I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 248 Don’t talk yet, I’m thinking!

Chapter 248 Don’t talk yet, I’m thinking!
"You have a pretty clear idea of ​​yourself."

After teasing Liu Ju, Liu Che did show a hint of interest. He glanced over and said,
"It's rare that you say something pleasing to the ear, so I'll give you a chance to see what kind of filial piety is inside your dirty heart."

"Thank you, father."

Liu Ju immediately perked up and said,

"First of all, I need you to make clear one fact, which is that the root of the problems in Wiman Joseon is actually the Han Dynasty itself."

"So whether Father sends envoys to reprimand them or sends troops to attack, it is only a temporary solution and cannot solve the problem from the source. Even if a huge price is paid to gain temporary stability, it is definitely not a long-term solution."

Hearing this, Liu Che's brows frowned again and he looked at Liu Ju with displeasure.

I am so foolish that I actually expected this rebellious son to spit out ivory!
As a top riddle solver, he immediately heard the "pointing fingers at the mulberry tree and cursing the locust tree" tone in Liu Ju's words.

The root of Wiman's problems in Joseon lies in the Han Dynasty. Then whose problem is the Han Dynasty's problem? Isn't it the problem of him, the emperor?

But now Liu Che has some tolerance, and did not immediately get angry, but just asked in a funny way:

"Wei Man Joseon is treacherous and unworthy of being a minister. What does this have to do with the Han Dynasty? Do I have to take a step back and reflect seriously?"

"Father, please don't blame me. I am just stating a fact."

Liu Ju continued to laugh and said,

"The reason why Weiman Joseon has been able to grow stronger and stronger and is now openly disrespecting the Han Dynasty is closely related to the large influx of Han refugees who have escaped from their citizenship."

"As for the reason for this situation, even if I don't tell you, Father knows it."

"Most of these refugees are civilians who can't make a living. Wherever they flee to, they will bring their dissatisfaction with the Han Dynasty with them. Therefore, it is not just Wiman Joseon, but also the small countries near the Han Dynasty. As long as there are refugees, dissatisfaction with the Han Dynasty will spread there, thus affecting the views of the small countries on the Han Dynasty, and even making some arrogant people think that the Han Dynasty is a candle in the wind, and they will rebel."

"If this source problem cannot be solved, more similar problems are bound to occur."

"This is definitely not because the emperor treats the envoys of small countries with favor and gives them generous gifts every time they pay tribute. After all, those envoys can only see the prosperous side of the Han Dynasty when they come to Chang'an. Most of the time, they see those refugees and the complete opposite of rottenness..."

Having said that, Liu Ju noticed that Liu Che was becoming increasingly unhappy, with a hint of annoyance surging in his eyes.

But he didn't care. His purpose of entering the palace today was not to disobey Liu Che, so he continued:
"But now, the emperor is reforming the salt and iron industry, actively providing disaster relief, developing agriculture, and using public land for the people. He is working to solve the problems of the Han Dynasty. Although it will take some time to show the real effect, the emperor is already on his way."

"Therefore, I believe that given time, your father will be able to solve this problem, making the small countries willing to submit and all the countries in the world rush to pay tribute."

This sounds like a human saying!

Liu Che glared at him, and the anger in his eyes finally subsided a little, but he still said unhappily:
"You are talking a lot of nonsense. I don't have time to listen to your nonsense. Tell me the important things."


Liu Ju bowed slightly, organized his words, and continued,
"Because the Han Dynasty has not yet solved the fundamental problem, I think that your father does not need to send anyone to contact Wiman Joseon. Wiman Joseon has already lost its respect for our Han Dynasty. Even if the envoy brings your father's reprimand, it is probably difficult to get the result your father wants, and then it will be your father who is angry again."

"Then according to you, I should not send envoys to negotiate, but directly send troops to attack?"

Hearing this, Liu Che almost laughed out of anger.

Although this rebellious son is indeed clever in his daily life, he still takes things for granted when it comes to such national affairs.

"No, no, no, what I mean is that although your Majesty does not need to send envoys to contact Wei Man Joseon, you can send envoys to establish closer ties with Chen State."

Liu Ju shook his head again, a sly smile appearing on his face.

"The Chen Kingdom is weak and can hardly resist the Weiman Joseon. What good will it do even if we establish a closer relationship?"

Liu Che was puzzled. He always felt that this rebellious son's thinking was too erratic and his words were becoming more and more incoherent.

"It is precisely because Chen State is weak and has a feud with Wei Man Joseon that it needs the support of our great Han Dynasty."

Liu Ju laughed and said,

"Although Wei Man Joseon has blocked the land connection between Han and Chen, they cannot block the sea route. Chen can reach Qi by ship, so the powerful ships of Han only need to avoid the stormy season to reach Chen."

"So my suggestion is that Father should send a batch of weapons and food to Chen State by sea, and send a small number of elite soldiers to help Chen State train, arm them as soon as possible, and enable them to compete with Wei Manchao."

"This will definitely be much less costly than if my father directly sent tens of thousands of troops to attack Wei Man Joseon. It is very cost-effective..."

After hearing this, Liu Che felt that Liu Ju's idea was more and more absurd.

Sending troops to attack Wiman Joseon would inevitably result in heavy losses due to the long supply lines, but after victory, the Han Dynasty could at least expand its territory and deter nearby small countries.

Although the losses would be much smaller if such assistance was given to Chen State, what would the Han Dynasty gain?
This rebellious guy must have lost his mind...

"Rebellious son, you..."

Liu Che couldn't listen any more and was about to refute Liu Ju. But he saw Liu Ju's smirk become even more sleazy:
"But this aid is definitely not given for free. If Chen Nation wants to get the Han Dynasty's aid, it must show some sincerity and hand over the wartime command to the Han Dynasty."

"What...what command authority?"

Liu Che was stunned for a moment, totally unable to understand Liu Ju's wording.

"Wartime command authority means the authority to command the Chen army when a war breaks out."

Liu Ju explained to Liu Che word by word.
"Once Chen State goes to war with neighboring countries, especially Wei Man Joseon, the command of Chen State's army must be completely handed over to the generals appointed by the Han Dynasty, and the Han Dynasty will decide the direction of the war."

"This...how can King Chen accept it?"

Liu Che felt like he had heard another huge joke.

In this case, is King Chen still the king? How could he accept it?

"Wei Man Joseon and Chen State are doomed to be irreconcilable. A king who has lost his country is no longer a king. He has to accept it."

Liu Ju said confidently,

"If he dares to refuse, my father will threaten to give the aid that was originally intended for Chen Kingdom to Wiman Joseon in exchange for Wiman Joseon's submission. This is absolutely something that Chen Kingdom cannot accept."


Liu Che seemed to finally understand Liu Ju's true intention and frowned as he fell into deep thought.

Liu Ju continued to talk excitedly, even a little excitedly:
"As long as the Han Dynasty and Chen Kingdom reach such an agreement, Father will only need to pay a small price to quickly cultivate a force on this peninsula that can compete with Wei Man Joseon."

"In this way, the Han Dynasty and Chen Kingdom formed a siege on Wei Man Joseon."

"However, this move is not to achieve peace and stability in this area as soon as possible, but to create a relatively balanced confrontation between Weiman Joseon and Chen Kingdom, and to create tensions from time to time."

"In this way, Wei Man Joseon and Chen Kingdom will soon understand a fact:"

"Whether the peninsula is in chaos or not, the Han people have the final say!"

"Whether the country is destroyed or not, the Han people are here to help!"

"By then, whether it is Wei Man Joseon or Chen Kingdom, the only way to survive is to try their best to please the Han Dynasty and win the favor of the emperor. How can anyone dare to disrespect the Han Dynasty?"

"If one day, my father decides that this resource-poor peninsula is of strategic significance and must be taken over at the cost of ruling, he can just use his wartime command to start a war between the two countries. When their national strength and military power are almost depleted, he can easily send troops to intervene and take it into his possession..."

That’s all I have to say.

"Don't speak yet!"

Liu Che suddenly interrupted Liu Ju, and an expression of great importance appeared on his face.

"I'm thinking, let me think about it carefully!"

Although Liu Che was familiar with the diplomatic and military policies of the Warring States Period, such as making friends with distant countries and attacking nearby ones, and forming alliances and making alliances, the idea that Liu Ju had just provided him was obviously different. It was a rather novel version, like putting new wine in old bottles.

Especially the so-called "wartime command authority."

It has simply created a precedent for the national policy of a big country towards a small country. Although it is only useful for small countries in certain geopolitical conditions, such as the peninsula, which is a region where it is difficult for other forces except the Han Dynasty to intervene, it is useful.

Once Weiman Joseon and Chen State formed a confrontation of equal strength.

Only the Han Dynasty could control the delicate balance between the two countries, and could break this balance at any time. From then on, although each country had its own name, it was actually completely under the control of the Han Dynasty. Moreover, when it was not needed, someone else would bear the cost of ruling for the Han Dynasty. At first, it was just insignificant assistance to the Han Dynasty...


This is really amazing and definitely worth a try!
But I have to say that this rebellious son has a really dirty heart.

How could a person with a clean heart come up with such a dirty strategy?

This is unlike me. I have always been open-minded and aboveboard in my actions. I have never used these means to deal with these tiny countries. I have always followed the hegemonic and kingly way...


Liu Ju also closed his mouth at the right time, consciously giving Liu Che time to think.

Although he could not figure out whether the geopolitical strategy he had learned from later generations could be adapted to local conditions or whether there were any loopholes, there was no doubt that as long as Liu Che thought it was feasible, he would be able to handle all the details.

What's more, there is Wei Qing.

Although Wei Qing no longer led troops directly, he had only retreated to the second line and still assisted Liu Che in national military affairs and gave him advice.

(End of this chapter)

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