better than they themselves. They are just ordinary people. Could the prince, who has become an immortal, make mistakes?

When Gongsun Qing heard this, he was also stunned for a moment.

The prince placed him together with these alchemists and wizards. Was he planning to sacrifice him to the sea together with these people?
He is a divine priest appointed by the emperor and a court official. How could the prince treat him like this?


Huo Guang and Sima Qian's expressions became more solemn.

"Burning books and drowning prescriptions" is no longer important, as they had already anticipated that this might be the outcome.

And now, that bunch of "God's will" is the biggest problem.

God knows what the content of his subsequent “God’s Will” will be, and whether Your Majesty can tolerate the existence of “God’s Will”.

at this time.

Suddenly someone among the people below shouted loudly:
"Please have mercy, Your Highness. We, Immortal Xu, have our own immortal methods granted by our great-grandfather Xu Fu. He will lead us to the fairyland of Pingyuan Guangze. If the Crown Prince orders Immortal Xu to go to the sea for sacrifice as well, what should we do?"

As this voice sounded.

There were two or three thousand people around who had not knelt before, and they knelt down together, crying and begging Liu Ju in unison:
"Your Highness, please have mercy on me. Immortal Xu cannot offer sacrifices to the sea!"

"Yes, Your Highness, we just want to follow Immortal Xu to the fairyland. We beg Your Highness to give us a chance!"

"Your Highness..."

 Thanks to Mr. [Wuyin Guke] for his reward and support.

(End of this chapter)

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