I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 280 My reputation for kindness, forgiveness and generosity is truly worthy of the world!

Chapter 280 My reputation for kindness, forgiveness and generosity is truly worthy of the world!

"Don't you care about your reputation at all?!"

After hearing the last sentence, Guan Changqing even forced himself to stand up tremblingly by holding on to the couch. He stretched out one old hand towards Liu Ju as if to stop him, and questioned loudly in an even more tearing voice.

"Mr. Guan..."

Wang Dingze was so scared that he collapsed to the ground, but even though he was extremely frightened, he still looked at Guan Changqing with surprise on his face.

Gongsun Jingsheng, Wei Kang, Guo Zhen and others also looked suspicious.

Although they had not known Guan Changqing for decades like Wang Ding, they had already known from the intelligence collected by Wei Kang that Guan Changqing's legs had been paralyzed for nearly ten years!

And what is certain is that Guan Changqing is definitely not pretending to be paralyzed.

After all, he was the prime minister of Hejian State and the most respected Confucian scholar in the country. The four kings of the Hejian royal lineage also treated him with great courtesy. In such a favorable situation, there was no need for him to pretend to be paralyzed.

A man who had been paralyzed for nearly ten years actually stood up at this moment. What kind of miracle is this?
Gongsun Jingsheng, Wei Kang, Guo Zhen and others looked at Liu Ju unconsciously.

Yi Shuo always told them that Liu Ju was a miraculous doctor. He had indeed saved the lives of hundreds of members of the diplomatic corps by using a miraculous prescription during his mission to the Kingdom of Nanyue. Not long ago, he had also performed surgery on the King of Qi, Liu Hong, and saved his life...

If these cannot prove that Liu Ju is a miraculous doctor, then what about now?

He made an octogenarian who had been paralyzed for nearly ten years stand up. What else could he be but a miraculous doctor?
While thinking about this, several people unconsciously thought of another person - Su Ji, the mother of the previous deposed crown prince Liu Rong!
At that time, Emperor Xiaojing was seriously ill and felt that he was about to die, so he called Su Ji to entrust his affairs to her, hoping that she would treat other princes born in the harem well after his death.

As a result, Su Ji relied on the fact that her son Liu Rong was the crown prince and would become the emperor immediately after Emperor Xiaojing's death, and she would also become the empress dowager. So she vented her pent-up dissatisfaction on the spot, "angrily refusing to respond, and speaking rudely." She actually made Emperor Xiaojing so angry that he got up and died while seriously ill. Soon he recovered from his illness and lived for more than ten years.

Not long after, both Su Ji and Liu Rong were deposed.

As for how Su Ji was "rude" at that time, there is no detailed record in the history books, and it is impossible to record it in detail, but there are some rumors in the market that it seems that she called Emperor Xiaojing an "old dog" to his face...

But in comparison.

Gongsun Jingsheng, Wei Kang, Guo Zhen and others still felt that Liu Ju was more powerful. After all, Su Ji only made a seriously ill person jump up, while Liu Ju was able to make a man who had been paralyzed for nearly ten years stand up. It was obvious who was stronger and who was weaker!
at the same time.

Guan Changqing still roared at Liu Ju unwillingly, as if he wanted to use up all the last of his strength:

"You killed an octogenarian, stripped a great scholar of his signature, prevented the spread of his ideas, and interfered with historical records. Do you think you can shut up the world by doing this recklessly?!"

"You can kill me, but you can't kill all the righteous men and scholars who have a heart of justice and morality!"

"The world will eventually remember you, and me too. You will be regarded as a tyrant like Qin II, and you will bear the infamy forever!"

"No, you are doomed to fail in your quest for the throne after committing such atrocities and bearing such a bad name. The emperor will not dare to entrust the country to you. Otherwise, even if the Han Dynasty does not perish in the second generation, it is doomed to perish in your hands!"

"If you kill me, there will be no turning back!"


Hearing this, Gongsun Jingsheng, Wei Kang and Guo Zhen looked at each other and couldn't help but worry.

Before, they did not think so deeply about it and only regarded it as a simple "assassination". Facing the assassination, it was reasonable for Liu Ju to retaliate.

But now Guan Changqing's words forced them to think about this issue again.

After all, Confucian scholars are now spread all over the world, firmly controlling ritual and music education, and naturally also grasping the direction of public opinion.

Once Liu Ju killed Guan Changqing, a great Confucian scholar who had greater influence than Dong Zhongshu, even if he announced to the public that it was suicide, it would still be hard to convince people. Not to mention other Confucian scholars, even the disciples taught by Guan Changqing throughout his life, and their disciples... they would probably have reached a terrifying number and had already spread all over the world.

If these people took advantage of this to spread rumors among the people and discredit Liu Ju, Liu Ju's reputation would suffer a huge blow, and even affect the emperor, important court officials, and princes and nobles.

It should be noted that whether Liu Ju would be able to succeed to the throne in the future was not something that Liu Che could decide on his own.

Without the support of these important court officials and princes and nobles, even if Liu Ju really ascended the throne one day in the future, he would probably be a lonely emperor who could not even leave the Weiyang Palace.

Such an emperor is even worse than a puppet and may be overthrown at any time. How can the Han Dynasty be maintained then?
Considering this issue, I am afraid that even the current emperor would have to reconsider the selection of the crown prince...

The moment the words fell.


Liu Ju finally stopped, but did not turn around. He just looked back and sneered.
"Mr. Guan, have you ever heard of the saying, 'whoever wins, they will help'?"


Guan Changqing was stunned on the spot, and after taking a breath, the pupils in his turbid old eyes began to tremble violently. He had never heard of this sentence, but he knew better than anyone what it meant. He had lived a life of more than eighty years, and he certainly hadn't lived like a dog.

But he didn't understand, why Liu Ju, at such a young age, could understand the philosophy of human nature that many people could not comprehend in their entire lives?
He wants to live, not only because he loves life, but also because he wants to win this game!

You don't need to defeat Liu Che, you just need to defeat Liu Ju.

As long as he did not die at the hands of Liu Ju, and as long as he did not die so soon, he could allow the Confucian scholars who had been confused and panicked because the Imperial Academy had added new professional courses and the emperor was no longer "respecting Confucianism alone and abolishing all other schools of thought" to regain their confidence in Confucianism. He could make them understand that Confucian classics could check the imperial power in terms of law and morality. Even if it was only a certain degree of check and balance, it could allow Confucian scholars all over the world to unite again and force the emperor not to change his mind easily!

Of course, this is plan B after the failure of "Lady Gouyi's" plan, and it is the final struggle of a trapped beast.

Originally, if the "Lady Gouyi" plan had succeeded, Beitang Zhaohui would have become a thorn in Liu Ju's side, subtly influencing Liu Ju from the current crown prince to the future emperor.

No matter how bad it is, Beitang Zhaohui will become the Crown Princess, Empress, or Empress Dowager in the future. She will one day hold great power and become the spokesperson for Confucianism. Even if the current emperor has completed a policy shift, he can turn it back one day in the future.

But unfortunately, this plan was successfully implemented until the last step, but suddenly failed in an extremely absurd and unexpected way...

So, as Guan Changqing's most devout believer, Houjing County Magistrate Jia Xun immediately implemented the little-known plan B and assassinated the prince!

How could Guan Changqing not know the consequences of doing this?
If such a thing were to happen, many people from top to bottom in the entire Hejian State would be purged, and even the Hejian State might be turned back into the Hejian County in the future.

But in his view, it was a necessary sacrifice.

Once successful, it would be like shooting the arrow that Duke Zhuang of Zheng shot at the Emperor of Zhou. The Han Dynasty would lose its legal crown prince, people's hearts would inevitably be in turmoil, any policy would have to be postponed, or even gradually forgotten.

Unfortunately, as expected, an accident happened and the assassination attempt failed.

What Guan Changqing could not have expected was.

Even at such a young age, Liu Ju actually used swift means to quickly control the situation. In just a few days, he found the Junzi Pavilion and traced him to him.

But Guan Changqing remained calm.

He wanted to argue with Liu Ju with Confucian classics and legal system. However, if the matter was decided by the emperor, he would probably be concerned about the impact and would not be able to be cruel to an octogenarian like him. The most he could do was to let him "commit suicide."

And if he just "committed suicide" like this.

Confucian scholars all over the world will still believe in the power of Confucian classics. After all, the current legal system is also based on Confucian classics. In this way, Confucian scholars all over the world will continue to respond to the emperor's policy shifts, instead of being submissive like loose sand as they are now.

What happened was something he had never expected.

Liu Ju actually dared to disregard the system of etiquette and laws, and disregard the suspicion of usurpation, and openly led his troops into the Gentlemen's Hall and immediately demanded his "dignity"!
He even resorted to an unprecedented measure that could strike fear into the hearts of all Confucian scholars in the world: "deprivation of political rights for life." He wanted to beat him to death with one blow, so that he would never be able to stand up again?
Guan Changqing could easily imagine what would happen if Liu Ju really did this.

No matter what consequences he, the crown prince, will bear afterwards, the confidence of all Confucian scholars in the world will be broken. In the future, when facing the imperial power, they will be afraid of snakes and will never dare to challenge the imperial power, let alone one day surpass the imperial power...

Because the "deprivation of political rights for life" was so harsh that it directly hit the soft spot of all Confucian scholars. It was tantamount to putting a dog chain on Confucianism that could never be broken free of.

"Don't worry, since I won this contest, there will be great scholars to debate for me when you go."

Liu Ju continued,

"Don't overestimate your disciples."

“Confucius once said: If a person is upright, he will act accordingly without being told; if a person is not upright, he will not act accordingly despite being told.”

"Confucius once said: If you cannot correct yourself, how can you correct others?"

"The world will soon know that you are not upright, have no moral integrity, and disregard the lives of others for your own ends. You have put the lineage of the Hejian King, who has been very kind to you, in an unjust position, and have disregarded the Confucian virtues of loyalty and forgiveness. With a teacher like you, your disciples and grandchildren will certainly not be much better."

"Do you believe that these disciples of yours will also compete to debate for me?"

"It's a pity that you didn't have the chance to see it... Isn't this my kindness to you?"

"My reputation for kindness and generosity is not misleading. Only people like me who are consistent can be called gentlemen."

The voice just fell.


Guan Changqing only felt a tightness in his chest, and blood immediately gushed out of his mouth uncontrollably, even more brilliant than the fountain that Yi Shuo created on the three assassins.

(End of this chapter)

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