I, the prince, only want to be deposed.

Chapter 376: Another hero joins Qilin Pavilion!

Chapter 376: Another of the eleven heroes of Qilin Pavilion is added!

Liu Ju traveled with the army for three days, and Han Ling also followed for three days.

In order to keep the secret, she only brought thirty servants and drove six carriages. In addition to some valuables, the rest of the carriages were food and money for use along the way.

While on the journey, she ordered her people to pretend that the caravan was more than ten miles away from the Western Expedition Army.

Only when setting up camp would they move a little closer to avoid being discovered by Liu Ju.

Fortunately, they are still within the territory of the Han Dynasty. The Han scouts only need to explore the way forward and do not have to worry about the rear. Even if they find her convoy, they will just ask a few simple questions and then let it go.

After all, she had heard about Shi Wanjun's story before. Although her relationship with Liu Ju was completely different, she felt that given Liu Ju's temperament, he would most likely order someone to "escort" her back to Beijing. After all, Liu Ju was going to fight, not to travel.

Therefore, she decided to go farther away, at least to Zhangye County before showing up.

In this case, even if Liu Ju wanted to drive her away, he had to consider the long journey and the possibility of accidents. It would be better to take her to Yumen Pass and return to Beijing together when he returned triumphantly.

In addition, she could also imagine what the Han Mansion looked like now.

Father Han said that he must have discovered that she ran away from home and found the letter she left in the study. He knew that she came to see Liu Ju without permission, and now he must be hesitating whether to chase her and take her back.

Her father and two brothers all have this kind of temperament, indecisive, hesitant and unable to make a decision.

When they finally made a decision, I was already far away...

Han Ling estimated that even if his father finally made up his mind to order people to chase her, by the time he caught up with her, she should have at least reached Wuwei County. How could he still leave it to his father by then?
I was curious about what happened in the Han army camp and was thinking about these things at the same time.

"Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, a chaotic sound of horse hooves came from the direction of Chang'an.

More than ten riders came from afar, galloping towards the bonfire that had just been lit. As soon as they arrived at the edge, the leader asked loudly:

"Is that Han Ling's convoy in front?"

This voice was very familiar. Han Ling was standing on a high place. It was not dark yet. She was stunned for a moment and looked around. She saw that the person who came was not someone else, but her second brother Han Zeng:

"Second brother?"

It's only the third day and you're already chasing me?

She and the Han army had been traveling for the past three days. Even if Han Zeng was riding at full speed, he was still trying to shorten the distance. Therefore, it was not difficult to judge that Han Zeng should have set out at least two days ago so that he could catch up with her at this time.

At that time, Father Han said that he had just discovered that she had run away from home and saw the letters she left in the study.

So this time, father did not make the same old mistake of being indecisive, and immediately ordered my second brother to come and chase?
How can this be good?

The second brother Han Zeng is different from his father and the eldest brother Han Xing, at least in nature. He is the most difficult one to deal with in the family. If he insists on bringing himself back, it may not be easy to convince him.

Han Ling's understanding of Han Zeng is correct.

She naturally didn't know that if the course of history had not changed, nearly twenty years later her father Han Shuo and her elder brother Han Xing would both have died from witchcraft.

However, his second brother survived, and not only was he re-enfeoffed with the title of Marquis Longyi, which had been stripped off Han Shuo some time ago, but he also led troops to fight against the Huns during the reign of Emperor Xuan, served as Grand Marshal and General of Chariots and Cavalry, and was in charge of the Secretariat, becoming one of the "Eleven Meritorious Officials of the Qilin Pavilion".

It is worth mentioning that this time I came back from the Korean Peninsula.

Han Shuo was also re-ennobled for his meritorious service, but he was no longer Marquis Longyi, but Marquis Andao.

Therefore, the plaque of Han Mansion has been changed to "Andaohou Mansion". "Han Ling, why are you climbing so high? What if you fall and get hurt? Come down quickly!"

Han Zeng also noticed Han Ling immediately. He dismounted and started scolding him like a big brother, but his tone was more full of care and worry.

"Second brother, if you want to take me back, I'm afraid I can't let you do it!"

Han Ling took another step back and said with a firm look.

It was basically impossible to outsmart the second brother, so Han Ling decided to use the brother-sister relationship to threaten him with crying, making a fuss and threatening to hang himself. This trick had been very useful in the past.

"Who said I was going to take you back?"

Han Zeng suddenly laughed.
"Father ordered me to come here because he was worried that you had never traveled far since you were a child and that you would not be able to endure the hardships of the journey. You were also afraid that you would suffer in an unfamiliar place, so he asked me to lead people to escort you all the way and ensure that you were delivered to the eldest prince."

"You said in your letter that you were going to follow the eldest prince."

"But father said that the eldest prince must not know about this. Otherwise, based on father's understanding of the eldest prince, the eldest prince would have informed him of this in advance and joined forces with him to stop you from being so willful."

"So you must have acted on your own this time, and you might even follow him all the way to Yumen Pass to meet the eldest prince again, lest he force you back."

"Father also said that he would not oppose this marriage just because the eldest prince was deposed as the crown prince."

"The eldest prince is definitely not an ordinary person. Even if he is no longer the crown prince, he will become a powerful ruler who conquers all directions in the future. Although I don't know whether the future will be a blessing or a curse, he still intends to act according to your tips this time."

"His trip to the Korean Peninsula taught him a lesson."

“Sometimes making a decision is difficult, but there is no perfect choice in the world. As long as it is not empty, it is right. In this way, at least there is still a possibility of making the right choice, and it is not wronged if the wrong choice is made.”

"So this time, father has made up his mind to put the fate of the Han family on you and the eldest prince."

Hearing this, Han Ling hesitated for a moment, suspecting that what Han Zeng just said was not his father Han Shuo at all.

The obsidian eyes turned slightly, but still did not believe it:
"Brother, you are not trying to scare me, are you?"

"Why would I scare you?"

Han Zeng was still smiling.

"Unless you swear, the Han family will not bully the Han family." Han Ling said again.

"I swear, if you don't believe me, wait a few more hours. There is a caravan behind me, and the vehicles are also carrying supplies for the trip."

As he spoke, Han Zeng patted his chest.

"Take another look at the armor on my body. Does it look familiar?"

"Of course it looks familiar. This is my father's armor. He gave it to me before I left just in case. If he hadn't ordered me to escort you all the way to the border, why would he have given me the armor?"


After hearing this, Han Ling finally felt a little relieved.

Now it finally made sense. Her father was such a steady man. Although he was indecisive, he was also cautious enough. Who could say that this wasn't an advantage sometimes?

At least he had followed Wei Qing in fighting the Huns for many years, so he always came back safe and sound, right?
(End of this chapter)

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