I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 290 Is this how the wheel of history turns?

Chapter 290 Is this how the wheel of history turns?

Liu Ju couldn't believe his ears.

I really misjudged Wei Qing!
Wei Qing is absolutely crazy. This is no longer the Wei Qing who has been walking on thin ice since entering middle age!
This uncle seems quiet on weekdays, but his ability to deceive the emperor is very good. He has even surpassed those rumor-mongering scoundrels who pretend to be gods and are on par with himself!

what is this?
First, she tricked Liu Che into starting a fictitious fishing expedition, and then she asked Yi Shuo to create a fake pregnancy.

This two-pronged approach completely diverted Liu Che's attention, making his suspected usurpation of power in Hejian State seem not important at all?
Damn solid!
Liu Ju even had reason to suspect that Yi Shuo's so-called "accidentally hearing General Wei and Young Master Wei talking about His Highness's affairs in private" was all designed by Wei Qing in order to drag Yi Shuo into this scam.

After all, if someone like Wei Qing really wanted to say something private, he would definitely choose a good location and take precautions, and would never let an outsider like Yi Shuo "accidentally hear" it.

Otherwise, how could Wei Qing give this kind of "suggestion" which was definitely not a sudden whim immediately after discovering Yi Shuo?

In order to find out the mastermind behind "Lady Gouyi", he took great pains to cooperate with Guo Xuanzi in acting out this drama. He finally packed up this group of disloyal criminals and took them away in Hejian State. However, he never expected that he would be robbed by Wei Qing, the sixth old man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

If this scenario continues, Yishuo will get pregnant a few months later.

Does that mean that I have to wait for fourteen months to complete and stage the "Yao's Mother Gate" of "Lady Gouyi" again? When the child is born, should I also name my eldest son "Liu Fuling", following the path of Liu Che and leaving him with no way to go?

Holy shit, is this how the wheel of history turns?
If Liu Ju had not known that Wei Qing had died more than a decade before Liu Che met "Lady Gouyi", he would have had to re-examine this cheap uncle and think carefully about whether this matter had any direct relationship with him...

"Alright, alright, I really admire you!"

Liu Ju was really helpless and frustrated.

What does it matter now that we know all this? After all, Wei Qing did so many things, but his ultimate goal was to justify his usurpation of power in Hejian State.

And judging from the current situation, Wei Qing has indeed done it.

This time when he entered the palace, Liu Che had already regarded him as a "stupid son". Even though he spoke wildly like before, he did not get angry. He even looked like a loving child, teaching him to keep working hard, constantly improving, and reaching new heights...

After all, this cheap uncle was thinking about him.

Could he possibly sell out Wei Qing?
This is not something that can be talked about, and you can't even think about it anymore. After all, Wei Qing is fundamentally different from him.

At the very least, he and Liu Che are father and son, and he is also a cheater.

After all, Wei Qing was still a minister of Liu Che, and this incident was completely different from his previous acts of deceiving the emperor and disobeying the emperor. If Liu Che really knew about this, Wei Qing might really have left the stage of history early.

So, things have developed to this point, what can we do if he doesn't cooperate?

"Your Highness..."

Seeing Liu Ju's reaction after hearing this, Yi Shuo thought she had done something wrong and became more and more at a loss.

Before this, she was a female doctor, and a female doctor with extremely simple thoughts and ideals. She had never been involved in such messy things. Naturally, she could not defeat Wei Qing, nor did she consider as much as Liu Ju, the time traveler.

"Don't worry, it won't do me any harm."

Liu Ju came back to his senses and brushed away the hair on Yi Shuo's cheek.

"So you exploited me so much on the way back and even specially prepared a tonic for me, just to turn the fake into the real as quickly as possible?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Shuo trembled and her face turned red. She quickly lowered her head and uttered a "hmm" sound as thin as a mosquito's hum.

"So what are you waiting for? Hurry up, okay?"

Liu Ju smiled and stuck close to him.

"Your Highness, this is a pharmacy, and it's daytime..."

"This is a good opportunity to familiarize yourself with your workplace... You don't want my father to find out that you're deceiving the emperor, do you?"


The next few days.

Because Liu Ju was no longer the regent prince, some people immediately thought that there was a rift between him and Liu Che, and they began to look for opportunities to criticize Liu Ju like flies biting at the cracks in an eggshell.

In order not to alert the enemy, Liu Che did not take action immediately, but put all these people on the "death list".

Then the list was handed over to the Chief Justice and the Imperial Guard for secret investigation, and finally all the suspects were caught in one fell swoop.

This was Liu Che's plan.

However, it is entirely conceivable that fishing for bass in a hall without bass is ultimately just fishing in vain, and what you end up catching are all black carp, crucian carp, silver carp, carp and the like.

If you can’t catch the target fish, then you’re empty-handed.

The Han Dynasty is destined to have another fisherman in the air force, and the only ones who will be reduced in the end are Liu Ju's political enemies...

This might also be one of Wei Qing's purposes, to eliminate Liu Che's vigilance against Liu Ju, and at the same time to reduce Liu Ju's political enemies. Naturally, he, the crown prince, would become more stable as a rock!

At the same time, other things were not neglected. Now that the busy farming season of the new year has passed, Zhao Guo's Daitian Law has been implemented in the capital and the three auxiliary areas.

Although Liu Ju was not directly involved in this matter, it should have gone relatively smoothly.

After all, with the strong support of Liu Che, the leadership of capable ministers like Sang Hongyang, and Zhao Guo's skills, Liu Ju really could not think of any reason for failure.

A rural touring team led by Li Guangli was also formed.

However, Liu Che is only trying out his hand now, assisting Sang Hongyang and Zhao Guo in promoting the Daitian Law and the Fake Public Land Policy in the capital and the three auxiliary areas, so that the people can fully and directly understand the details and benefits of these national policies while relaxing and entertaining.

The benefits are already evident now.

National policies were no longer interpreted through the literature of local virtuous people and gentry and prominent families, which reduced the possibility of distortion and misinterpretation by people with ulterior motives. The implementation of these two policies was very smooth and basically encountered no resistance, and many people responded to the call spontaneously.

And as the people understand the national policy.

Even when the policy of fake public land was implemented before, some phenomena of favoritism and fraud in the local area were exposed amid the people's doubts, and the Minister of Justice naturally had new things to do.

This incident also made Liu Che more aware that the previous practice of using Confucianism to fool and weaken the people was indeed not advisable.

Even if he wanted to make the people ignorant and weak, that was his business as the Son of Heaven, and it had to be expressed through his voice. If he gave the voice to a certain type of people, it would lead to a situation of deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the subordinates, and it would not just be the common people who would be ignorant and weak... Whether it was the fake public land for the people or the malpractices in the official salt and iron camps, they all arose from this.

It must be said that although his son was stupid, he was not completely useless...


The state-run salt and iron industries have gradually become regularized, and the prices and quality of salt and iron are moving towards the predetermined targets. There have been fewer criticisms in this regard.

When it reaches a certain level, let Li Guangli and the local governments gradually establish the "rural touring team" to publicize it and expose the previous evil deeds of the salt merchants and iron merchants.

The people, who are most sensitive to the price and quality of salt and iron, will immediately regard this matter as a great achievement. There will be no time for those virtuous literati and salt and iron merchants to preach about "competing with the people for profit". By then, Liu Che will not even have to refute it, the people will spontaneously refute it for him.

When that time comes...

Didn't Sang Hongyang bring up the idea of ​​"monopolizing the sale of liquor" a few days ago? With the experience of state-run salt and iron, the people have realized the benefits. And with the "rural touring team" promoting state-run winemaking, wouldn't the people welcome it with open arms and completely drown out the voices of opposition?


"I want them all!"

"My foolish son, you would never have thought that I could find a way to heaven from your thoughtless and rebellious words, right?"

"As expected of me!"


A month later.

"Sang Nong Ling, what a rare guest."

Sang Hongyang took the initiative to visit Liu Ju, and Liu Ju received him in the guest hall.

I haven't seen you for a while, probably because the reform of the state-run salt and iron industry was done well, and the implementation of the Daitian system with Zhao Guo was also quite effective. Liu Che has let Sang Hongyang officially take over the position of Grand Minister of Agriculture and become the top Minister of Agriculture.

And Zhao Guo, who was recommended by Liu Ju before, has now become the Minister of Agriculture.

"Greetings, Your Highness. I came here this time to hear your opinions on some matters. I beg Your Highness to give me some advice..."

No matter how Liu Che views Liu Ju now, Sang Hongyang already regards Liu Ju as a mentor and helpful friend.

Not to mention that the abacus Liu Ju gave him greatly improved the efficiency of the Minister of Agriculture's accounting.

What Sang Hongyang valued more were the unprecedented innovative policies proposed by Liu Ju. No one knew better than him that without Liu Ju's previous "interference", the reform of the state-run salt and iron industry would never have been accomplished.

Even if all the corrupt officials in the Salt and Iron Office were killed, it would not work. On the contrary, it would cause the salt and iron government to come to a standstill.

Even though... Liu Ju was being a hands-off boss the whole time, some things are made up of one or two percent of wisdom and ninety-eight or ninety percent of hard work, and it is this one or two percent of wisdom that is the most crucial.

"Is my father short of money again?"

Liu Ju’s words hit the nail on the head.

Sang Hongyang was stunned, and said with a wry smile:
"It's not that there is a huge shortage, but in the past six months, Your Majesty has been providing relief to the victims of the disaster and promoting the Daitian Law. In addition, during the spring ploughing season, you also provided many seeds to the victims of the disaster to help them make farm tools. The loss to the national treasury is indeed not small."

"Your Majesty means that we cannot live off our savings. I want you to think of ways to increase revenue and reduce expenditure to ensure that the treasury is full."

"After all, the situation of the Northeastern Wei Man Joseon is still unresolved, the Xiongnu in the north are also ready to make a move, and the countries in the Western Regions are not very peaceful. In addition, the Fengshan Ceremony that Your Majesty has always been thinking about also needs to be redundant... After all, there are still many places to spend money. The fuller the treasury is, the more confident our Han will be."

(End of this chapter)

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