I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 339: This rebellious son is probably still feeling complacent?

Chapter 339: This rebellious son is probably still feeling complacent?

Is this a handle to counter Jin Midi? !

Zhao Zhou secretly kept this sentence in mind...

Now that he was controlled by Jin Midi, he would have to ask Emperor Wu of Han to resign and die in peace no matter what the outcome was when he returned. He was naturally somewhat dissatisfied with this, but on second thought, even if he had to fight Jin Midi, the best result would be a lose-lose situation, which did not seem to be in his own interests.

Moreover, as Jin Midi said, Jin Midi understood the emperor's temperament better than he did. Even if he also had leverage over the other party, his chances of winning were still low...

Forget it, forget it, just beg for your bones.

Don't make such a fuss. Not only will you lose your position and title, but your son Zhao Guo, who has become the Minister of Agriculture, will also be implicated. Then it will be difficult for the Zhao family to make a comeback...

This Jin Midi is not simple!
Don't be fooled by his low-key appearance and lack of presence in the court. In fact, he is very wise and resourceful and should never be underestimated!

While thinking this, I heard Jin Midi continue to say:
"It's 'reverse'."

"According to my long-term secret observation, I have discovered that Your Majesty treats His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in the same way that you treat your relatives and close friends. You are worried that your relatives and close friends will not live well, but you are also worried that your relatives and close friends will live too well. You are especially afraid that your relatives and close friends will surpass you in the end."

“These things are happening now.”

"If you all try your best to excuse His Highness and are willing to stand by His Highness, then His Highness will be living a very good life. Especially since you are all important officials in the court, it will further prove that His Highness has risen to power and usurped the imperial power."

"Imperial power is the most ruthless and the most intolerant of usurpation."

"If His Majesty feels threatened in this way, the greater your merits, the greater your sins will be. Not only will Your Majesty be in danger, but you will also be in danger!"

"The other way around."

"If you not only do not exonerate His Highness, report all of His Highness's crimes truthfully, and criticize His Highness's crimes severely and fairly in your memorials, while glossing over His Highness's merits, then His Highness will have a very bad life."

"Only then will Your Majesty put aside the ruthlessness of imperial power and step back to consider the father-son relationship with Your Highness."

"I will also be grateful to Your Highness for your contributions in expanding the territory and finding the silver mountain. The grievances you have suffered on this trip are greater than your sins."

"By then, even if Your Highness has made some mistakes, the merits you have made are still merits. Your Majesty will then consider whether Your Highness's merits and mistakes can be offset without bias, and Your Highness's situation will be more stable."

"You can also leave an impression in His Majesty's mind that you are not serving two masters. His Highness's merits can also be shared with you, so that those of you who were originally going to make amends for your sins can atone for your sins, and those who were originally derelicts of duty can have their merits and demerits offset. At the very least, you can just be given a slight reprimand, and you still have the opportunity to be reused by His Majesty in the future."

"In fact, you should have noticed your Majesty's 'rebellion' before."

"Think about what has happened to Your Highness in recent years. The more dangerous Your Highness's situation is, the more people are criticizing and opposing Your Highness. The more Your Majesty secretly supports and indulges Your Highness, and the more secure Your Highness's situation becomes."


After hearing Jin Midi's words, everyone fell silent.

Indeed, thinking back on what happened in recent years, it seems to be true...

The previous incidents of dike destruction and flooding of fields, the historian of Lu, the god of Donglai, and the "debate on deposing and enthroning the crown prince", and so on.

Even if they didn't know what role Liu Che played in all this, they knew in their hearts that if Liu Che hadn't supported Liu Ju behind the scenes, how could Liu Ju have sat firmly on the throne of crown prince and even participated in assisting in government affairs? Wasn't this all a matter of Liu Che's words?

"Then let's follow Captain Jin's suggestion. Let's..."

Ni Kuan seemed to have finally stopped hesitating and made up his mind to act according to the plan.

However, Han Shuo immediately raised an objection:
"Even if Captain Jin's words make sense, I still won't do this!"

"My daughter is already engaged to His Highness. This trip took more than half a year, and when I return, the wedding date will be approaching. Han and His Highness will soon become father-in-law and son-in-law."

"If Han openly writes to Your Majesty to criticize Your Highness, how can I have the dignity to address Your Highness as your father-in-law and son-in-law in the future?"

"Even if Your Highness doesn't care, how will His Majesty view Han's relative, and how will Han explain to my daughter?"

"In short, Han's status is different from yours. Even if this matter is for the sake of Your Highness, Han cannot do it, otherwise he will be in trouble..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Jin Midi then took over the conversation and said with a smile:

"I have also considered General Han's position. General Han really cannot do this. And we really need someone to let His Majesty have a clear enough understanding of Your Highness's contributions. Otherwise, wouldn't it really be an attack on Your Highness?"

"But even so, General Han still needs to pay attention to methods and timing."

"In my opinion, the best time for General Han to show his merits to Your Highness is after he returns to the capital and hands over his military power. Only then will Your Majesty not regard General Han as someone who is using his military power for his own benefit, and Your Majesty will take General Han's words to heart."

"In addition, I have also requested a Shinto scripture from Gongsun Qing." "At that time, please ask General Han to personally present the scripture to Your Majesty. After Your Majesty has read the scripture, he will know who the 'Emperor of Heaven' in the scripture refers to. This will be enough to make the final decision and offset the suspicion of Your Highness's private casting of official seals, so that Your Majesty will completely let down his guard."

Han Shuo hesitated for a moment before he had no objection and nodded.
"If Captain Jin arranges this, I, Han, will have nothing to say and will fully cooperate."

However, Han said there were no more objections.

However, another person took advantage of the opportunity and asked with a smile:
"Captain Jin, I have my own difficulties. Can I be like General Han and just praise the Crown Prince in front of Your Majesty?"

This person was none other than the usher Li Ji.

Jin Midi glanced at him and asked calmly,
"Master Li, I heard that when Chang Rong fell into the sea, you were the only one with him, and you were the only one who could clearly describe the specific circumstances when Chang Rong 'accidentally' fell into the sea?"

"Ah this..."

Li Ji froze suddenly.

"My dear superiors, you all heard about Chang Rong falling into the sea from Li Yezhe, right?"

Jin Midi bowed slightly to Zhao Zhou and others, and asked.

"That's true."

Zhao Zhou and others nodded in return.

Jin Midi immediately patted Li Ji on the shoulder:

"Master Li, please be careful with your words and actions from now on. What if someone saw it with their own eyes?"


Li Ji only felt his head buzzing, and his breathing slowed down.

He subconsciously looked at Zhao Zhou, Ni Kuan, Han Shuo and others, but saw that these people were smiling and nodding at him, as if they completely agreed with Jin Midi's words.

What's going on?

What happened to the agreement that we're all in the same boat from now on?
Why are these old foxes sitting in the cabin, and I am the only one tied to the mast?


Liu Ju didn't know what kind of planes these people were working on, nor did he care.

Anyway, as a hacker, the results are the same for him, as long as they protect themselves.

So after resting in the Hepu camp for a few days, the group set out on their return journey.

As for the silver ores, Liu Ju's original idea was to only bring a few carts of samples back to show Liu Che, so as to avoid tiring the horses and Han men by pulling them around.

But Han insisted on taking them all back, and Zhao Zhou and others also expressed their support.

According to them, these 50,000 troops have arrived and made great contributions to expanding the territory without much fighting. Only by sending some things back will they be worthy of the reward from His Majesty in the future.

Liu Ju could see that they did this more in order to show off their achievements in front of Liu Che after returning.

After all, how could sweet words be more touching than letting Liu Che see the real thing?

Liu Ju didn't care. As long as they felt it was necessary, it was up to them. It was no big deal...


Soon after.

Liu Che received memorials one after another sent back by messengers from Zhao Zhou and others.

The contents of these memorials are similar to Jin Midi's previous memorials, all of which are mainly aimed at exposing Liu Ju's deceiving the emperor, falsifying the system, and usurping the throne. However, they also have different personal perspectives and emphases, and there are even some minor discrepancies in some insignificant details. It does not seem like these memorials were written after collusion.

Moreover, the only thing missing was Han's memorial, which made people feel that there seemed to be some differences among these accompanying officials.

In addition, everyone also reported a piece of news that made Liu Che most relieved.
——Liu Ju officially embarked on the journey back to Beijing!

Han Shuo led an army of 50,000 troops. Except for 10,000 troops left to continue guarding the United Protectorate in Wang Jiancheng, the remaining 40,000 troops also set out on their return journey.

While feeling relieved, Liu Che himself did not realize that the anger in his heart was slowly fading away. He sneered:
"Haha, this self-righteous, reckless and rebellious son is probably still feeling smug now, totally unaware that he is so unpopular?"

(End of this chapter)

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