I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 222: Your Highness’s kindness will be repaid in my next life!

Chapter 222: Your Highness’s kindness will be repaid in my next life!

Not long after, Yi Shuo was brought into the hall by Guo Zhen.

At this moment, she seemed to have known what had happened. Her pretty face turned slightly pale, and her slender fingers were rubbing nervously, with her thumb nail pinching her palm. After entering the room, she bowed stiffly to Liu Ju:
"I am Yishuo, your humble servant, honored to see His Highness."

"The Jingzhao Yin received an anonymous report saying that you bribed the executioner, stole the unclaimed corpse, and privately mutilated and insulted the corpse. Is this true?"

Liu Ju did not play tricks and asked directly.

Yang Chu added at the right time:
"Your Highness, the relevant criminals have all been arrested by Jingzhao Yin, and the confessions directly point to Yishuo. If it weren't for irrefutable evidence, I would never dare to come to Bowang Garden to arrest him."

Yi Shuo trembled slightly when he heard this, lowered his head and replied:

"I dare not hide it from Your Highness. I did take the bodies of unclaimed prisoners and did dissect them. But I can swear to heaven that I did not have the slightest intention of insulting the bodies..."

"Your Highness, since the suspect has confessed his guilt, please allow me to take him back to Jingzhao Yin for punishment!"

Before Yi Shuo could finish her words, Yang Chu interrupted her and immediately asked Liu Ju for instructions.

"I know you're anxious, but wait until she finishes speaking."

Liu Ju did not agree, but looked at Yi Shuo expressionlessly.

"Doctor Yi, please continue."

"I am doing this to... to... to better understand the human body and improve my medical skills."

Yi Shuo buried her head even lower, like a child who had made a mistake, and did not dare to look Liu Ju in the eye.

She probably had forgotten that Liu Ju was only seventeen years old, while she was already twenty-nine. If she were a few years older, she might even be of the same generation as Wei Zifu.

However, this does not affect Liu Ju's position in her heart.

Firstly, Liu Ju was the crown prince, and she was his personal physician, an official;
Secondly, in her heart, Liu Ju had long been an undisputed miracle doctor. Although Liu Ju never accepted her as his apprentice, he had given her prescriptions, taught her how to cure hemorrhoids and fistulas, and even gave her equipment for distilling alcohol, which meant that they were actually master and apprentice.

Therefore, whether Liu Jucheng admitted it or not, she had already regarded Liu Ju as her master...

"What nonsense!"

Yang Chu immediately refuted again.

"You destroyed and insulted the corpse. It is a fact. You cannot argue with it. Moreover, medical skills are the way of the living, while what you did is the way of the dead, which is against human ethics. The two are completely different. How can they be compared?"

"Now you are still trying to deceive His Royal Highness with sweet words. This is deceiving the emperor, and your crime is even more serious!"

Just because Yi Shuo wouldn't argue with Liu Ju doesn't mean she wouldn't argue with Yang Chu.

Hearing this, she suddenly raised her head, looked at the other person neither servile nor arrogant, and said seriously:

"Shangguan, what you said is wrong!"

"Yu Fu, a famous doctor in ancient times, cut skin and muscles, tied veins and tendons, twisted the marrow and brain, scraped the waste and grabbed the stems, washed the intestines and stomach, rinsed the five internal organs, and refined the essence and changed the body. Does this belong to the way of medical skills?"

"It is recorded in the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, Lingshu, that if a person has eight feet of soil, the skin is inside this place, and the outside can be measured and cut to get it. If the person dies, he can be dissected and examined. The hardness and fragility of the organs, and the size of the viscera are all known by numbers. Does this belong to the Dao of medical skills?"

"It is recorded in Liezi: Tangwen that the great doctor Bian Que once got a drunk person drunk and then performed the technique of opening the chest and exploring the heart. Does this belong to the art of medicine?"

“If a doctor does not understand the human body and prescribes medicine to treat a disease, it is like a blind man touching an elephant, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions.”

"After execution, the prisoners were not claimed and were often rolled up in straw mats and buried in mass graves."

"Now I will follow the advice of the Lingshu and dissect it, then sew it up again and bury it in a proper manner according to human ethics. What's wrong with that?"

"Moreover, although this is the way of the dead, if it can improve the way of the living, then it is the same goal, how can it be called completely different?"

Speaking of it.

Yi Shuo paused for a moment, then turned back to Liu Ju and said earnestly:
"Your Highness, please understand. I am not good at sweet talk, nor do I have the intention to deceive Your Highness. If I had even the slightest intention of doing so, I would be struck by the lightning and never be able to be reborn!"

"Even if you are eloquent, you cannot change the fact that you destroyed and insulted a corpse. This crime is intolerable to heaven and earth!"

Yang Chu also lost his temper. He shouted harshly and raised his hand, as if he wanted to order someone to be arrested.

But he soon realized what this place was. He had no one to use and no power to order people around. He put his hand down again and bowed to Liu Ju, saying:

"Your Highness, please understand that this woman's actions are extremely evil and must not be tolerated. Otherwise, I am afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Your Highness has always been known for his benevolence. Since this matter has nothing to do with Your Highness, Your Highness should hand this woman over to me for punishment, so as to restore Your Highness's reputation. Otherwise, if someone makes a fuss about it, Your Highness will probably be affected as well."


Hearing the last sentence, Yi Shuo trembled again, and his momentum immediately weakened a little.

This was obviously a question she had not considered before.

If she had thought of this in advance, even if she had a thousand reasons, she would never have done such a thing while serving as Liu Ju's personal physician and brought such trouble to Liu Ju.

But Yang Chu's words also reminded her that it was not too late to think about this now...

After a slight hesitation, Yi Shuo's eyes instantly became resolute again. He bowed down and saluted Liu Ju, saying in a muffled voice:
"Your Highness, I plead guilty and am willing to follow my superior to Jingzhao Yin to be executed." She entered the palace at a young age, and now more than ten years have passed. How could she not know what making this decision now means?
Although Jingzhao Yin was not the Chief Justice, Jingzhao Yin’s prison was not an imperial prison.

But the current emperor is vigorously promoting Han laws, which are known for their harsh punishments. He has even implemented "knowingly leniency and letting the Ministry of Justice take charge of the law" and "relieving serious crimes", that is, officials who condone criminals will be punished as the criminals, and they can be exempted from punishment if they fabricate false cases. Therefore, once you are caught and thrown into prison, you are basically convicted.

Besides, the fact that she decomposed the corpse is undeniable.

Regardless of the motivation, this fact cannot be changed. Few people can understand the significance of this move, and no one wants to understand it. After all, medical skills are far less important than ethics these days.

Therefore, if she goes there, she will definitely die!

However, she did not regret making such a decision, she just felt a little regretful.

Between her own life and Liu Ju's reputation, she chose the latter without hesitation...

Even if she had no friendship with Liu Ju before, she was unwilling to bring trouble to irrelevant people because of her own reasons.

Besides, she and Liu Ju were not without friendship. She had no relatives any longer and was unwilling to waste energy on making friends. If there was anyone in the world who occupied the most important position in her heart, it must be Liu Ju.

Liu Ju was not only her savior, but also her master, to whom she had already regarded him as her apprentice.

She didn't want to drag down Liu Ju, so she had to make this decision.

As for regret... maybe it's regret that he was not able to become Liu Ju's disciple and receive Liu Ju's careful guidance from beginning to end?

Also, she felt sorry for the medical profession.

Although her practice is unethical in the eyes of the world, she still insists to this day that dissection is an inevitable trend in promoting the advancement of medical skills. It is not a way to treat the dead, but a way to treat the living.

Just after this happened.

I'm afraid she will be exposed to the public as a negative case, and will exist as an obstacle to the development and progress of medical skills for a long time, right?


Hearing this, Guo Zhen looked worried and moved his lips as if he wanted to say something.

But as he looked at Liu Ju, he hesitated again, as if he had made a difficult decision in his heart. In the end, he said nothing, but just looked at Yi Shuo with regret.

"Since you have pleaded guilty, follow me..."

Upon hearing this, Yang Chu's face lit up with joy. He immediately bowed to Liu Ju and was about to take Yi Shuo away.

at this time.

"Wait a minute."

Liu Ju suddenly called them and said with a grin,
"Envoy Yang, what you said is wrong. How come I don't know if I still have a reputation for benevolence? Even if I do have a reputation, it's probably mostly a reputation for abuse, right?"

"This... Your Highness?"

Yang Chu had never met Liu Ju before, and had no idea what he meant.

Liu Ju stopped talking nonsense and stated his decision directly:

"Doctor Yi is a member of the Crown Prince's Mansion after all, and we cannot let the Jingzhao Yin take him away. Envoy Yang, please go back first. I will make the decision on this matter."

"Your Highness, please think twice. This matter has already caused some impact in Chang'an. If I do not act in accordance with the law, I will be held accountable for knowingly letting it go!"

Yang Chu's cheeks trembled, and he quickly advised bluntly,
"Forgive me for speaking frankly. If Your Highness insists on doing this, I don't want to embarrass Your Highness, but in order to protect myself, I am afraid I will have to report this matter to Your Majesty truthfully. Otherwise, I really cannot explain myself!"

It is not difficult to see from these words that Yang Chu is actually a straight man, at least not an enemy of Liu Ju.

Otherwise, he would probably have hoped that Liu Ju would protect Yi Shuo, and then use this opportunity to damage Liu Ju's reputation, and by the way, he would have complained to the emperor about Liu Ju.

"Your Highness..."

Guo Zhen's expression also changed slightly, although he also felt sorry for Yi Shuo.

But after weighing his considerations just now, he also thought that handing Yi Shuo over to the Jingzhao Yin for disposal would be the most advantageous option for Liu Ju, otherwise he would definitely get into trouble.

As for Yishuo...

This kind of thing happened, and it was indeed her own fault, so she can only blame her bad luck...

Yi Shuo was stunned for a while when she heard this. After being together for such a long time, she had some understanding of Liu Ju's temperament. She knew that since Liu Ju did not hand her over to Jingzhao Yin, he had decided to protect her regardless of the consequences.

At this moment, she felt more and more regretful.

He regretted that he should not have argued with Yang Chu about medical skills in front of Liu Ju. If he had directly admitted that he had violated human ethics, admitted that he was guilty of a heinous crime, and admitted that he was a villain with a twisted humanity.

If he did so, he would not have received Liu Ju's sympathy, nor would he have been protected by Liu Ju...

"Your Highness, Yi Shuo destroyed and insulted a corpse. This is an unforgivable crime. It has nothing to do with Your Highness. You have brought this upon yourself."

"Your Highness's kindness, I will repay you in my next life!"

Before he could finish his words, Yi Shuo suddenly closed his eyes and used all his strength to crash into the pillar in the hall!
(End of this chapter)

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