I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 318: The spirit of craftsmanship, hi hi hi!

Chapter 318: The spirit of craftsmanship, hi hi hi!

Meanwhile, Tsushima Island.

Liu Ju and his group have successfully landed on the island, and under the guidance of the three short savages who accompanied them, they successfully found their tribe.

This tribe lives in a depression near the sea at the southern end of the island.

There is only a small piece of arable paddy field here, which is estimated to be only about ten acres. It is planted with sparse and messy rice, and is divided into multiple irregular areas by criss-crossing rocks.

In the middle of this small piece of farmland, a relatively simple pit house was built.

To put it simply, it is a simple house formed by digging a round or square pit in the ground, erecting pillars in the pit, building a triangular frame with some wood, and finally laying hay on the frame.

Near these simple houses, there are some things that look like clothes drying racks.

There are many dried fish that have been dried or are being dried on the shelves, so much so that you can smell the strong fishy smell from far away.

When Liu Ju and his party just approached the tribe.

The short savages in the tribe had become alert and quickly organized a team of nearly a hundred strong men and women, each holding a mess of stone farm tools or weapons, all looking as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The accompanying Han army was of course on high alert, and also displayed weapons and crossbows that were at least one civilization ahead of theirs.

If these short savages dare to act rashly, it will be a one-sided massacre.

The powerful crossbows of the Han people alone were enough to prevent them from getting within a hundred steps of the Han army. These short savages didn't even have the chance to engage in close combat.

However, Liu Ju did not come here to massacre them this time.

Instead, they hoped to train the people of this tribe to become guides for the official landing in Japan... At this moment, the Japanese were still in the early Yayoi period. They only had the concept of tribes or what the Han people called "countries", and were far from forming the concept of "nation". Therefore, they did not regard themselves as guides, nor did they have any sense of national honor and disgrace, and did not need too much ideological education.

So Liu Ju gave them a chance and released the female savage with the strongest learning ability among the accompanying short savages, and let her go to negotiate with the tribesmen first.

of course.

In order to avoid frightening the Han army generals leading the team, Liu Ju did not reveal his identity until this time, and all these matters were handled by Gongsun Qing.

The negotiation results were very good.

Of course, it is also possible that the Han army's tall stature and numerical advantage, coupled with the snow-white and sharp large ring knives, and the powerful crossbows that made their small wooden bows pale in comparison, had already intimidated them.

Not long after the female savage left, the people of this tribe gradually laid down their weapons.

Then the leader and deputy leader of the tribe handed their weapons to their tribesmen, and followed the female savage towards the Han army with empty hands.

Wait until the two sides are still several feet apart.

The leader and deputy leader stopped, and then suddenly bent over at an angle estimated to be more than 150 degrees, and shouted:


This sudden move left many people confused.

If the Han army had not been well-trained, someone might have pulled the trigger of a crossbow in surprise, and the tribe would have had to change its leader.


The general this time was a lieutenant named Tu Fei. Seeing this situation, he was also confused. He looked at Gongsun Qing not far away with suspicion and asked in a low voice,

"Mr. Gongsun, what do they mean by this?"

"Uh... maybe he is saluting us... Captain Tu, please wait for a moment. I will go ask these barbarians to translate."

Gongsun Qing was also confused and could only smile awkwardly, waving to the female savage to come over and explain.

Liu Ju was not surprised at all when he saw this, he just lowered his voice and smiled at Gongsun Qing:

"This is the craftsmanship unique to these savages."

"Since they knew Xu Fu and inherited some Chinese characters from him, they should have also inherited some etiquette. This should be the etiquette that Xu Fu taught them."

"Also, there is something common sense you should know, right?"

"As the saying goes, 'Qin Hai Han Nuo', Xu Fu was a Qin Dynasty man, and Xu Fu taught them etiquette, so naturally it was also the etiquette of the Qin Dynasty. The word 'hai' is a characteristic of Qin Dynasty etiquette, which is not surprising."


Gongsun Qing didn't understand Liu Ju's wording at first. It took him a while to realize that the "craftsman" Liu Ju mentioned should actually be "gong jiang", which means bow.

This word is quite novel and extremely vivid.

After all, among the Han people, even when performing a grand bow, they usually just bend their waist to a right angle and then raise their hands upwards, which is called a natural bow.

And as far as he knew, even during the Qin Dynasty, people didn't need to bow so much during a ceremony. It was basically the same as bending down.

What's more, the leader and the deputy leader just bowed, and their arms were not in a greeting gesture. Instead, they were pressed close to their bodies on both sides of their legs. It looked extremely awkward. Even in the Qin Dynasty, it seemed that this was not the way to salute, right?
What kind of messed up etiquette is this?

Xu Fu was said to be Guiguzi's last disciple, and when he was in Qi, he was a prominent family in the Langya area. He must have a certain level of poetry, books, rituals and music. How come he was taught such things when he came to the island country? Is it because these short savages are too stupid and can't be taught no matter how hard they are taught?
Or is there some unknown reason that led to such a change?

It seems that it is not just this aspect, there are also many discrepancies in written language.

For example, the understanding of words such as "dog", "lowly", "Japanese", and "slave".

Previously, when he was in charge of teaching the three short savages their language, he had clearly felt that these people had great reverence for these words, as if only supreme people or things could be associated with them, such as the title of the chief, or the name of the tribe.

And even stranger.

Liu Ju seemed to have known something, and during this process he had specifically instructed him not to allow him and the accompanying alchemists and wizards to teach these short savages the words "dog", "lowly", "Japanese", "slave", etc., and not to explain the correct meanings to them. Instead, they should gradually ask them about their own understanding of these words, and then make up their meanings according to their wishes.

Gongsun Qing was no longer suspicious that Liu Ju had dreamed of this place. He must have known something in advance and had a lot of knowledge about these short wild men...

But this also shows.

Liu Ju had previously called this place a fairyland in front of Liu Che, and called the short savages here immortal people. In fact, he was simply deceiving Liu Che and deceiving the emperor!

This is exactly the same as what these rumormongers have done before.

However, the difference is that their so-called fairy mountains such as Penglai, Fangzhang, Yingzhou, etc. are completely fabricated out of thin air, and those immortal and omnipotent immortals living on the sea are also fabricated out of thin air.

Although Liu Ju also made it up, can we actually find the prototype of both the "fairyland" and the "fairy people"?!

The most important thing is that these people who deceive the emperor are most afraid of being discovered by the emperor.

However, Liu Ju dared to persuade the emperor to send troops to present this diametrically opposed "fairyland" and "fairy people" to the emperor, and tore up the "fairyland" he had fabricated for the emperor to see...

Okay, okay.

It's not like he's never done this before.

The last time he was in Donglai, didn’t he first make himself an immortal, and then personally deciphered those so-called "immortal arts", pushing himself off the altar?
If this happened to someone else, killing all ten clans would be enough.

But for Liu Ju, wasn't it just a matter of sprinkling water? Not only did he receive almost no punishment, but he also caused a large group of alchemists and wizards to be filled up in the Taiye Lake?
But then again.

Although Liu Ju did not state it explicitly, whenever he talked about these short savages.

Gongsun Qing could sense that Liu Ju always had some prejudice and disdain towards them. This prejudice and disdain seemed to come from within, and it was not so obvious even towards this group of rumormongers and sorcerers. He didn't know why...

While talking.

The female savage had come close, and Gongsun Qing communicated with her using gestures.

It was finally confirmed that Liu Ju's previous inference was completely correct. The two leaders were showing their highest courtesy to the Han army and expressing goodwill and respect to the Han army on behalf of their tribesmen.

After Captain Tu Fei learned about this, he relaxed his guard slightly.

Then, according to the original plan, he ordered people to bring the gift specially prepared to win the favor of these savages.

In fact, there was not much, just five stone of corn, two pieces of linen, and a box of "eggs" that Liu Ju specifically gave to the tribal leader.

There were actually only ten eggs in the wooden box, and the remaining space was filled with hay to prevent the eggs from being accidentally broken during the crossing of the sea. The symbolic meaning was greater than the practical one.

Just this little bit of stuff was obviously an unimaginable gift for this primitive tribe.

"Tamako! Tamako! Hi! Hi! Hi!"

When the two leaders saw the eggs, they jumped up and down with excitement. Finally, they knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the Han army to express their gratitude.

The savages behind were even ready to move, as if they could not wait even a moment. If they were not intimidated by the might of the Han army, they would have rushed up and robbed things without any rules.


Seeing this, Gongsun Qing became more convinced of Liu Ju.

Before, when Liu Ju offered up the "box egg", he had also questioned the power of the "box egg", but now it seems that Liu Ju's move undoubtedly accurately grasped the pulse of these short savages.

They call this thing "Yuzi". "Yu" is such a high-sounding name...

But how could he know.

In the primitive culture of Japan at this time, the chicken was still regarded as the most sacred animal and a symbol of bravery and strength.

The Japanese firmly believe that using chickens to sacrifice to gods and ancestors can bring good luck and happiness to the tribe.

And as eggs that can hatch chickens.

Nature is equally sacred. These Japanese people live on an isolated island and have not seen chickens for many years. At this moment, they are already thinking about ordering people to squat on the eggs to hatch them.

As long as they had chickens, they would have offerings to the gods and ancestors, and they would be able to exchange them for good luck and happiness...

(End of this chapter)

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