I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 323 This is a gift from the Japanese God to the Japanese!

Chapter 323 This is a gift from the Japanese God to the Japanese!

After Liu Ju's operations, Yang Pu basically accepted his fate. He listened to whatever Liu Ju said and only prayed that after finishing the things here, there would be a better result so that he could report to the emperor after returning.

And he's not the only one.

Zhao Zhou and Ni Kuan had no other thoughts at this moment.

There was no need to think about the fairyland and the immortals. The only hope was to ensure that Liu Ju was safe and sound this time, and to gain something else, so that the emperor would not feel that his trip was in vain.

At the same time, they also didn't understand why Liu Ju could still maintain such confidence and enthusiasm at this point.

It was he who mentioned that dream to Liu Che. Now, after all the effort, he only found this deserted island and these savages. And according to the description of these savages, the big island in the southeast is probably in a similar situation. Isn't he worried at all that Liu Che will be disappointed when he finds out?
"Gongsun Qing, go and communicate with those savages and ask them to prepare for the migration of their entire tribe back to the big island."

Liu Ju then said to Gongsun Qing who was standing beside him,
"Haven't they previously requested the Han army to help them retake their ancestors' territory? Tell them that as long as they behave well after arriving on the island, they may even have a chance to become nobles on the island."

Tsushima Island is the only transit island in the Korean Strait.

Even though Liu Ju did not understand military affairs, he knew its strategic significance. Naturally, he would not allow the Japanese to stay on the island and would not allow any mistakes to occur.

And after this period of time, Gongsun Qing and others communicated with these Japanese people.

Liu Ju also had a preliminary understanding of today's Japan, especially Kyushu Island.

This tribe that fled from Kyushu Island to Tsushima Island to survive was called the Tori Slave Tribe, also known as the Tori Slave Kingdom.

Before Xu Fu arrived at Kyushu Island, this tribe was a moderately large one. They used flying birds as their totem. Therefore, when the writing brought by Xu Fu gradually spread in Kyushu Island, they named themselves "Bird Slaves".

However, I don’t know how Xu Fu taught them, but the word “nu” actually meant “ancestor” in the Japanese people’s cognition.

Soon, there was a trend of changing names to "Nu" on Kyushu Island. Tribes such as Nu Kingdom, Gou Nu Kingdom, Danu Kingdom, Minu Kingdom, Gui Nu Kingdom, Sunu Kingdom... and so on emerged at this time.

However, the situation soon changed, because after Xu Fu landed on Kyushu Island, he lived in the territory of Nu State.

It took only a few years for the Nu Kingdom to surpass other tribes in strength, and it began to wage war against other tribes. The rebellious tribes were massacred, and the surrendered tribes became their living subjects (slaves), cultivating the fields for them, weaving linen for them, and grinding stone tools for them.

The Niaonu Kingdom was conquered by the Nu Kingdom in this process. Only a small number of people who were unwilling to surrender escaped in a small boat, sailed across the ocean to this deserted island, and lived here until the arrival of the Han army.

of course.

This was just what the Japanese said themselves. Liu Ju only took it as a reference and did not completely believe it.

As to whether this was true, Liu Ju felt that there should still be a chance to verify it after landing on the big island. After all, it was only about a hundred years since Xu Fu last went to sea.

Xu Fu arrived at Kyushu Island but did not become an immortal, so it was naturally difficult for him to break the limit of human lifespan and live until now.

However, even if he had died long ago and turned into dry bones, it would be impossible to completely erase all traces of his existence in just a hundred years, let alone a person who had such a huge influence on Japan.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. These people are eager to move back to the big island with us. A few days ago, their leader even asked me when we would set off."

Gongsun Qing answered with lowered eyebrows.

"Don't trust them easily, and always assume the worst of them."

Liu Ju reminded solemnly,
"Now it seems that we are using them, but aren't they also using us?"

"It is especially important to understand that we are much stronger than them, so we are qualified to use them. In this case, he dared to take advantage of us and even bargain with us. This has already reflected their disrespect and lack of fear. They deserve to be killed!"

Gongsun Qing was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then bowed and replied:

"Your Highness, what you said makes sense. I will remember it."


Zhao Zhou, Ni Kuan and Yang Pu looked at Liu Ju with complicated eyes when they heard this.

They had too little contact with Liu Ju before, and even through some rumors they could not fully understand Liu Ju's style of doing things.

But through these two sentences, they undoubtedly had a new understanding of Liu Ju.

so similar!
At least in terms of attitude towards barbarians and foreigners, this prince and the current emperor are simply cast from the same mold, highlighting the tyranny of a person who follows the will of heaven and will perish if he rebels.

In front of this father and son, these barbarians and foreigners had better have the word "respect" written on their faces.

Otherwise it will be remembered...

However, the prince must know something.

After all, this small island and that big island were found according to his dreams. Even if they were completely different from the fairyland, he must have seen many unknown things.


Five more days.

It was another sunny morning. The fleet set out from the port of Tsushima Island which was still under construction and headed towards Oshima Island along the explored route.

This time, there was no more deception or scheming between Liu Ju and Zhao Zhou and others.

Some people only had the awareness that if one prospers, all prosper, and if one suffers, all suffer. After all, they were all in the same boat. If something really happened to Liu Ju, the worst that could happen to them would be that everyone would be finished together.

As for the idea of ​​staying overseas like Xu Fu and occupying the mountains to become king.

They would never have such an idea unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, Liu Ju only cared about going out to sea, and they had a lot to consider. No matter whether it was a general or a minister leading the army outside, their family members had to be sent to Chang'an... Not everyone could be as cruel as Li Guangli and Ma Chao.

Liu Ju also knew what was going on and would not easily force them into a desperate situation.

Because they set out early, even though they were traveling with the slower ships, by the afternoon, the fleet had successfully arrived at a suitable docking location that had been discovered in advance.

Including the rowers and people from the Bird Slave tribe, there were more than 5,000 people in total on this trip.

Don't underestimate these oarsmen, they are also elite men of the Han Dynasty who can pull the Han Dynasty's powerful crossbows.

Moreover, this time the army also brought with them the ten-stone yellow shoulder crossbow, which is the large yellow crossbow that Li Guang used to shoot and kill enemy generals in legend. This was an even more unimaginable dimensionality reduction blow to the Japanese.

After logging in.

Yang Pu immediately ordered his men to set up camp in a sheltered location that had been discovered in advance, wait until after tonight, and after repairs, go deeper into the interior of the island for a gradual investigation.

Don't worry too much about supplies.

If the wind and waves are not strong and the fleet travels day and night, the Han fleet can make a round trip between here and Hepu Port within 24 hours and can easily complete the supply.

If the fleet under Yang Pu chose to go out in full force and make a round trip with full loads.

Even if all kinds of weapons, food and supplies are added, it is still possible to transport 20,000 naval forces at one time... This is what he did in the historical war between Han and Korea.

If Liu Ju had not been so sure to land with these 5,000 soldiers, it would have been enough to sweep away all the tribes on the big island. The remaining ships and men would only need to be responsible for circulating supplies, building seaports and sending messages. Yang Pu also planned to ask Han Shuo to draw some of the 50,000 troops he brought to the Korean Peninsula to come to the rescue.

When the army began to set up camp, smoke began to rise.

It soon alarmed a Japanese tribe living several miles away.

According to the people of the Niaonu tribe, before Xu Fu arrived, because they were not good at farming, the tribes were almost all scattered along the coast, and their main source of food was the shallow sea and seafood washed up on the coast.

When Xu Fu arrived, he brought seeds, farm tools and farming techniques that they had never seen before.

Some tribes began to migrate inland, looking for suitable land for farming and starting a new life. Soon afterwards, conflicts and wars broke out between the tribes.

The tribes that still live along the coast are usually small tribes that find it difficult to fight against the larger tribes. Otherwise, who would be willing to live in such a barren land?

"Whoa whoa--!"

A Japanese quickly ran back to the tribe, shouting excitedly, gesticulating with his hands and feet, and reporting to the Beigou (chief) in their unique language:
"Report! Many people have come to the seaside, a great man like Qin's Xu Fu, and a big ship like Qin's Xu Fu has arrived!"


"It's absolutely true. How dare I lie to you?"

"Is this luck? As long as we capture these adults and tame them and make them our prey, we can become as powerful as the Nu Kingdom and seize the territories of other tribes and make their people our prey!"

"What Beigou said is absolutely right!"

"Hurry up and call for everyone in the tribe to bring weapons and tools to follow me to capture the master. This time good luck has finally come to us, and we must not let other tribes get there first!"

The Japanese people of this era experienced what happened to Xu Fu.

I don't know why I have some inherent perceptions about the people from the Celestial Empire who came all the way from the sea:
Lord Qin came with treasures. Although he was tall, he was polite, gentle, not good at fighting, ignorant and easy to bully. He never fought back when beaten or scolded, and he would take whatever he wanted.

This is a gift bestowed by the Japanese God upon the Japanese people. If we do not plunder it, heaven and earth will not tolerate it!
(End of this chapter)

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