I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 329 People who can't hear the music think the dancers are crazy

Chapter 329 People who can't hear the music think the dancers are crazy
The establishment of the "shrine" went more smoothly than expected and received enthusiastic support from the Japanese people.

After all, the "messengers of God" of the "Emperor of Heaven" brought "progress" to the vast majority of the Japanese people. Except for the leaders of the tribes, the "status" of almost everyone was improved.

Especially for the raw population who originally made up the majority of the Japanese.

Becoming a "Xiahu" is equivalent to completing the fundamental transformation from "thing" to "person", and supporting "shrines" and supporting [Shinto] is to support their own basic rights as human beings.

Unfortunately, they haven't discovered the essence of the problem yet.

Without fields, tools, seeds, or fishing nets, they could only become tenants, servants, followers, or coolies. They could only become vassals of the nobles, which was just a more advanced way of saying it.

Although the nobles could not execute them at will, nor could they impose physical punishment on them at will...

However, the nobles can use the resources at their disposal to choose whether to give them a chance to survive.

They must be competitive enough to stand out from the large number of "lower households" who have gained freedom and have the opportunity to become vassals of the nobles. Even so, it should be regarded as a gift given to them by the nobles!
And this is exactly the effect Liu Ju wanted to achieve.

Now many Japanese, especially the strangers, thought that Liu Ju came to save them. Even the nobles thought that Liu Ju gave them the opportunity to become the great Japanese.

But in fact, Liu Ju came to destroy them!

He is now simply using these great Japanese to overthrow the rule of the tribal leaders without bloodshed, thereby allowing Shinto and "God's messengers" to smoothly enter their tribes, paralyzing these nobles to gain their support, and at the same time starting to preach as soon as possible to establish a broad mass base among the Japanese.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

He has full confidence.

Considering the Han army's current strong martial virtues and the demonstrations of several tribes, this is by no means just a spark, but will soon set off a prairie fire of embracing Shinto in Japan.

The leaders of other tribes will begin to worry about their own situation.

The nobles of other tribes will begin to make moves to become the Great Wo.

The people of other tribes will begin to yearn for the basic rights of being human.


In order to protect themselves, the leaders will rush to surrender in exchange for asylum;
In order to advance further, the nobles would rush to beg for titles with the heads of their leaders;
In order to obtain the basic rights of being born as a human being, people will rush to understand and spread Shinto.

In this case, he could set up "shrines" in various tribes more quickly, and quickly strengthen the influence and audience of Shinto in a very short period of time.

And by the time Shinto had gained a place in the hearts of most Japanese people.

Those who were "relocated" should have discovered that changing from "living people" to "relocated households" did not make their lives better, but made their lives more difficult and they were even more confused about what to do.

Under such circumstances, social contradictions among the Japanese will rapidly intensify and can be completely ignited with just a spark.

At this time, the "messengers of God" assigned to each tribe only need to stand up and raise their arms, once again proclaiming the will of the "Emperor of Heaven", claiming that those leaders and nobles who still control the land, tools, seeds, and fishing nets have destroyed "fairness" and affected "destiny", and call on all the "lower households" to stand up and take back their own "fairness" and "destiny"!
From then on... [Shinto] gods in Japan were completely established!
The ideas and systems promoted by Shinto will no longer have any room for wavering in Japan, and will inevitably have an indelible and significant impact on Japan in future generations!
In the Celestial Empire, there has always been a saying about whether one obtained a country in a legitimate or unrighteous way.

In later discussions, the Han Dynasty was undoubtedly one of the most righteous dynasties, while the Wei and Jin dynasties that followed the Han Dynasty were less righteous than the other.

What does "getting the country right" mean?
When an ordinary man starts an uprising, he eliminates violence for the people, restores order, and keeps the original intention right, then he will naturally be right in gaining the country!

Then [Shinto] did not seize by force with "heavenly soldiers", but led the poor Japanese to start an uprising and fight against the oppression of tribal leaders and nobles, distributed the resources of the leaders and nobles to the poor Japanese, and safeguarded the "fairness" and "destiny" of the poor Japanese. This is "the right way of getting the country" in the minds of all Japanese, and will surely be supported and endorsed by the vast majority of Japanese from the bottom of their hearts!
Don't worry about how evil Liu Ju's original intention was.

The Japanese could not see his original intention. They could only see a sect that was both legal and legitimate, a sect that was willing to fight for their interests. That was right, the rightest thing that could not be more right!

An orthodox and legitimate regime has been said to last for 300 years.

However, there are many orthodox and legal spiritual sects that can last for thousands of years, always influencing generation after generation, and even making it impossible for people to escape from it forever!


It was just as Liu Ju expected.

With the establishment of the Minu "shrine", wherever the Han army went, more tribes sent envoys, and some even had their leaders personally ask for a meeting, actively embracing Shintoism and liberating their people in order to maintain their own lives and status.

The right to interpret the scriptures lies in the hands of Shinto.

Then the fate of "Great Wo" is decided by Shinto, it can be the original leader or the noble who assassinated the leader.

In short, as long as the Japanese are willing to liberate their lives, embrace Shinto, and request Shinto to build a "shrine" within the tribe, they can have the destiny of "Great Japan".

During this process, even tribes from the other side of Kyushu Island came over mountains and across rivers to show their goodwill.

Finally, one day more than a month later.

When the Han army approached the territory of the Nu tribe, the most powerful tribe on Kyushu Island, a small battle broke out between the Han army and the Nu tribe.

Including all living people, the total population of Nu State has reached 24,000.

The Nu Kingdom drove away the living and organized an army of nearly 10,000 people, even so it was still a mixed crowd of men, women, old and young. The Han army still only used two rounds of crossbow volleys.

This caused this group of rabble to fall into complete chaos before they even got close, and soon everyone ran away.

This is also reasonable.

In later generations, military scientists gave an explanation:
If more than one-third of an army's men are killed, it will lose its combat effectiveness.

And this is the statistical result of hot wars in later generations. If it is applied to cold weapon wars that are closer, bloodier and more cruel, the proportion will be even lower. Even if the casualties of elite veterans leading the charge in front of the battlefield reach a certain level, the troops behind them will find it difficult to continue.

And this is still a well-trained army, not a mob like the Nu Kingdom tribe...

It wasn't long before this one-sided battle ended.

The nobles of the Nu Kingdom tribe promptly delivered the head of their leader, expressing their willingness to release the prisoners and requesting Shinto to establish a "shrine" in Nu Kingdom.

With the "Slave State" as a truly negative example, more small tribes that were still sitting on the fence and watching became more enthusiastic.

In the next few days.

All the tribes on Kyushu Island have already settled in the "shrine" according to Liu Ju's plan, and are striding towards the second phase of the plan.


In this process.

Zhao Zhou and Ni Kuan had already discovered the problem, and they discussed it privately.

"Prime Minister Zhao, why am I increasingly unable to understand your Highness's rules?"

Ni Kuan said with some concern,

"I always feel that His Highness is just doing whatever he wants. He claims to be expanding the territory of the Han Dynasty, but he has not wiped out the barbarian army and captured them, nor has he controlled and supported those leaders and nobles."

"So when we retreat, this place will soon return to its original state. My Han people will not be interested in this barren island for a long time, and will not easily send troops here again. It will undoubtedly be a useless effort."

"Besides, Prime Minister Zhao should have seen it, right?"

"Those people liberated by His Highness were originally hungry, and now that they have become 'lower households', many of them can no longer even afford to eat."

"When people are very hungry, they can do anything."

"If this continues, I'm afraid there will be chaos here before we can retreat, right?"

"Should you and I go and warn His Highness, lest His Highness be caught off guard and suffer losses in this turmoil, and in turn catch these barbarians off guard?"

Zhao Zhou nodded upon hearing this, and said with deep conviction:
"I have been thinking about this question these days..."

"Your Highness has previously referred to this place as a fairyland in front of His Majesty, and these savages as immortals and immortal people. This is already suspected of deceiving the emperor."

"If this trip not only costs a lot, but the Han army also suffers losses here, then the crime will be even greater."

"And for such a crime, His Majesty will not only blame Your Highness, but the officials accompanying us will also be to blame. We really can't just sit there and do nothing..."

After some discussion, they reached a consensus and the two went to Liu Ju's tent together to discuss the next course of action with Liu Ju.

As a result, just as they walked outside Liu Ju's tent, they heard Gongsun Qing's voice:
"Your Highness, in the past few days, envoys from various tribes have been sending back to report."

"Those people liberated by His Highness have lost their livelihoods, and there are already signs of impending riots in some places."

"In order to stabilize the situation, the envoy of God went to negotiate with the big Japanese of each tribe, hoping that they would continue to employ these people and give them some food to survive. However, the big Japanese just watched coldly and said they could do nothing to help."

"Therefore, some gods' messengers are worried that their lives will be in danger if they stay in the tribe any longer, and have requested that they be withdrawn..."

That’s all I have to say.

Liu Ju laughed and asked:
“Maybe someone has already started to question me, right?”


Gongsun Qing did not dare to answer.

Liu Ju smiled indifferently and said:

"It's nothing. It's normal for people who can't hear the music to think the dancers are crazy."

"It's almost time. Pass this order to the messengers of the various shrines and let them dance with me."

(End of this chapter)

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