I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 332 This is the true meaning of destroying a country!

Chapter 332 This is the true meaning of destroying a country!
What the Japanese covet most now are the Han people's swords, powerful crossbows and armor.

In fact, it was not just them. The small countries in the four barbarians, including the Huns in the north, also coveted the throne, and the Han Dynasty also understood their covetousness.

Therefore, since the founding of the Han Dynasty, the export of ironware and powerful crossbows has always been strictly prohibited. This is the foundation of the Han army's strength.

And it's not just the Great Wo of the Nuguo tribe that covets it. The Great Wo of other tribes have also reached a consensus in secret and quietly formed a "Great Wo Alliance" to put pressure on the shrines and the lower households in order to gain more benefits for themselves.

But what they don't know is.

During this process, Liu Ju's orders were quietly passed on to the shrines of every tribe, and he was about to deal a fatal blow to these big Japanese, and even all the Japanese...

Three days later, mid-morning.

According to the Japanese habit of eating two meals a day, this is the time when they eat their first meal.

A piece of news suddenly spread among the hungry households in various tribes.

——[The envoy of the shrine provides relief in accordance with the will of the Emperor of Heaven! 】

As soon as the news came out, a large number of the lower households immediately went to the tribal shrine to gather. For a time, the shrine, which had been unpopular before, was overcrowded, and the open space outside was crowded with people.

A group of gods' messengers personally set up several large pots, in which was cooked sweet corn porridge.

The dawo of each tribe was also shocked by this scene, but they soon calmed down:
"These adults really want to conquer us, not kill us all. They won't let these lowly people starve to death!"

"But what can they do?"

"Can we carry our own food and cook it into porridge to feed these people every day? Can this be sustainable for a long time? Their food is not blown away by hurricanes, right?"

"This is the beginning of their compromise. Soon they will be unable to hold on and will have to send someone to negotiate with us..."

Different from those lower households.

These great Japanese were originally aristocrats. Although these tribes had not yet truly formed the concept of a country and did not have orthodox political ideas, they had been in high places for a long time and had seen a lot more than those lower-class households. They had a certain political wisdom and had learned to intrigue with others.

Although he had some political wisdom, it was not much, and he was still unable to guess Liu Ju's sinister intentions...

at last.

When the corn porridge was almost distributed, the people who received it wolfed it down without caring whether it was hot or not.

The envoy of the shrine stood on the platform in front of the shrine:
"The day the will of the Emperor of Heaven comes, you will go from being living beings to being subordinates who have the power over your own life and death!"

"But the 'fairness' and 'destiny' that originally belonged to you were still taken away by those Japanese who dared to go against the will of the Heavenly Emperor. They made you starve, made you despair, and made you no longer believe in the Heavenly Emperor!"

"The Emperor of Heaven saw all of this!"

"Today, the will of the Emperor of Heaven has come again. The Emperor of Heaven has sent down food to fill your stomachs. The Emperor of Heaven has saved your lives. The Emperor of Heaven has once again given you the courage to uphold 'fairness' and 'destiny'!"

"Do you still want to continue to starve?"

"Do you still want to live like a living being?"

"We, the divine messengers, have heard the voice of the Emperor of Heaven and have discerned the despicable nature of these Japanese. Now is the time to make them pay the price!"

"Now, it is time to follow the guidance of the shrine, take back the food that belongs to you, take back the land that belongs to you, and put your 'fairness' and 'destiny' back on track!"

"Go and capture all the Daiwa and their clansmen, bring them to the shrine, and let them receive the most impartial judgment from the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Go, may the Emperor forgive your actions, and make those who brought you hunger pay the price. The bravest among you will replace them as the Great Wo!"

"The Emperor of Heaven protects you, go forward bravely!"


After hearing this, the residents below fell into silence.

Admittedly, although the words of the messenger of God were very inflammatory, the long-term livelihood of these people made them feel a little at a loss for a moment.

at this time.

"Get 'em!"

“We don’t want to go hungry anymore!”

"Take back what belongs to us, make them pay the price, and let them face trial!"

Some of the lower-class households who had been bribed in advance suddenly responded loudly as if they were given an injection of chicken blood, pushing the crowd to rush towards the large house with high beds where the tribal leader lived.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The essence of human beings is to repeat themselves, and the essence of these lower-class people is to follow the crowd!
Seeing some people taking the lead in the charge, and thinking of the hunger they had endured in recent days and the grief of their loved ones starving to death, more lower households responded. They picked up all the tools they could get their hands on, and those who didn't have tools picked up stones, and rushed towards the large high-bed house where the Daiwa lived like a tide.


At this moment, those Japanese who were still there to watch the fun finally realized the problem.

They originally thought that they could force the Han army to compromise with the temple in this way, but they were wrong from the beginning. Their rudeness would only bring them destruction.

These adults this time are not only not Xu Fu. They are the opposite of Xu Fu. No one can be smart in front of them!
They would never understand that only a hundred years had passed since the last time Xu Fu came.

What kind of changes have taken place in adults in the past hundred years...


No one can resist the tide of the masses, not even these Japanese invaders.

The vast majority of the Japanese chose to surrender in endless regret. Many tribes did not even have bloody conflicts. The Japanese surrendered almost in seconds.

They thought that by doing so, they could gain the mercy of the Emperor of Heaven and the messenger of God.

The messenger of God maintained order at the most critical moment, prevented the situation from further chaos and deterioration, and saved their lives as much as possible.

Then, these Japanese were given an open and "fair" trial.

All households can attend and witness.

The only judge can only be the Emperor of Heaven and the messenger of God who can hear the Emperor of Heaven's will, so as to embody the messenger of God's unquestionable right to interpret the scriptures and to judge.

The messenger of God announced it publicly.

The Japanese will be executed as a warning to others, and their families and clansmen will be degraded into prey for generations to come!
Their fields, food, and tools will be confiscated by the shrine, which will then assign new great lords to distribute them to the lower households according to the will of the Emperor of Heaven, ensuring that the distribution is fair and just and that everyone's destiny is upheld and continued.

This was naturally what Liu Ju meant.

What is judgment?
It is the extension and embodiment of reason and law!
Only an open and fair trial can quickly establish the rationality and legitimacy of the shrine in the hearts of the Japanese, and make Shinto a belief that every Japanese respects and believes in!

As for the Japanese's fields, food and tools... Liu Ju didn't take them seriously at all, and the Han Dynasty wouldn't take them seriously either. Would a robber rob a beggar of his food?

Of course not!

The robbers would only take away the antique bowls that the beggars used to beg because they didn't know the value of them, just like the Iwami Silver Mine!

Let the Japanese linger on with their barren fields, coarse food and backward tools. After all, Liu Ju's purpose in this trip was not to destroy them, but to reform them.

In fact, Liu Ju's original idea was just to control the Japanese for two hundred years.

Because Iwami Silver Mine was discovered and excavated in later generations, it seems that its high productivity only lasted for more than a century. Even if the Han Dynasty's silver smelting technology is not as sophisticated as that of later generations, it should be possible to empty this silver mountain in two hundred years, right?

It is hard to say how far Shinto will develop in Japan and how long it will last.

In fact, Liu Ju was unable to make an accurate prediction. What would happen in the future was originally a quantum entanglement. Who could be completely sure?
He is doing his best and leaving the rest to fate...

But there was one thing he was absolutely sure of.

Iwami Silver Mine played an unimaginable role in the late Warring States period of Japan, and it was officially mined on a large scale during the middle and late Ming Dynasty of China.

At that time, silver was the main currency in circulation in the world, and the Ming Dynasty was always in economic difficulties caused by silver shortage. Therefore, it brought immeasurable wealth to Japan and helped Japan's rapid development.

And that period was also the time when Japanese pirates harassed the Ming Dynasty most rampantly!

Emptying the Iwami Silver Mine ahead of time was like cutting off one of Japan's kidneys. They didn't even give Japan an iPhone 4, but it made Japan feel back and leg pain and lack of energy for more than 2,000 years, as if its body had been hollowed out...


"In just a few hours, all the Japanese tribes have completely changed?"

When they received the news, Zhao Zhou and Ni Kuan could hardly believe their ears.

Even the battle-hardened general Yang Pu looked at Liu Ju with disbelief... He had never fought such an easy battle in his life.

He felt that the elite Han army he led was just there to make up the numbers, while the rumormongers brought by Liu Ju became the main force.

And it is different from the previous times when the Han Dynasty sent troops to destroy other countries.

This time, Liu Ju did not even send a single soldier, but killed all the leaders and nobles. Then he set new rules for these Japanese tribes and supported a new "Great Japanese".

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that these "big Japanese" are nothing more than puppets.

The ones who truly ruled these Japanese tribes had long since become the Shintoism promoted by Liu Ju, the so-called "Emperor of Heaven" and "messengers of God". They had already received the absolute support of the Japanese. Replacing these "Great Japanese" was just a matter of "the will of the Emperor of Heaven".

Liu Ju took this tactic of "occupying the magpie's nest" to an unprecedented new height!

This is the true meaning of destroying a country!
If every Japanese tribe here is called a country...it's actually not impossible to count it that way. After all, those small countries in the Western Regions are not much stronger than the slightly larger Japanese tribes.

Then Liu Ju destroyed more than a dozen countries without bloodshed...


"With such a great man and such a prince, I feel terrified for the small countries. They should be thankful that Liu Ju is only the prince now. Otherwise, if he succeeds to the throne in the future, will the small countries still have a way to survive?"

However, Liu Ju had only one thought in his mind at this moment:
"With this situation, we can dig for silver in peace..."

(End of this chapter)

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