I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 193 How can I be the savior of this rebellious son?

Chapter 193 How can I be the savior of this rebellious son?

"Mr. Zhao!"

"Mr. Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

Fortunately, the old man was sitting in the front row, and when he fell on his back, several people behind him quickly reached out to support him, preventing him from suffering serious injuries, which would have caused both physical and mental damage.


Zhao Zhou and Shi Qing's heads were also buzzing at the moment, and they were a little confused about the situation.

In fact, Zhao Zhou did not have much contact with Liu Ju, and they could only be considered nodding acquaintances at most. The reason they met more frequently recently was because Liu Ju became the regent prince, and they could meet once every five days during the morning court.

Therefore, he did not know much about Liu Ju's character.

What left the deepest impression on him about Liu Ju were the frequent military orders and the occasional random standing in line in the court. The rest of the time, he basically looked drowsy.

So, Zhao Zhou looked at Shi Qing.

He hoped to get some answers from Shi Qing. After all, Shi Qing had actually gone to the Prince's Mansion to give Liu Ju several lessons, so he should know more than he did.

"Don't look at me."

But Shi Qing's eyes were even more confused than his.

What does Shi Qing know?
Shi Qing knew that Liu Ju had once asked him "Under what circumstances would your father depose and enthrone the crown prince?" and then, ignoring his and Crown Prince Xianma's dissuasion, he dismissed all the guests in the Crown Prince's Mansion on the spot without even giving them travel expenses.

And before that.

Liu Ju seemed to have always been a polite, humble, gentle and well-behaved child. He never even spoke loudly to his servants and slaves.

And most of the time they tend to listen to advice, rarely act on their own, and are very careful about their reputation.

Although he vaguely sensed Liu Ju's abnormality after being asked by Liu Ju once, he tried to reduce his contact with Liu Ju.

But even if he racked his brains, he could not have imagined that in just one year, Liu Ju would become what he is today. It would not be an exaggeration to say that his temperament had changed drastically.

What they could not have expected was...

Liu Ju's last sentence "next one" actually expressed his superiority.

what's going on?

Did he really intend to engage in a debate with everyone and defeat all of these hundreds of Confucian scholars and virtuous writers from the Imperial Academy in the Xuanshi Hall?
It's not completely impossible...

Mr. Zhao and his companions also knew about this. It was a relatively famous literature in the Gyeonggi region.

What is literature? It refers to celebrities who have made certain achievements in scholarship and have received fair recognition.

What Mr. Zhao was best at was writing fu. Some princes and nobles would even spend hundreds of gold to ask him to write fu for their birthdays, so his ability in meticulous writing was definitely not low.

As a result, he publicly debated with Liu Ju and died after just a few words. This shows Liu Ju's fighting ability.

What's more, this is just the beginning. God knows whether Liu Ju still has the strength left?
And they have already seen it.

Liu Ju did not come here to argue today, but to attack people's hearts. He just wanted to argue in any way he could and say whatever words could irritate people.

Is this what he calls "a heart that accepts criticism and a mouth that admits mistakes"?

"Mr. Zhao, what do you think? Should we send him to the Imperial Hospital first? It would be embarrassing if someone died during the discussion."

Shi Qing was still relatively sober, and despite being confused, he still remembered his duties.


Zhao Zhou nodded.

"Otherwise, if he remains lying here, the court meeting will not be able to proceed... Come, send Elder Zhao to the Imperial Hospital for treatment first!"


Several Qimen warriors came forward, pushed through the crowd and carried the unconscious old man out.

At this time, Zhao Zhou looked at the group of Confucian scholars and virtuous scholars at the Imperial College and asked:
"Who would like to continue questioning the prince next?"


For a moment, a blank space appeared, and the Confucian scholars and virtuous writers of the Imperial Academy, who had been vying with each other not long ago, began to hesitate.

After waiting for two breaths, someone finally stood up:

"I come!"

"Your Highness once destroyed dikes and flooded farmland in Puyang, Dongjun, which flooded hundreds of hectares of fertile farmland and left tens of thousands of people homeless. Your Highness, do you admit this?"

"What did my father do to you?"

"Ah? Your Majesty did not do anything to me. I was just questioning Your Highness."

"Le, my father had previously issued an edict saying that the losses could be ignored. What do you mean by your words just now? Are you questioning my father's edict?"

"Besides, according to the recent folk rumors, I flooded 72 hectares of fertile land. How come it became 100 hectares here?"

"You make me feel that your words are not credible at all. You are even blaspheming the sanctity of this court meeting. You are wasting the precious time of the Confucian scholars and virtuous writers present at the Imperial Academy. You are committing a great sin!"

"Even if it's 72 hectares of fertile land, Your Highness should at least admit it..."

"Okay, okay, you win, you win, sit down."

"It's really unbearable. As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together. What do you think you are ruining? You are ruining the reputation of your group. You make me feel like you are a rat shit that fell into the porridge pot, or a rat shit that has been in the pot for decades, and has already stained everyone here with the smell of shit."

"I don't know what you think of a liar who tells lies all the time, but I hate liar the most in my life. From now on, I won't say a word to him."

"Puh, disgusting, nauseating, yue——!"

"Me! You..."

...the back hall.


Most of the tea that Liu Che had spilled on himself had already dried up, but at the moment he had no time to care about such details. He just felt that he had known too little about Liu Ju, the rebellious son.

"Su Wen, do you have any private contact with Liu Ju?"

"In reply to your Majesty, I can only see your Highness when I am in the palace or when I am ordered to deliver an imperial edict."

Su Wen bowed and answered calmly.

Liu Che frowned slightly and asked again:
"Then do you know what he looks like when he talks to someone other than me?"

"I really don't know..."

As Su Wen answered carefully, his heart suddenly tightened and he felt weak.

He knows!

How could he not know!

Until now, when he thought of the "heartfelt" words Liu Ju had said to him in private, and the look on Liu Ju's face when he said those words, a chill would unconsciously rise up in his feet.

Sometimes he would even wake up from his sleep, sweating profusely, and often scared his wives and concubines who were sleeping in the same bed.

"Do you think it is possible that Liu Ju tried to be as restrained as possible when he spoke to me, but no one dared to speak to me like that on a normal day, so I just couldn't hear it?"


After Liu Che said this, Su Wen suddenly realized this problem and was stunned.

He really doesn't know about others.

However, he had some friendship with General Xu Ziwei, who had previously led troops to participate in the war against the Western Qiang.

After Xu Ziwei was awarded the title of marquis for this battle, Su Wen came to congratulate him, and the two talked about some interesting stories about this battle during the meal.

What impressed him most was not the "happy" strategy, not the sky lanterns, not the bravery of Gongsun Jingsheng, nor the spectacular scene of annihilating 100,000 Qiang people, but the words Liu Ju said to him before the expedition:
"Who gave you the confidence and courage to live so optimistically and self-sufficiently, and to have lived for so many years?"

Xu Ziwei praised this sentence highly at that time.

He felt that this was the most morale-boosting language in the world, which could effectively inspire the soldiers' sense of shame and make them braver.

If Liu Ju had not said this, he would still be an unknown military general, and it would be a long time before he could be granted the title of marquis. How could he have been granted the title of marquis of a thousand households in one fell swoop?

But Xu Ziwei certainly didn't know that when he praised this sentence, he deeply touched Su Wen's nerves and reminded him of those "heartfelt" words...

now think of it.

Although he, Xu Ziwei and Liu Ju were not close friends, they all heard such heart-breaking words. Combined with Liu Ju's current performance in the hall...

Su Wen just wants to say one thing:
Your Majesty is wise! Your Majesty is intelligent! Your Majesty is wise!

Why didn’t I think that Liu Ju must be like this? He was really very restrained in front of Liu Che!

Compared with his behavior in front of outsiders, it is absolutely not an exaggeration to call him a filial and obedient son!
In addition, Su Wen now knew that Liu Che had no intention of deposing Liu Ju, but was using Liu Ju to "catch mice", so he immediately lowered his head and said:

"I think your Majesty's analysis makes sense."

"So, I must have wronged this rebellious son before. Is he actually a filial and obedient son?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. How dare I interfere with your Majesty and His Highness!"

Su Wen didn't dare to respond to this, so he bent down even lower and took off all the dirt.

at this time.

"You are making a fuss! I... I..."

Suddenly, a furious roar came from outside, which scared both Liu Che and Su Wen.

Liu Ju's light voice came immediately:

"He's so anxious. Look how anxious he is. Why can't everyone sit down and have a calm debate like me?"

"You slandered me. How can I bear this great humiliation? I will die in this Xuanshi Hall today to prove my innocence!"

"Mr. Li! Mr. Li! Don't be impulsive!"

"Come on, help hold him back!"

"Someone is going to die..."


Liu Che and Su Wen looked at each other in bewilderment. How could such a peaceful court meeting result in a loss of life?

Oh, it's Liu Ju, then it's okay...

The first "Mr. Zhao" almost lost his life just now. An old man in his sixties fainted from anger. In fact, it was not much different from dying once.

The second person to come on stage was also caught with a small loophole, and was speechless in his defense. He was even beaten by Liu Ju into a rat that everyone avoided...

Liu Che and Su Wen knew it clearly.

These self-important Confucian scholars of the Imperial Academy and virtuous and talented writers are very proud of themselves. How could they accept such an insult, especially one that had their IQs rubbed off on them?
At this moment, Liu Che even felt a little disappointed.

Tell me about you, is this all you can achieve?
Aren’t they all quite noisy on weekdays?
How come when they met Liu Ju, with more than a hundred people against one, they had no choice but to die to show their determination?

How can I be the savior of this rebellious son?

(End of this chapter)

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