I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 217 Dong Zhongshu doesn’t have the courage to do this, it must be your idea, right?

Chapter 217 Dong Zhongshu doesn’t have the courage to do this, it must be your idea, right?
The people can let it go, but they can't make it known.

This is the underlying logic behind Liu Che's national policy of "promoting Confucius and suppressing all other schools of thought."

This is also the reason why he still chooses to acquiesce and even condone it even though it has now been promoted by Confucian scholars and many officials under him as "abolishing all schools of thought."

He knew better than anyone that this move was intended to fool and weaken the people, but this was precisely his purpose.

In his view, this move would be conducive to the implementation of administrative affairs, facilitate the use of people's strength, effectively reduce disputes and doubts, and realize true autocratic dictatorship, thereby mobilizing the whole country to achieve achievements and further consolidate his supreme position as the Son of Heaven and the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Liu Che had already made up his mind to implement this national policy to the end, and other things had to be put aside.

Anyone who gets in his way is his enemy, the enemy of the Han Dynasty, and is rebelling against him and the Liu family of the Han Dynasty!
But this question of Zhao Guo...

It seems that the situation is not as serious as Zhao Zhou said. After all, he just gave up Confucianism and turned to farming. He did not publicly promote this idea, nor did he jump out to take the lead in opposing his national policy.

The reason why Zhao Zhou dared to come and "kill his own relatives for the sake of justice" was naturally because of this.

He just wanted to use my hand to give this rebellious son a good warning, so that he would return to the right path, to prevent him from really touching my reverse scale in the future and bringing disaster to the entire Zhao family.

At the same time, this can also be regarded as a kind of advance reporting to prevent any problems before they happen...

It only took a moment.

Liu Che had figured out Zhao Zhou's thoughts, but he just smiled ambiguously and said:

"From what you said, it seems as if Liu Ju has already determined that Zhao Guo is the talent for promoting agriculture that he recommended to me, and he will bring him to the palace to introduce him to me soon."

"This is what I am most worried about."

Zhao Zhou made a horrified expression and sighed,
"Before I entered the palace, the Crown Prince had already led people to look for my son. I'm afraid he has already seen him now."

"The Crown Prince is still young, and I am afraid he will be deceived by my son's sweet words and really regard him as a so-called talent and recommend him to Your Majesty to take on the important task of promoting agriculture."

"If something like this really happened, I would have been charged with another crime of deceiving the emperor, and even more so, a criminal who harmed the country."

"Just thinking about this makes me sweat profusely and my legs go weak. I dare not not explain it to Your Majesty in advance to prevent him from being reckless and causing a big mistake, Your Majesty!"

One has to admit that Zhao Zhou has been an official for many years and his speaking skills are indeed quite good.

He said so many words after entering the Greenhouse Palace, and although he mentioned Liu Ju in almost every sentence, he never said a word against Liu Ju. Instead, he left the power to judge Liu Ju to his father, Emperor Liu Che.

Unexpectedly, Liu Che showed a hint of interest when he heard this, and said jokingly:
"Haha, if Liu Ju really brings your son to me, I think it is necessary to take a closer look at him."

"His Majesty……"

Zhao Zhou was stunned, his whole face wrinkled into a bitter gourd with fear.

"Don't be afraid. Even if he is as insignificant as you said, I won't think he is deceiving the emperor. I will just punish him slightly and teach him a lesson."

Liu Che waved his hand to interrupt him, still smiling.

Zhao Zhou finally let go of his worries after hearing this, and hurriedly bowed to express his gratitude:

"Your Majesty is so merciful, I am deeply grateful!"

This continued until Zhao Zhou left.

Liu Che was playing with two jade balls, listening to the "da da da" sound of the jades colliding, and he murmured to himself:
"This rebellious son has always had the ability to judge people."

"When we were dealing with the flood in Huzi, we recommended Guo Chang and Ji Ren to me. Now they have been very effective in dealing with the flood in Dahe."

"When we were conquering the Western Qiang, he recommended Gongsun Jingsheng to me, who achieved three merits in one battle."

"Let me see this time whether he was just guessing or whether he is really better at judging people than I am..."


Three days later.

It’s still the Xuanshi Hall.

Liu Che sat on the dragon couch, flipping through the memorials on the table as if no one was around.

Sang Hongyang was kneeling on a seat in the hall, holding a scroll of bamboo slips in his hand and reading them meticulously. In front of him was a wooden box also filled with bamboo slips.

Liu Ju and Zhao Guo stood in the hall, like two little white rabbits attending a job interview.

The bamboo slips that Sang Hongyang was reading at this moment were the implementation methods and experimental results report of the Daitian method, the design plan of the coupled plow and the three-legged harrow, as well as the expectations and ideas for its future implementation that Zhao Guo had summarized over the past two days after staying up late.

Zhao Guo attached great importance to this meeting with the emperor and was extremely nervous.

Therefore, when writing the memorial, he tried his best to be comprehensive and take into account every detail. He even carefully practiced controlling his facial expressions when answering Emperor Liu Che in front of a bronze mirror.

As a result, after entering the Xuanshi Hall.

Liu Che simply asked his name, and then handed all the memorials that he had written late at night to Sang Hongyang who had been waiting in the hall.

In silence.

Liu Ju glanced at Zhao Guo, whose legs were shaking slightly, his hands were clenched into fists, and his face was a little pale due to nervousness.

Then he gently touched his shoulder, raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a reassuring smile, and shook his head slightly to indicate that there was no need to be overly nervous, as Liu Che only killed people and did not eat them.


Zhao Guo did not dare to make any response. He just glanced at Liu Ju and quickly looked away, lowering his head to his chest again.


Liu Ju suddenly raised his head and looked at Liu Che pitifully, "I really can't stand any longer, please allow me to sit down."


The sound frightened Zhao Guo so much that he shuddered and his whole body became stiff.

When Liu Che heard this, he finally raised his eyes and glanced at Liu Ju, but he just said coldly:

"Su Wen, grant Zhao Guo a seat."


Although Su Wen was confused, he did not dare to say anything. After answering, he quietly withdrew and ordered his men to move a seat for Zhao Guo, leaving Liu Ju aside.


This scene made Zhao Guo feel a little at a loss. Looking at the seat at his feet, he was in a dilemma. It was not right to sit down, nor was it right not to sit down. He did not dare to ask what was going on.

"Sit down, sit down. My father has given you a seat. Do you dare to refuse it?"


"It doesn't matter. I'm younger than you. I won't die if I stand there a little longer."

Liu Ju smiled indifferently, forced Zhao Guo to sit on the seat, and continued to stand aside waiting.

He also didn't know what was wrong with Liu Che today that he had to target him like this.

Thinking back, he really hadn't done anything disobedient recently and was relatively careful with his words. He really didn't know how he had offended his cheap father again. Could it be that the emperor's mind was unpredictable?

Zhao Guo didn't dare to respond to this. He could only secretly think that Liu Ju was really bold in saying anything, while he sat there obediently and didn't dare to move.

This went on for quite a while.

"Your Majesty, I have read all of Zhao Guo's memorials."

Sang Hongyang finally put the last scroll back into the wooden box, stood up and saluted Liu Che.


Liu Che finally put down the bamboo slips, looked at Sang Hongyang and asked.

this moment.

Zhao Guo, who had finally relaxed a little, immediately became tense again, with all his muscles tensed.

Liu Ju also looked at Sang Hongyang, waiting for Sang Hongyang's evaluation.

Although he knew that Liu Che would eventually appoint Zhao Guo as the commander of the grain-collecting army, adopt his Daitian method, and order him to promote advanced agricultural tools, that was more than 20 years later. People change, and even Liu Ju did not dare to predict what Liu Che's mentality and thoughts were now.

Now Kong Jin and Dongguo Xianyang have already been executed. Although Sang Hongyang is still the Minister of Agriculture and has not been directly promoted to replace the post of Minister of Agriculture, he is already the undisputed top leader of the entire Minister of Agriculture and one of Liu Che's most trusted confidants.

In addition, agricultural affairs fell within the scope of the duties of the Minister of Agriculture.

Therefore, the conclusion given by Sang Hongyang will directly affect Liu Che's views on this matter.

at last.

"Zhao Guo's proposed Daitian Law has detailed implementation methods and several consecutive years of harvest records as a basis. I think it is very feasible. According to his plan, we can first implement it in the capital area for a year, and then have county and township officials, the three elders, and the farmers help to implement it. After it really achieves results, it can be gradually promoted to the three auxiliary areas and even the whole country."

Sang Hongyang said seriously,
"And this improved plough and harrow can also be pushed together."

"According to the harvest range given by Zhao Guo in his memorial, if the weather is good next year, I estimate that the grain production in the capital area alone can increase by at least 250,000 dan, which is very considerable."

"Even if next year is still a drought year like this year, we can still ensure the basic food harvest and reduce the occurrence of famine."

"in addition."

"Now that the autumn harvest is approaching, I hope to visit Zhao Guo's experimental farmland and personally verify the data in the bamboo slips."

"If it is proven to be correct after verification, I believe that this method can also be promoted in the more arid Hexi Corridor, which will surely make the farming work in the four counties of Hexi more efficient!"


Liu Che nodded after hearing this, then looked at Zhao Guo with appreciation, and finally a smile appeared on his face.
"Zhao Guo, you are so talented at such a young age. I have high hopes for you. However, since you are new to officialdom and have no experience, why don't you go to the Minister of Agriculture to be an agricultural supervisor and follow Sang Hongyang's guidance to promote agriculture? What do you think?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guo stood up excitedly and hurriedly bowed to Liu Che to express his gratitude.

Even if he had never been in officialdom, he knew that the Agricultural Inspector was the highest official position in charge of the country's agriculture, which was simply a step to heaven.

"The matter is settled now. You can leave now. Su Wen, you can leave first too."

Liu Che nodded slightly, "Liu Ju, you stay."

"I, your humble servant, will take my leave."

As they were talking, Sang Hongyang, Zhao Guo, Su Wen, other attendants and warriors from the Qimen sect all left the hall.

Liu Ju was curious about why Liu Che left him alone.

But Liu Che's face had darkened. He raised his hand and threw a scroll of bamboo slips over. It landed at Liu Ju's feet with a "pa" sound.

"Dong Zhongshu suddenly submitted such a memorial to me. He didn't have the courage to do it. It must have been your idea, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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