I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 298 The ancient Greek god who rules over the weak and ignorant people!

Chapter 298 The ancient Greek god who rules over the weak and ignorant people!
Gongsun Qing could not bear to look back on his nearly one year of slavery.

In fact, being a slave in the Prince's Mansion is much better than being a slave in other places. At least as long as you are obedient and work hard, there will be no vicious clerks who will beat or torture you, and you will be provided with enough food.

But because of the tattoo on his face, he was the most unwelcome person among all the slaves.

Almost everyone regarded him as the most despicable person, avoided him, excluded him, were unwilling to associate with him, and were unwilling to say a word to him.

Some people are alive but already socially dead. This situation can really drive people crazy...

Does he hate Liu Ju?
Naturally a little...

If it weren't for Liu Ju, he would never be living such a miserable life now. He might even have become Emperor Liu Che's most trusted alchemist, living a wealthy life second only to the emperor, instead of living a life worse than death like he is now.

But in his heart, there was more fear.

If a person is so powerful that he can never be defeated, and any resistance is like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, then even if you have resentment in your heart, the resentment will turn into fear, and you won't even have the courage to look him in the eye.

In Gongsun Qing's eyes, Liu Ju was a mountain that could never be climbed.

Take the tricks that this alchemist specializes in, for example.

He could only deceive Liu Che, but Liu Ju could transform himself into a god riding a dragon overnight. He deceived Liu Che, deceived him, deceived all his colleagues in Qi, and deceived the whole world.

Then, overnight, he would dethrone himself, making all the methods of the sorcerers in the world pale in comparison...

what is this?
Gongsun Qing could not understand Liu Ju's behavior. He just felt that he was the real god who played with the world, and he was like a thing without even full arms and legs in front of him. Apart from fear, he could not even muster the courage to resent him.

Originally, Gongsun Qing thought that this was how his life would end. Perhaps finding an opportunity to commit suicide would be the best option, which would be better than living like this, half-human, half-ghost.

But today, Liu Ju suddenly summoned him and gave him a glimmer of hope!
At this moment, Liu Ju was like a reborn parent in his eyes. No matter what Liu Ju asked him to do, he had to grasp it firmly, because as Liu Ju said, this was probably the last ray of light in his life...

"Get up. There's no need to risk your life."

Liu Ju nodded slightly and continued,
"I have read the book you presented to my father. It is indeed not very well written, but it is not completely without merit. At least your thinking is quite unconventional and your imagination is quite rich."

"Also, when you were in Qi before, you had frequent dealings with those rumormongers and sorcerers who deceived people, and you also know a lot about their methods of preaching and recruiting disciples. Some of you rumormongers and sorcerers are proficient in some medical skills, some know how to manipulate people's minds, some are good at playing tricks, and are bold and cruel..."

"This slave will die!"

Hearing this, Gongsun Qing thought that Liu Ju was planning to give him a ride, and he kowtowed in fear.

But Liu Ju changed the subject and said with a smile:
"But I always believe that there is no useless talent in this world. If there is, it must be used in the wrong place."

"Your Highness, please explain..."

Gongsun Qing felt a little relieved, still with his forehead pressed to the ground, quietly listening to what kind of opportunity Liu Ju was going to give him to turn things around.

"I want you to go to Qi again and gather together those sorcerers and wizards that I have punished before."

Liu Ju nodded slightly and spoke slowly.


Gongsun Qing couldn't help but look suspicious.

If he had lived like a half-human, half-ghost during his nearly one year of slavery, then those fellow alchemists would undoubtedly be even more miserable.

After all, with the word "rumormonger" tattooed on their faces, not only will no one believe them anymore, but people who believed in them before may even retaliate against them.

Human nature is evil. Never underestimate the revengeful means of local dignitaries and common people.

Gongsun Qing could easily imagine that the lightest of these people had fallen back into poverty and could only live like rats in the local area, with dogs having to urinate on them before leaving.

Those who are unlucky may have already died.

Leave your hometown and escape to start a new life somewhere else?
With such tattoos on their faces, where can they escape to? As long as the Chinese characters can reach, they are doomed to have a hard time. Even the southern border and the western regions can no longer accommodate them...

Compared to these people, he was able to be a slave in the Prince's Mansion and was also protected by the Prince's Mansion. I wonder how much better off his life was than that of his colleagues.

But what can Liu Ju do with people like them?

Gongsun Qing couldn't figure it out, but he didn't have the right to think about it now, so he just kept kowtowing to Liu Ju:

"The slaves obey."

"I also want you to compile a scripture together. This scripture needs to incorporate some Confucian ideas, be logical, and divide people into five levels."

Liu Ju continued, "The highest level person is naturally the emperor of our Han Dynasty, the supreme god in the scriptures."

"The second level of people are in charge of the final interpretation of this scripture."

"The third class of people are the secular nobles who control military and political power."

"The fourth class of people are farmers, merchants, and craftsmen, who need to support the upper class through tributes, taxes, and corvée labor."

"The fifth class of people are tenants, servants, slaves and other people without property or work."

"Below the fifth level, there is another level called 'living'. These are the lowest and most inferior people. They can only do jobs related to filth and burials. Even if someone touches the shadow of a 'living', they will be polluted and tainted. They are not allowed to come into contact with them."

"People of different castes are strictly prohibited from marrying each other, especially high-caste women marrying low-caste men. Once a cross-caste marriage occurs, both men and women, as well as their descendants, will be relegated to the 'living people' class outside the fifth caste."

“In addition, it is also of utmost importance.”

“This scripture must set up the idea of ​​reincarnation, that is, no matter what level a person is born into, it is destined to be reincarnated.”

"But reincarnation is not unchangeable."

"For example, if someone is born in the fifth level, it means that this person must have committed a crime in his previous life. As long as he behaves well and atones for his sins in this life, he will be reborn in the fourth level in the next life. If he behaves well enough in this life and atones for enough sins, he may even be able to directly enter the third or even second level in the next life and become a superior person."

"On the contrary, if you cannot abide by the rules and regulations in this life and do not make an effort to atone for your sins, your rank in the next life will drop, or even be reborn directly as a 'survivor'."

"Have I made myself clear enough?"

Liu Ju recalled some things he knew, the most important of which was the core principle that enabled this system to continue for thousands of years in a certain mysterious country and remain stable. He explained it to Gongsun Qing as simply and clearly as possible.

In fact, this is a means of divide and rule, shameless but effective.

It is not difficult to find out if we analyze human nature from the perspective of each level.

The second class of people are the class that is "most beneficial" to them;

The third level of people are those who think they are “pretty good”;

The fourth class of people are those who think they are “at least not the worst”;

The fifth level of people are those who feel that "at least they are still in this social system and at least they have not been abandoned";

As for the people at the “living persons” level, they are in a situation where even if they rebel, their numbers are not enough, and the classes ahead of them think that they cannot go along with them, and thus will not form an alliance with them.

This analysis makes it very clear that in general ancient social civilizations, those who rebelled were often at the bottom of the social hierarchy, and this system put the vast majority of people at the second-to-last level. This means that no matter how difficult the lives of the indigenous people are, there will always be someone to compare with, and who will always be worse off than themselves.

And there is no upward path in this system.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot climb up the social ladder by studying and taking exams, or by making contributions in battle. The only way is to be reborn. A society where you cannot climb up the social ladder no matter how hard you try is terrible. Otherwise, the system will soon collapse.

Therefore, Liu Ju said that the idea of ​​"reincarnation" is the top priority.

This move undoubtedly opened up an upward channel for the people in the lower classes, stabilized the hearts of all classes, and maintained the long-term stability of the system... Rukai!

Confucianism weakens and makes people ignorant?

No, no, no, this system is the god in ancient Greece who controls the weak and ignorant people!
Lu Xun once wrote in "Diary of a Madman":

"If you want to destroy a nation, you only need to cultivate a group of sophisticated egoists within the nation. Then let these egoists destroy the morality of the nation. A nation where everyone is selfish will collapse on its own!"

The father of the box egg in the Celestial Empire once said:

"If you want to disintegrate a nation, all you need to do is remove the backbone and blood of the men and take away the shame and kindness of the women. Once the social atmosphere is ruined, it will be difficult to repair it even after several generations!"

Such a system will only cultivate a large number of sophisticated egoists who stick to hierarchy. Where do these sophisticated egoists get their backbone and bloodiness? Where do they get their patriotism and national justice?
This is also the reason why this mysterious great country in later generations, even though it was constantly invaded by foreign nations in history, always accepted it, and the guides and surrenderists always dominated the mainstream. It was simply too easy to rule them, because everyone only cared about their own class and reincarnation. They were no longer a nation, let alone a country, but just a class that was self-contained.

Even foreign invaders have tried their best but failed to eliminate this system, and the so-called "freedom and democracy" cannot be implemented. In the end, they can only choose to compromise and continue to accept this system in order to maintain their rule...


After hearing what Liu Ju said, Gongsun Qing finally couldn't help but raise his head, and his eyes trembled with fear as he looked at Liu Ju.

Although he had never heard of the system mentioned by Liu Ju, after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to see a terrible purgatory with Liu Ju's figure blocking out the sky!
Compared with this, today's Han Dynasty is simply a paradise on earth!

(End of this chapter)

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